October 15
He was an elf boy and is burly. Small hands and feet, pale hairy forearms,
a thick curved back, hairy round belly. Where did that come from, did I
do that? Arrived with a drizzling beard and straggling long hair. Head-on,
white teeth over a plump red lip, my own shining dark hair, the beautiful
dark brown eyes he had as a kid. Kind but a whole day of theological obsession.
Then better yesterday when we drove a shining wet road up over Nicola Lake
and lay on the bed looking at the ceiling and ate in lamplight at Mongo.
Did I burden him with a life that has to keep flaring into hope and giving
up and finding some way to flare again? He's 38. There are white hairs in
his beard.
I understand needing a philosophical framework but I don't think you
are ready to find/make one because you haven't learned focus in real things.
You need to feel success. You've been addicted to the shortcut
of feeling fantasy success. The wizard idea is trying to jump ahead to success
by magical means. Confidence and success need to be earned. If they aren't
earned in childhood they need to be learned in slow steps. Learn focus and
persistence by committing to doing small things impeccably, finishing
them. Then feeling the success, taking full account of the successes there
are. That way work up to being able to sort larger tasks into small steps
and feeling confident that you will finish them. Gradually learn to be more
urgent about giving yourself your own conditions for success, arranging
your life to suit you.
Saying these things I'm thinking of how it happened at home. I grew up
into competence. I made my clothes. I figured out how to be best in school.
I worked away from being shamed socially to being at ease. I made my own
money from 16. I planned and pulled off publication at 17. I decided on
a university consulting no one. Full scholarship. I said I'd go to Europe
and did. I said I wanted a baby and had one, wanted to make a film and made
one. Needed to overshoot Roy and did so. Decided to move to Vancouver and
worked it out. Needed to overshoot T and R and J and did. Decided to get
a PhD and persisted through massive hardship. Decided to move to California.
Decided to have a house and garden. Have now run out of deciding, but still
- Can I decide to be deciding again? yes
Deeply kind and sometimes radiant.
I asked him to turn the compost bin and halfway down he found a lot of
it ready. The rose beds look so nice with fresh compost against green.
Another grandchild, a nice round-headed baby, Alistair. Rowen didn't
want me to say grandchild because he's scrupulous not to make a claim. I
said but biological continuity isn't nothing, there's a line from my grandparents.
- My husband, Baloo, proficient in down-home,
authentic small talk, an honest man, a says-what-he-thinks-man, who speaks
with specificity and nuance, not in cliché, has told me plainly
how strange I am.
- I like this sentence but want to say I've never found you strange.
- Winona's forward made me cry.
- I write to navigate my way safely
- Across the chasm of words offered as bait
- Yes.
- I liked the glimpses of your American grandmother and Danish morfar,
Marcus, you scowling in a meeting of Big Green. The many times World hasn't
been wasted on you - bartending in Copenhagen, youth nature expedition
in Alaska, climbing rim rock in the Pyrenees, banks of a river in the Amazon,
hostel in Nuuk, red dirt outback, café in Moscow, La Brea tar pits,
Mongolian steppe, more - that you've had means and used them. The many
good souls you've found to talk to.
- Was pleased seeing you in your turn passing on authors I'd so wanted
to pass on myself: Paul Shepard, Susan Griffin, Sharon Butala, George Lakoff,
Hugh Brody, Barry Lopez, Deborah Bird Rose.
- Confident authority of the preface.
- Facts and phrases:
- to their eyes power lines appear to drip with
- the body goes instinctive during birth
- sacrifice zones, places that don't matter
- honesty which means specificity
- people are making money by making places harder
to love
- these conditions for excellence of contact
- intuition an English word for how trust and
sense can guide knowing
- Structure of dens lined with a thick layer of wolf underfur.
- Wolf culture, wolves being not at all lone.
- Chernobyl, where the wolves have returned.
- I'm impressed by the research and synthesis. In your acknowledgements
I was pleased by the list of publications because it tells me how steadfast
you've been in finding your way to this book. Maybe you don't know that
persistence is rare. I've had more than a handful of students who could
write but have had to be sad to see the waste when persistence lacks.
- the first wolf to return to Oregon arrived
in 1999
- I wonder if this is really true. In September of 1998 I was in a campground
off Highway 101 in Oregon. I was asleep by nine - asleep on the ground
- but woke suddenly while I could still hear a campfire in another stall.
There had been the sound of one short sharp sniff. An animal stepped out
of the bushes next to me, the height of a large dog but long-legged and
silver grey. It hadn't noticed me. When I moved it startled and streaked
away. It was lighter and faster than a dog.
Yesterday a grad student at NYU writing a paper on films made by altering
film stock directly said his prof had mentioned bright and dark.
I sent him the Vimeo link. "I just watched it and it's very beautiful
and tender." "Had very recently been shown trapline."
The mention of OB Pier 5 as landscape film was in a long filmography
by Patrick Brian Smith of Concordia on Mubi Notebook.
philosopher and love.doc. I post it and instantly Emilee in the
diagonal far corner of the continent where at 8am she is sitting down to
Arranged the desk so the monitor and mini have their own station. Found
the clunky old we made this drive and figured out cords and am backing
it up onto a little terabyte.
Emilee but no one else.
Yesterday an impulse to finish We made this. Trying to back materials
onto a smaller disk that can link directly to the mini - can transfer the
dats but not the video. Held up by a password on the Macbook Pro, password
docs a mess. - I'm not writing, technical problems will be better than watching
junk on the ipad.
- Did I really not back it up?
- Get a fresh terabyte.
- Try Mike on the hill.
Sore at night, sleeping too little, pharmacist said 2 Tylenol with aspirin.
Is it a bad idea to dim pain that's constant information?
I like to read the FB stories again, this morning the bookwork intro's
calm exact voice. Shouldn't I somehow spread them further? Then I think
for instance Cheryl, why hasn't she said anything about them?
quality of consciousness.doc with the 1977 international driver's
license photo.
Yesterday when I was renewing my car insurance friendly talk at the same
time as scrutinizing her remarkable ugliness, dull brown thin dead hair,
a thick-featured Bohunk face, sagging round gut. We were two people who'd
been places sheltered together for an hour in a town where people haven't.
Could say washed up in.
Managed yesterday to copy the video files onto a small terabyte. Where
are the fcp versions I made in Borrego?
I could make something more personal and written. Am completely free
of Louie now, remember that.
aspen grove.jpg. Where can I find the land description?
Search 'township'. NW2 - 74 - range 8 - W of the 6th meridian.
I was sleeping yesterday aft, heard a motor pass and was beginning to
wake. Eyes still closed: where am I? I don't know. Marveling at a sensation
of nowhere, as if grey air, as if a small blank room in my head. Try again,
where am I? Nothing, like stepping on dead brakes. Again. Nothing. This
has never happened before. Then it clicks.
Selby Wynn Schwartz 2021 After Sappho
the sentences, crisply flat yet billowing easily
into gorgeous lyricism, feel so easily, casually of our time
Exact. Laura Feigel in the Guardian.
From the moment she had walked out of the Sala
on Lina's arm, the air around her had been stirred by a sound of leaves
massing like tiny wings on every branch, turning to feel on all surfaces
what had set them trembling. Lina was that sound in the air, Sibilla wrote,
or perhaps Lina was the light soundlessly touching all the leaves at once.
I was wondering why a feminist such as I am posts so many stories about
men. Swift answer: from the bullied girl I was they are stories of triumph.
Just now seeing that this photo divides diagonally
between colour and white.
Glum this morning - everything I thought to post seemed bad - where was
my head when I thought them right - like that - then I fixed the paragraph
about not knowing where I was - what consoles is getting something said.
Now it's all I have.
It has turned cold. Patch wants out and when I open the door again comes
bombing in.
2 Tylenol when I go to bed last till midafternoon and feel normal.
- 7:08am
- subject line: good thing you live on a hill
- thinking of you
- xxx
- 12:58pm
- Well I heard you thinking about me ... Before
I saw this, only moments after the timestamp on your mail, I was using
Google earth to walk about Merritt and look at the views. There's a sliver
of a photo of your house in their tiny Merritt collection, just half a
window, that I immediately recognized as yours.
- Sent from my Galaxy
- Oh BTW. Good news yesterday I got my first Google
Cloud certification. It's 4 months of study and exams, globally recognized.
Finally progress.
- XL
"What I've discovered is that if you keep
going down and in you get to this place where everybody else is" she
Helen Garner
Solei 30ml CBD blend Free Plus+ 1:30
Wait till afternoon so it's warmed up some. Weed-whack the sidewalk bed.
Pull whatever sow thistles are left and poke them down into the bin. Sweep
the sidewalk. Notice green leaves have frozen on all the fruit trees, does
it mean flower buds will be wrecked again. Hobble inside carrying squash
to the verandah window. Wedge into the space between the tub and the toilet
to get hot water turned on. Sit in it to ease my knee, which will pay for
having worked. Wash my hair while there's hot water. No energy to cook.
Make cocoa. Rewatch Grand Design.
- "Hope you don't mind if I say, don't mean to be perverted or nuthin',
I think flannel looks good on a woman." High school boy at the Esso
Station in Mono Lake, early daylight in October 1995. He'd filled my tank,
smiled through the open car window. I thought of him this morning when
I put on my shirt.
- Merritt October 2023
- charmed by the elegant eloquence of her tail
Posted the two boobs air graphic from 1999 and it will lead off three
posts from the mind struggling to finish Being about that maybe only
Don will have some notion in.
Is Patch discouraged by the cold? Is it making her knee hurt? She goes
out first thing but runs back almost immediately and this morning isn't
interested in eating or even in cuddling.
Found an FB Patrick O'Brian page last night and jumped down a rabbit
hole asking gmail to search for mentions to and from Greg. Avid reading
those letters till 1am, ruined my night. Forwarded ten of those letters
to myself and this morning have gone through extracting.
November 1
- Cog sci conference at SFU. Compare it, oh, to an experimental film
conference, where there are visible and seeing bodies walking around -
- Two days experimenting with dressing up. Today I wore the pale green
suit, which looks like silk or very light linen and is beautifully cut
at the back of the waist. I wore it with the cuffs rolled over my new red
sneakers, black jersey without a bra and my hair down. I'm still tan and
trim. I looked stunning. I knew a cog sci conference was not particularly
a place to look stunning but I wanted to go for it before winter and head
work put me back into podge.
- Looking stunning made me more self conscious, less approachable, only
slightly more noticed, and what else - less depressed by being unimportant
maybe? I don't know what to conclude. It's like walking around in a shield.
It's okay. It's only glamour and is being seen as that - I mean it isn't
value, which is the real thing, a good state. Though there's a way this
kind of glamour is a good state: it shows self pleasure and adventure
though of a pop culture kind. It says, You people are ignoring both being
and seeing bodies but I'm here and you are too. But nobody was returning
my flash and saying You're here and I am too.
- Rick Grush, large man with trimmed beard and knob of a ponytail, Paul
Churchland's doc student who wrote about motor simulation, moved on stage
as if delivering a talk was tai chi - he'd keep bringing himself back to
center, feet together, hands touching each other symmetrically at his chest.
His right arm would make strong forays and then he'd step into center again.
This would happen over an unusually wide area of the stage. Beautiful and
unusual. Compare Schwartz or Rosenthal, neurotic little clerics of the
sensation-perception distinction. Rosenthal was jerking robotically between
two points. Schwartz was stroking the fuzz on his bald forehead like a
nursing baby.
- SFU August 1999
- Waking this morning missing my euphoria. In Language and Space I
find the orthodoxy is faculties, representational codes, modules, and whatever
implausible machinery is needed to keep this medieval fantasy going. I
understand why I was overwhelmed; there are so many points where I'm at
odds with the orthodox. I'd rather be a joyfully included worker but I'm
a harried outsider and don't see how I'll be anything else. I'm where I
was when I got drummed out of the university before, I mean the Slade,
when semiotic theory came in and I knew it was wrong but couldn't say why
and couldn't imagine standing up to the stampede of wrongness and so exited
into experimental film, which was itself wrecked by that stampede.
- Well, no, I am not where I was, because I've spent thirty years learning
what my intuition needs to know to defend itself. But I still don't defend
it because nobody understands or wants to understand. So do I exit again
or do I somehow find an institutional spot and stand there saying things
a few graduate students hear? Or maybe only undergrads who go off into
art or engineering? Or I get drummed out again.
- Or I hold onto euphoria and harass the clerics with cap and bells?
Unshakably. Knowing the worst. Sustained by the joy of coherence creating
more coherence. I'd be the motley fool with pictures, stories, movies,
color, beauty, candor, subtlety, simplicity, emotional nakedness, and also
with cunning. I'd be what I've been but I'd be it more energetically and
boldly. Completely a warrior, is that it? A style of outsideness that doesn't
- That means I'd have to finance myself from outside.
- Does it mean I mock the modules, take it on directly?
- What do I want in the language and space book. There's what I want
and what my project wants. My project wants: a description of deixis, sense
of what it means in linguistics, Buhler's sense of deixis am phantasma,
support for my sense of language running off simulation, ie support for
the parts I know already.
- What I want is the part I don't have already, a sense of how simulation
connects across to sentence-making. A sense of what I haven't dealt with,
that fogginess around the notions of abstraction, concepts, categories,
parsing. What happens while the running-off is in progress, what part of
a simulation is engaged, whether it's a matter of depth.
- Always I have a sense that I could know quite a bit by noticing how
it is to think for speaking, and for instance paying attention to the structure
of dreaming.
- I'm still in the bind of having to deal with the field as it is insanely
dominated by the modularity people who are taking the description for the
domain. I'm not in a position to do anything about that. I want to ignore
them and just build in other terms.
- November 1999
- It's a little after seven, very quiet. The sky is a felted wad of fibrous
water, bluish grey. I can hear gulls and crows. This room is the only lit
room in the neighbourhood. The heater fan starts and stops. I'm hesitating
before I jump, but I know I'm going to. Now I'm not afraid, just stalling.
I want to stay myself a little longer. As if. I have six months ahead,
that are going to change my life. When I come out of them at the end of
May I'll have a book.
- Take a breath.
- Perceiving, imagining, representing, thinking: space and the brain.
- It's not a theory, it's not a framework, it's a way of imagining theoretically.
- There are two wings in it, one of them asks what we now know about
how we by means of the body/brain live space. The other applies that knowledge
to how we think spatially about mind.
- Spinoza said mind and extended substance are the same things under
different descriptions and was banished to the margins of a tradition that
has described mind as unextended, a description always structured by spatial
- I want to ask how brain thinks space and use what I find to ask how
brain thinks mind.
- I want to clean up an area of thought.
- What kind of book do I want to write. I want to say: these are some
of the difficulties we've had when we think about mind. Here is how we
can work around them. It's a demonstration at the same time as it is an
explanation. A beautiful transition is being made, but it is being made
by a series of overlapping shifts. It is a transition in a manner of speaking.
An old metaphor is being used to try to think in the new way, and it is
holding us up, but if we try to speak without it we are misunderstood,
and indeed we may misunderstand ourselves too.
- A critical interest in perception and our way of thinking it. First
philosophy has to be philosophy of perception. Science was founded on a
willingness to leave the evidence of the senses. There was a misunderstanding
of implications of that. Descartes was wanting to keep something for childish
trust. It is as if he pulled the world of childish trust back into the
womb with him, an inside. I should talk about how marked that philosophy
is by the prenatal. An inside from which they can't know the outside.
- We can talk about subjectivity without talking about it in terms of
interiority. We can be thoroughly born. We can learn how to say that when
we dream, perceive or think, the structures by which we do so are inside
our bodies, but what it's like to do so isn't properly spoken of as either
inside or outside us. It requires a different vocabulary, but that doesn't
mean it's unextended, either.
- How much I don't like reading neuropsychology, monkey and rat experiments,
laborious it seems to me to no purpose. I feel so claustrophobic down in
the rat cage that I make a dash for the conclusion of the paper. The lists
of authors make me feel the crush of thousands of experimenters struggling
to be noticed. Conferences without end, all the dull clothes and heavy
briefcases, a blind suffocated milling.
- What else doesn't work. I've put my papers on the web where they look
beautiful, or will with very little fixing, but they don't involve me in
action. The poems even less, they seem nothing at all.
- Vancouver November 1999
golden air.gif
- It pleases me that there are so many places she likes to sleep. At
this moment the desk's chair's velvet cushion. When I'm in my work chair,
the hassock at my knee. The moment I'm out of it the armchair itself. Floor
next to the rad. A shelf in the closet she can get to if she pries the
door. A most private place she chooses for reasons I haven't understood,
the ceiling-high top of laundry room cupboards, that she can only reach
by a really strenuous leap from the washing machine. When I'm reading in
bed, my chest. If I'm asleep, just past a kick's reach at the foot of the
bed. In summer, the verandah table, the verandah sofa, one of the verandah
chairs. On winter nights the table alongside the kitchen window where she
can keep an eye on the yard. Garden spots I've never found though I've
seen her walk out from under rhubarb leaves or raspberry canes. Why it
pleases me is that I can see she's not my guest, she's at home in what
she knows is her own house.
This old sick man reached this old sick woman
with the message she had always wanted to hear.
What I loved in my old life I haven't forgotten.
It lives in my spine, Marianne and the child,
days of kindness.
It rises in my spine and manifests as tears.
I pray that a loving memory exists for them
The precious ones I overthrew for an education
in the world.
- > being a tough cookie who doesn't put up
with any crap
- for the record, I have in my lifetime put up with masses of crap, sometimes
for good reasons and sometimes for bad.
- I was the enforcer with our dad, knew I was psychologically stronger
than him, but it hasn't always been that way. there have been others I've
allowed to thoroughly intimidate and deeply humiliate me.
- a mature female student in a philosophy phd program is not actually
welcome. I lay low through those years for strategic reasons - except for
the fine moment of telling my senior supe i was firing him - strategic
reasons i don't regret because I got what I wanted in the end, I mean achieved
what I set out to achieve.
- the humiliations that scarred were from women during my lesbian feminist
years. I'd never have guessed that women as lovers have more power to hurt
than men do. I went into those years naive and idealistic about women and
discovered that short knives are deadlier than long. I should say too that
I've volunteered for psychological danger in ways many wouldn't, partly
because of childhood things but partly also because I was in quest of something.
- > humiliation is a hard thing to experience,
and also hard to admit.
- I don't find it hard to admit. it seems to me to be something most
people feel sometime or other and as such something an artist can and should
testify to.
- > if there had been a #MeToo movement in academia
during those years, you could have contributed
- none of the philosophy department crap was sexual. at the time I was
too old to be considered desirable. it was gender-based prejudice in relation
to work.
- > lesbian relationships ... think things are
better, now that same-sex relationships are more open and accepted?
- it wasn't like that. cultural in a different way. I had wandered into
a jewish subculture with viciously competitive mores and a crooked agenda.
it's a long story.
- Email January 2018
A flood of young women's novels it says about a bisexual woman besotted
with a man she might otherwise find objectionable.
- People like stories about cats and gardens. I think because there's
love in them. They don't like stories about hardship. I know that but I
post them anyway, because hardship needs to be named, needs to be seen.
I was the kind of Evangelical kid who was told to testify. What I testify
to now is not the same but I still like to do a disliked thing for a good
- This morning I clicked into Susan's poetry community and there as always
am sad to find nowhere to be. They don't hear their lines. They try for
a significant thump. There are so many.
whatthereis.tumblr.com. Eight good photos? October 2014 - April
2015, 7 months. 6th floor room in a welfare hotel, record of a vantage.
Brief writing. Where?
Discouraged in Capilano Reviews. Just one lovely poem,
Jam's, along with many of her silly ones.
Working it up as a series of maybe 12 documentary posts, photos with
very short bits of writing. It won't be liked. Though Don liked yesterday's.
It's been wet but starting now a week of nights below freezing so there
were things I knew I'd have to do. As it began to get dark I was struggling
to tie up the roses, set up their cages, haul leaves to stuff them, drag
hoses into the garage, carry the ladder inside. Doing these things was so
hard I was wanting to die. I was feeling how much younger I was when I was
seventy, when I made the garden. Even last year. I'm so reluctant now to
do anything, I just want to lie in bed with my ipad and a hot rock at my
feet. I don't like to tell that but it's so.
So I got into a hot bath - fancy new faucets - and made cocoa and have
swallowed an aspirin and should think of terrified Gazans being bombed by
the Israelis, somewhere between 9,000 and 10,000 dead, running terrified,
hungry and hurt, carrying kids and belongings and their dead, with no hot
bath or aspirin in view, nowhere to lie down. Jewish campus groups howling
antisemitism whenever anyone protests.
Rebecca Welle, Matt Fengler, Joseph Fengler, Dee Giannamore.
Where is Tom's family history tumblr? May 2014 "sitting next-by
at a long table by a 3rd floor window looking toward Coronado Bridge coaching
Tom impatiently in Tumblr, he impatiently being coached". IA28-3. Will
the notebook have the password.
Found it: fengler-history.tumblr.com, password ajpm0123.
So melancholy-forsaken with no end in sight.
This morning dreaming I turned left off a street
where I'd been looking for something and found a neighbourhood I liked,
shabby and a bit Italian maybe. On the right a tall row of trees. Aren't
those pomegranates? At the end of the block a path winding up a hill with
yellow grass, a park I guess. I'm pedaling a bike, having to get off and
push when it's steep. I knew the street I turned left off from other dreams
- I knew the route although that stretch of it was unfamiliar.
A Scottish sports commentator called Andrew Cotter had no work during
lockdown so he posted live coverage of his labradors racing to empty their
bowls. People liked it so he kept going with dozens of short videos riffing
on his dogs. He's funny and his accent is delightful but what charmed me
was the way subverting his professional skill showed up its real brilliance.
The labored conventions of standup aren't funny to me but this guy making
stuff up as he rakes leaves with his labs makes me happier about humans.
Just remembering that when Lloyd Zbar asked me what I wanted to see in
NYC I said Belleview Hospital. I recognized the shabby corridor in a show
just now. Christmas 1963. He wasn't pleased, on the drive home a different
girl sat in the front. The five of us stopped overnight in a motel and I
saw a stripper twirling tassles in opposite directions. - I couldn't find
the name of the hospital but I easily remembered his name, why. Little short
term memory questions all day - did I let Patch out - did I eat this morning
- often a blank pause before I know. When I write I revise more. After I've
spoken with people I sometimes wonder was I foolish, there's been a throw-away
feel as if I'm not on the spot. I hear myself speaking to Patch in ways
I wouldn't want overheard. - Am feeling what's hard about aloneness more,
there's no one I can ask how I am.
And my left knee now may never stop hurting?
And something else, small moments of panic that are not like me. Are
they bodily fear of mental disintegration? I've been so sturdy through isolation
and hardship.
Rob says economic crash before environmental crash - the US dollar is
going to fail and ours with it - only gold will still have value so he should
buy gold and bury it capped with firebrick under this house. There should
be land somewhere near Courtney to support a community with some kind of
tradable goods. Israel may have had prior knowledge of the Gazan attack
and may even have planned it to justify their ethnic cleansing drive. Putin
should get the eastern territories back and Odessa too; the US has manipulated
the Ukraine for its own reasons, to contain Russia. Etc. This from what
he calls geopolitical research, meaning entry-level library books and random
guys online who sound plausible to him. He may happen to be right about
some of this, and it seems correct to be interested in geopolitics, but
I don't like how sure he sounds about what he can't be sure of. When I said
I read the Guardian and the Times (and Politico and Al Jaz and more) he
said "Don't read them", meaning he just wants to feel certain.
I don't like the way conspiracist theories are never corrected when they
turn out to be wrong and there are no penalties for having spread them.
Yesterday at the library a 2023 Catholic woman's book about "the
hideous history of feminism". I'm scouring it. Her argument was that
feminist history from Wollstencraft forward has been based on spiritualism
(ie paganism), free love, and communism, for her meaning atheism not class
struggle. She digs for evidence that all of the famous feminists have been
broken, meaning victims of unusual personal abuse rather than a social condition.
I wrote up and posted an Amazon review in A&W while Kathy cleaned:
- A Catholic anti-feminist polemic. She begins by saying that "to
be sure, there have been many advances under feminism"; and "truly
there were and remain injustices". She says she is not arguing that
we should go back ... even to the 1950s" but then she trashes all
of the thinkers who have made it possible for her to have the public life
she herself enjoys. She wants gays back in the persecuted closet; wants
women satisfied with nothing but "self-sacrificial motherhood"
and (despite the well-known predations of her own religion's men of god)
wants total celibacy outside marriage in order to save "civilization"
(meaning the American way of life as imagined by those with no experience
of other cultures). The urgent question she suspends completely is this:
how is her helplessly fertile totally chaste patriarchy-restored heterosexual
family structure to come about without a totalitarian take-over? And what
relevance does any of this have to the unstoppable climate catastrophe
that is on its way?
I scared the librarian's assistant by asking why they ordered it - did
someone request it? She said they have equal numbers of left wing books.
I couldn't remember seeing any. I said with distress that librarians used
to be filters for stuff like that. "There are so many good books you
don't have." She kept trying to back away.
Michael is back living in a downtown eastside welfare hotel. Row says
he's a drunk.
An honest analysis would have to be a description of dilemma. Ordinary
people need a compelling cultural framework of rules but belief in god is
unsustainable to the intelligent. Kids need a secure loving home but women
who are nothing but mothers have no status or influence. Birth control and
abortion foster hookup culture but lack of birth control and abortion enslave
women. Premarital chastity makes attached marriage more likely but lack
of sexual experience makes people stupid. Acceptance of homosexuality is
correctly humane but acceptance of homosexuality threatens sorted gender
identity. There should be compassion for people who genuinely suffer in
feeling they are the wrong gender but trans identity can be a false and
dangerous solution to other issues. Rural people need to organize their
lives differently than city people but city people are the ones able to
represent themselves culturally. Men need to feel superior to women for
primal reasons but the only way they can do so is by damaging women. People
want to buy cheap goods obtained by making them jobless. Etc. Feminists
devised methods of social struggle now being used by anti-feminists. Democracy
is better than tyranny but democracy is unable to make unpopular decisions.
I keep feeling I should leave fire country to live in for instance Hythe,
because it's further north, it's open country, it won't flood, it's sparsely
populated, and drought would be manageable. I'd want a tiny place with a
view of open fields, where I could grow a few rows of vegetables and have
my cat. A trailer would be alright if it was well placed.
Next to that is a sense that I'm not caught up with the end of habitable
earth, I'm not making the decisions that need to be made. Conditions have
changed so much since I was deciding to live here that this place isn't
where I should be. I don't know how effectively I can even think about this
Merritt is almost sure to burn.
I should let Rob sell before the house loses value or burns.
Could I buy and tow a very small trailer and live in it till I found
I can't manage the garden anymore.
Have never been at home in Merritt.
Don't have medical care here.
Could be ready to get rid of a lot of stuff. Go through my journals and
burn them.
Have maybe $80,000. My income now is almost 2500 a month but the USD
is vulnerable.
What wd I still want: computers, cameras, audio, a few pots and pans,
4 rugs, 5 lamps, bedding, cat and cat stuff, a few books,
BUT this house is beautiful, Patch, garden if I could get help.
Fed up with my FB people who don't see photos as such. I've been posting
a documentary Lotus Hotel series that tells an implicit story of a winter's
6th floor vantage on skid row. The photos I've posted are immaculate but
people want pictures of flowers or garden or people or cat no matter how
badly made. Mine never are badly made but -. What M said about my Valhalla
photos, that they don't need anybody - is it that, somehow? Anyway, making
the series I've learned to pare What there is down to an essence
I can like better than what it was.
They'll be relieved it's the end of the series.
My mom as a refugee in 1929. passport photo. She was 5.
.She's all there. Intelligent, sad. A bit angry? - I think her right eye
is angry, her left eye sad? Or calmly objective. Studying that face I feel
her remarkable, a larger and more beautiful spirit than I've been, denying
nothing. Where was that wide open spirit when she went hideous at the end?
I was with the photo all day, I and others. People saw different things.
Sam, "Bless her. She looks scared." Indra, "What a beautiful
child!" Miriam, "This photo caught at my heart." Jennifer,
"There's something much older than five years in her face". Jim
Mann, "What a treasure having a photo like that". Carol, "What
a heartbreaking photo!" Greg in his emotionally vacant way, "My
goodness, 1929! Eyes wide open". When Sam said so I could see fear,
which hadn't occurred to me for my usual reason.
Family photo. Jim Mann immediately says care
- Jim always feeling and protective. Meantime others are seeing the parents
but not the child. Then I add this:
- summer of 1947. portrait of family dynamics. husband holding himself
rigidly away from the child but reaching above her to his wife. wife presenting
herself obliviously pleasant to anyone. child an unhappy little scrap between
them. angry? hurt.
The photo by itself had a pile of likes the way any family photos do
but after I posted the little para most held off. M presenting herself obliviously
pleasant is exact and I like having found it but most of my people won't
read a photo that way and will think I'm being mean to my mom. Jim felt
it directly but wouldn't have known how to say what he saw.
I pulled a close-up from that photo to see the two and a half year
old's stormed-over expression better. She's troubled and no one cares. The
other thing I see is that Ed was holding himself away from me even before
my leg was spoiled.
Hours yesterday looking for David Davies without finding him. No record
of him at Evergreen College. I knew him 1972-73 at the Slade and Evergreen
wasn't started till 1971. Scoured my London notebooks for his address in
Washington State, nothing. In a Vancouver notebook I found driving directions
next to a note about Portland, where I'd been for the People's 4th of July
in 1975. Might be his but no way to tell. Hitchhiking on the way home I
would have had to have his address because I started walking east on a country
road but turned around when someone I met told me he was away. People search
pages looking for his name in WA a lot of David Davies. Narrow it to between
78 and 85. None with what would have been his address in the '70s. Why was
I looking for him. I need a pen pal. He was a good man. When I looked up
his name I found we'd seen more of each other than I remembered. He sat
down on the steps beside me and said Hello pretty woman. Read me Pound.
Was nice looking. Generous, interested and honorable.
- 1972
- David Davies' eyes gone yellow under his thatch of grey and white hair
where the low sun caught them, young old man.
- -
- Built, he says, his own organic house, put the walls up, windows in,
without plans, logs and cedar siding, a steep-pitched roof, fireplace and
- 1973
- Gertrud with David, cooking omelet and drinking a lot of wine
in front of the electric fire becoming ironical old comrades, I felt I'd
become a laughing older woman with some admitted scars that hurt sometimes
but an equality with the fates; David when he'd come to kiss me goodnight
stopping by the door and the wall in a strip of lith saying "You're
a good woman," and a little confusedly, "I don't know if I should
tell people when I like them." His story about the girl in Germany
who rode back 60 miles on the bicycle to beg his address "because
she decided she was in love with me." And then learned English and
they wrote each other once a week, lately twice, for the 15 years since.
Feel I'm getting a naturalness, learning a naturalness.
- David saying, about when he was twelve, "I was so full of sperm,
all I could think about was how to get the girl Georgine from down the
road to go riding with me and how I could get her to come into the stable."
- -
- Portobello Road Saturday morning, David like a Civil War veteran. At
breakfast talking about his wife, "I grieved for three years".
- At avant garde class, Jordan Belsen films and a lovely American from
Northwestern. Invited David to ritual supper at Jimmy's, wine and dolmades,
then we went to another decadent Fellini full of grotesques taking poses,
an exuberant boor. Come home to my empty house and want to do something
holy; long dream this morning about a jewelry shop.
- -
- Artists of the Big Top - Disoriented. Elated about Leni Piekert,
her bestiary, the film's collage of speculations. Went with David to have
supper at Schmidt's, played the Chinese Garden game, drank beer and felt
close, and thrilled by his 20 acres, 20 wooded acres, in Washington, talking
about Roethke who I've been reading on the tub, "She'd more sides
than a seal."
- _
- dumb Van Der Beek at the Slade, David and I shy
- -
- David comes for supper, we're dopey and I insist he stay to sleep under
the dream rug. He smokes and talks a lot about his youth and adventures.
When I tell him about being 14, Gary stealing oranges and giving me a baby
tarantula in an aspirin bottle, he says it's a poem. Reads me Pound. Long
walk in dark to Heath hillside and trains.
- -
- Morning - sunny Sunday, breakfast ritual with David, Luke sits on his
lap. I wear a provocative green dress and long socks, he praises my hair,
we're pleased to be chaste and good, walk through sun in djellaba to cemetery
and back. Vigilant kind presence, "You're a gentle man".
- -
- Trousers, jersey, TI-GGERRRGH, I saw a girawff. A dog on the tely dogshow
he called monkey. Choclit, sweeties, open door! (asking to have the lid
taken off his Smarties tube), put it in the bin, here's letter for you
(delivering a poem to me from David in the kitchen), Granma's crying, tehluvishn,
- -
- Sword rune from Pound "Se il cor ti manca non ti fidar in me."
- Having dinner with David. He read a poem from Pound, Dance Figure
- Thine arms are as a young sapling under the
- Thy face is a river with lights
- -
- Boudu Sauvé des Eaux, disgruntled not to be able to invite
David to dinner on account of his Linda Mexican lady, ate morose Chinese
meal by myself and went to Sarah's, silly kicking-and-splashing arguments
about film, sorry because of Leslie and when I got home Sarah telephoned
to say she was sorry
- -
- David - irritable and dogged.
- -
- David's blue eyes.
- -
- Charming Czech film Intimate Lighting, Mirek grinning at the
end; David having lost his job; Earth slow and hysterical. Took
David through a beautiful soft summer evening to the pub boat on the river,
had some nips of whiskey on the way, ate sausages with fruit sauce; Pied
Bull at the Angel, smoky back room full of longhairs, Corridor.
Dome of Death, long tack up between slow white thigh walls to a little
flight of stairs (the old wing of the University Hospital) to a black door.
- -
- David rang to say he'd written a sassy poem about my having pretty
ears as well as a nice neck.
- -
- money to get David a copy of Seferis, cheesecake for me
- -
- Museum of Natural History, came in with Luke to hall full of thrilling
elephants - met David in the whale room, vertebrae like beautiful sculptures
- prehistoric fishes also beautiful. David sore back and boring, Luke agitated,
good stout in pub, through Hyde Park home past fountains of Lancaster Gate
- -
- Scott Bartlett's Moon 69, some lovely things, Keith and I seemed
to strike sparks, but got to Union roof to have tea with David who was
feeling sorry for himself. The Lady from Constantinople.
- -
- Just had an illumination about David. To scare myself?
- -
- When I was telling David about A - A! - I said "You wouldn't
say he was good looking - he has beautiful hands and beautiful hair and
beautiful eyes, but that's all." "That's enough," sez David.
- -
- Desolation Angels in the garden while Luke slept, and in the
evening too - Luke threw up lemonade green pepper clotted milk and bits
of orange - wrote David - loved Luke today beautiful face waterlit little
boy, went out in nightgown to get the bicycle in and Prosper Devas smiled
hello. I must get thin.
- A rubber Dolfish.
- "Sh'll we put cream on it?" "Okay." "Cream,
and stlawbellies?"
- -
- Dream Friday morning - David Davies and I salvaging
brick houses out of a field, pulling them out in rows like Lego blocks,
with a tractor? Got the house out to a location (La Glace?) and explored
it. He was going to live in it, I thought I might have one for myself.
Some were broken, roofs partly missing. Looking for a basement, there wasn't
one. He talked of building a - I supplied the word 'foundation' and thought
of the foundation of the house at the East Place. Many small doors - I
can't quite grasp the sequence but have a picture of a corridor with many
small doors at various heights, behind one was a girl trying on an Indian
skirt and shirt. Maybe this was a lucid dream; I can't remember
whether it was during the dream that I thought about it being another house
All that and I didn't want to move on him? Roy, John Rowley, Andy, Tony
instead? When I stayed overnight in his guest bed just before he went home
he said he was glad he wouldn't have to miss me that way. That and his reading
me Pound were most of what I remembered.
Helen Garner 2020 One day I'll remember this:
diaries 1987-1995
they've got no
idea of the risks writers take - I don't just mean the risks on the page
but the way we make ourselves uncomfortable in life, so we'll learn
Whenever I have pace or verb problems I get
out Kidnapped. The intense practicality
of Stevenson's prose. And he shifts it along using semi-colons. Forward
movement in smooth surges rather than the staccato effect of full stops.
I've always thought that Glenn Gould was my
all-time favorite and best, but last night I heard a CD of Richter playing
Beethoven's Piano Sonata #17, The Tempest. When he laid down the opening
arpeggio, as gently and self-effacingly as if only checking that the piano
was in tune, I wanted to prostrate myself.
Galloped through it yesterday, had asked for it because reviewers rave
about her diaries and I want to compare. She's not Virginia Woolf but she's
in a rushing life. Physical Australia just touched on, she's not scientific;
Melbourne and Sydney much more high-literary than Vancouver it seems, so
she has friends worth having and a high-literary man she steals from his
wife and fights flexiblly to hold her own with. She has ready sociability,
a kind of ordinariness that can make her loved. She's national, someone
she meets at a shop counter tells her he's going to buy her book. Michael
Ondaatje visits. She owns a house and a cabin. She can be dissatisfied with
herself and crushed by this or that but she's not an outlier and I am. I
like when she's technical about writing.
There I go to Theory's practice 17: Will he or won't he. It's
very different. It's more detailed, has the whole writing energy of someone
who doesn't publish. It doesn't summarize times, it goes into them. It's
ready I think. I could ship it out today if I knew where.
She's never laugh-out-loud funny and I sometimes, not often, am.
Picador. Agent.
Judith Thurman writing about favorite clothes. Favorite at what age.
At 14 tight snake pants and yellow bridesmaid dress. At 16 the purple coat.
In high school the sheeny orange-gold dress I made and wore for grad, the
blue-white-purple cotton plaid I made and wore for grade 11 grad. In the
Queen's years including Europe the flowered bikini bought at the foot of
the Spanish Steps, the smocked black dress M made, the Montreal dark blue
leather jacket, the long Batman cape. In London the '30s purple crepe blouse,
the long dark blue corduroy skirt worn with a long Navy-issue sweater, the
green silk Afghani coat with a fur hat, the purple French peasant blouse.
In Vancouver the Syrian dress, the short-sleeved flowered pyjamas, a series
of black kung-fu jackets that suit me amazingly, the glorious tweed coat.
In my fifties the pale green jeans, the white pyjamas, the embroidered sheer
black vest worn with the silky tight jersey, the leopard-skin-collared jacket,
the airman's leather jacket from Luke, the Garneau slippers. In SD the fitted
orange shirt, the fitted striped shirt, always the 501s. At Goddard the
purple zipped hoodie. My Doc Martens, my Converse high-tops. Now absolutely
nothing. Rugs - clothes for the house.
I think of her as mannerly. Every time I open a door for her she says
something as she glides in. Is it thank you? Or just here I am. She moves
away if she's been on my lap but needs to scratch. If I get lonesome and
bother her when she's sleeping she gives my hand a sleepy lick just to show
Pleased by this: an online experimental music mag called Tone Glow
has stolen one
of my Trapline frames to illustrate a review of a "particular
type of quiet Japanese improvisation". "One of the most attractive
features of this music - which is quite humble and sparse - is the trust
placed in the materials, knowing the strength of their fragility."
"This is music for audiences of ten; it feeds on the concentration
of a small and attentive public, attuned to the etiquette of small sounds
presented in an informal yet elegant way, and has a raw beauty that conceals
a great deal of refinement." Gil Sanson Tone Glow 091. Turns out to
be edited by Joshua Kim.
Dreamed I was in a forest, some man driving the
pickup. He stopped behind another pickup on the side of the road, began
walking back the way we'd come. Dwindled in the distance, disappeared into
a small house. I followed after a while. Woman sitting beside a large airtight
heater throwing a lot of heat. I wasn't interested and started back to the
truck. I was seeing houses where before there'd only been forest. Realized
I wasn't going to find the truck because I was dreaming and dream spaces
aren't stable. Thought I'd have to wait for the men to find me.
A couple of nights ago I woke at three and was listening to something
I'd found through Tone Glow. Something in the context? inspired me so I
was imagining Some photos in a pleased confident way. Living Torch
Kali Malone.
part 7
time remaining volume 12: 2023 january-december
work & days: a lifetime journal project