time remaining 10 part 4 - september-* 2021  work & days: a lifetime journal project

8 September

The sight of sound: notes.

What is it about seeing sound. Being sound. Feeling myself as cognitive body. Noticing that the way we talk about things is primitive. The object metaphor. Intimation of cosmos.

What's the beauty of neural photos - they are air earth fire water plant animal in one tissue - they are space and shape, veils, indicated unreal positions, flower fields, creatures reaching their arms - threads of sound, sounds spun and stretched - gold wires, bits of gold wire growing - flecks such as there are in silty water.
By these means I am, this is where I am immersed and the same - a weave, a net - a sand, a silt, a mist - a drift, a sift, a seep. -


For Some photos A5-1.html 2011 working on N1


Inter-sensory. Experiencing being. "the eyes of my eyes, the ears of my ears"


Driving past bush that's everywhere along the edge of town, spring branches orange and wine red together - dreaming I'm naming the colors. Seeing the room I've moved into is small and shabby. Feeble heat from a vent near the floor. There's an electric heater too, which means it's going to be cold in winter. The large painting I did in the other room could maybe go on this blue metal wall but I don't know where it is.

Can I get more mental stamina     yes
Physical exercise     no
Was that little room a description of my state    no
Should I try to force it     NO


Do I need high blood pressure to work?


Need to say I'm finally dressing well for here and for my age. Black teeshirt, long black cashmere cardigan, black pants, pale blue chucks. Earrings when I re-pierce.

Another thing is that I look at my old hands with pleasure. They're thinner, their tendons are more defined. They look like my dad's.


I woke at two in the morning with my chest tight and vibrating. Worried. Patch was sleeping at my feet. When I turned on my side she came and curled into the hollow at my belly. She didn't tread or purr, just lay asleep exactly where I needed her. She knew it wasn't morning yet. She never wakes me even when I'm sleeping later than usual. She notices that I'm awake, though, even if I haven't moved yet. Then if she thinks it's morning she comes to stare into my face, say hello once, ignore my hand and leap a big disrespectful arc over me onto the floor.

We have lovers' fluctuations. There was a while she was as if devoted, often in a day wanting to sleep in my arms. Lately she's more backed off, daytimes sleeps privately under the bed.

When I set off the smoke detector's scream yesterday she streaked out the door so fast I thought I might never see her again, but when I opened the door later I saw her at the foot of the garden looking back. The way we look at each other is so human. We assess, request, refuse. When she's determined to be let out there's a hard stare: DO it. There are times her look seems to say don't look at me now.

It gives me pleasure to see her so at home in the place I've given her, the way she strolls in and out through the verandah door I prop open, the way she sits on the porch platform gazing over her domain. She likes the far edge of the garden, the grass under the plum tree. When I look for her at night that's where she is. She says meeee quietly from the shadows so I don't step on her.


aspect of a verb can be in different tenses - 5 distinct stems of the same verb
o simple aspect doesn't specify whether ongoing or completed
o perfect aspect specifies that action is completed
o progressive aspect action ongoing
o perfect progressive ongoing action completed
concise ironic open-ended mode of expression
aorist tense expresses action without indicating completion or continuation
durative - happening now
aorist - the idea of - thinking of running away
moods: indicative, infinitive, subjunctive, imperative, optative, participle

The ingenious language - I liked the idea of learning how the grammar of ancient Greek is different from ours but her style is so horribly wrong for that purpose - wrong in what way - by imposing her trivial self in what she thinks is an attractive 'accessible' way she keeps tossing me away from her point so I have to press through defending myself from her silliness at every moment.

Proto-Indo-European fifth to second millennia BC bronze age

Indo-European people who reached the Greek peninsula and islands about 2000 BC

Every noun had three genders - m, f, neuter - three numbers - singular, plural, dual - and a case system

Every verb had two voices - active, passive/middle - three persons and three numbers, as well as finite forms - indicative, subjunctive, imperative, optative - and non-finite - infinitive, participle

The three verb tenses - present, aorist, perfect - indicated aspect not tense

Koine Hellenistic Greek ie after Alexander had spread empire, lost locality and simplified: irregular nouns and verbs normalized, dual number vanished, optative mood merged with subjunctive, loss of vowel discriminations


Last stretch of forming The sight of sound, what it's like.

These days a crew across the street stripping the church before recladding it, at this moment someone on a bucket crane wrenching the last of the brown shingles off the very peak. Motor growl. Rain last night, just now platinum sun burning through into the side of my eye.

I collected material into clumps for interrupted months and have been refining on the level of those clumps. It has felt like carving. It has been so slow, I've been able to do so little before I give up in a day, that I've wondered whether I can still work at all. But then I wrote the Patch story straight off and it has some grace it seems. There has been an old earned faith too that there's time and even if I can only shape a paragraph a day it will be done when I need it to be. So now I've edged into the last stretch where I'm wanting to open it into the widest I've seen. I've noticed today that it's going to be just separate blocks that nonetheless are at least partly stepped. It's thrilling work - I say that very carefully - I mean it's thrilling to be doing it at last and I say it carefully because am I actually doing it if I'm doing it in so halted a way.


Proto-Indo-European 8 noun cases ie case endings
o nominative subject of a clause
o dative indirect object of a clause
o genitive possession - translate with of the
o locative where one is
o ablative place one comes from
o instrumental means by which something is done
o accusative direct object
o vocative used to call or call attention to - oh !
Ancient Greek reduced to
o nominative subject of a clause
o genitive possession - translate with of the
o dative indirect object of a clause
o accusative direct object
o vocative used to call or call attention to - oh !
Modern Greek has all but the dative.
In Latin, word order. In case languages word order is free.
In modern languages cases supplanted by prepositions.


Our two fonts on the page. Garamond looks worldly. Courier looks plain-spoken. My old college boyfriend, Greg, complained when he saw Work & days pages in Courier, why wd I choose a monotype, hard to read he said. I said because it's a journal that was handwritten in pencil and a typewriter font is closest to a hand-made look. Am realizing now that it's more than that. For a person who bought her first typewriter at sixteen with money from her first publication - a person who learned to type by correspondence because she was the only person in her high school who wanted that - it's aspirational too. It's a private voice edging toward being a public voice that stays private.

let me tell you how it is, a push or intentional spinning of structure to an agenda, vs. considering and naming with no agenda. you are exquisite at it, because of the sensitivity of your perception, the clarity of your gaze, and the precision of your language. it is wildly pleasurable to be with you and in your articulations to be articulated by you.


Greg's letter to O sometime in the autumn of 1969.

Sometimes I am aware of us lying on the rug in front of the fire, and I can feel your bare breast in my hand, and I can see you above me, then bending down so I can kiss you, and I can feel your smoothness and softness and wetness and excitement. There is no way, really, that I can tell you how exciting you are and were. . I want to be able to undress you bit by bit, sliding things off, and to stroke all of you and kiss all of you and have you need very much to feel and hold me, and to have this last and last until we are shaken at the end, the way your legs were the other night. That's what I want, or a little bit of what I want, and that's what we could have, can have. And then, different from all this but related somehow how nice it is to be able to sit with you and when we're talking to put my hand on your breasts or between your legs.

What I feel reading it is erotically inferior. I've never been that excited or exciting. I've been a careful body. I've loved touch but stayed out of O's kinds of trouble.

The other thing I feel is O's crow of triumph in giving it to me. We'd been friends and sexual competition ruined us. Breeding rivalry? I cut to the chase, stole a superior child. Comeuppance later.

Judie on the same pattern. She was sexier but my child was smarter and better looking. "Akasha has such a lot of little things wrong with him." I didn't know what I was doing when I said that but it was a short knife to the point. Wow.

Have I ever had a female friendship that didn't fall to compulsive sexual competition for men. Even the lesbians! Including T and R if I consider Jam as male-ish.

An irreducible level in this, steel teeth. How could one live better with it than I have.

Is it irreducible     YES
Is it breeding rivalry     yes
To live better with it one would have to lucidly and single-mindedly go for the best breeding possibility one has     YES
One would have to succeed and know one has succeeded     yes
Does that have to mean marriage    no
Did my grandparents understand me in that     yes
Did my parents    no
Then could one be secure with female friends    yes


Food has been boring and annoying but just now I have two things I love to eat every day, my own Yukon golds baked and mashed up with butter, grated cheese and chopped onions, and juicy Cuore di Bue in chunks stirred up with basil, feta, black olives and a bit of Greek dressing.

Sun today, the linden yellowing, the two crabs thinning out. St Michaels is going a gray-greenish cream.


Have been posting stories from the mighty first trip to San Diego. October 1995. When I could still move around in the world.

6:49 Sunday morning, white sky, linden old gold top to bottom.

I think The sight of sound is done. The sight of sound: notes.


Paul's birthday. Will I phone him. Not today. I'm mad at him for conspiring with Judie against me. Still! I'm better company than she is but he's holding his old grudge. Not because I did anything - I liked him and encouraged him - but because I was more vivid in the family.

Look at that, clear sky above, under it a wall of dark cloud moving steadily north. 6:27.

Note from Don first thing this morning still yearning to have had a mom who simply loved him. Men like that. Peter I suppose. (Women: Cheryl.) (Men who had it and it wasn't enough, Tom, Roy.) What do I conclude in relation to Don. That I can't get what I'd want from him, which is company in adventure, because he's stuck wanting something else. So who is there -


I was emailing the amatter piece, attached photos, pressed send and saw I had new mail. It was from them, first I'd heard since June.

A psychic web that coordinates with Berlin?     yes
Did they send because I was sending     no
Did I send because they were sending    no
Coordination is the word     yes
Shd I phone Paul    no
Luke     yes


Where I went this morning, Australia for travel and then there I am at 45 so tender and uncertain being an artist.


Clean house, clean bed. Canned efficiently, I do now, large pot of Cuore di Bue with onion and basil, have a system that ends fast with everything put away and the kitchen clean. Is it good, will I want to open a jar of it in winter, I don't know. I look at all the many jars in the cupboard with that doubt.


mended by her quality's affection

To remember to give Louie credit for that despite whatever else.


Shame and pretence, a sickly child who believed in Santa and the Virgin Mary, a bullying father, a mother angry he wouldn't be a priest for her. I've thought of him as my semblable but I never went wormy-obedient in fear of being alone. Why did he. And then the wrong kind of therapist who doesn't know anything.

I had better instincts     yes
Was it genetic    no
My context was less coercive    yes
Tom had better instincts too     yes
Do you want me to go on talking to him about this stuff     no
Is him reading my stuff worth anything     no
Anybody     no
Shd I stop posting    no

I keep realizing how good our home context actually was, how much privacy and liberty we had. There were good things about church, table grace was, choir, seasonal festivals, having a group of people for whom we went on existing all through childhood. Our ideology didn't seriously infiltrate the way Catholicism seems to, we three could all drop it without much struggle. No one supervised our heads. We weren't mawkish about each other. There was a lot of open space.

He's still ashamed of himself for having folded isn't he. "Shame and inadequacy and pretence." He feels it has to be fixed in the past. It can only be fixed now, in his body.


Tom for a while had a little metal crucifix hanging over the bed we were sleeping in together. I said NO we are not having that image of emaciated murdered maleness hanging over our bed. He didn't see that in it. He saw his love for his parents. His loyalty to his people, which I could see was loyalty to his young self. He liked his young self and I did too. The crucifix stayed, but around the corner in another room.

There was something quietly graceful about the guy that I liked very much, a quiet lack of ego; I had no need to be, or say, or pretend, or prove anything. What a special man.

People like that. Deeply relaxed. It came from more than his mother though. If he was a vet he may have been through the AA program.

a shrink once who said that I was my mother's penis

We had very different kinds of therapist. Mine was a Gestaltist who worked with the body to release tension.

having to shine in ways that would bring her status.

Catholicism in relation to women absolutely vile. Wipe them out so they'll be so starved emotionally and intellectually that they are the most devoted servants of what oppresses them.

what it meant, that Mary was a woman-ideal of wholesome purity, a wholeness to which I aspired and sometimes found in private prayer

The wholeness of that man on the plane.

if I was going to be able to hold up my head I would have to understand what others believed and subscribe to it

I've thought parents lying about Santa is far from harmless, is in fact earliest training in betrayal and self-abandonment. It sets kids up to disbelieve themselves so then later they'll fall in with insane ideologies. I hate that you had to deal with such a coercive context. But have you forgiven yourself for it? It feels as if you haven't.


Grey light at 7. The trees I look at all day unleafing, a big linden that goes from green to bare every year in a couple of days, a Russian olive that's slower to thin. These early mornings the best times of the day. Large cup of tea, lamplight next to the work chair, daylight coming on at the window, cat outside doing garden patrol.

In Edmonton the aspen poplars in the river's cleft will be uniform bright gold or else already bare.

The air toward Hamilton Hill has just gone white. It's going to rain.


Slight first frost yesterday morning, photos [the farm], [tomato ladders]. Hard frost next week.

There's St Michaels beige and neat and wrong. Dull anger at the rich man's power to wreck what had been my good corner.

Scratching for something to do, going through what I collected from 1990, I still shy off Louie analytically but warm to sex with Rob as if Louie was an exercise and Rob was real life.

Was Louie an exercise     yes
Did I do her a discredit     no
Because she got what she came for     YES
I sophisticated her     yes
Structural reverse of Jam and me    yes
But Jam was willing to be cold and I wasn't     yes


The way people talk in This is us. Falsity always, false enthusiasm taken as normal, stupid facetious American idiom taken as lively sociability, is that how it has to be to keep things going among people who stay attached?

Civilized behavior means pretending to be glad to see people you aren't glad to see, praising parties you wished you hadn't gone to, thanking friends for presents you wish you hadn't received. Training kids to feign a passion is the art of parenting.

I think of any of that with disgust.


Why does it look so much like fall. Lot of birds in the wind, birds dropping through bare branches. But then no it's how low the sun is as it's rising in platinum glare across the street.


6 in the dark, Patch curled at my knee with her fur opening and closing at the belly. These days when I'm reading in bed she'll sometimes sleep with her head on my shoulder. I love that. She went out first thing this morning as she does but she hasn't wanted to stay out. It's getting cold.


In my last dream before I woke I'd come back to 820A when it was soon going to be demolished. Someone who had lived there with me earlier and was still there had a thick blind over the hall's west window so it was completely dark. I asked had she always disliked the brightness I'd wanted there. I was noticing smeared edges of red paint where people had been careless with their brush. Then I was standing at the kitchen window holding its frame sobbing, sobbing.

6:48, open sky evenly pale, evenly lit. A bird cut-out drops from the Russian olive's cut-out lace. Frost last night, I'd laid towels over the tomatoes and peppers in the verandah. Quiet rumbling as if from the rad under the window. Not really a rumble - it has a pulse and is more like the sound of boiling but it's also the soft scouring of water moving in pipes. Kind life-blood of the house.

I had 820A from 1975 to 2002, 30 to 57 when I lived with my love-self and was most in life. Was the dream answering something I've been asking vaguely, which is should I be more distressed than I seem to be, by the emptiness of these days.


Some photos. June-July 1977. The writing voice then is mostly broken and false but what was correct in it. Are the photos a way to know.

What I'd want to make of it now very different from what I made of it before.

I'd scrambled my brain. I was wrong with Jam and she was wrong in her own way. My effort with the druggy artists had spoiled my sense of what writing was. I made a bad mistake with Luke.

I saw it right away that the photo was gone
had no right, they were hers, I had no idea what they mean to her, it was unforgiveable
Do you understand why she freaked about the photo     yes
She felt it as herself    yes

What drugs gave: the sense of mutable self, quality of consciousness as a worry -

Luke goes back to London with Roy on the agreement that it will be for six months. Roy later gets back together with Sara and decides he won't send him back.

What did I want to remain, what did I want to remove, what did I want to build.

There were three things entangled, a dim sense that I was incomplete and wrong personally, an urgent sense that I was inferior as an artist, and a sense that a lot was wrong with people in general.

I wanted to be more aware of what people were when I was with them.

I wanted to know earth in ways I hadn't been taught - seasons, sky, plants

I was noticing evidence of unconscious knowing, was trying to work with it often mistakenly

interest in anything I could learn about how to work with the mythic unconscious

noticing attractions to images and phrases and feeling they must be clues

I knew there could be more feeling openness than I allowed

I'd have rages of frustration when I hated everyone

looking for company and a style of being in the best of artists and scientists

looking for method I was thinking of as discipline

All day thinking about how to make a relation between closely watched inner and outer and not having to live in only one / and whether the inner works better unwatched etc.

Want to register these meetings with men and stop mistrusting myself in them if it's possible.


Oh! (I look up.) Tenderest yellow at the ridgeline melting up into palest blue. 6:42.

Go to the causal zones and fight the child-errors of local culture.

The yellow comes before the all-white.

When I get to a fineness, by bold refusals, I feel a panic of having to 'work' when it's impossible - because I don't know what's worth doing.

Also their methods have taken over in me so I don't know what mine used to be, and I know I didn't fight for them well enough to know if they're well lost, the navigating ideas.

Is there something wrong with deliberate creation? I used to belong in life and made in passing, now I feel responsible for the world's soul.


Last dream dozing after a broken night, I'm taking Luke to daycare - it's Luke but the name I have in my head is Rowen. We are having to take an urban train or subway to somewhere toward the east. I have a handful of silver change but I don't know how much it will cost or whether I have enough. I don't know where to pay for a ticket. I'm at a counter trying to ask but the woman is shouting over a lot of background noise and I can't make sense of her. We go on into a large open subway foyer . I've forgotten the name of the daycare and its stop. Luke has told me already but I don't remember. I'm getting frantic. I turn to ask him again. He isn't there. I look around shouting for him. Rowen! Rowen! Rowen! Some blond children sitting in the grass at a distance. I can't see him anywhere in the large open space.

I think what it is about this dream is fear of Alzheimers. I have gaping losses of ordinary words. I'm timid about going into the world. I'm giving up on people as if I can't handle much. I make small mistakes with people - yesterday I asked the maple leaf woman her name although I'd already been messaging her. I sometimes don't recognize people I've already met. I'm careless in how I dress. Do I post journal pieces taken from the past to keep up an image of myself as more competent than I am now? I reassure myself with evidence that I can still write - people liked the latest Patch story that I wrote straight off a couple of weeks ago. So ask again:

Do I have Alzheimers     no
Some other cognitive disease    no

It has always said no.

It's just old age     YES

Which is bad enough.

Losses from uncontrolled high blood pressure     probably yes
Do you agree with my reading of the dream    yes

These fears have been so much the texture of every day, why haven't I written them before. I should note every worry. Worry and shame.


In the writing of 1978, even in passages I think of as best, such inexactitude and hype.

When I was 17 I left my family aside lightly and humorously. Why when I was 32 did I have to struggle to revise myself out of them?

Was it really necessary     YES

Because earlier it was just me and later I had taken into myself so many other people I'd chosen as models because I wanted to be a cultural worker.

Was that why     yes
I was building work woman     yes
Did she have to be built rather than found     yes
But something recognized    yes
I had to build a bridge between uncon and con     yes
Pilgrimage is about that    yes

Jam didn't recognize it because she hadn't yet experienced the effort, she thought she'd stepped from Zeus's brow. For me it was like a colonial struggling to revise colonial formation.


What I want from Some photos - I want people to see them, to see the marvelous place and to be in the state I was in making them. I want them to marvel.

How to do that. Sound. What sound do I have.

Waterpipe angels?     no


Inaudible murmurs    yes


In the Olson house my writing is already less false.


Clues, interests came up in those years that I and others later made something of. 'Becoming oneself' so much forming happening over time. For instance this, "What do you know about li, principles of order, markings in material." For instance the way I am now so much more conscious of the being of the cat I live with, than I was with any of my earlier cats.

Was asking yesterday, of the way I'm all day open-hearted with Patch, is this the lovingness native to me, that other people live out with their lovers and families all the time? I notice her fondly, I call her Darly or Little One, I give her what she asks, I reach to touch her, I can be amused but I'm not ambivalent the way I always am with humans. The difference is startling. There's now so much dislike in my relation to almost anyone. It must be hard on me, that hardness. On my kids. On anyone I meet.

I saw yesterday that Kat Harrison had been attacked in her house by a neighbourhood man, choked and beaten. That sweet spirit.

Things about people that repel me. I can't imagine them not repelling me. They are repulsive: it feels objective. Yet there could be a view of them that doesn't take repulsions personally - what would that be like - how would it have to be done. I think I was like that when I was in my teens, I saw people as phenomena I was excitedly finding in the world. I didn't see them in much detail, I didn't see much about them. That was my mom's way? I think. Now how would it have to be. What I learned when I was teaching, that dislike would go when I'd got to diagnosis? To do that on the spot I'd have to be mentally much faster and more active than I am, than I can be now, maybe.

Do you think that's the only way     no
Do you think this is important     yes
Should I try to find my love for everyone     no
So is there a right way to do it    yes, integrating despair and triumph in overview
Do you mean despair of getting what I need from people     yes
And angry triumph     no
Do you mean actual winning     yes
Do you mean needing and not needing     no
One card     truth, accuracy
Be accurate about despair, is that what you mean     yes
Just understand what I want and am not getting     YES

In every case. Makes sense. [sigh]

Do those pleasant-looking older women do that     no


Ability to work so so fragile. I open the A notebook file and light up into its best pleasure. Carry it to the laptop. Take my bp and make a note. When I then open the file again it's gone blank.


Yesterday when I was in the A&W lineup a man with a huge belly slopping over the top of his pants walked across the parking lot in front of me. I was looking at him with hatred but then remembered to ask what it was that I wanted from him that he wasn't giving me. The first answer was that I demand visual pleasure everywhere.

Is it empathy     YES
I hated him for hurting me     yes
So is it intractable     no
Is it pathological     NO
Is it possible to be perceptive and not hate     yes
Do you mean the way an artist would, who drew him     yes
There does need to be defense     yes
But not in a way that self-harms     YES
Hatred is self-harm     yes
Am I wrong to dislike Louie as much as I now do     no
Was I always wrong about her     yes
She's highly manipulative    yes
Tom was in some ways a better person     yes


These nights turning over is heavy labour: my shoulders are stiff and my arms are in the way. My heart starts banging and scares me. I say to it calm down, calm down.


A good dream this morning. I was at the computer writing something. Noticed work going on around me. My dad was renovating the house. There were a lot of people working all over, some laying a new floor. I found myself carrying an armful of small wood. Was it needed or was it trash? Needed someone said. Then I began picking up rubbish to take to the big tip I could see over there.


1979 still suspended in so much uncertainty. Cringing to see how helpless I was in the Notes in origin writing.

The actually beautiful story of Luke in his visit.

Not interested in the good times with Jam, annoyed by the misery.


Sun, Oct 17, 2021 at 5:27 PM
Subject: you alright?
Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 9:47 AM
Yes I'm ok
.. Feeling bruised.
Nelida finally made it to Madrid to stay with her son and I visited for the second time this summer. Last week.
It didn't go well so I left early and cut ties. Such a terrible waste
We have such different means of communication and resolutions and it really couldn't work. Despite much of the grieving over the last year I feel quite horrible and don't know where to put my feelings of care.. But I'm OK. I'll dust myself off and keep going.
How are you?
Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 9:49 AM
Your message arrived just as I walked in from the airport and I was very glad for it.
Is that really it with her     yes
Does it mean he'll be ready for someone workable     yes

He answered my call in the rain on his bike near the Heath. We said tomorrow evening his time. I'm carefully elated.

Had asked Rowen to call me. Said I was worried about him, the dream and the disordered way he has looked in photos. He said other people have kept asking too if he's alright. He said working 16 hour days and Freya at home needing him. He was carefully not saying all of it. Asked how he feels about how he looks. He said the beard is because he is hiding his chubby chin. I said shave and deal with the chin and would they consider daycare and weaning. He said Peter Pan having to grow up. I asked what would Peter Pan miss. He said fun.

He needs to care about how he looks     YES
Should he train for a trade     yes
Could he be persuaded to exercise    yes
He needs to learn anger     YES
Does Freya still love him    yes
Gentle lucidity     YES
But lack of follow-through has made him doubt himself     YES
People like him for the wrong reason     yes
Compliance    yes
But he needs aggression for follow-through     yes


Kate had been euphoric about a man and today wrote that he shouts and slams doors and disappears for days and she doesn't know whether it's safe to stay with him. I had questions. Are you physically safe? Does he repent? Does he recognize the truth when he hears it? Is he on a good road with himself? Does he deke out into addiction? Is he more real after he's blown? Can you stand up to him? When she said he slangs her to other people I said disloyalty isn't negotiable. I was feeling Tom's manly virtues. "A bad man can be a good enough opponent if he has a strong spirit." - I was also feeling though that my advice can be useless to people who haven't what it takes to come up with those understandings themselves.

I said wait to leave until you know your strength. She asked how I knew when to leave. I said it was always in the lap of the gods, the book told me.

Do you think she should dump him     yes
Was my advice correct     yes
Can she take it     yes


Grape juice in a wine glass, so perfume-y. I caught them at the right moment.


7:28 blank white Tuesday morning, wall of mist has been rising from the east. The hill is gone - hill like the billboard hill standing across the east at home.

Meantime the garden coming into marvel. Centre space opened when I pulled the sunflowers at last, cherry tree in its far corner all gold tinting to orange. Gooseberry strong yellow arms, strawberries a red row, nectarine yellow and green, apricot going dull maroon-bronze. Cardoon still asserting from its edge, aster incongruous purple that waits till now. Heaped dead vine. I like October though summer health is gone, sore throat and morning slime and water fat that come when the rads turn on.


It was 4 in the morning in London. He'd come from Ezra's birthday party still drunk. His voice slid around corners the way Roy's used to and I kept a familiar watchful distance on whether he was connecting or not. Mostly he was I think though I was aware too that he might not remember what we'd said. When I called he was falling apart, crying. He said he didn't want me to see him that way but I'm the only one who can. I said I don't have a bad opinion of pain. I described the difficulties of what he's been trying to do to give him a firm ground in description. I could lead him to firmer ground by asking about something else too, his brothers, Jill. He said it had begun to rain and he liked the sound. Later I could tell things as well, Mouse and Dr McLeod. Said I have always had imaginary boyfriends. We were very free. He said heartbreak over the waste of his beautiful hope - he said fantasy, I said no, hope - the life they were going to have - first thing they were going to get a cat. I asked whether he's pleased to come back to his place. He said he has neglected it. Why? "I don't want to say." "Have you been drinking too much?" "Yes."

So there's that. I don't know whether he wrecked it with N because he didn't stay clear or whether the strain of imagining he was doing something he wasn't doing wore him down. Grieving for a year he said.

Okay what do I think. He fastened his best hope on her but he didn't know her, they didn't know each other. They didn't have a language in common. They didn't have money. There were travel restrictions, their countries were in lockdown. To make it work he'd have had to be steadier than he could be in the fairyland dazzle of early love - than he could be. He'd have had to have confident competent resolve, known how to work with her limits and his own, done it to honour his wish whatever it took.

How old is he, 51, the age I was when I was going through agonies with Tom. I held to it, I saw it through, I was awash but I was steel, I tracked, I processed, I studied, I got a work visa and moved to San Diego. I found him a place and furnished it! We had a life together. Can Luke do that? He hasn't taken up the aloneness it needs; he's still wanting his other to be more than she is. Meantime though he says he doesn't care about himself he's taking care of Jill and his brothers and making gardens he delights in.

Is he an alcoholic     YES
Would AA work for him     no
Can he stop     yes


What is it about this photo. It's so present. Clear vivid pink, orange, an orangey-pink red, apple green, none solid, all full of tint. The thin white frost edges are a partly separate line drawing overlaid. They make the leaves more dimensional. None of the leaves are far out of focus but there's a dark background they show against. The foreground leaves are strong shapes that come forward definitely but at the same time don't seem separate objects. It's strong all over with strong foreground - maybe that's it - the play of foreground and background is strong but not simple. It's beautifully assertive, assertive in a whole way. Indra liked it right away because of what she knows in painting.


Now reading isn't what it was for so long because I'm not still looking for how to be. Now I read to be enlivened or else when I have nothing to do.

Look at you, your sweet folded little shape sleeping in lamplight at my knee, folded because you came from outside and your feet were cold. Fur at your haunch opening and closing.

In 1979 having to deal with Jam's complicated crankiness and insane intent. The way she didn't really like me. What she was good for, sometimes open body, sometimes talent that could stretch and teach, sometimes my sorts of abstract interests. I wasn't clear about my circumstance, I keep seeing that I wasn't dealing properly with who she was.

Thinking of Luke as I say these things: the struggle of early love's fantasy structures against sane accounting for who is actually there.


Such a bad haircut. Then I say because of masks it doesn't so much matter and by spring it will have grown out.

My readers are bored with posts about me. I'm opening .doc files and closing them again. They want more drama.

At a stop with Some photos because I don't see any language that will work with the slides.

afraid of the heavy bodies of middle-aged parents

Everything with her seems such a mess.


Maid on Netflix, young woman with a baby, violent drunk man, she leaves when he's asleep, no money, nowhere to live. Welfare office, bad daycare, the bad man trying to sweet talk her, sabotages arrangements she manages to make. Cleaning jobs. Custody battle. She's clear and kind, people help. 10 episodes. To the end I was never sure he wasn't going to kill her. How unbearable I sometimes found it told me I'm not done with the terrors of Roy. I never talked about them in therapy, isn't it odd. I think of myself as having brought myself through without harm but was it true? It says yes.

She writes a book. She doesn't aim for literature, she just writes what happened. I couldn't have done that. I needed to be too special to write something so banal. I wasn't far enough along to be loyal enough to myself as I was. I got a film though, I didn't get a best seller and a Netflix show with 60 million viewers but I did get a film.


Cold rads. It's Sunday. McMahon was here but didn't fix it. I'll leave the oven on and keep reboiling the bed's rock.

A dream of running and hiding on and on from was it guns. When I woke I wondered whether my heart felt scared because of the dream or whether I'd had the dream because my heart felt like that. These days I've noticed as if a base note of fear. Is it worry about Luke or worry about having to do something about the boiler or worry about health or mammal fear because of long isolation or is it just whole body's alarm feeling heart unsteady.

Tom had parked my truck facing the wrong way and it had got towed. I had my Blackberry but not his number. Leslie was there on the street asking where I was living. I said at her place. Was trying to get a child and a little duck across a street to the hotel. The little duck was running the wrong way. Would the hotel let me stay with a small child and that little duck. Welfare hotel, I come into the small brightly lit front office with a lot of shabby men sitting around.


the precious ones I overthrew for an education in the world

Leonard Cohen


I'm still reading without glasses.

Kathy comes kindly cheerfully every two weeks to clean.

The boiler was fixed by delightful Brian of Copper Valley.

I don't have to think about money.

Broccoli after frost was delicious.

Grape juice.

The jeep has a service appointment next week.

Colours in the garden all day.

My new coat.

Patch who sleeps at my feet at night.

So many things to like to remember.

People willing to read posts.

Being able to edit now.

Large cups of tea.

Journal record and that it's posted.

Photos, Being about, mbo, teaching, the book, Tom and therapy, their integration.


Computers, online help for memory.

There's still beauty in the world.

This good bed in the centre of the house.

This house.

This quiet street and the hills it sees.

Dr McLeod.

People's liking for the garden.

Not having died young.

Luke's voice again.


Posting Susan stories. Their light essential tone. How is essential the right word. A quality of liking there'd never been. Tom at his rare best, an American sophistication, a light precise flare. Imagining Louie reading them, seeing Susan hold me with something she doesn't have.

Realized yesterday that I should read DR now in light of how embodied her descriptions are - her unusually strong senses and the way she's always noticing her own heartbeat and the tingling in her hands. It must have been part of what I always liked in her. Her pedagogical, documentary impulse so different from VW's flights of high art.


Gideon eating a pear. Little person utterly transparent in pleasure.


It was wet yesterday and Patch didn't like to be outside so she slept in the red chair most of the afternoon. She has been ready to sleep when I do, goes to her spot at my feet when she sees the night quilt spread, but last night when I was going to bed she was desperate to get out, running and crying. I hoped she'd give up when it was quiet and dark but I heard her little voice insisting at the back door: I'd have to get up and put her in the cellar so I could sleep. She saw me coming, crept under the chair where I can't reach her. I rattled the doorknob to draw her out but then she slipped past my feet and down the cellar stairs. I was charmed, you clever thing, you wanted what you wanted but you understood that you couldn't have it.

Awake too early, harder frost last night and fog moving under the street lamp. Patch at the open door looked out and backed away.

November 1

I posted Tom on OB pier with a sequence about imagining DM, earned my fantasy by faithfulness in reality.doc. Is there something I should know about what it means to post naked longing. Which isn't only naked longing. This kind of publishing knows some things about each of its possible readers so it isn't completely random sowing of the wind. It knows something about the limits of its readers. There's a photo so it won't go completely unnoticed. Don will see that I want something he isn't at all. The lesbians will see het longing they need to shun. Kate will identify with wanting a musician. My relatives! will stop reading after the first line. Louie and Paul and Luke will avoid seeing it. Janet will like the look of Tom but the piece will be too honest for her. Jennifer will like the piece maybe more than anyone does. Emilee? Will say she likes it and will see it well but won't tell me what she feels in it. Rachel will recognize what I say about hard masculinity. Susan Zimm as always will notice the writing. Tom if he were anywhere near it? Would see its justice I think. But would not be anywhere near it. Indra? Won't say she likes it but will recognize the sad gap between want and have. Jim Mann will stop halfway into the first para because it says sex but there's nothing in it that looks like sex to him. Jim S will - how to say this sensation - he'll gape at the nakedness - he'll honor it but he'll feel it's beyond him. Cheryl won't read it because she'll be affronted by what I posted yesterday. Campbell has a long liking for me but she'll feel in it that I'm someone who'd have to like her less.

- So really it's not a best way to publish is it.

Is and isn't a best way to write. Isn't because it doesn't ask to charm: there's a hard insistence, this is what I am whether you like it or not. Is because the unconventional or unwanted things I say might be needed by someone somewhere who can have heard them nowhere else.


A pdf manuscript of this year's journal with its FB posts? As memoir. Time remaining.

Tomahawk Inyallie, Tyrell's unvaccinated dad who came into town sick with Covid and infected first Jennifer's kids and then her, was airlifted to an ICU in Vancouver and has died. She said three people from his community in McLeod Lake. So now both her kids' Native dads are gone while they're still teenagers. Was thinking last night that Jenn is like Leslie, that the two of them are the only people I comprehensively respect.

I posted janeen.doc this morning with her photo. With tea at the big monitor first thing in the morning deciding how to edit it, knowing how to edit it, pleased it's there.


What a wrecked night. My bp last night was too low so I went to bed without ramipril or CBD. Woke at 1am feeling my heart had gone wrong. Pulse weak and more irregular than it's ever been. Was lying there cold and scared not daring to go back to sleep. Got up, drank water, changed my shirt, tried to read, heated the rock, etc. Worried about my 8am appointment, don't know how to set an alarm on the iPad. Bp was up, took ram 2.5 and CBD and another aspirin. Eventually slept till 5. Heart still feels wrong. So now it's 6:30 and I need to be at Frank's Automotive at 8. Pulped. Bp too low again.


Things I've got done in the last couple of days. Scolded Telus down $30 a month guaranteed for 24 months, which is, what, $720 earned. Had the jeep serviced by grumpy Frank and walked 3 blocks to and from his shop.

6:30 black and wet on the street.

On a night and morning like yesterday's I feel bad old age closing in and don't want to be here for it. This morning I've woken well after an actual seven hours.

I've posted actually not alone anymore.doc. It's very bare. Will they see it with their self-pity or will they feel its sturdiness.

Sam liked earned my fantasy by faithfulness in reality.doc! "This is so hot." I keep noticing Sam is one of the best.

Headlights, energy plant neighbour going to work in the dark.

Mornings when it's possible to work.


Shifting phrases in their orpheus feeling my forty years' Orpheus work could be set on one page.


Open sky at 7, all white.

Sun rising so far south I don't have to lower the shades.

[low sun of November]


part 5

time remaining volume 10: 2021 march-december

work & days: a lifetime journal project