field & field 5 field notes ellie epp

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woke with bars of knowledge arriving                       a new joining of parts that were already very near                   the whole mesh is offering me its new phrases


already looking to see how it could be beyond the bridging


if i can take aside everything enthralled in that way


who is she      -           in me    -           the one who refuses to be she          -           the one with immediate grasp & finer detail


the coming of androgen          -           binol     -           'easily androgenized'              -           

matriarchy is estrogen            -           chemical theatre          -           'identified with estrogen'         -          

          replay the resistance to estrogen       -                       pink tinct

social rank orders have been altered by injecting      -


years stubbornly looking to know       what is glamour          what is gender                       what is dream & image                                               what is alternative to these


                                   what is geometry in relation to these



thoughts          'let them float sink mount         according to their own .. ' etc



das fliessende Licht



eidos are understructures                  'we are in the land of the soul'