Volume 1 of Still at Home: January 1958 - March 1959  work & days: a lifetime journal project  

Al Morrison yearbook photo 1958-59


I suppose this book is going to be mostly about boy-business. It seems that's my main interest nowadays. If they smile at me, wistle, honk their horns, or even look at me, I feel as if a world shaking event has taken place and I must write it down quick in my "dear journal."










A twelve- and thirteen-year-old farm girl using her journal to try to invent herself as a viable teenager. The writing is false and silly but I'll let it stand as the beginning it was. Part 1: January-October 1958 first journals. Part 2: a winter's camping trip through the US with my family. Part 3: Arizona and California. Part 4: Clearbrook BC and back home.

notes: LM Montgomery Emily climbs and Emily of New Moon, 1st Corinthians 13, Lois Duncan Waiting.

mentioned: Ed and Mary Epp, Judy, Paul and Rudy Epp, Esther Epp, Gerald Student, Al Morrison, Adrienne Morrison, Janeen Postman, Myrtle Torgerson, Bobbi Mailor, Dr Olav Rostrup, Janet Peters, Ernie Braun, Martin Esau, Gloria and Bobby Goertz.

La Glace School, Peace River Bible Institute, Bear Lake Bible Camp, CFGP, DEW line base on Saskatoon Mountain, University Hospital in Edmonton, Three Hills Bible Institute, Mennonite Brethren Bible College in Winnipeg, Hillsboro Kansas, Mesa Arizona, Canyon Lake campground Arizona, Old Tucson Park, San Luis Mexico, 29 Palms USO, Pasadena, Mennonite Educational Institute in Clearbook BC, Shroeder's Cabins, Vancouver Chinatown and waterfront, Kelowna BC.

songs: Golden rocket, Don't do it John, Just married, How great thou art, Connie Francis Who's sorry now, Gale Storm.

Frank The diary of a young girl, Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, Riders of the purple sage.

Red river of life (film), Gunsmoke, Rose Bowl Parade, Minnesota Gussies vs Arizona Lumberjacks, the Perry Como Show.

Oct 28th 1958

Today we went to the hospital. That statement, in its self, tells a long story. The hospital to me is a world in itself. A wonderful world. I don't know why it is, but I'm allways much sorrier to go home, then to go to the hospital. Most people weep buckets because they have to go, but me! I weep bucket because I can't! But I can!! I found out yesterday, and now my heart just sings, and sings "Im going to the hospital, Im going to the hospital!:. It was yesterday, when we went to Dr. Rostrups office, I found out. I was perched on the examination table when he gave me the news that he "thought he should do another operation, and when could I come to the hospital?" Oh, dear book, you can just imagine how I felt! I

When I heard the news, I looked at my face in the mirror. It was smiling, hard. There mom said something about my limp, maybe, and I saw my smile get rigid and my eyes looked queer. I clamped my jaws to geather, my smile was still there, but it didn't look very happy - it was terribly unnatural, and well -, sort of tragic. And my eyes were getting absolutely flooded with salt water. Then the whole thing - smile especially colapsed. The Dr. was looking at me too. Oh Journal, you have no idea how uncanny it is to watch your face when it acts like that! And then I bawled.

"Don't you want me to do it?" asked Dr Rostrup.

"Yes" my strangled voice said.

"Then why are you crying?" Simple question, but to tell the truth, I didn't know why.

"Oh shes a teenager, you know" said Mom, as if that explained everything.

"Teenagers are pretty wonderful people. Ive got a couple myself," answered the doctor. Now, journal dear, wasn't that an awfully sweet thing for him to say?

I think I love, yes love, the hospital so much because there I fit in. No where else. Other places I am always on the outside of things, looking in. But there I really fit. And there I don't have to feel like a freak because everybody else is the same (or worse) than me. And maybe Ill find somebody there. I wouldn't care if he had a deformity because I have one too, and then I wouldn't have to feel inferior. Oh, journal, you couldn't possibly know what it feels like to be a freek, Not knowing whether people are nice to me because they feel sorry for me or because they really like me. I know I shouldn't be bitter, but I am. Oh its so awful to know that I can never be Somebody, or have any real friends or ever belong. I think, of all things a person, specially a teen, has to know he belongs and know he is loved. And I can't. Ever.

November, Mesa trailor court

Still thinking about The Guy - and his pet expressions echoing thru my mind "That's no lie! And all that jazz ... I nearly flipped ... They don't always croak ..." and one of our little jokes - "the westuhn Movies" ... I think about him and smile. Really, he isn't so shy as I thought. Hes like me, once I get started I'm O.K. but the startings awkward ... Hes got a nice kind of humor - not the stupid kind, or the "dirty" kind, but the "raised eyebrows" kind, if you know what I mean. His real father is dead and the stepfather works in the salt river project as a lineman. They haven't got a real house, only a big 32' yellow and white trailor. He told me that he wished they had a house.

I wonder whats eating the old man today? Breakfast was a miserable affair this morning. I was thinkin' 'bout the guys and pop was being as Sarcastic as anything. In fact hes been that way all the time, when ever Ive been talkin' to them. on Sunday, when I came in for supper, after that B.U.T.ful gab session with Gary, he told me, very dourly, that I "shouldn't have sat on those swings so long because the other kids wanted to swing too." That's what he said, and it didn't make sense because there were 2 other swings that were empty besides the ones G and I were using. And this morning when Mom told me about what Pooh said yest'iday he almost split from bad humor - When Rudy came in from playing in the sand he told mom that "Elfy likes those big boys and I like the little boys." I had to laugh about that (because its true, and how) but pop, he says "how does he know? Is it that obvious by the way she acts?" And he was talking about how much I "wanted" to go to this crazy lake - being unbearably sarcastic. because he knows very well that I don't want to go and I'm pretty sure he knows why. I think that's one of the main reasons that hes so set on takin' off in a hurry. He makes me so mad that I want to bawl and I do too, That makes him even more sarcastic. It seems to me that my father is the most disagreeable person I ever knew but then, I don't know any other ones as well as I do him. Still, I think he is a hipocratical, nasty old man. Sourpuss ..! These are some pretty Strong words, I know, but thats how he acts and thats how I think of him.

Twenty-nine Palms December 1958

I was in the pickup cab, by myself. The window was open, and I was leaning out watching the intensely alive teenage boys across the street. I saw another man go by walking erectly and directly, as if he was very proud of his uniform. There were thought-lines going thru my head, and because the guys weren't seeming to notice me, I turned on the light, curled up and wrote a few lines down. But, popped into my life came Enno! I had seen the uniform go by and had smiled vuagly, watching him out of the corner of my eye but now a black gloved hand was knocking on the window. "A cop ?" was my first thought and I just looked around, confused. Whoever it was wanted me to roll down the window. So I did, not having the faintest notion what was going off. Why, Mr. Uniform!?!! No other. "What kind of truck is this?" he asked. That puzzled me, but I realize now that it was a conversation opener. It did the trick - I could think of lots of things to talk about. I studied his face - not unusual, not striking, not memorable, not delicate or little-boyish; just a face. He was a Marine, just back from over seas, had been in Japan and Hawaii for 2 years, lived on a little farm in Indiana, was a Luthern, liked the farm best of all places, was 20 years old, likes girls, is a bit shy, likes driving tractors better than cars, I was the very first girl he'd talked to since he left Hawaii. He asked me how old I was."What would your Mom and Dad say if they found me talking to you?" (I told him that they were getting used to catching me in conversations like this ...) "Oh! I think your parents are here now! " and unfortunately, they were! "Hi" he said to Daddy and later as an explanation "Your daughter smiled at me so I stopped to talk"!!! E-e-e-e-e-e-e-k Pop natch had to crack a quip. "Well if she doesn't believe in getting married she'd better stop smiling" and then he guffawed very loudly. And of course they monopolized him. They always do, when they come I'm shoved very rudely out of the conversation. I didn't think he liked it too much either because those few times when he talked to them, he looked at me. So Pop ended up in inviting him to church with us. He didn't have anything else to do, so he came. I of course was shunted out to the back, and he stayed in front with The Parents, looking very ill at ease. Daddy is so disgusting. He suceeds in freezing his victum and making him bashfull, and then excludes him completely. Then he came along to church, I wanted to sit beside him, but that, of course couldn't possibly be arranged. So, I just smiled at him once in a while to see that he didn't feel too strange becauwse I feel sort of personally responsible for getting him into this. Afterwards we chatted in the church ... he said some strange things ... Things like "Every time I start to talk to a pretty girl something like this happens" and we laughed about circomstances. And he said something else too. "You'll be doing this until you're 17." "Doing what?" I said. "This ..." he said with a quiet smile and altho I can't figure out just what he meant, I have a pretty good idea ... It was sort of dreamy, because I knew he liked me It did wonderful things to my self respect and my confidence after all, hes a man! 20 years old!

January 24 1959

A dream I had last nite stuck with me all day, I've thought about it all day ... It was very intense and so very real. I was being kissed, by a young man with such tender eyes. He bent over me and said oh so softly "okay, Janet ...." what ever that meant. Then he kissed me - and it was so beautiful that I've felt stangly awed all day. His lips were not exactly gentle-like, but seemed to express inner passion. I felt him so close against me and found a great exitement growing inside me. I felt his breath coming fast, and it seemed as if we were breathing togeather, exactly as one person.

March 7th

Nothing terribly exiting today. I just went over to Ella's place and chatted for a while. She thinks my walkin home with Lanky Friesen is a scream. Esther thinks Im good for him though she doesn't quite approve. I don't like this caste system in Clearbrook. You can't pick your own friends unless they're the top most brass. That, I couldn't stand for. I'm going to always, like just whoever I like and I don't care at all about caste. I don't ever want to narrow my circle of friends to the top bracket and most popular kids. Often, even the least popular are pure gold. So why not.

March 8th

Today has been boring. The sermon this morning was about overestimating yourself or putting yourself on a higher pedestel than your neighbours. I thought that didn't much apply to me but just a little while later I found myself thinking rah-ther contemptuously of those little runny nosed Weins brats.

March 12rh

There was another event - I saw those slim jims in Mary Beths and fell in love with them completely. So I dashed in on a spur of the moment impulse and tried them on. I could go into raptures about them, really!