11 October 2004
It's Monday. I whacked through letters on the weekend. Favor, Larry,
Layla, Patricia. Did my usual decisive chopping and as usual am wondering
whether I'm too much. No one replying to my standards letter. If I want
people to reply I have to be more deferential. I have turned out to be the
program's heavy hitter. The rules in this game say that if you hit the ball
out of the park everyone goes away and leaves you staring at the lights
on your own.
I've just sighed because that has happened a lot in this program. It
happens all day long with the students, but it happens with faculty too.
I was going to say I'm still in La Glace Alberta but in La Glace Alberta
I didn't hit the ball. I withheld. Now I don't withhold, I hit the ball,
but I do it in a space of my own. Sub specie aeternitatus. As if witnessed
by someone larger than whoever I have available. I carry that solitude around
with me, it's my aura.
In bed last night I was listening to a man on Art Bell who was saying
he was born into a family of Satan worshippers who tortured him into giving
up his soul so it could be replaced by the family demon. The purpose of
the transaction was to gain wealth and power in this world. (His people
were churchgoers.) When he was 17 he was institutionalized as insane and
there saw soul theft - people from one day to another made tractable and
robotic and sent home. In one of his out-of-body travels he was shown a
crystal city on the moon, which is the depot harvested souls are shipped
through. In 2000 he prayed to god to help him and god did; he spoke within
him and said he was his loving father.
Maybe the crystal city on the moon is the brain. Are people ever crazy
all the way through? It says no. This man was more or less sane but he was
trying to make up a metaphysics that would account for his experience. He
doesn't have a basic framework to accommodate <symbolic meaning> -
do I have another way to say that - I had to do quite a long apprenticeship
in <symbolic meaning> - it is part of the itinerary - I've ended not
being very interested in it but had to work through a captivation.
As if one of the things Work & days can show is an itinerary
for female intelligence that is quite other than the schools'.
I was starting to draft that, in that document [embodiment
studies] -
- embodiment metaphysics and epistemology
- psychology - attachment, dissociation, the uncon
- 'magic' - ie dream, symbolic deciphering
- reading through experience - in my case the reading-through had to
come first
- processing
- perception training
- body unlocking
- culture criticism
Okay so I'm at [my college] working out an educational philosophy primarily
for women - is that it? That's why I'm not doing mind & land,
or seeing & 'seeing', or beautiful Orpheus.
Michael is sick today, sniffling, silent.
So beautiful, all the way up and down. I want to eat him up, just sit
there sucking him into me. I don't do that. And so then I want to rent an
apartment and live with him and feed him right and make him well. Give him
a clean beautiful space to grow up in. (I mean 'want' in a very dim way.)
(He doesn't want a clean beautiful place, he wants a dirty stinking place
full of birds, reptiles and bugs.) Anyway, it's lust and not useful to him
though it is to me in the sense that it's keeping me from weakening with
Tom. I guess it's the brain balancing. It isn't a crush of the old kind,
I'm not afraid of it, I'm not particularly elaborating it. Because I know
it isn't going to trap me I can just luxuriate in the velvet buzz of it.
It's a physicality. I dress and walk better. I'm nice to him. His beautiful
mouth is there in front of my eyes when I lie down. Is there more to say?
I dreamed that I had been hearing in many places
that men work hard at their jobs but women don't care.
Poked at my garden plot some, rocks, the dried-out roses at the fence.
I haven't seen anyone in that community I like.
Still have the second readerships, Anne and Astro, but my lot are done.
I wrote Amanda very affectionately, she liked Coleridge's journals, and
wrote few but good short annotations. I took a breath and said letting Sequoia
hold onto another woman is making her a ringed cormorant.
Something is wrong with the jeep. When I'm starting out in first gear
there's sometimes a hard jerk. The worst would be the transmission. It's
not always, but it was a number of times, maybe half a dozen. Another thing
is that I had very little strength working on my plot. Moving a rock would
take my breath. That's not like me. It might have been lack of water. The
spot on my arm, though, has healed to new skin.
Dreaming about Muggs. Someone at a Chinese newspaper
phoned me about her. At the end of the conversation he said that she died
an hour ago. That summary is very inexact, but I haven't the will
to write it better. I'm just noting it in case it turns out to be true.
What might be true instead is that my community garden self is dead. Juniper-Front
is not Strathcona Community Garden.
It's Friday morning, covered over. It's my free week apart from Anne
and Astro. Check my gardens, some work at Taft. Plant sale Saturday morning.
Felipe's party Saturday evening. Get to the hills a night or two? I'm very
behind on money, about 2500 on credit cards and expenses coming up for about
The new scanner is working.
Saturday morning, Balboa Park. It's the plant sale today.
The sale was so exciting I'm not wanting to settle down. I bought two
boxes of plants, one for the Dawne slope, one for me. Am sorry Michael Duke
and I are not speaking because I wd like someone to tell or show. It's the
plant tizzy. Ceanothus! Eriogonum! Quercus! Cercocarpus!
Encelia! Manzanita, ashy-leaf buckwheat.
Why Michael Duke and I are not speaking is not known. He was friendly
when he caught me going up my steps, but next morning he was in a sulk.
But I'm at fault really because I made a move I shouldn't have. I told him
I liked looking at him and then after that felt shy, or he felt moved-in-on,
or something else I don't know. So now unless we clear the air we will be
reading newspapers at separate tables. I was peeping at him so avidly that
it felt wrong and I wanted to make an honest woman of myself. I didn't think
it out, I just stood up and handed it to him. He said, like a teenager,
a little stiffly, And you're a beautiful lady too. The word 'lady.' But
then he said he needed a hug and got one. So I don't know.
- Is the lust wrong no
- I didn't process it well enough
unconscious, graduation, secret, love woman
- That she fancies him is love woman's secret
- The impulse to tell it is good
- So is it vampirism no
- Is it sucking energy no
- It gives energy
- Anything else you want to say no
And at that point Tom walked in. I played him Favor's CD and he listened
carefully and wrote notes. I entertained myself taking pictures of him and
then when he started his "Do I have any hope" game, I carried
him to the book. The book said, what matters is, are you being good for
you, and he said "mindfulness" and "passionate sense of purpose."
He said he'd been thinking I could help him make a web page and he could
start posting Casual Labor paragraph by paragraph and dedicate it
to Mathew and Joseph. I said that was a good idea and showed him Fetch.
Then I opened Pagemill and said, Look I can do this, and dragged one
of the digital photos I'd just loaded into the background box, and there
he was - charcoal sweatshirt, red plaid and two areas of blue-white glare
from the windows. So then I typed
- BY
into the illuminated air above his belly. Take the u out of labour,
he said. I changed the black type to a bluish charcoal keyed to the sweatshirt,
took the by-lines down a point, and there it is, impressive. I'm amazed
at the photos I can take with this little unserious camera, not even able
to see the frame.
What do I like about this web page - the red, charcoal and blue-white
surrounding a face. It's immediate. Person on R, white light on L. Strong
and casual.
I miss transcribing and am done with GW and so I started a volume of
Aphrodite's garden at random and there found such another texture,
someone I've forgotten I was. Closer to drugs. Very small handwriting. I'll
know more. What I most like to read now are the notes on baby Rowen.
Winter. It rained this morning. It's dark when I wake.
I have to do Anne and Astro and feel rebellious. I don't want to get
into their little heads, I want something of my own.
- I'm depressed today.
- Don't know why.
- Lonely. Starving.
- Anguished. There's no one.
- There never will be anyone.
- I'll be starved like this for the rest of my life.
- I love play and touch and company and I can't have it.
- I think of reasons it might be my fault. But it isn't my fault.
This is reactivation. I can say that and then there's nothing further
to say.
It's true nonetheless that I spend my days and nights alone, and that
I'm starved for play and touch and company, and have no likelihood, and
no clue how to give myself more.
- Do you have anything to say about working with 1988-9
process, restructure, defeat, of aggression
- Look to see what was wrong with her
- That will tell me what the work did
- It's going to be hard work
- Skip a lot no
- Because she was the artist YES
- Will you lead me love woman
- Is as weak and foolish as ever
- Sentence quest, strength, persist, come
- Look for the strength to persist and come through
- Will you say come through to what exclusion
- Exclusion can be conscious
- Feel it as a child's exclusion
- Is there a solution
- Can you tell me in a sentence feel lonely
heartbreak and conflict
- Just feel it
Well Mr Tom there I have you. In black and white. My man! You take a good
picture, even when you're fat. How do you do that. Don't you ever die on
me. I'm glad you're back.
Did I say that? I'm doubtful about whether I mean it.
- Do I mean it
- Should I mean it no
- You want me to stay in depression
- So when I get into depression I shd be happy
- And do something with it I haven't done yet
- Feel the littleness
- Feel it more, differently
- For the sake of the larger love woman
Working with the scanner last night. It's good on photos.
This week for rain.
I'm pushing to get volume 1 posted. It is complicated and I need to figure
out how to go ahead. First, the bookwork for vol 1 is in notebooks and untranscribed.
July-Dec has almost three of them and I can't transcribe all that and don't
even want to reread it. And yet I should because the bookwork set up what
happens in GW. When I look at the summary for the fasting period I see it's
foretelling the next ten years' trying and failing and slow restructuring.
Second, there needs to be a GW introduction and I haven't written it
There also needs to be a bookwork introduction.
I realized then that it was what he was born
to do and what he did. It was the foundation of his inner dignity to care.
In that moment I began to understand human men in a way that I never had
before, and my fear of them began to lessen. I began to see that the core
of my being was a great deal like this male core: looking on from the outside,
blank-faced, with a deep and abiding need to protect and comfort in a world
where my ways of feeling and acting no longer had context.
Congo, a man of sacrifice and ferocity, showing
his core and his invisible strength in a jail built by those he loves, inspired
me to open up and extend my heart to the world around me. I would no longer
allow the great permeability of my spirit to lead me to seek smaller and
smaller shelters.
Dawn Prince-Hughes Songs of the gorilla nation
The aide said that guys like me were "in
what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people
who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible
reality." The aide told Mr Suskind, "That's not the way the world
really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act we create our
own reality." Bob Herbert's Bush Blinkers column NYT
A23 today's date
Another piece this week described a survey of beliefs of Bush's supporters.
A large percentage still believe there were banned weapons, and that Hussein
was linked to Al Queda. They see Bush as defending them, against all evidence.
Desperate denial.
Kerry being photographed in camo with a shotgun, an aide carrying a dead
goose. He can't win unless he pretends to be as cut-off as Bush. That means
in this wealthiest of countries the denial is in at least 50%.
It puzzles me that Christians are so in love with the war. I have to
think it means they are not really Christians. That means their leadership
is rotten. They aren't being taught. A culture of denial. If Bush's notion
of god and theirs were true, this would be Satan's universe. Has lying seized
what used to be god's? I don't feel the universe is wicked.
I understand being against abortion but I can't understand being anti-abortion
and pro-death-penalty and casually pro-war.
It's patriarchy, it's patriarchal recidivism, it's a story Le Guin tells
again and again, the strict father culture struggling against the change
to egalitarian families.
Oh the devastation -
The British aid worker kidnapped in Iraq is videotaped pleading Help
me, help me. Margaret someone, who'd worked for the Iraqis thirty years.
The intelligent design people campaigning to put creationism into the
high school curriculum.
Are we being dragged into a dark ages by the demagogues who want to be
emperors? Nothing reasonable is working. The investigations are there, the
news reports are there, democratic process doesn't work without an intelligent
electorate. I'm feeling nothing can stop the alliance of the stupid and
the evil.
The deniers need to be won into egalitarian freedom by generosity not
imitation. There needs to be a truly Christian community within the authoritarian
strongholds. Truly Christian means recovered early love. Clinton didn't
need to pose in camo with a dead goose. Kerry doesn't have liberated radiance.
One question though - is it possible that Bush's war has pulled the Islamic
activists into war in Iraq and thus kept them busy? Sacrificing the citizens
of another country rather than one's own. Apart from the 1000 dead and 10,000
injured and how many, 100,000? wrecked veterans to come. It's wrong but
did it work? No because the economic damage to the US of fighting the war
is more than anything terrorists could have wished for. The war is doing
incalculable damage. It's not even oil, it's simply George's oedipal madness.
[NYT clipping about Wangari Maathai's Nobel]
Yesterday I learned some about style sheets but I don't know how to work
them with Pagemill.
Today I was out the door looking for breakfast while the day was blue
and cool. Went to Dawne with plants in the jeep, two ceanothus, a manzanita,
a buckwheat, a mountain mahogany, a coyote bush, a false indigo, a willow.
I'm smelling honeysuckle taken from the flowing cascades of it that are
so good a groundcover.
The yellow abutilon is filling out. The earlier ceanothus is starting
to bloom again. The ivy-gone-tree is blooming so that it is smothered in
honey bees. The red passiflora is running beautifully along the top of the
fence. I've put the encelia where the mullein was. The lemonadeberry is
standing up visible now, and what's that other thing below the ceanothus
- a chaparral thing.
- Though I take my song
- From a withered limb
- sez LC, By the rivers dark
- For what's left of our religion,
- I lift up my voice and pray:
- May the light in the Land of Plenty
- Shine on the truth some day.
I thought Tom might be too pigheaded to like Ten new songs but
he'd only heard two bars of the intro when he said it was good. We sat together
on the couch listening all the way through with the lyric sheet in his hand.
Saturday morning. He said my shoulder felt light and feathery.
Then we went to the garden plot and chopped at the hardpan. Lasted an
hour and went for lunch at Tacos y Papas.
Should I say that when I talked about not being able to afford rent he
brought up the Section 8 mortgage program, which sounds too good to be true.
I said he should go for disability money and any pension he can get, go
to school, volunteer. Get income security and then figure out what he really
wants to do. He said OB web radio.
Leonard Cohen 2001 Ten new songs Sony
I am avoiding Michael Duke not very successfully. Yesterday driving past
Starbucks I saw the outside seats empty and thought it was safe to come
back and read the paper. There he was sitting inside, so friendly it was
awkward being noncommittal. Today when I drove past Starbucks after dropping
Tom at the mission he wasn't sitting outside though it was warm. I parked
in front of Lips and when I opened the door to step out there he was arriving
with the most perfect timing. He was wearing an odd pale blue sweater and
is always so surprisingly tall.
Sunday night. Listening to Drudge. His particular vitriol for strong
Democrat women. "Elizabeth Edwards comes across as a cuddle-muffin"
(was it that?) "but she's actually a lawyer." "Teresa is
a little too nuts to be in the Whitehouse."
Backlash. It scares me. I feel personally despised in this climate. It's
the kids in La Glace. It is, too. It's them, their mystifying spite and
crudeness. And there are more of them, so many. Familiar sore heart. Small.
Holding-myself-together sore heart.
"The country is divided between urban and the rest." Argument
about the Electoral College, if they abolish it and have majority vote the
cities will win, ie the modernized.
Why would the rural and small town be authoritarian and jingoistic?
Bush has slashed taxes for the rich even more, a huge cut.
Why would people who kill routinely on their farms be more anti-abortion?
Do rural people buy into the strict father model because they haven't
had an experience of an egalitarian family model - for instance reading
it, the way I did?
Everywhere [in the country] the smart people exiting, the way we did,
because we could. So the Electoral College enfanchises the stupid disproportionately.
That's why the US is more backward than Canada or Europe, is it as simple
as that? In some states by a factor of four to one.
Electoral fraud being set up in Florida.
Why would the urban be less frightened of accomplished women? Why would
the stupid be more frightened?
Reintegrate the smart people into small communities and even churches.
Could web jobs do that? It's true the communities are too sorted, so that
the urban tip into corruption.
Isn't Vermont an example of a place where the modern have recolonized
the rural?
I went to my plot and hacked at the subsoil. When I start I make five
strokes with the pick and feel my heart so feeble it scares me. And then
after a while I could keep going.
Tuesday night, they're saying it'll rain tomorrow.
I had an email from Logan this morning. He said field & field
is hospitable, seductive and located precisely, and that he might want to
use it when he teaches a class in "free verse, open field and line
breaks." He is fond and as if concerned, how am I, he wants to know,
and Maggie half an hour after I found his note writing that her semester
with me was the only semester she didn't hate.
Favor. Had a hippy mom, schizophrenic, stoned, with a mad brother and
a Jesus-believer sister and a 300-pound mother who got beaten up by her
men. An unknown father who had lost his own parents, was adopted; abandoned
his own kids with many mothers. Childhood in the country, very material.
From that history Favor makes herself a marvel of soft attention, someone
who can see and say what she sees. She is able to make money, marry. She's
33 (my guess) and born a week before Luke. This work will be published.
Bread & Cie. Rain pouring down. It is the wettest October in California's
record. There are two mothers with three little kids at the next table.
I hate them. I hate the false voices of the mothers and the blank clambering
and trotting of the kids. They're so loud. They are taking so long to leave.
What else. Tom. Dropped in yesterday. I was glad to see him but I should
hold my line.
I am relieved not to be in anguish. I want the misery to be over. I want
not to have to talk to myself anymore about Tom or any other one like him.
I want that phase to be done. but I don't want there to be nothing.
The journal phase is over too. I'll keep doing this but there isn't the
drive and precision that used to make it worth reading - I know that. I've
been railing at that death of giftedness but I'm starting to think I will
have to get used to this very reduced life. All there is in it with any
quality is the teaching letters, the residency lectures, and I guess maybe
a kind of harvesting, looking after the work of other times, teaching from
it. (It sighed.) When I say residency lectures I quail, [my college] isn't
a venue that matters. I'm making a living. Now my heart is hurting. Teaching,
but it's very small, it's not consequential.
The task of learning to be disillusioned with addiction, graduating to
judgment and overview, toward success in the kind of action heartbreak delayed,
it said.
And in exchange I have given the lyrical elf, the gifted journal, touch,
joy, significant dreams, exquisite personal beauty. I am now a mountain
of competence, a servant-mountain.
- I'm older.
- I'm away from my friends and have no one to talk to and have lost Joyce.
- I don't have the community and stimulus of school.
- So there are those too.
- It isn't all the fault of being good and doing what I should do to
be responsible.
Here is what I should ask: is it really the fault of my other dependency,
on control and command? I've taken away what balanced it, the disorders
of sex and adoration. So now I have just it: the primary freezing
and blanking. Is that it?
- Is that it
- So then there's a next step
- It's one I have no clue for
- Can you get me through
- Will it take as long no
- Do you want a sentence unconscious defense/valor
in feeling's judgment
- Feeling is defended against before it's felt
- So it's a matter of going to find it
- Bodywork no
- Meditation no
- Truthfulness no
- Am I feeling all the time
- Will my dreams tell me how no
- Writing no
- But there's something I should do
- Are you able to tell me how
- Apart from addiction is there anything I truly need that
I don't have
- And could I
- Sentence? improvement of action, Ellie
come through
- -
- One card judgment
- Undo the instruction
- Say to it, I'll release you
- Is that it
- Would I still be able to teach
- Wd all hell break loose no
- I'm still in danger from addiction
- Go to the woman under the sea, with her 4 fires
- Is there anything in particular I'd feel
- About everything YES
- Opening ritual
- Go to the country for it
- Mesa Grande
- Without Tom
- Should I fast
- 7 days no
- 3
- Start at Santa Isabel
- Is there any more I need to know about it
temper unconscious child's oppression
- I don't know how
- Is this more nonsense I'm doing instead of action
100,000 Iraqis dead, sez a physician survey by Iraqis themselves.
That little black thing on the back of my left thigh. It's black, it's
hard, it is uneven in color, it has indistinct edge. I'd rather ignore it.
It frightens me. I can't afford to visit a doctor here, or fly to Van to
see one.
November 1
Stepping into the shower I'm telling someone that I regard my body now
wondering which part is going to kill me - the sticky cervix, the breast,
the little black spot on the back of the thigh (that is, the skin), the
heart speeding when I use the pick, the veins in my shin. I also wonder
which part will ensure that I'm repulsive - my ass, my hands, my teeth,
my waist, the lines above my upper lip. And which part will make me helpless
and stupid - my eyes, my brain, my bones, my right foot.
What do I say after I've said that.
It's pomegranate season. They were $1 each at the farmer's market, large
and scarred, beautifully scarred, with bits of stem and leaf attached. She
explained that there are two kinds, one paler and juicier, one drier and
more intense. Brought home four of those. Cut them in half in a bowl to
catch the juice, then cut the half into little pieces. Then bend and twist
the skin and pry out the little rubies. It's laborious. And then I eat them
with a spoon. I am left chewing their little woody bones.
Did several things today that I liked. Potted the new agave parryi huacacensis
(or truncata?) I bought Sunday from the cactus man on University, my autistic
every-Sunday cactus friend whose dog barks at me and who is listening to
Garrison Kiellor under his high filter-cloth roof.
It is a blue round-leaf one with very dark teeth. I have put it into
a large earthenware pot with backcountry road grit for mulch. It's a pretty
one and will get big enough to close the top of the pot probably. I'm in
a little tizzy about the other round-leaf one I had to spray for the black
mold. It has been looking miserable - not as miserable as the earlier one
with 3 rosettes - but since those days of heavy and repeated rain it looks
radiant. So do most of them. I go out onto the roof and adore them repeatedly
in a morning.
This was the kind of day that has California magic - a winter day, I
now understand. There's a giddiness in it, just walking in the street under
the blue sky in such light. What about it? Angle. Mildness.
What else. I wrote Larry abut eudaimonia, quite joyfully, the ecumenism
of sacred and secular. That was good. I'm pleased with my statement of religious
philosophy. I'm pleased to be teaching a minister though so nice and humble
a one.
Layla wrote back that she was excited to understand what it means when
she dreams she climbs onto structures to get away from big cats.
I buckled myself down into structural analysis of Patricia's paper and
gave her enough to be able to decide I should stop and be done with the
packet letters though there are still the progress reviews.
After that I looked at my desktop for something else and there was Logan's
letter. Is it the moment? He says he may want to teach it this week so yes
and then I feel what it's like to be writing to that sophisticated and talented
person, who has loved my loneliest work, and who also loves my honour in
speaking to him with my best. Who knows me, that is. As I know him too,
the way people can know each other who have been intent to be and show what
they are. Only those.
So how was it to write him. Experimental. Lighter. He said how are
you (seriously)? Meaning, tell me. So I picked things to tell which
happen to be salient. Things I would tell myself, though I told them briefer.
That in the past year I was in tragedy a lot. That I go to the gym in an
orange singlet.
That I wanted to kiss a man who has repellent dirty fingernails. "Short
story with few events." He bummed cigarettes and brought a king snake
in a pillowcase. I told that story falsely, and it is a sign of something,
that I am making an entertaining anecdote of Michael - yes a sign of anger.
I'm watching it and not repenting.
Two things happened. We got close a couple of times and both jumped back.
Once about his illness and deaths. He doesn't want to talk about them and
I held off respectfully but it stopped my contact. Second, when I started
to get sexually juiced by him I got into self interference wanting more
of the juice and then being angry at not getting it.
So I'm avoiding him but aware of him. I've stopped taking him in when
I'm with him. I'm stonewalling, which usually I don't do. How are you doing
he asks suspectingly. Fine, I say. I've stopped taking Tom in too. I don't
know whether they're related.
Tomorrow is the election.
What else - Juliana wrote about what season it was in the digital photos
from her husband's Sunday walk. She said there had been two weeks of heavy
rain and now it will be summer, but in the mountains it is always cool.
I could see new grass coming up from below old grass.
This house is more tuned, as houses become. Red cloth under the computer,
vertical scanner as a stand for a picture book, the heater like a little
moderne radiator. I can leave it on when I go out. It's silent even warmth
with an unnoticed quality. Collection of pots glazed in strong red, green,
blue, yellow. Medicine cabinet finally scrubbed out and organized. I've
been here two years in December.
I know this isn't good writing.
I can do the student writing still. What's the difference. Public voice.
It's a good public voice, has my qualities of tonal flex and concision.
But what. Out of the habit of intimacy, out of the habit of intimacy, yes.
So now I'm brushing my teeth and going to bed.
Open the computer to a note from Margo:
You and I are in Shelley's garden. I don't remember
if we are picking beans or just wandering about before the pot luck final
dinner. I am experiencing the intensity of perception that some associate
with drugs but I associate with a transcendent state of consciousness. It
is a sense of being connected to the cosmic and it is that connection that
shifts my tactile and sensory presence, even merging with the lettuce leaf.
It is an ecstatic state, but rather quiet.
At first I imagine that this is just one of
those lovely moments that seem to happen to me from time to time. But it
comes to me that the reason I have this experience is because you are carrying,
in that time, an expansive vastness that I enter. I ride on your coattails.
I experience the garden as you experience the garden. I am able to do this
because you have that profound love and thus openness to the garden and
because I am open to you. Perhaps you connect to the particular and from
there to the universal but my sense is that I connect to the universal (through
you) and then to the particular.
I am lying on my bed with my little 3-legged
doggie beside me. I reach over and affectionately put my index finger on
her front paw. Suddenly I am in the presence of one of those constellations
- Pleiades? I have the thought: Oh, so, that's where you come from. A sense
of knowing that she in some way comes from that place in the cosmos. This
translates into a whole very deep set of understandings of her heart connection
to mine and how we move through the world together.
This came up because M wants me to put up [on the embod web worksite]
a section on 'spiritual bodies' or some such, and I have put all that stuff
into an awareness section along with art and rock climbing.
Wherever people want to say 'spiritual' I want to use other terms because
I want to ground it. I suspect they use it when they want certain kinds
of experience to be evidence of something untrue that they nonetheless want
- death survival, a divine parent. I'm also thinking from Margo's piece
that 'spiritual' is a word people want to use for an ineffability that actually
comes from the partial unconsciousness of some ordinary function like visual
- Is Margo perceiving more than I do no
- Was she riding my coattails no
She was doing what she thinks I do.
- She was tuning in to me
- Which made her tune into the garden
- I'm resisting the impulse to hive off the 'spiritual'
- It's everything
- Did she actually become one with the lettuce leaf
- The fact that she saw it made her feel she did
- Can you explain 'transcendent' and the feeling that she's
connected to the cosmic oppression, exclusion, processing,
early love
- Partly unconscious connection to early love
- She saw me in early love
- It turned on her early love
- But it was partly unconscious
- She normally perceives with L hem
- She shuttled into R and there intensified
- Does this mean I'm love woman for Margo
- Is the little dog story something different
- Did she connect to the Pleiades no
- Is it significant that the dog has 3 legs
- The affection is what's relevant
- She opened R hem
- And there was the whole complex of significance
Writing to Larry I unpacked 'spiritual' as realness in feeling and connections.
I think generally it means a whole complex of real feeling values, denial
and therefore unconsciousness, and then a setup that contains and limits
contact with them in a segregated enclave. 'Separation of church and state.'
So one doesn't want to deny 'the spiritual' with people, because it includes
their realness, but one also wants gently to point to the fantasy conclusion
it is being used to support. And mainly one should encourage just dwelling
in the experience without jumping to metaphysical conclusions. Reconnect
and there will be pain, expect it, endure it as the religious essence, reconnection
always within the body.
- So is Pleiades symbolic
- Of triangulation
- Moving way out - ie into the other hemisphere
- Ask her whether she also had any other spatial sense
of it
- Any more you want to say about this no
- Leave it in the awareness section and talk more about
- Or have 'spiritual bodies' and make it connect to awareness
- Am I missing anything in this no
- Am I debunking unfairly no
- Margo is R-hem connected abt people
I finished the progress reviews fast after I made a progress review table
and then moved a chair to the east end of the roof to be able to sit in
the sun and finish my meal. I had been sitting there a very short time -
next to the gate - when a voice said hi behind me. Michael bringing
the sweater I'd left fallen on the ground behind my chair.
There we sat and he talked about geckos and other lizards, smiling, talking,
talking. He was interested in my agaves and looked affectionately at all
my plants so I considered it enough. I wasn't a baby and could see the way
he is, I mean. He has to take himself elsewhere. Mom anxiety.
The way we seem to monitor each other's position as we move independently
around the neighbourhood, the way today I was at the gate to catch him though
I had no reason to think he'd show up.
Tom and I downtown last night at election central, Tom in his black leather
jacket and I in my green cord, both with large Donna Frye stickers and small
Kerry stickers. Tom was practicing self containment. It suited him. At the
end of the evening we were sitting in the hospitality room with I think
mostly teachers, watching CNN. He was gazing at the TV with a beautiful
look on his face, young, serious, thinking, remote. He hadn't been replying
to anything I said but I had gone on commenting in any way I wanted. We'd
sit so we were touching, for instance in the foyer on a padded bench where
we could watch strange beings on their way through.
At the end of the evening results showed Donna Frye winning for mayor,
surfer mama from PB with surfer girl long blond hair and a low strong voice.
A write-in candidate, Dem, running against two 65-year-old white Republican
men who split 64%. Anti-development candidate.
Bush-Kerry still waiting for Ohio this morning.
I had a moment of rage. We were pressing through the crowd to leave the
big hall and skirted the edge of a Ke-rry! Ke-rry! group jerking
large signs up and down. My way was blocked by a small but solid large-bosomed
Hispanic woman jerking her little Bush/Cheney sticker toward them. I wanted
her to let me through and when she didn't I gave her a shove. It was rage
at all those masses of people who are knocking my kind out of influence,
so that what we care about is being harmed. I was aware that either way
some large number of people would be feeling that.
Now about Michael. I will summarize. There is some kind of connection
through the uncon. He is looking for a mother and I am looking for a lover
and we spotted each other. We are both afraid of it, he because of his mourning
project and because it's a mother he's looking for, I because he isn't suitable
as a lover. Because we're afraid of it there has been a lot of to and fro.
It will come to nothing. So says the book. It is a kind of accident.
Look at the way this writing is tighter than across the page where I'm
writing about the evening with Tom. Is it because here I'm abnegating.
Now here is my Wednesday, bright cold dewy early November. Next Monday
finishing drafts come in. Amanda hasn't shown up yet. Digging this aft with
Tom. Have to earn my $1000 for embod but can I get somewhere with posting
journal please -
Email from Rob saying Chris killed himself September 18, at 50. Beautiful
Chris Mills, who made the bee bracelet using the lost wax technique.
- Were we going through a death zone no
- Personal
- If I hadn't felt it would I have died of it
- Did I feel it enough
- Is that melanoma no
- Am I healthy
- Is my heart healthy
- Was I feeling it for Tom no
- Was it crossing into old age no
- Is my blood pressure down
I'm listening to Bush in a press conference. That is new. I haven't been
able to bear to hear his voice. In his photos he also has not seemed as
repulsive as he was - has he grown in office - somehow? He sounds and looks
less devious.
What happens now is that we find out what happens when our confident
entitlements are pruned hard. By 'our' I mean the urban, the schooled, the
cosmopolitan, the self-experienced, with our forms of corruption that are
different from the corruptions of hidden shadow.
And on the other side that constituency will license itself enough to
discover its own errors, so that the next election will bring a backwash.
In Sherbrooke it is starting to snow. "There are a few flakes."
I was buying [on the phone, from Garnier] new slippers, these are done.
And yesterday I bought books for Luke. I am telling that because it is exciting,
I've been so tight with money. I'm also wanting to say I did things yesterday.
I washed my hair, I reorganized the closet, went to the laundromat. I like
the sense of having made order, having taken care of things.
What did I dream. Something about a man and images.
A woman showed me her report on my report. She had made something lush of
it. Naked Egyptian girls in a crowd.
Yesterday I wanted to talk about Anne Carson. I read her askance.
Margo says I get the $1000 regardless.
Got paid today and went to Amvets. 3 pr moss green socks, beautiful zipfront
moss tweed sweater, v fine Indian cotton green white and black plaid shirt,
moleskin dk green pants. The sweater is good. The pants fit across the rump
and are a good color.
Today it went badly with Tom. He brought 3 CDs and played them all. He
brought a book about physics and dreaming. He walked in the door and said
FISH! which he has done the last three times he's come. He motor-mouthed.
He asked for my crescent wrench and work gloves. He got nasty about a fuckin'
Jew in a Cadillac. He said he's the only one who's trying. All of that was
Tom's old self and my first thought is that it's back because he's got a
job. It might be that he got into drugs but work would be enough probably.
Wanted me to come watch him marching with the veterans on Veterans' Day
next Thursday. Was angry when I said probably not.
During the week I looked at Laura Schlessinger's book at the library,
how to make a husband happy. Give him sex when he wants it even if you don't,
and let him take leadership, and some other things. If you do those he'll
love you like you want to be loved, except don't expect him to put up with
listening to you, or help with the housework or childcare. Do it because
he's making your living so you can stay home with the kids.
What it would take to make Tom happy is not compatible with being who
I am, and yet I miss him when I give up on him.
Why did the Amish woman have a lover although she was married? She liked
two Mennonite.
"We must have patience for this is a game where principles matter."
Oh Garrison Kiellor you are so fearless and clear, you are my hero. He used
Guy Noir Private Eye to comment on the election.
part 6
- in america volume 6: 2004 july-november
- work & days: a lifetime journal project