because wherever they are i am somewhere too
in a sound i then made & watched over
saw its stream narrow & widen
in the sound realizing she was in the sound alone & possibly not
listening to anyone, the sorts of systems that were listening
the series of unfinished barely begun glimpsed guessed structures
mistakes disjunct images
the other interpolated hit missed
& in a stream of work
the heating of water for a bath, the folding & hanging of a garment
before going to sleep
juicy & fresh water smell is it ovulation
black and white rain
when it squeezed down under the door the little instant of its body
old thin woman in a knitted cap smiling at the chill, raised her red
umbrella over her lap
sitting across from the strength of her eyes
i'm a minute looking and then believe maybe she means what i see
then the little smile, whose quality -
when the mischief face lay under me asking for - it
- maybe
the currency of your primal
his dark red sweater
i was entrusted to his sense of movement, my love was for its quality