the play of the weather 6 weather notes ellie epp

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first visit fr aphrodite      -     was it      -     her black lace on skin from twilight & twigs,   red,  rose,
                                          hill down, shore slope,
cuddled in the ditch grass thinking him, he steals down the
            : was the feel i made up a body for, it's been here today
genevieve whitewave     schaum      i wd say:   light & the ocean of


whats it     whatsit    like
watching a little one dissolve      & again etc
the material                  a cloud's corner leaves
new tales of navigation
to write the view alternately with the


at least locally, a traveler
at any time he cd turn back to earlier manners


return from stone lake


like you on a smooth journey enters the fresh clouds


thunder seams to sound like

      sound envelope         

                             i think a fast cloud or simple sky


can't see exactly how much
black & white by lighting maybe
      'a part of a thing'
so here the paper is clear & it is day


both company and the light of flowers


the net delicacy is the same


the verticall lines of china's common river grass

    we laugh & talk the country talk
    feelings are right


diagrams of the sea


it has many white arms & frills


limestone porcelaine with edge
       slate               thumb


the few who come in to steer or intersect

      - what's wrong with the story

fright of its narrowing


these paintings were concerned with the sounds of words
each line took me one day to make


4 above, 3 within -     i think that's very beautiful


the story:  having to see the end


'release is somewhere'


i open closet doors  see single persons sleeping in debrise



when i finish painting i realize i've been there before


when i listen to music & even when i read it, i have an
inward vision of marvelous colors