4 December 2008
Halfway through 1972. Didn't I write more than that about Portugal? When
I move out on my own, as soon as, there's more about Luke. A lot of pleasure,
I love those notes, and the notes on Burghley Road.
Am ignoring packet letters but sent off a polemic replying to Ralph fretting
about academic standards. He wants a 'solid' program. Is Francis playing
on Ralph's sexual/gender anxiety and getting him to front for Francis's
fight against embodiment studies? Francis is staying back, and Ralph is
wanting to blame the way (we women) allow and encourage students to work
with/from personal experience for lowering academic standards. He doesn't
know what we actually do, he wants students working the way they do with
him, he can't do what we do and has no clue how it works.
Then Janet's letter confessing how she doesn't know this and that at
length and then saying what we're good at. I wondered whether she was confessing
all the not-knowing as a way of courting the men, or out of a habit of being
long married to a man, or 30 years of academic politics. But anyway, after
she had patted Ralph down at length I thought I could take up some of his
points - had felt sorry for him and held off - and emphasize what I thought
her letter eventually came to, which was that we're unusually - some of
us are - detailed and precise in our response letters, and that is
academic standards. I am much more rigorous and pointed with my students
than any regular prof was with me - I'm much deeper - I'm looking at the
whole person to see what's needed for better work - I'm working from my
formedness which isn't just disciplinary - Janet seemed oddly to believe
that her formation was just disciplinary, was it because she didn't take
on her discipline? What was formed was focus.
In Forming so wide a study, the way I studied design always in
What else: feminism, gardening, early childhood education, poetry, co-counseling
and other psych, film and film theory, sex and gender, construction. Go
through Forming and list all of them, London, English culture, photography,
pottery, women's writing, 'consciousness studies' and human potential psych,
art history, French, German, music history, Eng lit, Italian, European geog,
child psych.
What did I study in the Dames rocket time - film, cooking, photog,
gardening, feminism, sex/gender/lesbian studies, sci fi, community org,
garden design, consc studies human potential.
Rowen's working at Futureshop, his cousin Lucas has given him a red VW
Golf and is teaching him to drive, he likes his management, they train well,
he says, his voice had forced low notes, I was operating the way I do in
conversations with him.
[clipping on Alison Bechtel's books]
Erica with her 4 kids, 14-hr work days, threat of Joe coming back to
town and slaughtering them. - Here I think of Belle, her fine kids, the
way she's come through. She is wandering off to publish a series on Christian
mysticism and I'm thinking some lateral engagement would be good.
Have been wanting to say something about Boston Legal, which is
about to stop. What I've liked about it. The unstandard characters, a woman
lawyer about 3' tall, a male lawyer with Tourette's or something like it.
Denny Crane getting Alzheimer's. Candice Bergen sexually yearned for at
60. My favorite is impudent Alan, the lightness of his intelligence, his
intelligence at all. His friendship with Denny, the way the two of them
are like young sisters confiding naturally on their balcony with manly cigar
and scotch. The show has been explicitly Dem these wicked years, has talked
about all sorts of issues, lets right win nearly always, and is erotic top
to bottom without check.
And Grey's anatomy - I began by wanting to write something about
Little Grey, the character who most holds my eyes this season - last season
it was Izzy and Madison - Little Grey is a brown-eyed redhead whose face
simply shines. What is that - nobody else has it. I like the color of Grey's
anatomy, blue scrubs with closeup faces, it's shot more in close-up
than most. It's well cast, well lit, it's intimate, it's erotic from top
to bottom, too, though in a more idealized way than Boston, no unstandard
people doing it. The kissing and grappling are implausibly ferocious, why
do they do that in the movies.
I like the completely natural equality of men and women of course. There's
been an autistic woman cardiac surgeon whose expressions are interesting.
Bailey isn't pretty and she's got a squat lippy dogged sweetness that works.
I'm not crazy about the shots of bloody body cavities.
Shonda Rhimes 2005 creator. She's Luke's age and black, Chicago. Writer
Krista Vernoff. Lexie is Chyler Leigh.
Norton Disk Dr and defrag desktop this morning, going to try speed disk.
Occurred to me to wonder what it would be like if I walked around remembering
my IQ is 140, which is 99.62 percentile. I mean not arrogance but practical
attitude: what would that fact, if it's true, imply for how to behave in
this circumstance, how to carry myself. Thinking of it feels firm, like
Jodie Foster, cool eyes. How would it be different than what I do now. Is
it a tension? Where now I'm softer and warmer.
Professors, top civil servants, research scientists.
I fixed what I wanted to fix, something in new files that was making
an error message come up every time it autosaved or I tried to save. Disk
doctor found in an unfixable error in my template file - it said I should
dump most of my recent work including three Forming vols. What to
do. I made a new template and cut and pasted onto it - yes, it's fixed.
Then googled floppy hinges on G3 Powerbooks. Now I know what's wrong with
Sunday morning. It's just eight, a dark morning. I've already transcribed
16 pages. 1972 is up to 90 pages. Roy settling with Jud. I try John Rowley.
Write a lot about Luke.
What have I been thinking as I transcribe. The writing's rarely anything
but serviceable. Affection and pain. Felt self-division always in relation
to men. Eloquent self defense with my mother, who doesn't want me to be
what I am. I so dislike her in retrospect for undermining the brave young
creature who was being so generous and fond with her. That happens from
first year at Queen's onward, she doesn't think about what I am having to
deal with or what I am needing to make of myself - she's stupid and fixed
about me, greedy: she wants me to be what works for her. That's hideous
in a mother.
Two things about students. There's Jessie I've left till now because
her poems oppress me. This time for the first time there was a paragraph
admitting she's shut down. She doesn't want to feel her childhood. I can
talk about that but she's wasted the semester.
Then Macy. She sent stories and essays and notes, new and old. What's
in my tangle with her. I said most of it last time. Something spiteful in
relation to her use of the femme image, blond, high heels, long legs, etc,
what I've always resented other women for, that power to compel men. In
relation to her the spite is mad, but there it is.
Another thing my repulsion from crip sex, messing with the woman in the
wheelchair to turn on a watching girl-man. Fisting, choking, whipping. She's
often lucid. Beautifully so, gracefully. I like her portrait of Eli, ie
I'm interested in Eli, but I don't like her behavior with him, I don't like
submission as a way to compel. Another thing I don't like in her work is
the way it's locked into sex/gender compulsion. Is there ever anything about
the day, or the world, or even her children? She's a good warrior, and she
has an arena and she thinks there, but in her writing I want more range
- like a landscape, openness around. And there's a way she's ignored me
all semester, not wanted to engage because I'm not in her vortex of sexual
and gender concern.
Is she actually interested in disability? I haven't seen that she is,
except in Eli.
How interested is she in deformity, apart from the sexual/social effect
of her own?
I don't have all of this yet.
I mostly see someone grasping for sexual power. Is it power or acceptability?
As if power is the only way there'll be acceptability.
- She's compassionless I think YES
- Is that kind of sex really sex no
- -
- 2009 private life, charity, 'spiritual,' contemplate,
prepare, whole new culture, new circle of friends
- 2010 huge personal luck, emergence
Hello Monday morning. The sky has opened, sweet winter light stopped
in the dew on the windows. It's welling into the far corner, why is it doing
that, reflecting from a cloud?
This morning I'm thinking I'll repaint this room, set it up as a studio
- sometime before the first of Jan buy the monitor - do something to extend
the media surface into the corner - will soon finish transcribing, 1972
today, 73-74 before the end of my break - mark the switch - clear out the
closet as much as possible - ship the journals if I can figure out where
they should go.
Eleni Sikelianos The California poem. Logan sent me its name and
I ordered it. Looking at it to see how it's being done.
Yesterday at Amvets also bought a complete Shakespeare for $5 and Lattimore's
Odyssey for $4. They're both pristine.
My soul is in the sky / tongue lose thy light
Alas a crimson river of warm blood / like to
a bubbling fountain stirr'd with wind
- She's compendious and gorgeous.
- Lattimore's measure.
Evals - get them done and get on into my two months of beauty.
- So there I wrote Macy, Melanie, Jessie, and finished Macy's letter,
and set up Sue. I think that's my work day. Now what. It's four o'clock.
Sun low down and slow to arrive on the page where I lie on the couch. "Mostly
clear skies tonight. Winds becoming light by this evening."
Nathan Pacheco, Brazilian.
Starting at the beginning of the book, such a good blue, midnight, with
Henry VI.
Now it is supper-time in Orleans
A small jump of pleasure at the idea of, for instance, a PhD in language.
English but more than English. Ray said it was the best thing he had read.
What to make of that. O make of it, my beautiful book.
His plays begin with Joan of Arc among the squabbling men, I didn't know
that. Made beautiful by her vision. She sees through their deception and
defeats the king.
Come, come, 'tis only I that must disgrace thee
[she says]
But in the end she's shown to be a witch and no virgin before she's executed
- denies her father the shepherd.
The scene where Talbot's young son dies in his first battle and is brought
into his dying father's arms.
Wondered as I was reading S this morning whether Martin Ware would (connect)
- I'm saying that so it's nonspecific - because I was in his territory.
Midmorning a note from him saying he'll reply at length after Christmas,
wants to think about it in relation to something he's reading.
Tom arrives. I take him home, have the jeep for a couple of days. Go
to the library, Valentine's for lunch, sometimes noticing a light hope.
What exactly is it. The letter I wrote, the three paragraphs about Ken,
they're graceful, it's hope of being read, which lets me write. I don't
miss sex now, but I'm deprived in literary friendship - and in this I want
the illusion more than I usually do, I don't care if he or anyone is actually
smart, what matters is I can feel they are. It's not about them. Love is,
but this is not. It's about the kind of being I am, who needs to feel wanted
when she writes. The writing is true even if its receiver is not. Is that
insane? No, it's art.
Hypothermia is a gradual and remarkably gentle
way to go. First there is the slow, insidious chilling, then the desperate,
uncontrollable trembling ... gradual slide into unconsciousness ... peaceful,
almost blissful.
Mike sent the bits he has transcribed over the last couple of days, and
I pieced together the few I have that he didn't. He said how about a small
monograph. I said would it have room for things I wrote too. There'd have
to be permissions. Is this going to happen?
Mike when he says monograph means web. I'm saying I'll make a hard copy
of it. This would set me up to do it in the next two months. Would have
to make it a broad book like California: a poem.
- It would cost a lot with photos.
- Having Mike edit it would help credibility.
- Figure out a fee if it sold. No, he'd get the [publishing] model.
UCSD midafternoon on a Friday, in the Roma years later. An almond croissant,
so good, with a latte.
The bookstore. I came for my monitor and haven't got it.
Frothy. Bought two Penguins to study the design. And a moleskin for Tom.
I'm euphoric to be on campus. Smart faces, oh. That one across the room.
A young East Indian with long bird eyes and a wide white mouth - a wide
short face, very bright - goodness, so beautiful. Animated talking to a
girl, he's an Ariel, so fine featured and alive I'd want a race of him.
Behind me a young man in a striped ski cap and worn brown docs explaining
physics problems to someone he's studying with.
- There a female blackbird, I think it is, flits through the room past
Ariel and he laughs.
What film writing can I include. What's it called. What images. Text
from Notes in origin? This notion so starts me up into Ant Bear again,
I'd faded out. Could I use C's photo or Shon's somewhere.
Somebody in the Russian Federation back and forth in Being about,
ch 8 - bib for intro - topcv - Perception without rep. Came in through
ch 8 as did someone in the UK three days ago, Open University - Kingston-upon-Hull.
Ch 8 is Representing and the IPL.
[notes on laptop audio studio]
- Mastering digital audio production
- mic
- studio speakers high and low frequencies
- headphones
- audio only hardware interface Protools M-box
2 pro hardware
- Protools LE
- or better, lighter Protools M-powered M audio
- Mac has quarter inch line in to record audio
into Protools
- cable
- external drives
- a gate plugin beeps background noise out of the
- a click track
- mix-down
- mastering
- CD authoring
- digital distrib MP3/AAC=itunes
- WAV uncompressed high end
- MP3 compresses to wavelengths audible
- AAC sounds better at small formats
- Pre-mastering: making sure of levels and quality,
spacing. Pro if you can afford it. 'Mastering studio.;
- Needs a compresser, a limiter
- Downsampling to CD
It's the day I rearranged my room. I'm closer to the west window, which
doesn't have bars. I face it from my bed, now. Continuous work surfaces
in the corner - that's where the monitor will be.
I want to keep the space more conscious. Keep the work surfaces clear,
not have old projects stacked - have no projects stacked, just tools and
open space. I want to frame and hang Cheryl's two photos and Jean-Jacque's.
Paste grain images above the work-L. Want to clean up the tangle of cords.
There should be a cleaning habit - maybe every Saturday? Oftener than now.
Quickly get rid of the pile of folders. Have a system for remembering things
to do that doesn't involve having them on the desk.
- Soon de-mold, scrub and paint white.
- Get a better couch-cover and doormat.
- Stable cords along skirting boards.
Tom's house Monday morning. It's raining, not heavily. I'm at his long
window. The eugenia is opening and closing. Not steadily, sensitively, its
tall stems independent from low down, which makes its tree motion unusual
and beautiful, the parts of the tree fan across each other, not stiffly,
swaying layers through the crown's depth - and small leaves, dense dark-green
And there the single palm, a very long-legged fan palm with a thick short
beard. Its grassy fringe is moving but the whole crown doesn't much.
There's my shade garden under the honeysuckle fence, very thriving, fern,
*, datura, * geranium and then the princess acacia with its lacy droop.
Dry on this side of the steps, wet on the shade side.
Tuesday before Luke's birthday - UCSD - I've bought the monitor - it's
in a box more than a yard wide, deep and heavy - how to get it to the jeep.
The sour old computer section clerk had a plan he insisted on. An electrician
said that with a jeep I could get over the curb. I walked out into the alleyway
and flagged down a UCSD electric buggy, elderly man with a thick grey moustache.
Said he'd give me a lift. Tracked carefully around and about between the
patio tables and got me to the bookstore entrance. There the sour man with
the dolley. Then back around to the parking garage. An electrician, worked
here since the 70s. Lifted the thing into the back of the jeep. I opened
my mouth to say thank you so much. He said "You're welcome."
I liked riding in the buggy with him, and I liked the way he inched down
over the curb. - I liked that there was an adventure in the getting of it.
Then a lot of running around for the library card.
Delicious coffee. Yesterday I stayed at Tom's to see the rain. It blew
sideways in curtains we could see against the valley trees. This morning
I flew up 5 in sun but toward heavy cloud. The rain began as I got to the
parking palace. At the extension complex I stepped out into the scent of
eucalyptus beaten by the rain.
The campus is emptyish, sunny again, new buildings stacked up everywhere.
In my student ID photo I look more than old, it's a preview of 90. Haggard,
thin wispy hair, a corded neck.
The satisfaction of having sent Luke a book. I was talking to him in
his kitchen, where he had put beef and potatoes into the oven. He was talking
about depression and I mentioned The dream and the underworld. Realized
I could go to Amazon UK and have it sent to him.
Luke is 38.
[page of statcounter records for index page, mbo, work and days, being
about, page origin and place]
[work list for room]
[work list for semester break]
I wrote a para after that, which I've erased. I can't write in the evenings,
it was like writing blind, randomly putting something down. My evening brain
can't do much. It can transcribe. Then in the morning I can hear thoughts
How was Luke. He's eating for comfort he says so I suppose he's fat.
I'm afraid his spirit isn't fighting enough. He's doing this and that, working
on Josh's house, housing co-op website. Feels London isn't letting him in,
his ngo contacts say he can't just drop in. I said find me a house-sit for
May or June for a month.
Cheryl when she visited him last summer brought a bottle of *. He hid
it in his cupboard and brought it out for dinner last night.
I had sent him four of the contact sheet baby pictures, his strong small
spirit, level.
He gets angry with Roy when he sees him hammering a nail crooked - You're
supposed to be able to show me how to do that.
His dream - the black man pulls the father out of the water but he's
unconscious. The sun is left behind because the father is unconscious, I
said - he's unconscious. "I wondered whether you'd like to have
the record of how you were with Roy when you were a baby." I was thinking
he needs to know how in love with Roy he was - what Roy gave him, that he
shouldn't shut down on. He said he was afraid of pain. I don't like that
he wants to believe shutting down is undoable.
[work list for before the exp film conference April 2010]
It's 6:30. Kiri singing Mozart has just stopped. I look up from my new
position in the room - a few feet west - and see clear sky pale grey between
unlit scraps of cloud in the east. There's dew on the windows.
Last night in bed I was cringing about how bad the Grande Prairie talk
was. I tried to pull it together in the last hours but talking to the psych
class that afternoon threw me off. (It says it wasn't as bad as I thought.)
I worked all day. It's ten at night, I started at 6:30 - working on Mike's
web book - proofing his collection of critical writing and now thinking
about my pieces - combing Leaving the land, Brain and imagining,
Brain and metaphor, maybe some journal pieces?
Saturday midday - Susan phoned to tell me how she nabbed a famous writer
in a dim sum restaurant on her birthday - why am I crestfallen after - she
expanded and I didn't - she's excited all around - it was her course description
that depressed me - she saying only 20% of optical cortex is from the retina
and therefore perception is mostly memory - my heart hurts. Her general
point was about meditation, that her yoga women could be noticing that the
way they see varies with how they are thinking of themselves. They were
seeing a shark where really there was a dolphin.
- It's true that everything that's wrong with people is
because there's a love encapsulated in a pain
- Is it true what I said to Luke, that he needs to find
the love he had for Roy YES
- Do I need to find the love I had for my father
- I did find it
- And lost it again
- Could I love Tom that way again no
- My father
In the time I'm transcribing I'm full of love, so full of enjoyment of
beings. They knocked it out of me, Cheryl and Trudy.
- Was it necessary no
- Roy didn't YES
- Jam did
- It wasn't about making me as an artist, because I made
Trapline before them
- Was it an accident no
- It was because I had a weakness no
- It was because people were jealous and wanted to harm
me no
- Would you say I had to go there
- Because I needed what I later got from Joyce YES
- But everything I went through with them was a waste
- If I could have gone straight to Joyce would I have needed
them no
- I'm so loveless now NO
- In comparison no
- Now it's a wide, steady, well-founded responsibility
- Have I matured love correctly
- It was more fun being love like that no
- I'm checking through Being about to see what will maybe transfer.
I think
- 1. the intro without the preview of sections
- 2. the whole of the conclusion
- - because they talk about artist.
Was wanting to send the intro to Mary Tiles - I could do that - and to
other people mentioned, some. What do I want from this? Not to give talks
and be invited to departments, just to get Being about published
and used. I do want that.
Found some good bits about Notes in o.
Horticultural society of NY showing it [must have been] at Implant Redux
Jan 13th.
Cognitivetheory.com mentions BA intro and ch 6.
Looking at GW20 and 21 for passages - I wrote an intro this morning,
that talks about the journal section - it's called Being Being about.
- Being about the professional philosopher
- Being Being about excerpts
- the journal itself GW20, 21
Degree of filling in, in both directions - toward the philosophy, toward
the body's tale.
What did I see this morning, that maybe I could publish Being about
somehow together with the journal during its making, that it could make
something different from both, make both more credible - that it could be
a richer form.
Then looking in 2000 I saw I'd written this: "the real last chapter
is journal."
Write a parallel book. The childhood of the philosopher. It's a journal.
It has future in it. It's a novel. It's a woman coming through. What will
philosophy be like when women do it with all their might. Is this it? Is
a lot of it written already? This book is its reference volume. June
14 2000
Had the mind-blown sensation that what I'm living isn't possible in the
world I assume, that it has to indicate something esoteric: the sort of
story there is in Legend of Biel for instance, a solipsism - this
couldn't be so in a world with real other people in it. I can't be that.
It's Monday. Raining. It will be raining all week. Hope there'll be no
one downstairs most of the week though I can hear Nora now. I want an interval.
Bought a small Christmas cactus at the farmer's market yesterday. It's
on the filing cabinet in the celadon Bauer bowl, two pink buds. It will
spread, the bowl will overflow. Look, steady rain past the drifting palm
blades. A bird is the small knob atop the tight-folded single spike standing
straight up at its centre. The spray-sound lines of tires on 4th. What else
- a slight pebbly sound like water boiling in a small pot at some distance,
what is that, wind on some edge?
The joy of time - it's open for 7 full weeks. Going nowhere, working,
Email from Louie: the god we are in is exact.
- a notley line
- want to give myself an air
- couple of days ago I was at nancy's house
after a long time
- her dad died a year before and there was a
photo of him on the piano which I had never seen
- his class in prague when he was a little boy
- his teacher looked like kafka
- you will never find him, she says, nobody
- my kind of challenge
- I decided not to look at faces
- I met him once and he had a particular energy
- shy smart curious
- that's what I looked to feel
- found it instantly it jumped out of the photo
from him only
- she could not believe I got it
- just like that
- it was thrilling
Email from Luke:
chimbo family dinner at dads was a complete Fucking
disaster. again. left in under 10, a new record. never again shall I cross
that heartless threshold.
Wednesday morning. Working on the mag.
- I don't love him
- I'm not interested in him
- I want to be gone
- I'm biding my time
- I'm lonely
- I'm sad
- We didn't come through
- Will you talk to me process to come through anger
into justice
- Anger at Tom
- I'm not angry because I know it's unfair
- But I'm angry
love woman, child, overview
- I hate you for idolizing Mick Jagger
- I hate you for wanting to watch stupid TV when you're with me
- I hate you for boring me telling me things I already know
- I hate you for having an ugly little dick
- I hate you for not having sentient touch, for touching me in stupid
aggressive ways
- I hate you for being such a poseur in your writing
- I hate you for screwing up with money and being broke
- I hate having lent you money you have no way to repay
- I hate having a bitter heart for you
- I hate the way I shut down when I'm with you
- I hate the stupid books you read
- I hate the way I don't get interesting to myself when I talk to you
- I hate feeling trapped
- I hate the way you mess up your kitchen and leave mess on your plate
- I really hate your adoration of old rockers, that you're stuck in the
past adoring druggy men
- I hate not being 100% with anything
- I hate that you haven't built a fine life
- I hate that you want status from being with me and haven't earned it
- I hate the way your body doesn't know I'm there, blocks me
- I hate the way you sing
- I loved loving you and I hate that I don't now
- I hate that you're anxious to hold onto me without being interested
in me
- I hate having run out of hope
- I hate your rote monologues
- I hate the way you don't consider me in speech
- I hate hearing anything twice
- I hate how loud you talk
- I hate your profanity, your violence of speech
- I hate that when you burst into eloquence it can't allow me too
- I hate that you're locked into news trivia
- I hate and fear that you've been willing to lie to me
It's Christmas Day and I'm grim and glum. I can't stand Tom these days.
Then Tom arrives. He walked across the park.
We talk more. I'm still miserable after, sleep for an hour. Wake and
go to work with the Being Being about journal. When I come to the
end of my discernment, fold the computer and go to Tom's to make spaghetti
and meatballs for dinner. He's glad to see me. Gives me a hug that feels
absorbent, so I stay with it, have my head against his shoulder sinking
in. He has been thinking. Walked the Embarcadero after he left me. Agreed
he's been hard-boiled. Said he could be willing to try another kind of touch.
We talked. Ate in the kitchen. Concrete outside the French doors gleaming
wet in the dark.
What did we say. Can I remember.
I found the same conclusions in May 2000 - December 2001 with more aliveness.
I said there's the structure that always loses confidence, stops me.
I need to be very alert to fight it, I need to be a warrior all the time,
I can't afford to drop. That's why I'm going to stop TV. He said I take
myself very seriously. I said I take life seriously, want to do something
I'd said I never forgave him for what he did with meth, I haven't wanted
to sleep with him since. Lying was a betrayal. He said, that's not good
for you. I agreed.
We said we'd have to confess our little fears and resentments.
He said we should commit ourselves to do things out there together.
He said TV makes him current, included. I said but it's passive. He agreed.
I said I want someone to help me be a warrior. I'll respect him when
he does that.
When I started the conversation the night before I said our contact has
been dead. He said a lot about how he is imagining how to get sex, the bind
of it. We both said we feel trapped. He can say things to me he's never
said to a woman and I don't mind. I said he keeps forgetting that I'd always
rather hear any bad thing than go dead.
I said I've been corrupt, feeling it's hopeless with him but knowing
how jangled I'd be if I left and being jangled would spoil my work, so I'll
hang on for the sake of working.
I knew not to stay long.
We were side by side on the blue couch. He said a couple of days ago
he discovered Lou Leatherwood had been dead since 2005. He'd been looking
for him online to phone him and there'd been an obit. It was a shock. Then
I told him about emailing Martin, which I'd been holding because I didn't
want to tell him I was cruising for better company.
- faith and hope
- energy
- persistence
- enterprise, initiative
- courageous truth
- focus
- obedience
Saturday morning at the new table - sawed 2" off the black one so
it would be the right height.
Haven't said I heard from Astro last week - he was coming out of chemo,
living in his mom's basement.
Just went through ch 3 the perception chapter - what do I think - parts
of it, quite a lot of it, hard to read. I was smarter when I wrote it, finely
organized in academic mind. That's in exposition. I come out of the tight
circuits into something more genial when I'm making the general philosophic
points I'm proud of, the ones I think are my best work.
Extracted Being Being about last week. I saw I'd said Mind
and land is the umbrella for everything else - the films, the slides,
the journal, the academic writing.
My question was how to get Being about seen, used. No my question
was how can I edit this for Mike's monograph - answer is no, except maybe
the vision section - the general bit about audition. And then I was thinking
I should do subject words for individual chapters - update those files -
make a CD of them. Pdfs for chapters, each with a copy of the toc.
Should I make hard copies now.
It's very cold.
Desert sunset deep orange shading through to pale turquoise. Thread of
new moon, sweetest finest most perfect white little arc.
I'm achy. Hard night with aching arms. White hiss, more a sharp white
whine, most of the day yesterday and heavy all night, both ears.
Transcribing London Boots diary, fitting it into the journal. Pleasure,
I did a lot.
- I like that you dress well.
- I always like your hands and your nose.
- I like your house that I found you.
- I like that you drive well.
- I like that you're generous when you have money.
- I like that you can enjoy the quality of a moment.
- I like when you burst into eloquence.
- I very much like that you've been loyal and faithful, if it's true
that you have.
- I love that you've held on with me through all.
- I like some of the music you find.
- I like your buoyancy.
- I like when you tell me something unexpected, like the light following
- I like your sane summaries sometimes.
- I like that you don't blame.
Finished the Boots diary - like it better than the journal - wish it
hadn't stopped - it gives London - it gives the time, what we ate, who we
saw - I didn't remember that Roy and I sometimes were together even after
Jud - the fluidity we had, we'd be miserable and joyful, fuck without considering,
play a lot - ran around all over town and here and there in England, always
money for movies and food - we didn't take jealousy seriously though we
were jealous - glorious energy in all, energy to feel all day -
I cleaned today, dirty corners, under the garbage box, behind the toilet,
under the wash basin in the shower. I washed the sheets and changed the
end of the bed I sleep at, to be facing the west window. Washed clothes,
two loads. Planted one of the empty pots on the fence. Tom is stressed for
money and needs to talk about it all the time. He's working tomorrow and
New Year's Day. I want to go somewhere and he can't. I said I'd go on my
- What do you think of going camping no
- Because it would be bad for Tom no
- Bad for me
- You want me to trust Tom
- My connection with him
- Is there something you'd like us to do with New Years
- Is Tom feeling bad
- Should I let him stew tonight
- Was I right to complain of his lack of care
- Do you want us to recommit
- Cd we go somewhere tomorrow night no
- His place
Besides that I'm aching all over, especially glutes and arms.
I was at Tom's washing clothes. Went to sit on the steps facing my plants.
Such a sore heart. I feel that if I go away on my own for New Year's it
means we will separate in the new year. I'm so disgusted by his having frittered
his whole $6000 cushion last summer though he was making $1800 a month in
unemployment insurance, that I'm wanting to give up on him, but at the same
time the thought scares me, hurts. In the meantime I don't want to hug him,
don't want to kiss. I don't know what it means that he was so foolish -
does it mean he was drugging. The string says no but he was being careful
and sane about money and then he wasn't. I've lent him $760 and I'm not
going to lend more. He's been using the jeep constantly. I'm the one who
insures and maintains it. I've been keeping it full of gas because I know
he hasn't got money. I bring him food because I know he isn't eating well.
He gave me money when he had it, quite a lot, bought gas often, and I don't
forget that but I'm resenting the drain, why, because I don't want my man
to be incompetent and foolish. I don't want to be with a fool, I don't want
that to be my story. Is that the nub of it? Yes. He's done worse, the meth
and lying about it for years was worse, living with bedbugs was worse, much
worse. He stays out of trouble with very great effort, and that effort collapsed
for some reason. I don't like not knowing why.
I need to begin the year right, I need to know how to do that. When the
book said don't go traveling I agreed: I won't, though I want to. But what
should I do instead. I could start with the monitor. Don't stay at Tom's
overnight, go for a drive New Year's Day.
[opposite page:
- How to live if I go out on my own:
- Gym, yoga, no newspapers or TV
- Film work on computer
- Volunteer work? some way to get to street
- Stay in touch with my beloveds more
- Ant Bear community
- Camp more
- Publish everything
- Feel lonely, crash
- Persist with book to open heart
- Spirit community in country?
- Know what I need and find it somewhere
- Library music and video
- Downloads
- Computer radio
- Broadband
- Go live in other cities months at a time
- Canada Council money
- Could I do this into my 80s no
- But through my 70s
2009 priorities
- health and beauty
- community approach
- Recover loving heart YES
- have clarity
- see Luke in London
- subject headings for my site
- work
- get Trapline and Bright and dark digitized
- make complete works - DVD
- monograph
- Ant Bear one book launched
- learn FCP and Protools and DVD software
- Will there be enough money
- Will my health recover
- Should I give up TV
- Get broadband no
- Cellphone no
- Wireless no
- Will you talk to me about this losses, responsibility,
mourning, judgment
- He's dealing with a brain injury
- Fetal alcohol
- Instruction no, description
- His loss of responsibility, mourning and judgment
- Forebrain injury
- He can only do what he's doing
- So the question is my relation to it
- I stop loving him YES
- I don't want to stop loving YES
- So then I'm angry at him for that
- I do get lazy and unalert
- I don't have hormones driving me now
- I don't want to live so shut down
- Can you help
- A voice said just leave, should I do that no
- But get ready to leave in a considered way no
- Okay, lead me YES process, your, community, caution
- Is that what you mean?
- Do you mean this in the broader sense
- Do you mean community of work no
- Do you mean be more the way I was when I was young
- More interested and friendly
- Do you mean Tom isn't a priority
- Do you mean process what happens when I'm with people
- How would you like me to be, will you give me a list
aggressive, prepared, practical, in coming through
- Coming through withdrawal
- I agree with this
- It will have to be a work of will
- Does it mean I can't dislike them no
- It means do something with the dislike
- I will need more speed no
- Is this dangerous to my quality no
- Read it accurately
- Will this be full-time work no
- Find social occasions to practice no
- Just use the ones there are
- When you say prepared do you mean imagine them ahead
of the time no
- You mean be in a good state
- Meditation no
- Emotional processing no
- Moral precision no
- Moral cleanness no
- Focus no
- Positiveness
- Can I do that without falseness
- People have been put off by my remarks no
- I interpret what happens negatively
- Is that what you mean
- I didn't always do that YES
- I feel I'd have to take a drug
- Would I? no
- But somehow disinhibit
- Do you want to say more about this no
- Do that with Tom too
- Will you tell me why I make sour interpretations
anger, lack of processing, wanting strong writing
- List?
- Unprocessed anger YES
- Anything else you want to talk about no
- Leave Tom to his own devices no
- Should I be loving him through this no
- He was foolish and it harms me
- Just be clear and honorable
- And transparent
- Anything else no
- Talk to you with him
- Can I fix the white hiss YES
- And the aches
1st January 2009
The monitor!
We did it right today - I had my own party last night, met Tom behind
the Hotel Del when he finished work - drove through IB to the long beach
beside the marsh. Walked a mile out and a mile back in fresh wind beside
green waves, drove back through Chula Vista and National City looking at
the light, considering what to call its color. Lavender he said and I was
pleased to agree. Went to Valentine's for lunch. Brought him up to look
at the monitor. He'd gone to bed at 8:30 and woken in the dark, happy the
way he is when he wakes alone and makes coffee and sits with his newspaper
and sees the sun come up.
I don't want to kiss him and am not doing so. I don't even want hugs.
He makes canned jokes and I ignore him. I talk about what I want to talk
about though I know he isn't interested. I don't comment when he talks about
anything that bores me. I say outright that we will have to notch up or
else, because I'm bored. Meantime a note from Martin Rumsby about landscape
films. Slides on the monitor.
Last night I brought home a pair of beeswax tapers, a half bottle of
fumé blanc, some black bean soup, a $5 little basket of raspberries,
a sliced loaf of walnut and raisin bread and some Humboldt fog. I set out
the food on one of my blue plates - my California home blue plates - lit
the candles, arranged some flowers picked downstairs, white pink and red
vine geraniums. Had a shower and put on the long black dress. Kiri Four
last songs. When I'd been crossing the parking lot with my bags, I saw
the homeless man going through restaurant trash looking for food. Thought
about whether to give him the rest of the bread so I wouldn't eat it. Thought
I should give him half of everything to make it a real party. Hot soup in
a jar. He looked in my eyes beaming when I brought it to where he was sitting
cross-legged under the steps.
Then phoned Louie who was working while her lazy Gastarbeiter was on
the phone for hours with his girlfriend.
This and that on the computer. Looked up and it was 11:59. Fireworks
thumping from the harbour. I was on the roof wrapped in a blanket holding
my glass of wine in its perfect wineglass. Dense orange mist with palm tree
shapes cut into it. A yardlight cutting a straight line down across a wall.
Then yesterday stringing the hard drive, monitor, Mac Book Pro, all their
cords, and pressing the power button. Brinngg. Monitor came on, hard drive's
there when I turn it on, scan folder, click on the hawk photo and there
it is brilliant and wonderful. Full size is only 25% - I can increase -
increase - increase to 100 or 200 and see what I wanted, mythic grain.
Then Tom all in black with his fine-striped scarf and silver brushcut
looking very glam, and the long strip of simple beach. High tide, packed
sand, stone berm on the inland side, green waves lifting in the west, high
plateau of TJ indistinct straight ahead, a few strolling groups at long
intervals, perfect New Year's afternoon. Peacoat pockets, walking, walking,
tireless miles.
Martin Rumsby New Years Eve talking about landscape film.
Kathrynn Lyle today because she had been reading my journal. I was saying
what she thinks, she said, from Oakland.
There are passages I recognize as you from how
I understood you. Those moments made me feel such joy. The joy of rediscovering
something about you and myself. I am also moved by how much you put into
words exactly how I think/feel about life.
Her opera - I hate opera in English - I like individual marks of instruments
- graphic - This is not my home.
You have a genius for finding the moving essence in life's ordinary complexities,
Kathrynn writes. Celtic-Cherokee she says. She wrote it in the context of
wondering how to finish her opera.
It turns out that I have InDesign too - layout.
It's 2:52, I've woken thinking about what Tom's up to. Friday when we
were in the bookstore coffee shop eating chocolate croissants his front
tooth broke off in his mouth. His social security check, which is $1000,
has paid his rent for January, but he's not working and he's broke. I'm
at the end of what I'll lend him though I'm buying him food and keeping
the tank full when he needs the jeep for work. He had all those months on
unemployment when he could have been setting up a sustainable job and instead
he ran out the cushion he had in the bank. I'm wondering whether he's aiming
to bust out of Georgia Street - by failing at it - he moves that way, doesn't
make painful decisions, fails into them - is his nonconscious plan to get
rid of me by flunking back into an SRO or St Vincents or the tent. He says
he wants sex but I don't think it's that. Although he'd like some female
fawning again - is there another way to say that - he'd like what I'd like
surely, which is to be lit up and interested with someone, moving on.
When I came by yesterday his blinds down all day, the kitchen so dirty
- the way he lives on his own, in a dirty cave.
If that's what he's up to he'll have to give notice at the beginning
of February, ride out his paid last month, and be out at the beginning of
March. I would have to do something with all those plants. Take back some
of the housewares.
Then my question would be, at what point did he give up? It would have
been sometime last summer. Maybe there was a woman when I was away. Maybe
there was weed.
- There I check back to see whether there's been love with Tom since
I've been back from Alberta - beginning of October - there hasn't - mainly
a drive through Queen's and the beginning of London.
Michael Wood The story of India parts 1 and 2 tonight.
[opposite page: InDesign notes]
part 5
- in america volume 16: 2008-2009 september-february
- work & days: a lifetime journal project