Vancouver April 1996
- Love woman - is this her book? your book
with her
- You have to bring her through the time without becoming
- Back work woman up to love woman, and then back love
woman up to the child.
[Summary taken from previous volume:
- I am the relation of them. Work woman is a kind of man. There are three
versions of love woman: love girl before and after, the sexual woman, and
the responsible woman who is (HP).
- Love girl after becomes work woman. The whole state and then the betrayed
state and then the much too careful state.
- To know their differences and transitions, to know the motives of the
states, their strengths.
- 1. Wholeness. A wholeness with dependency that is unknown, young passion
and confidence.
- 2. Crash. Utter betrayal, bewilderment, crumbling, loss.
- 3. Constriction. The forms of reconstruction, the vows not to be innocent
any more, closing back the energy field, caution.
- 4. False wholeness. Then the crooked construction of ways to get energy
when it has been astricted at the source.
Polio had that course, and then social adjustment had the same course.
A position that requires control to maintain. In that position abandoning
to what happens. Contain a pressure to expand, merge, diffuse, but without
contracting, for higher charge within a relaxed organism. A level of aliveness.
Here's the work, it says: love's fragility.
I need a work of personal love, I need a task of personal love. It always
begins this way: she wanders into fantasy. Let her wander. There will be
a crash. Allow it. Follow it into original terrified helpless love that
knows who it loves. When I find myself longing for him I can know
I have flown like a crow to the child I was.]
6th April 1996
- [To love woman] Dear you, are you there?
I've always been a quiet voice
- I love your quiet voice (big sigh)
- I love finding it in the journal, I feel at home
- I've been with you so little! missed you,
where were you?
- Do you know where I was? not really
- In anxiety a lot that's me trying to get
to you
- Is that true? yeah
- Are you the best of creatures when you're loved?
(flow of love up the back)
- And a madwoman when I neglect you? the
madness is you missing me
- Are you concerned about this decision?
I want you to survive it
- Do you care whether he does? no
- Is that a picture of you? of us
- Were you there when I was with him a very
- Do you want us to be with a man at all?
- Are you jealous of him? no
- You loved Ken Sallett? it was a third person
- Little No? yes
- Are we her parents? in a community with
- Can she talk? yes
- Is this book for her too? yes
- Do I violate her? YES
- Do you like sex? yes
- Was that you in Mexico? Little No
- He violates her too yes
- Are there any of my lovers you prefer no
- Am I male in relation to you? yes
- Is Little No the child version of you?
of you
- Little No grew up to be a man? didn't grow
- I'm here in place of who she would have been if she'd
grown up? yes
- Can you tell me who you are your recovered
- You are there but not expressed yet yes
- You're love woman? that is one of my names
- Is there a reason I confuse love woman with Little No?
there is an open heart in both but with Little No it is violated
- I'm feeling he's irrelevant to all of us
no that's not what you're feeling
- Is he irrelevant? yes
- He wanted something yes
- I got swept into his orbit yes
- Does Little No have two states, wide open and shut tight?
- And I'm just a man who tries to understand
- Will you tell me about you? do you remember
the day you sat in the red chair?
- So weren't you there in Mexico? yes
- Was there a reason you were there that day?
- Can you explain literal death, his death
- This is scaring me don't be scared
- You were loving him in the taxi yes
- Do you mean we were mortal that day yes
- We weren't holding onto each other yet
- Is there any more you want to say tonight?
stay undecided
13th May
Something that happened yesterday when I lay down - a sense of pressure
under the brain and pushing up - I concentrated in it and felt the pressure
release and flow up to the top of my head - it flowed quite a while - I
was understanding it as flow from the solar plexus.
Louie sitting on my bed last night, a woman with a good haircut. I mean
a woman who looks like a realized woman. Years on. I had told her about
fighting with Mary. She'd told me about dinner with Alan and Eve. We were
laughing feeling the strength of our strength. As if we'll never crumble
again, as if overwhelming pain and hopelessness will never come back.
How's my boy. How am I about my boy. Yesterday late afternoon I was working
on my bed. I began to notice my heart was full. It was jumping for joy.
I said he's at the desk feeling me. Maybe he is deciding to come through.
I am as joyful as if he were. Or maybe I'm wrong.
Something I should see better, the poles of vacillation there has been.
It's the way I see him, who I imagine him to be. a) I think of him as weak,
damaged, deluded, denying, careless, addicted. And then b) I think of him
as a better nature who can and might come through. In this mood I feel he's
not far from a motion that will open a new life which is the one he has
been afraid to want in case it isn't possible. It needn't be with me. I
mean anywhere he wants to be. And I feel he's meant to be with me.
What can I see about the way I switch. Joyce would say the way to see
is to see the weakness and the possibility together always. I did that when
I fought. It's the blue-haired fairy's way.
- a) is true
- Is b) true? if you add that he's in conflict
- Is b) his original self? future
- Weak self and true self YES
- Is everyone made like that no
- Blue haired fairy is the true self
- I steadied him in true self and then he lost it when
I left
- When I fought with him I spoke through to it
- Does it have to do with caretaker selves
- They are weak YES
- It is weak self in me who is going to die
- After I had Rowen I was in true self
- True self was afraid it was going to die
- People feel the true self is there but they're afraid
they're evil
- Does weak self have to choose real self
- Why doesn't real self just take over enslavements
- Real self is enslaved? no prevented by
the enslavements of weak self
- Real self has to be shown how to work with weak self
- The tradition has identified weak self with the body
- They are both aspects of the body YES
- When I was drunk in Hong Kong was the lucid one the real
- When T is drunk does he get to real self
feels he does
- Weak self has more than one aspect
- Oppressor-compliance
- The child
- Love woman? no
- Love woman is a bridge? YES
- Is there more? depends on the person
- Love woman is a bridge because of the sheer energy
- When people are in love they get to real self because
of the energy YES
- Weak self doesn't see itself as weak YES
- Seeing itself as weak is the first step
no somebody else seeing it
- That's what compassion is NO only if it's
done with love for the real self
- Love for the weak self too? depends what
you mean, you want it to die
- Is Louie's book her real self YES
- Are you my real self a larger force
- Did the stone circle strengthen the real selves
- Because it's an image of it
- Is the cross an image of it no
- What's the cross an image of loss
- The way to the real self YES
- It was T's real self that said, Be clear
- It was his real self that said we might someday love
each other
- Who wrote In the night no that was weak
self longing for real self
- Weak self longs for real self? and not
- When it's longing for real self weak self is in a better
position? no weak self has no good positions
- Kogawa's book is written by real self no
a strong form of weak self
- Does real self write books
- Image of wrecked house is weak self
- I can be real self by myself
- But slip in the presence of other people
NO because of fear of other people
- Is it possible for weak self to use real self
- If one can get into real self without having done the
moral work
- Moral work is work with the weak self
- Is real self always beneficent to other people
- Is anyone's real self dead no
- Do animals have real selves and weak selves
- Caretaker consciousnesses
- A person's real self can't kill another person but an
animal's real self can
Exasperated. It has been four months of house arrest. I just sit in my
bed and chop straw. He was my connection with motion action emotion touch
transcendent joy newness contact speed the waves the highway oh a
man in my arms, and I HATE being without that. It has been four months of
cold poverty suspension agony waiting trying failing being disappointed
being mistaken being taken. I am complaining oh I am complaining of these
months of straw.
This is what I have instead of a life, this sitting and muttering.
I loved being with you. I was interested in every minute. I hate it that
it's over. I hate the way it's endless psychology without issue. I hate
it that I'm going to go on living alone tamped down. I hate it that I am
not at the beginning of a new life. I hate it that you won't break through
and do it with me. I wanted to go for broke and kick out the slats. I can't
believe you're holding back, I can't believe you could propose that and
not mean it. I hate it that I'm sitting on the road with my bags and no
- I don't want this fate something about
love woman
- What about her is being tempered
- I allowed her to exist and she's going through her troubles
and this is one of them YES
- Is this her loneliness yours
- Do you mean this dejection is love woman being restructured
- This is a life of straw YES
- Sitting in my bed talking to myself
- I'm perpetuating it! YES
- I hate this! no, you are not excluded
- It's nothing but therapy on and on there
is action coming
- It has been a horrible four months it's
- I'm so exasperated be responsible
Beginning to write something about Pinocchio and The water
babies. Sick of this writing. I bought two beautiful shirts today and
look ill and old. As if I'd like to just give up and lie down and die. Weak
Pinocchio and Tom the water baby are impulsive heedless and good-hearted
in the end. Pinocchio in Catholic Italy written as if a folk tale, moral
training overseen by a blue-haired fairy/child/woman. He has to learn to
work, study, take care of people, see through con artists, tell the truth,
persist. Tom [in The water babies] torments animals for fun, has
to go back and help the man who mistreated him. His redemption is overseen
by an Irishwoman/queen of the fairies/Ellie the noble girl/Mrs Do As You
Would Be Done By and her ugly sister. The adventures are odd and grotesque
dealings with animals and people who aren't really people.
I knew there was a Tom and Ellie somewhere, forgot it was the water babies.
(Isn't there another Tom and Ellie - Olive Shreiner I think.)
My Tom has that quality exactly of being willful eager heedless rushing
into repentance and then forgetting to follow through because something
comes up. Vowing faithfulness. Led away to Toyland on the eve of his becoming-a-boy
Pinocchio is a puppet in that he doesn't act in his own interests. And
yet his straying energy attracts people who put themselves out for him.
I woke with a stop at the solar and questioned it. What is being stopped?
Anger is what it sighed to. Wrote a letter. I am pissed off with
you, boy. Submitted it to the book. Is this a good letter? Yes. Can I send
it? No. Why not, why not? Look further: he is vainglorious. What is the
coordinate term for that structure? Shame. Is there a cure for shame? Consciousness.
Depression this afternoon but now tonight it's come home to me. His unfoundedness,
his emotional defenselessness, his loneliness. I am aching for him. The
way I opened a space and took him into it and then one day closed him out
again. He won't know why. He'll just know he was afraid it would happen
and it did.
a) He's an asshole and he was ditching me. b) He's a soul wanting to
find his way to himself. c) He's lost and desperate and pitiable, a wreck.
d) He is what he is, we had an amazing time.
A cad, a soul, a wreck, a traveler. Are those true in different worlds
or the same one? In a, b, c, there's something wrong with him; in d, not.
I've been convinced in a, b, c, but d isn't a conviction. It's maybe a passing
state of balance? Who am I in each position? When he is a cad I am wronged.
When he is a soul resisting his own freedom I am a soul on the way to freedom.
When he is a wreck I am compassion, like Joyce. When he is what he is I
am free already, he can't harm me.
How can I say there is anything wrong with a man who could go that distance
with me - I can't fault you - only I don't want it to be gone -
"mad with wanting to continue"
Howling, howling for you - oh come through to me.
- How do you answer that, large one? I say
it's over, stop pining. Love isn't what will help you now. You're in a
time of learning.
- Does it have to be so dull? it is not dull
if you accept that it is over. The work isn't dull.
- Do you mean stop grieving grieve as much
as you do but don't hang onto it
- I feel cast off into outer loneliness YES
that's what you feel, that's your original mourning
- What, what, what? complete it
- I'm waiting for Joyce, must I wait for Joyce?
no, work with love
- It is love that has gone away no
- I feel so bad (crying) no
- What is this, then? it is merging: he feels
- So I must cut the cord? yes
- Again and again yes
- How must I work with love? let it get better.
The structure is shattering
- Am I going cold turkey? no you're in full
addiction still
- What drug is it now anxiety
- What does it mean that my work in philosophy has no effect? (Crying.)
The paper I wrote last summer was fine, the paper I wrote for Paul was
fine. Nothing comes to me from them, nothing.
- The men are blocking you. They don't want you to rise. They are trying
to starve you out.
- This is where I should be working, isn't it?
- No, wait with that, do the Work.
- The way I am already?
- Yes. Stay in the desert for now.
Waking grim in the dark of this summer that will not begin. The sky was
open last night but this morning it is covered again. Since March there
have been no two days in a row of sun. It is five o'clock of a morning in
the middle of May and it is still winter.
We are driving up hills of sand. I had driven past
a topsoil quarry. This sand is black. My father is driving the truck. I
see a beach over there. Can we go swimming while he does what he has to
do? I see big waves between rocks. He says yes. We are in the back digging
through stuff to find our bathing suits. I find a wet bikini bottom. This
must be it. I help my sister find hers.
We are walking away toward the water. The men as
if catch their breaths behind us. I'm thinking it's for two different reasons
- her stately beauty in a long dress and my nakedness with just those little
pants and a top. My father is sounding apologetic; he lets us be, hoping
we'll outgrow it, he says.
There's a steep slope down to the water. Planted
with stubs of grapevines. We'll go down between the rows. There are workers.
As we get closer to the water I meet a man with a dog on a long leash. The
first dog is big and unusual but keeps its distance. Then I see there is
another dog on a longer leash. This one is a bulldog. I don't like passing
it. I skirt it. Then I look at the man - a thin unusual face with cheeks
slightly collapsed in the bulldog way. A very particular face.
Coming to the edge of the water I am really on
an edge. I see the new moon crescent near the horizon and am saying to my
sister, Look at the moon. Then feeling my insecurity. This edge of water
I am standing in is so, so high above the other water down there. Water
falls over edges, I know that. I am not feeling it slip but I put my hands
into the water trying to get a purchase in case it does. The water gives
no purchase. It is a thin shining mirror sheet flat around my feet. The
moon is at the level of this water.
I am coming to a small office where they sell things
having to do with a woman writer, someone like Virginia Woolf. Even the
man dug into the sidewalk doing roadwork is trading in things having to
do with her. I have a book in my hand and want something about chapter IX.
The woman at the wicket gets me an early edition - is that what it is? -
to look at. I'm looking for a particular passage where she writes about
Leafing through the book the woman gave me. Beautiful
pictures. A farmland scene. Red-brown. Cathedral stones. Vivid, detailed.
Is this a book that tries to show how she saw? Is it a book about her, or
one of her books? They say I can email passages to myself. But these images
won't transmit, I say.
What's my father's business? To improve our fortunes. He doesn't approve
our sexuality but we know he should. He's conforming to the other men. It
means we have to go to the waves without him. We're beauty and nakedness.
The new moon tells us what phase we are in. My water is at too high a level.
The man in this water is a loner. His animal is two kinds of unpleasant.
Tom's sexuality - bulldog and exotic. My sexual feeling for him was at too
high a level - very insecure. I could only sustain it in writing. That sensation
of scrabbling at the water for a purchase. If the father were sympathetic
to our beauty and nakedness there would be a better man. I should realize
Tom's sexuality is not good for me. No matter what? No, there is a better
sexuality in him. Scrabbling at the water is what I am doing these days.
I'm at a place where I'm being informed of my creativity. There is roadwork
being done. I have a story in mind and I want to see another version of
it. Nine means it's ready. Vividness and detail. Email means getting it
into the personal. It's in the brain but I can't get it into ego. It will
be lost in transmission. That is the state of the art.
What's the story about? Withdrawal. The images are like dream creativity
which can't be transmitted. Are picture-book dreams about dreaming? Among
other things. They're about creation.
Constructing a father who'll take us to the water.
- Do you want me to be a writer?
- Wanting to make him a writer is wanting to be a writer?
I wrote as a human wife. I said be careful coming through the gnashing
rocks, because the sirens are deadly. I did not say tie yourself to the
mast. I said fight well. I love you lots. Come home safe. I said I am not
saying I will wait for you, because I have things to do, but I am fending
off the suitors indefinitely, for my own reasons. I don't want them.
When I read about seal woman I wonder if it is a mistake to ask him to
be a human man. I loved his wildness. If he wants to live washed in currents
that never come back to the same shape twice, if he wants to be dissolved
where no one can find him, why should I call him to land? Why should a man
with his wild eyes be sane? Because this: because when I met him his eyes
were hurt not wild, and they became beautiful wild eyes because I met him
kindly. Because the man behind him asked me to ask it. Because he is living
in a misunderstanding. Because he is running from pain and shame and fear.
Are those the main reasons? NO it says - because he hurt you, he betrayed
you. Yes that's why I want him sane. But I meant if he's not with me, is
there any reason he should be sane? Yes, he's irresponsible. So the question
is, what part of me wants to let him slip back into the sea? Unlove, unbelief.
But it's a feeling too for the beauty of the sea. No, it's a dishonest beauty:
hold out for honest beauty. He isn't a seal, he's a drunk.
I don't know whether I did right with that letter but I was not satisfied
to have him feel himself abandoned. Though I did right to set my terms.
Tonight I feel a kind of security: it's up to him. If he is a good man for
me he will come through. If not, not.
- Hello I want to talk about the misery
- Please it is about the waiting
- Does that mean there is a remedy patriarchy,
lameness, obsession, change
- These are what make me miserable YES
- There is a remedy to those?
compete with
- Compete with them in the world?
- What do I have to do stop vain regret
- It's a way of trying to hang onto something
no it's a way of trying to process
- The processing is necessary no
- What was Trudy in my dream the woman husband
- They are both woman husband?
- Do you mean lesbian no
- Do you mean a particular kind of woman
- Women with a particular relation to love woman
- They want to be men because of patriarchy
- They refuse to be women YES
- I am cleaning up after that in myself?
- Anything else you want to talk about what's
- Okay more indecision
- In relation to Tom?
- How so conflict
- Between what and what vain regret and desire
for completion
- Do you want to advise me in that process
notice illusion, notice what gives you strength, notice what makes you
- Am I still supposed to bring love woman through this
time without becoming her
- Is that letter in her defense
- Can I talk to real self talk as real self
- Real self is never in pain YES
- Okay I've been vacillating
- Is it illusion when I think of him as Odysseus
not in thinking of his wanting to do it, but in thinking he can
- He doesn't show signs of wanting it he
does of wanting it but not of being able
- I have to truly give up on him NO
- Then what love woman
- What? wait
- Love woman should wait for him YES
- Knowing it could be years or never
- I should support her in doing that YES
- What is she waiting for waiting for him
to persist
- Love woman are you there? What do you think?
rather have someone else
- Wait for him and hold my conditions
- I like that YES
- Should I tell him
- Then I'm held to it YES
- This is a paradox? YES
- Giving him conditions I know he is incapable of meeting
- Isn't this in danger of being fantasy cop-out?
not if you accept losses
- Celibacy, loneliness
- You want me to vow faithfulness for the rest of my life?
no until the structure comes through
- This is what the fairytales say must be done
- I vacillate trying to avoid the contradiction
- Do you want to say more about this no
- It's joyful no
- If it's joyful it's an illusion?
- What's the illusion that you'll persist
- The illusion is that he'll come through
- He won't? might
- What is the cost to me if he doesn't your
- Sexual power? you'll be excluded from it
- Then what should be my attitude conflict
Rowen's birthday. It's raining on the coast. I have the first of the
dames' rocket in my house.
I woke last night after a few hours of sleep struggling to bring back
something out of a dream that seemed to be a list of explanation and instruction.
It was a sensation like wrestling in my head, I couldn't get hold of even
a single phrase.
It was the instructions for the whole of the work I'm doing. I couldn't
grasp them because this I is incompletely decided about its hiding,
it says. Why is it incompletely decided? Because it isn't ashamed enough
of lying. Ego is still saying it doesn't want to compete. It says that in
order to compete secretly? Yes. It thinks it won't be able to make a living
if it comes out of hiding. Can it make a living? Something else can.
I wake not wanting to be awake on another day with no hope of his smell.
No sun.
- Today it's as if I've given up
because of betrayal
- As if I don't care about him any more YES
end of conflict
- Yesterday was the pain of giving up YES
- Please comment it's processing
- One of the stations you mean
- I feel I could phone him and say let's just be friends
it's childhood
- That was my compromise with my mum YES
- Okay now you talk look at the structure
of waiting
- The way I'm still waiting
- What aspect anger, heartbreak
- How I deal with them
- I'm doing the right thing no, strength
- Believing myself strong? YES
- What's the truth betrayal
- This story I'm telling myself is leaving that out
- He betrayed me his betrayal is not important
but *his is
- I'm saying, I'm strong, everything's okay
- What should I do instead be honest
- Stay in pain all the time no, in childhood
time. And be honest about him
- What is that gnawing feeling the edge of
- Honest about him is saying he's not worth it
- This is quite a fine sorting process
- If betrayal were included properly what form would it
take loss
- A sense of the loss of myself YES the way
loss of them is a loss of yourself
- Pain? no
- An understanding no, justice
- I'd want justice for the child
- I'd know what was taken from her YES
- And I'd want to give it back YES
- False strength says I don't need anything
- Shall I ask what was taken away from her
that list of things
- I was nailed to the cross when I was two
- Can there be restitution YES
- Do you want to add anything to that list
- Else? recognition of loss
- Touch, utter love, sexual depth, excitement, hope, true
security, engagement, attachment, emotional accuracy, confidence, best
use of talent, self defense, plans, money, sexual confidence. Can I get
all those things back?
- I should notice that I try to get them back
- Please comment process around these
- Okay now I want to talk about Tom synthesize
- See what he has to do with these losses?
- He gave me back quite a few of them NO
seemed to
- Used these lacks YES
- These are all things I should have in myself
- But I don't FIGHT
- Where is real restitution it's structural
- Is there a direct way no it has to be this
- Hello I want to talk about finishing
- Instruction?
let young energy
organize coming through loss
- Energy of before the catastrophe
- Am I getting close YES
- I shouldn't immediately take it to a fantasy about him
- It's because that's the closest I get to young energy
- Is it true this pain is instead of something
- Will you give me a hint instead of temperance
- Self-connection YES
- He was a tissue of lies from the beginning
- Please comment he is childish
- I should remember him as a liar YES
- How should I be about a liar responsible
- He is not a good man
- I am well rid of him NO
- Why? to give you practice with lies
- What's the correct relation to a lie on
the spot generosity
- How so see it as exclusion
- See him excluding himself YES
- I want to know whether he has damaged me in a lasting
way, has he YES
- Will you tell me in what way he damaged
your responsibility in his recovery
- He damaged my ability to help him YES
- That's real damage YES
- His lies did, because they engaged my weakness
- By confusing me YES
- Can you tell me what was his true relation to me
YES, lying to you
- Can you tell me what was his true feeling of me
that he would lose you
- What is my best relation to him now skill
- What is his best relation to me now recovery
- Meantime what about this doldrums time in my life
it's a gain
- Explain the work
- Tolerating this emptiness is part of it
- Should I be patient and faithful in the dreariness
no, persistent
- Persistent in relation to - ? happiness
- Long for happiness no work for happiness,
turn withdrawal and loss into responsibility by means of anger
- Find it and give it YES
I take the bus up the mountain and spend the day in the stacks. I come
home. It has been worse than this but this is bad. The passive drag up Hastings
on the bus. I fall into misery I know by heart.
What is this really. Tears. I built him into the shapes of my nerves
and as the net dies back - the net I made ready - the fibres hurt, the dying
fibres hurt. I was foolish to build so well. I was building for keeps because
you said so. I am a dying nest.
It says: you are not a dying nest. He is a man who needed you to lie
to. Your right relation to a lie is to see that he is violating himself.
Be skillful not painful.
Oh but oh his arms, his hands, his mouth, his eyes, his heat, his voice,
his talk, his quick feeling. His secret truth whatever it is. Oh his fear
and his hope. He is not worth more than anyone else. Why do I cry when I
say that. Did I hurt my own feelings? Okay I take it back.
- How're you doing? It says you're in crisis.
- Maybe you know I was right.
- Maybe you like it that I defended Mathew.
- You don't want to give up your flight,
- what you can feel for men in bars,
- hero you can talk yourself into.
- So dull and lonely without it.
- All your friends are drinkers.
- But Mathew.
- But a woman who puts her hand on your heart.
- But someone in you.
- I love you a lot.
- Did you feel that?
- It's 7:30.
1st June
A subtle drugging I use the image of the man for. Now what? Stop lying
it says. If he isn't your drug he can't withhold. I developed him as my
drug by writing him up. I developed a defense against the power I give him,
by writing him down.
- Now what? deal with betrayal. That's what
got you started on drugs.
- Is there a way to tell whether a state is real?
yes if it's a struggle, if it's held with difficulty
- Do you mean for now
- There's always a worry about whether real life is only
grim, please tell me about real life it's struggle
- What is its value coming through
- Is there happiness in real life
- What is its happiness its happiness is
to find that loss and withdrawal make brilliance and courage
- Do you mean in anyone
- Will I understand that later
- Then the gnawing begins. Tell me about the gnawing
it wants the drug
- Tell me what to do with it don't control
- Tell me what to do when it comes persist
- What else notice your lies, your wish for
- Please talk to me you're close to completion
- When I start to imagine him that's always the drug
After so much, such months of, years of, whatever this exercise is, is
there anything I can say simply. I don't know what the string/cards/Joyce/Pierrakos
work is. I don't know whether it is work. It is as if it has been directing
me toward some risk of act that I have evaded and not evaded and that is
coming soon. I have been willing. I have often gone beyond what I understand,
in my consent. I've endured hours of deep pain and months of dull suspension
and I've done it in faith that I'm participating in a process that makes
sense and is an expression of life making sense. The process has not been
proving itself practically the way the garden work did - I am not gaining
in money, good looks, health, fame, ease, action, pleasure, humor, power,
freedom, sex, friendship, adventure, community, visible creation of beauty.
In all of those I have less than I had five years ago. Why have I given
myself to confinement? What am I trusting? Will this time soon be over?
I am taking instructions from something other than what I can feel to be
the center of myself. What is it? I'm on the edge of tears as I say this.
Such a long endurance of privation. Will it ever be over.
- Please talk to me this is a crisis
- I've seen this before, what's crucial in it
- Something is being reversed could be
- Will you explain what unconsciousness
- That I was unconscious of how much I wanted him to want
me YES
- And am I conscious of it now NO
- It's a structure - he could see I had it
- What should I be asking how to reverse
- How by anger
- At him no at them
- This is the real structure of my relation to him
- How will anger fix it you will miss them
- Missing them is the unconscious structure
- Missing them lies behind anger
honesty in relation to love woman will bring you through to love
- Love woman is dishonest YES
- About who she loves
- Something else toward you
- She lies to me YES
- Tells me she loves people she doesn't YES
- decide to come through disillusion and defeat
- She is disillusionment and defeat YES
- What is love woman's central lie that she
isn't withdrawn
- Her lie is just unconsciousness
- I still don't understand the relation of wanting to be
wanted and missing them, please explain what isn't clear
- I don't understand because I'm not being responsible
- In my unconscious there is a standing structure saying,
I want you not standing but easily evoked
- I want you, I miss you, I long for you
- While my conscious attitude is saying, I'm independent
- When he says those things what happens in me
you feel loved
- Please explain it is like merging
- He and my unconscious are in agreement
- Did he see my unconscious
- The love in it no the despair
- He felt a predator's interest no
- What was his interest anger
- He was interested in the anger YES
- Because of the anger in him YES
Walking from room to room distraught like a child I really miss you I
really really really really miss you
Yesterday in the afternoon when I was falling asleep a loud ship's horn
startled me. Just afterward I saw a circle which was as if drawn as light
against grey, and inside it a lattice of perfectly spaced dots. It was as
if a figure induced by activation from auditory cortex into visual association
cortex - or something.
At Phil's last night - how was I. The way I am socially these days. Used
to be I suffered. Now these occasions are careless - I float - the way other
people do - without hope or fear. I let myself go into the current of all
who are present, you and you and you and you and you, but I don't see into
anyone, not even for a second. I tell stories and ask questions and present
myself to be evaluated. I'm mildly daring, probably. I have standing enough,
know to establish it. But oh, but oh. All I want is to be back with you
in the Golden West, walking into your room, walking into the lobby where
you'll put your glasses down when you see me against the doors.
- Why wasn't it true - Tom -
- Why were you telling me lies
- I can fly if you want me
- If you don't I crash - so far -
- I can't endure it when you don't want me
- Why don't you - why don't you
- I have so much for you
- Spilling tears with this old song.
- Is the way I am socially wrong YES
- I'm not seeing into people YES
- I'm detached YES
- Automatic YES
- Why coasting
- Is there something to be discovered in that evening
YES your anger
- It's anger that makes me careless YES
- Anger at my parents YES
- Anger that I have no one YES
- Unfelt anger YES
- How would I be if it were dealt with more
- It's anger that says, none of you are anything to do
with me
- Will you advise me about social events like that
they are a crisis
I was having a basic smoothie at Circling Dawn, reading, when one guy
pounded another guy and knocked him onto my bike, which went over, with
another one, under the guy who was now being pounded again where he'd fallen
onto the pavement. What are you doin' man! The blackhaired young man with
a ponytail no shirt and work-out shoulders struts away looking back. The
way he pounded the blond man reminded me of Tom; the way he walked away.
The blond man when he staggered up looked too strung out to defend himself
- he looked like a life of neglect and insufficiency.
When I tried to ride my bike away later I found the chain wedged. I was
there with the bike upside down on the sidewalk, hands covered with grease.
Couldn't get it loose. Wiped my hands on grass at the base of a tree. I'll
walk as far as the bike store. I see I'm walking behind the wide shoulders,
now in a tee-shirt, of the guy who punched out the blond man. "Hey
man" - that's what to say, right? - "hey man, excuse me, when
you knocked that guy over ..."
He's quick, he's friendly. He's down on the sidewalk pulling at the chain.
"My bike used to do this all the time." The chain is wedged hard,
he can't move it. The blond young woman he's with is holding the chain,
getting her hands dirty. Smart. Figuring it out. She goes to look for a
tool. "I don't usually do that, I'm not like that," he says. The
young woman comes back with a screwdriver from the junk store. She has a
low ungirlish voice. She's tall and carries herself laconically.
The screwdriver isn't working. I'm holding up the bike, he's sitting
on the sidewalk leaning into it. He has long green eyes. The girl goes across
the street to try for a wrench. She comes back. No wrench. "I'm going
to put in the laundry," she says. Goes off with the sports bag. My
muscle guy pries the screwdriver under the chain and it comes loose. He
sets the chain, spins the wheel. It's good. "You should try it, make
sure it's okay," he says. "It's okay," I say. I want to smile
into his eyes. This was good. He wasn't Tom but I knew him.
I had hopes. Walked out her door angry. [Joyce] I wasn't understanding.
She thought she'd said what she could but I was baffled. She said, Go away
and think about what you'd have to give up. You'd have to give up being
That wasn't deep grief. She said that because when I'd cried I was still
saying to my mother that I want her to die. I don't know what the answer
is supposed to be. When I'd started to be angry at her I got dizzy. She
said breathe into where you feel it. Nothing happened. I heard the stupid
music she had on in the corridor.
She said Tom does want me but he's afraid of me. He's afraid I fell for
his image, he thought I couldn't love the real him because there's a hole
in him.
I can see that I won't be able to do better with him until I am right
in relation to myself in this way that I am not. I have to leave him be
and do my own work. But I don't see how I am going to get there, though
I want to.
She also said, You want her to die and you are trying to hold onto her
by arguing with her. You're divided.
- There's a structure I'm not connected to yet
real grief
- What does real grief say "there is
no help for me"
- Joyce thinks I'm not really trying no she
thinks you're stuck
- I'm baffled YES
- I have to get to real grief
- I don't know how to get there
- Joyce can't help me now YES
- Being right is the structure that keeps me from real
- What is it that's real about real grief
it doesn't lie
- What is Joyce thinking I should do merge
with your mother: not merge with her, but risk it
- I'm defending myself against a part of myself
- Ego is YES
- Which part unconscious part
- Love for my mother
- I am most afraid of reconciliation
- My love for my mother is grief no, leads
- I sometimes got into it with Louie
- The unconscious part is a love like I felt for Tom
- A powerful love
- And grief at betrayal
- And terror of abandonment
- If I merged with them what would I be processing
- And anger at betrayal no anger belongs
to ego
- I want my mother to die means I want my child self to
- There's something you want me to notice
the way you are unconscious with Louie
- Unconscious of jealousy, anger, desire, something else?
winning, lying
- It's a sensation of staying on top
- I'm like that with Tom no, but revert to
- It's like a will YES
- Is that what you mean by inner patriarchy
- Is this what I'm supposed to be talking about
- Is it something I can give up
- There's something I'm afraid of YES
- If I weren't winning what would I be temperance
- I'm not like that with you
- Or Joyce YES
- But I'm like that with my mother YES
- And Louie
- If I weren't right, what would I be improving
- It's that habit Joyce wants me to notice
- If I notice it in myself I'll notice it in other people
- There's something you want to go on to?
writing - a crisis
- Journal writing all writing
- Because it participates in that structure of being right
against my mother YES
- Okay, what? you say
- You want me to stop writing
- Stop academic writing
- Stop working with you
- Academic writing is how I make my living
- What go on welfare
- Do you mean forever YES
- And then what temperance: process
- Drop out of the doctorate YES
- Are you serious YES
- Is that what's required no
- Do you want to say more no
- What would I be if I did this finished
- Should I just kill myself YES
- Are you speaking to a particular I
- Which? the strong I
- Somebody else will do the doctorate
- Who? a better writer
- This sets me back on my heels YES
- What should I do next feel the conflict
- What it really means to stop winning against my mother
- Is it simple YES
- Something would flood me no
- Then what strength would depart
- What would I be if strength departed abandoned
- I have the strength instead of my mother
- Is this the core of everything
- I would feel entirely helpless uncontrolled
- Would that be a dangerous passage
- Please say something you're in conflict
- I want to come through, I don't want to die
- Should I leave it for now okay
- Help!
I will
- Hello understanding how to get better
- Go on how to complete it - complete the
crisis in your structure of illusion
- Will you tell me how unconscious structure
of abandonment that struggles against your mother. Drugging controls loss
by making it unconscious.
- Loss will become conscious when I stop drugging
- Go on unconsciousness can become consciousness
- How by taking responsibility for lies and
drugs used by literate *mine
- The main lie is I'm on top
- It's an inner holding YES
- I have to release the intention to win
- It is in everything I write
- Not everything! no, everything
- Whenever it turns on I know unconscious structure is
activated YES
- If I don't have to win I'll be freer YES
- Does all the journal writing have it
- A sense that I'm winning
- Always over her no, the threat
- What I write about has a threat in it
- That I win over by writing it
- Is love fantasy related to this defense
- Are they part of the same structure YES
- Love fantasy is a drug
- Winning is a drug
- Drugs are means of lying
- Lying is separation from body and circumstance
- Separation from body and circumstance is loss of intelligence
- Separation is because of pain
- If I stop winning will love fantasy stop
no, work on them separately
Alanis goes to sleep and Louie and Steve fuck all night on her fortieth
birthday. After the chocolate cake.
She wants to tell me about it. Love woman's confidence, as if she has
been doing that all her life. What if she keeps wanting it and can't get
it, she says. That girl is traveling in my wake, she's letting me go first
on the hard things, moaning all the way and scooping up what privilege gets
her in sites she didn't have the guts to crack on her own. Why aren't I
bitter. I'm not. There's something I am glad to be though Louie has architect
tail and a book cover and writing that moves as light as steam and a body
exquisite inch by inch.
And Ellie is in a lull still talking to Tom Fendler away away somewhere.
She says, What is your condition. He says I won't say. She says, It's a
test? Yes. She gets it. Your condition is that you can't fool me. I'm working
on it. Do you know my condition? Yes he says. Do I? No. I get it: it's that
I want a fight. He says he's angry that I shamed him. I say, Come on, you
did that. Really his reservation is that he enjoys his life as it is and
thinks I'm not fun. It's a tough conversation. We agree it can go either
- Hello graduate
- Something still to be done undo your valor
- Something I can be doing now honesty
- Honesty of feeling
- Mainly in relation to my parents other
people too
- No bravado in relation to anyone

part 2
- the golden west volume 6: 1996 april-july
- work & days: a lifetime journal project