Vancouver 8th June 1996
Yes I like the light. There was a door from winter directly into summer.
When I was at the herb garden last evening with five young women filmmakers
there was a girl I didn't know who said, This is the most romantic thing
I've ever seen. Roses and paeonies are not satisfying. They don't help this
hungriness under the breastbone, though their fullness looks like satisfaction.
- Is he my man YES
- Husband
- What does that mean betrayal
- Please explain established strength comes
through anger and competition
- There is established strength?
- It is coming through YES
- Do you mean the dream of betrayal is over
- Do you mean he has resolved YES
- He has decided he wants to be with me YES
- He has decided to stop boozing YES
- Is it a deep decision YES
- Talk to me temperance
- My heart hurts separation is over
- I don't believe you come through
- Heart opened up
- Now what let go of valor
- Can I feel it in my muscles
- Head muscles
- Did I release it no
- Drifted away
- That place between the eyes
- It's in the sense of I
- I'm supposed to offer up Tom and me
- I'm supposed to offer up the doctorate
- I'm supposed to offer up my sense of myself
- I'm willing to do that
- That's faith YES
- Now what prosperity
- Do you want to say more mourning
- What about it is a lie
- Some particular mourning all mourning
- All pain of loss
- And what is the truth quest
- Prosperity of what kind slow growth
- Does offering them up mean nonattachment
no, seeing they are illusions
- In what sense delusion
- What next slow growth
I keep needing to say to myself that nothing is happening. Here is one
thing that isn't happening - no one has said anything about the papers I've
spread around to Bjorn, Ray, Karen, Sam. Or about the piece in Front
I want to say to myself: one day there will be things happening you don't
imagine now. There will be something new.
I know this state is memory. Remember it.
Was there a book? Yes there were books. I sat in my bed with a tray on
a bed table. It was a high bed with bars. I looked to the right toward a
window where I could see light. Now I am able to go out and speak to people
but I feel it as irrelevant. I have no one but there is someone I miss,
I say. I am disoriented. I am paralyzed and confined. I am dreaming of going
- Hello success, fight for it
- Do you mean some particular kind with the
- I have very little emotional energy
- Is that because I've given up on Tom YES
- Will you comment it's part of the work
- I'm supposed to fight without energy YES
- How is fighting done without energy by
- Fighting to reconnect YES
- Without pain I don't know where to work, where to come
- I'm clueless you're withdrawn
- Yesterday moving energy to the top of the head, was that
something YES
- It's supposed to open up altogether
- Will you give me a sentence to tell me where I am in
this struggle shattering the structure of inner duality to
become harmonious
- What was the duality control and love woman
- It was necessary for her to love Tom
- And for him to love her
- We did that, what is the next step do it
inside yourself
- What you said yesterday about husband, you didn't mean
the real Tom
- You meant I married something in me
- Is that like Euridice marrying Pluto
- If I'm married why aren't I happy because
your husband is lost
- "Everything you've never been"
- I'm supposed to merge with dope and booze and cigarettes
and violence and lying and rock music
- What does that mean it's already there
- My consciousness will get wilder YES
- To what end end of heartbreak
- Should I actually do drugs NO
- Then how am I going to get wilder by getting
- Please explain adventure
- What about me and Tom you and love woman
- I can be what I was with him, without him
- This wildness is security of consciousness
no, not withdrawn
- Tell me about this wildness contact with
the world
- The way I did when I was making the herb garden
no, graduated
- How would that be different not angry
- How do I let it come through be Ellie
- More? turn for the better
- In what way lovers
- Inner harmony real Tom
- I'm more balanced YES, waiting over, acting
against illusion
- He is
- Please speak to me he is doing the work
- Should I act as if he's going to come through
- Does this mean I'm moving to California
- Please say more come through
- You mean what you're telling me is a fantasy
- Notice what happens to me in the fantasy
- It's like coming alive YES
- Something you want me to do? believe something
that's in you can be improvement
- I don't feel better YES
- I have no way to notice improvement
- I was happy with him, that seemed improvement
- So are you going to tell me how I can notice improvement
you act to integrate processing and winning
- I'm not doing that no you are
- I should have that coming alive for my own projects
- Okay to stop no I want to talk about betrayal
- Is this about whether he betrayed me
- You want me to see something neither of
you betrayed the other
- He lied that doesn't hurt you
- What am I supposed to be getting from this
- Betrayal is what I want to get?!
- I want this dull lonely state no
- What is betrayal when something ends
- That's how I feel it
- He stopped but it wasn't a betrayal
- It was a failure not a betrayal no just
an instability
- My betrayal structure was very triggered, that's what
you're saying
- I was trying to undo betrayal
- I feel directionless no
- I feel the one direction I have is not good
- So I have to wait for something else to fill my sails
not a good analogy
- But this is the doldrums
- You mean I'm supposed to row act
- I don't have a basis for action no
- Was it that I used to have my sails filled from the unconscious
- So I have to learn to act in a different way
- Without impulse YES
- But how will I know what to do act blindly
- Do you mean do what you tell me no
- Then which act something you don't know
8:30 Tuesday morning a burst of feeling as if he has just got my letter.
It's a burst of certainty. We are two people with holes in us; we will be
together again. It's Manfred Clynes, Sentics - the characteristic
oscillation of music - our last morning in Leucadia - that we had both found
that book, among all the world of people who didn't understand it.
- Does this burst of feeling mean something
there is something you should do with it - shatter the structure
- What does that mean love woman
- Shatter her wish for Tom
- Okay tell me how to proceed shatter a fantasy
- Love woman's fantasy
that she is
responsible for childhood exclusion and humiliation
- That it's because of feeling for my father
- Should I talk to her
- Love woman is this you yes
- I'm very happy to feel you YES
- You welled up in me no
- You came into me YES
- Do you want to talk to me YES
- Is there something you want to say a loss
of me happened in the process of childhood exclusion
- I lost parts of you YES
- Would all of you like to come back YES
- Please will all of you come back YES
- I so much want to live with you YES
- Did you love Tom because he was nicer to you than I am
- Do you think it is your fault you get sent away
- Will you tell me what you think is bad about you
yes, rest competes with integration of early love
- There is something about you that disturbs early love
- Will you explain to me YES
- The rest of you YES
- Let's take a chance and get it all back
- Are you afraid YES
- Are you afraid I'll send you away again
- My dear dear one I want all of you, I need all of you
- Do you feel how much I love you? yes
- All the parts of you are love YES
- They didn't understand that all the parts of you are
love YES
- They don't understand that all the parts of them are
love yes
- I have been working hard to learn to understand that
about you yes
- Will you help me by being all the parts of you
- Will you show me all your parts NO
- Will you tell me about them yes
- Are there many parts you are afraid to show
- Will you tell me about one I am alone finished
with responsibility for my father
- Is this true YES
- You feel I don't want to know this yes
- You don't want to be responsible I am not
- But I am yes
- You want to love your father again YES
- That is part of you YES
- You think I don't want that part YES
- You're right that I haven't wanted that part but I want
all of you now yes
- Will you be that again yes
- I want you to YES
- Larger one is it true that his meanness is love
- Did you hear that YES
- He is nasty but his nastiness is love yes
- Then we don't have to be afraid to love him
- Are you afraid yes
- Then we will have to learn to see that it is love - let's
do that no
- We could do it with Tom, remember? yes
- I haven't wanted to love my father but I am willing to
do it for you YES
- Will you give me that love yes
- Then we'll be together yes
- Is this giving up being right yes
- Will you tell me about another thing you are afraid to
be [something about decision, this work, a fair man]
- You're afraid this work will bring a decision about a
fair man yes
- Do you mean Rob yes
- Which decision delay
- Do you want to be with Rob YES
- Do you mean sexually YES
- Do you want to be married to Rob NO
- To Tom no
- Do you want to live in love and sex with a man
- Rob is not the right man but you want sex
- You're afraid this work means you'll never have sex
- Large one does it mean that not necessarily
- Is one of the goals of this work to be able to live in
love and trust with a man YES
- Is there a part of you that wants the work
- You're afraid there are parts of you that will make love
and trust with a man impossible yes afraid the work will
release revenge
- You have been in a quandary about sex YES
- Because you are mad at men yes
- You're afraid that as you become more complete the desire
for revenge will be more complete YES
- Large one do you have an answer for that
the revenge is about childhood abandonment
- What is the remedy the remedy is to love
the father, and then the threat of revenge will dissolve
- Do you see the connection yes
- We should love him the way Buddhists do
- Should I stop for now
- Will you comment balance in the midst of
At that moment I went to talk to the surge at the heart, that was spreading
up my back. Her illusion that some of what she is, is wrong. I say, all
the parts of you are love. What are you afraid I'll banish you for? For
wanting sex with Rob, for revenge that would make sex hard to get, for wanting
to love my father. I am trying to persuade my beloved to come out with me.
When I take her into my arms she is my own body as I have felt it rarely
- my ribs and sharp tits and satin skin and big thigh and brown sheen and
animal presence.
I read the bookwork and summarize. I'm interested. But then there is
this disoriented sensation - that story I am somehow generating and that
seems to make more sense after a while, but that as I am generating it often
frustrates me - I am working every day but I don't know and can't know whether
I am doing anything - it is the most intangible work possible - isn't it?
Imagining I'm living in a small house in Ocean Beach -imagining I'm saying
to Tom, I'm your friend - this while trying to understand delay-tuned neural
response in brown bats - it's 8'30 in the morning - what is it?
Here's a possibility. I'm everyday imagining flying to him because I'm
picking up that he is going to fly here.
- Talk to me slow growth
- Do you mean mine his
- Okay he wants to come and finish it
- Please say more improvement
- He'll want me to show friendship
- Instead of lust
- Instead of romance
- True clarity
- That will be my challenge YES
- If he offers too much, say You don't have to do that
- If he lies, say You are being hard on yourself
- If he doesn't do what he says, say, What does your better
part want
- If he zonks say What pain are you zonking
- Don't sleep with him no
- Don't make love
- Is this a fantasy a fantasy and true
- Is this joy the right attitude no
- What would be death
- If he showed up it would be a deep change
- For both
- Addiction and lying
- There will be lying while there is addiction
- There will be addiction while there is lying
- If he comes I will have to refuse him no,
support him
- Lying is unbearable to me NO only if you're
- He thinks he can sweep me away again
- If he came I'd have to treat him as a moral cripple
- Does he know that no he thinks he can charm
- You're saying it would be very hard
- Skill would be to accept him and yet not engage
- Above all no kissing no kissing but not
above all
- Please comment the work above all
- At this very moment I'm zonking
- I should put the energy into fighting for freedom that
I put into thinking about romance
- This is important the work will do it
- Love woman is saying he's coming, work woman is saying
he isn't coming, love woman has energy, work woman can work - who is it
that's capable of having correct friendship for him? early
- Love from before the catastrophe
- Tell me about that love the work will give
it, the correct reserve as opposed to the incorrect
- What I'm searching for is my own love YES
- Will you give me a sentence about what I'll be like when
I have it slow growth of a structure of skill with obsession
- No miracle no
- Will you give me a sentence about how close I am to finding
it you are persisting in the struggle to change your judgment
- Please describe my real state of love it
acts against your bondage to your father
- Is that what this is
- By reuniting her with her mother
- Being reunited with the mother is being reunited with
- Would I still be attracted to Tom
- But he couldn't hurt me
- I fail with men when I don't have the mother securely
in me YES
- What is my bondage to my father lacking
the energy of original trust you used sex for energy
- Is there something I can do right now marry
Tom and Ellie by means of a struggle
- The real Tom and Ellie YES, begin to recover
by changing the place of early love
- What is the right place of early love generosity
- What is the wrong place of early love identifying
it with Tom
- Wanting to give is early love
- I am toward him as if he is early love
- That is away from me YES
- Do you want to say more you take separation
as childhood exclusion, changed relation to loss would improve your relation
to Tom
- What would be a better relation to loss
less anguish
- Without cutting off cutting off if necessary
- What do you mean join Tom and Ellie come
- I will if I can YES
What to make of this: I come back from the garden and am on the bathroom
floor putting roses into jars in the bathtub. The phone rings. I answer
it without thinking. "Hey" says a voice I am not very happy to
hear. He starts telling me about the triumph of getting Joe fired and being
number one in the hotel. He's calling to say he isn't coming Sunday. They
need him in the hotel. He's swimming. His legs are good. He's workin' on
his tan. He's got a lot of clippings and music for me. Oh and just because
he feels like it he hasn't had a drink or smoked a joint in three weeks,
but if he wants to he will. We have to talk. How am I doin'? I can't say
on the phone, I say. Why was I missing this guy, I'm thinking.
- How did you know he was coming shape of
the struggle
- I was suspicious no, hostile
- I didn't like him no
- I feel so cynical no
- Disappointed no
- I feel I was missing him for nothing YES
- Is it true no
- What is the truth you missed him
Today I feel the bubbles begin to rise. That's the other end of the swing.
I'm closed and then I'm froth. What am I dreaming today. He'll meet Luke.
Should I take him to my folks. We could get in the car and go to Alberta.
I'll clean my house. I'll do exercises for my bum. The other kind of plan
too, I'll stay safe by not kissing him or fucking. We'll court. Eventually
we'll be ready and we'll get married really. I'll be really sober, I won't
get carried away. He'll want to learn and we'll grow into a wonderful journey
- Do both these states have the same cure?
- The first state doesn't see him, the second state doesn't see him.
The second state is addictive. It is a reaction to the first. The first
cuts off energy. The second whips it up from another source. It's important
to see the sequence is the opposite of what I thought.
- The first state thinks he is cut off because it is. Is it cutting
off anything in particular? Many things.
- Now are you going to talk about Tom your
bondage: you are feeling brilliant and courageous in relation to betrayal
- Is that mistaken YES
- What would be correct temperance
- Yesterday I felt it would be only work, is that incorrect
- What should I do with the bubble don't
- Pleasant fantasies YES
- Very dangerous not really
- Something I'm supposed to do with them?
stop deciding between being carried away with them and being in conflict
with them
- Treat them as guests YES
- Make them at home
- Ask them how they are
- Anything else find the loss in them
- Find what they want
- No romantic fantasy
- We're miles from being able to do that
- Tell him I want the real thing no tell
him you want to fix yourself
- Don't instruct him no show him what I said
- The whole sequence on alcohol
- You want to use me for his growth and starve the sexual
part of me no
- Is the sexual part of me useless no
- Is it bad
- It is a real [?] of great joy no
- I have a bad reason for imposing this
- And a correct reason
- Will our bodies be helped just by physical contact
- Tell me why you say my sexual part is bad
because liberation is better
- Liberation is a realm of great joy YES
- You do want to starve the sexual part of me
starve is the wrong word - fight
- This is so religious! no it's research
- Fight the sexual part of me to what end
- If I'm sexual I'm disabled and can't be generous
- Our bodies can transfuse without sex
- Will he look wrecked when he gets here
- Say it's a courtship
- We're not ready for merging
- Is the exercise to see love in everything he is?
This morning the thought arrives that the men of the hotel are what matter
to him. I work toward a rage that wants to get even and get free. Here is
something about the anger - at first it's mobile and then it starts to get
hard. When it is mobile it is toward him and now that it's harder it is
as if toward my pink self.
The next step after anger is frustration. I'm not viable. Froth is what
feels good but it's illusion. I'll go on wanting to let go into that but
I'm supposed to do something else. I'm supposed to work to get free, that's
what I'm supposed to want.
That makes me cry as if someone is suppressing me. There's something
I'm confusing. I feel the foamy state IS freedom and denying it is tyranny.
There's a way that's true. Suppressing it is what the book calls control.
But control does not know how to emerge from addiction, it says. Love woman
has to love the tyrant, the tyrant has to love love woman.
- What is the place of a woman in the life of a man's man
- She's his toilet [silence]
- He uses her to keep himself going emotionally
- Because men together are a bullshit club
- I get roped into that service because I crave his body
- Please comment do the work
- I'm bitter you're struggling with betrayal
in the construction of generosity
- Do you mean just original betrayal
- Women are actually not important to men
- They see us as weak no, powerless
- I have power no
- More than he does
- He needs a woman for emotional connection but he is not
in a good position in relation to her
- I am part of his pretension
- He doesn't deserve to be with me no
- You want me to be generous to this man
- Why? for reasons
of telepathy
- What do you mean something about fighting
- Can I love him without being swayed YES
- I'm angry about my woman's position with him
- You have in mind purely moral work
- Fighting what clearing love woman's clairvoyance
- Because that's where women's power is YES
- He is a moral exercise for me YES
- Only that YES
- Everything else is fantasy
- Is that all I'm going to have for the rest of my life?
(crying) no
- Please say moral exercise is not tyranny
- You're saying my sexuality is no good
- You're saying my physical ecstasy is no good
- You're saying my joy is no good
- That is how the tyrant talks NO, the tyrant
uses them to exploit you
- The tyrant flatters them
- Is the right kind of love good for the body
- Unconditional love eats the body YES
- Sexual love restores the body
- So you are instructing me to sacrifice the body
- Why for the work
- What is the good of work that makes me sick
something about losses
- Will you explain sacrifice the body temporarily
- For the sake of recovery
- I haven't wanted to know the true facts of Tom's relation
to women
- I'm angry YES
- At his whole game YES
- He's a total sleaze YES
- Where did this anger come from understanding
- Understanding how unimportant I am to him
- Understanding that he controls me by means of my addictions
- If I deny myself addiction I get rage YES
- I was keeping down the rage because I needed sex
- I like this rage - should I like it
- If I feel betrayed I don't have to be in conflict
- Is that the energy
- The escape is from conflict
- Pink dreams are that too
- Is the rage really about him no
- The anger is nice but the hardening of it isn't
- You're telling me I'm supposed to ditch him
no, showing you the conflict
- That I want to keep the pink fuzz
- The rage is at being denied in it
- If pink fuzz doesn't work, to hell with you
- I don't know what to want the end of exclusion
- This visit is irrelevant to that not exactly
- you can use it
- I am so annoyed with myself for going into pink dreams (crying)
- I'm so annoyed with myself for wanting what I can't have (crying)
- The world is so barren (crying)
- I am so sad that my joyful energy is illusion
- What am I going to do
- How am I going to live
- I have opened up this great desire only to find it is hopeless
- The world is grim and hopeless
- You have been leading me into pink dreams
- Now I'm wilted you are excluded
- Do you mean this is reactivation YES
- What's next end of anxiety
- The anxiety was about reactivation
- Now I'm like a child who has cried myself to sleep
- Something I'm supposed to do? connect it
to him
- It's not about him
- Sorry Tom this is the structure of waiting
- Now what I want to talk about creation.
Childhood exclusion / crisis / the work / shared pleasure
- That was the shape of the sequence
- Is this an instruction?
- I am supposed to create out of this work
- Create in what medium in the medium of
- Being right is about containing reactivation
- Always YES
- When I see tyranny in him it's that
- Seeing it as that is unconditional love
- Is that it for today no, something about
indecision: tyranny doesn't know how to graduate from compulsion/addiction
- This is related to indecision indecision
about happiness
- Addiction contains reactivation
- Tyranny is about containing reactivation
- So tyranny is in alliance with addiction
- Then consciousness in reactivation is the way to happiness
- I'm very sore you're not betrayed
- I will be no
- He'll be here and I'll fall for him again
- And then he'll leave and I'll be in pain again
- Will you comment don't withdraw
- Now I'm not in a controlled state YES
- Do you have a name for this state abandonment
- Is pink froth an avoidance of this state
- Is control
- It isn't betrayal but it hurts as if it were
- Please talk to me you'll recover
- Everything is impossible you're processing
- Is there somewhere I'm supposed to go with this
early love
- Remember it as that move to it
- I went through this with my mother
- Before the second time no the whole time
- I was feeling this but it was unconscious
- Abandonment fear is always in me
- I cannot afford to be attached no
- That's why leaving people is a relief YES
- I can afford to be attached? slowly beginning
- It has been an unbearable tension no tension
made bearable by evasion
- Does he have this same tension no his abandonment
was much later and more implicated with guilt
- So I shouldn't decide about attachment to the real Tom
no you should decide that you are an excluded child
- Who cannot endure attachment no he is your
- Tom is? YES
- Do you mean when I'm ready
- Do you mean this symbolically no
- Will you comment completion
- You don't mean we'll go on together YES
- You mean working with him completes me
- In what sense is he my husband unconscious
- Are you talking about a structure in me
- My unconscious takes him as that YES
- Because he seduced it YES
- He was extremely unscrupulous YES
- Major mindfuck YES
- He didn't intend to do it
- He was seduced by his own program
- I didn't realize he could enlist my unconscious
- He did what he could to attach me YES
- So I am attached
- In a way that control can't reach YES
- So is he coming to try to reestablish it
- This is important YES
- Please comment fight! Fight him
- Does he know he did that YES
It's the first morning I have got up and taken my tea to the armchair
outside. Live air, birds. It is early. There is a tissue of haze high up
holding onto the light and sending it down ivory-colored and diffuse as
if from a fluorescent panel. The shadows are not strong. They are the color
of this pencil lead.
I am with Tom in my house because he'll be here. He'll sit in this chair
though not in early morning air. I'm thinking about meals and trips. There
are things I want to forestall. I was crying last night thinking he'll get
me to fall for him again and then he'll leave again and then I'll be in
agony again. That one's a structure. But maybe there is real getting-ready.
I'm trying to be ready to fight well. Every inch. Without shutting down.
I realized that I think conscious reserve of judgment protects me from his
promises and declarations but in fact an unconscious part of me is enlisted
by them. To protect myself from seduction I have to do more than take note,
I have to act. I have to get him to unsay, re-say. I have to name it to
I'm saying: are you willing to learn to listen to me and answer? You
can't see me unless you're willing to be me. You can see me only to the
extent that you are willing to be me. We are opposites. That means we are
afraid of dying of seeing each other. That's exciting.
We are each other, so it means the more we are afraid the more of ourselves
we stand to find. But it has to be two-way, otherwise you will become the
tyrant I am as well as the tyrant you are, and I will suffer of both.
Here I am again seeing how close together are the things I am in the
process of discerning.
Today I'm ready for you. I'm happy and I'm working and I am quiet enough
to see the day.
This morning in the quiet before my neighbours are awake there was an
explosion like a gun fired in the alley. It shook the neighbourhood enough
to set off car alarms. People with rumpled faces came to their doors and
could see nothing. Later someone noticed a dead squirrel, the same black
squirrel, I think, that I noticed running well-fed on the telephone cable
earlier. It had shorted the power lines.
Near the same time I saw a black man in the space between the neighbour's
house and Roberta's. He was very black, like an Australian aboriginal, and
had a squashed face. Roberta told me later that her place had been broken
With Sharif to see bridge timbers, Terminal Avenue overpass. Summer all
the way to the mountains, a dry plain. In the lumberyard I meet the man
who built the beautiful heavy timber garage in Muggs's alley. He is a wonder.
He's there amidst his sorted piles of yellow cedar 10x10's, hem-fir t&g,
doug fir, red cedar planking, and he is so male he's over the top. GI Joe.
Massive blocky head with short beige hair so thick and rough it's like carpet
or dog fur. A natural. The way his head was overscale among the beams. Otherwise
not an exceptionally big person. There was one moment when a big voice broke
out of him. Mostly he was toning himself down. I was looking at him the
way I would look at a martian. A gender martian, with a face evolved along
the same lines as mine or Sharif's, but on a different scale and with a
different emphasis. He looked as if he were made to lead marines. He could
tell I liked him. Meeting him was an event.
Now there are those blinding slow-boiling hard-edged cumulus.
"Marriage is not a love affair, it is an ordeal, and the ordeal
is sacrifice of the ego."
- I sailed into fantasy again yesterday
- Is the feeling I have for men's bodies completely useless
it's useless to the world
- Is my physical liking for him completely useless
- But our physical connection transformed us, it made us
but something about integration,
it is early love and isn't integrated
- What happened after that proved it
- Is there another way to that beauty
work with excluded child
- Is this work I haven't got to yet
- I am afraid the work will make me sexless
sex is an enslavement
- Please talk to me talk to love woman
- Do you feel I don't talk to you yes
- I feel as if you're part of me and I don't need to talk
to you that's not what you feel
- Will you tell me what you think I feel
something about losses, crisis about losses
- Are my complaints to Tom always her complaints to me
no sometimes
- Is there a way to tell the difference listen
- You feel I don't want to know YES
- Is there something you want to tell me now
yes, your husband/addiction is a withdrawal from happiness
- I feel it as a way to be with you, to be you
responsibility is that
- Is there something you'd like me to be responsible in
now search for a way to come through separation and heartbreak
- I am searching for a way to come through separation
and heartbreak I want you to do more
- Do you know what you would like for the
work to result in love and inspiration
- Is this a correct want no
- The way she wants it is wrong
- Can you explain it the way she thinks of
love is wrong. Love woman will be deeply changed as a result of slow growth.
- What would be the correct thing to want
to be not withdrawn
- It's true that I want the work to result in happy romance
- Is there something I can do processing
improves and recovers from foolishness
- Am I supposed to mediate this with her
- Ask her if she's willing to give up wanting only that
- Are you wanting me to give up being preoccupied with
Tom so I can find somebody else YES
- You feel I'm not letting you do your thing
- Give up on Tom because he's not here
- We could be fucking and kissing and laughing
- That would make us beautiful and healthy
- And highspirited and smart
- For instance with Rob somebody better
- How do you feel about my idea of not sleeping with anyone
for a while you could change your mind
- Large one please advise complete this
- Explain the work to her
- Beautiful one I love it when you're with me
- There's something about the way we've been doing romance
that doesn't work yes
- There's something about the way I've been doing work
that has cut you off yes
- The truth is that the work wants her to die
deal with her sadness
- You want control to die YES
- You want love woman to die YES
- Love woman is a form of control YES
- She came in adolescence she came out
in adolescence
- Am I supposed to kill her
- She is an unconscious structure, is it possible to kill
an unconscious structure
- How by responsibility
- Responsibility in what taking charge
- Killing her means killing her as a defense
no, killing her ability to affect your judgment
- There is so much work! slow growth
- So how should I complete this deal with
her distress
- In what tone see it as exclusion
- Can you tell me what it is that's confusing me
shattering the structure of sex seems like aggression against love
- Which is my true foundation YES
- Say to her she'll be reborn in her true form
- What is her true form crisis
- The way Tom's protestations are that
- But in the midst of that false self the true self comes
- Should I leave it for now can
What happened yesterday. I was sparky with Louie - Can we go sit by the
ocean - until she got vehement about Tom. I didn't understand her tone.
I know not to take her advice about him, but she was pushing. I was alright
until she broke into emotion about how she used to feel when I would overwhelm
her with explanation. Then I suddenly crashed. I was staring at a log floating
in yellow light amid all the moving color of the water. Was going catatonic.
She pretended to go into the book but I could tell it was small fear talking.
I would have liked her to switch because I was in the fear zone and could
have been led somewhere. But I could tell she wouldn't take responsibility
because she had something at stake in the defense I was suspending. I felt
something about what Joyce had said about giving up being right and its
relation to how hard I work trying to balance myself in relation to Tom.
I was frightened but I didn't know exactly of what, except that I felt that
if I give up figuring out and getting ahead of him I won't be able to be
with him at all. The same way as, if I don't stay ahead of her, I can't
be with my mother. Having a defense means I can be with somebody somehow,
not nobody at all.
I was feeling I had no leg to stand on. Fear of confusion. Today pain
at the heart feeling I don't know what to do, I don't know which of all
the positions I've felt, I can trust.
- Is all my effort with this work an effort to be right
- An effort to control reactivation
- The feeling is, I'm deeply wrong
- I stop doing that work with connections I've controlled
in other ways YES
- Tom is my one hole in the ice
- When Joyce says stop doing that work I feel like she's
saying let everything freeze over
stop trying
to understand
- And do what be shamed
- Is that what's being contained
- Is shame the best word YES
- I'm ashamed that I got dropped
- Be ashamed of something in particular be
ashamed that you were lied to
- That I believed lies YES
- Do you mean then ever
- I need to get ahead of people so they can't do that
- Because if I have no defense against their lies I have
to leave them
- Feel what I was feeling when I looked at the water
- Fear
- That I won't be able to handle it
- Should I ask what that would be like
- Everybody would be gone YES
- Will you tell me what I'm afraid of pleasure
- I'm stuck keep going
- That pleasure is a lie
- That pleasure will be followed by betrayal
- The pleasure of trust
- I'm in the heart of my realm of great confusion
- He requires unconditional love
- He can't see me
- He can't really give me anything
- That isn't the marriage I want
- But it is the exercise I want
- It's very painful no, challenging
- I have to give up sex
- I have to give up being loved
- And additionally I have to give up being right!
- I have to let him hurt me
- That sounds very miserable no
- Then what conflict
- I have to give up everything that makes it worth doing
- And I have to do it you don't have to
- Please comment you're enslaved
- Hello understand (Qs)
- You want me to understand what's wrong with intelligence
- Are you saying the best thing about me is no good
- Sore heart today it's a completion
- Will you explain what's wrong with it it
stops the completion of the arrival of early love's intelligence
- It forestalls something YES
- Forestalls the completion of an early stage of intelligence
- The way I use intelligence short-circuits it
- Do you mean just in relation to emotional stuff
- I get theory instead of change
- Reactivation is supposed to happen
- I'm supposed to put myself entirely in the hands of the
process no
- Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do
YES be a loving wife to Tom and mother to Rowen
- Do you mean this
- This is the way to do emotional work integrate
fear of betrayal and decision not to dominate
- I'm so afraid he'll betray me YES
- And he will
- And I'll have no defense no
- What will be my defense shattering the
- Years of agony no
- There have been five months of agony YES
- I'm terrified he'll ride roughshod over me
- Disregard me
- Take away my confidence
- Seduce me
- Try to get me to bear all his pain YES
- But when I love him I'm full of confidence
- It isn't love that's pain
- But love's opening is an opening for pain
- Will you tell me what difference it will make if I do
that you'll work with compulsion, evasion and conflict
- Will it be endless no
- More you want to say
finish about
- Instead of emotional theory, emotional work
- Is there another way to do it no
- When Tom comes just love him
and finish with him
- Didn't you say I'm supposed to be a good wife to him
- Is this a contradiction no
- Explain you must lose him and be disillusioned
with him and that's what being a good wife to him is
- Do you mean the alcohol thing, hold the line?
- If he finds his way through he can reapply
part 3
- the golden west volume 6: 1996 april-july
- work & days: a lifetime journal project