July 1st
- The other wind - freedom and power - creative power - women
and power
- What am I doing with these 3 lectures
It's 3:30 in the morning - when I had lain down last night this loud
constant hiss in my ears - it's still there - is it the fan's after-tone?
Is it the thing that makes my skin sting, happening now in organs?
Two images - the woman rising as a dragon and smoking the dead man -
the burnt woman who has one eye and a claw hand and who also has her moment
of rising.
- I house - women who are houses
- II houseless - women who are dragons
- II a vision of the world as order - house that makes itself and keeps
- House is limited order
- Dragon jumps up into unlimited natural order
- The house of the known
- The houseless unknown
The sensation of dragon - authority, autonomy - a sensation I have
- So is it one course with three parts? no
- Do you like the woman as dragon theme
- LG is herself a dragon YES
- She has a dialogue of house and houseless
- She leaps into creation
- Into creation
- Imagining worlds
- ? process, organize, decide, in relation to betrayal
Am hacking away at 1983, 130 of 200 pages left in this vol and then another
200 in the last. Doing vol 12 [In America] at the same time,
will finish it tomorrow, then finish #10, then two more vols including this
This morning went to the Y downtown for breakfast with Tom, then to Ballpark
Storage to get photos. I'd brought over my scanner and the old G3 with Photoshop
on it and showed him how to scan. First image Vic in swim trunks holding
his little boy on the beach, a wave behind him, second image Mac before
her hair turned white feeding a bottle to a baby standing in a crib. Third
image a nun in formidable wimple sitting on a chair next to a deck railing,
beside her a thin priest standing.
Summer morning downtown. A table next to open casement windows in the
Y. Cool air. Summer city.
A photo of Ed sent by Paul this morning. It isn't one I remember. He's
standing in his ragged work clothes with a white horse. Wearing a cap
and windbreaker. Behind him the yard, right to left, small poplars bare
in either spring or fall, a poplar-log corral, the pigbarn, next to it a
roof of the chop house I think, then the small old chicken house. Some piece
of farm machinery in the grass. Chickens wandering, red hens. He looks bitter
to me, and he's sexy. I look at his throat and his hand. It's before we
moved so he's younger than 39. Some age between 30 and 39. The photo might
have a date on it. I don't remember the windbreaker.
$1000 from Dave. It means I can scan 33 more slides.
Hard decision, which
1. which are printable wholes
2. which would be good as slides on a CD/DVD
3. which would be good texture in relation to notes in origin
Juliana Yau - blog - on Double Vision screening
Notes in origin was my favorite because of Epp's
playfulness and superb grasp of time and timing. At the end of each 'note'
I hoped there was another, until I fell into Epp's rhythm and understood
how many notes there would be. The length of each note was perfect, and
her punctuation at the end of the film was direct without taking the audience
out of the film. With both Epp and Battle, certain I was in good hands.
And Anna wrote saying yes; excited.
- Becci is going to assume it's her press too
- It's not
I have to have a talk with her. This is very awkward.
- I don't like her poetry
- Should we do her memoir
- Not under that name
- Be candid
- But it's going to need some work
- Responsible for quality
I was at a movie downtown - went on the bike - when I came out the streets
were bright and full - I walked my bike to 4th and stood in one of the open
doors of the Golden West. I could smell the lobby. Had nothing changed,
the red carpet more worn at its edges I thought. Two men I couldn't quite
see at the desk. The shadows of the fans rotating on the ceiling. The two
throne chairs, dull paint. I could see the desk men wondering what I was
doing but I didn't want to leave, I wanted to go on standing in then.
1. Bowker says I cannot buy ISBNs for Ant Bear and have the authors make
their own contracts with Lightning - it means they will have to pay at least
$400 for expenses.
2. Printer also says we can't put Ant Bear onto a book as publisher so
I will have to think of a way to say it as well as using the same imprint.
3. If authors publish on Lightning they will have to have reseller licenses
in their home states - I haven't yet found out what that will cost.
4. Favor has a nice blog up.
Yesterday aft Tom and I went through the red barrel and a box and sorted
his photos and then he read me a notebook from a depressed six months at
the Quinta in 1991.
In the barrel the hundreds of photos of Tom at all his ages; and then
suddenly shocked seeing three of my photos of him. They slammed me - the
way he was looking at me. I said You're so young, look how young you
are. I've seen those photos before obviously but I felt as if I hadn't,
naked heart looking at me, so beautiful, so beautiful, can I be with this
man still. - He's not that now, he's a solid man, but I went on silently
marveling, how can such a burst of beauty have suddenly happened unprepared
in this ordinary afternoon.
I was a bit stuck on him after that, watching a doc about wild horses
in the Rockies and an episode of Ice Road Truckers.
Saturday night The great world of sound.
1. I found out what it's going to cost authors now - single ISBN, other
costs, 50 copies of the book = $385. They'd have to sell about 25 to break
2. Found out the seller's license is free and they won't ask for a business
3. Letter from Becci saying she wants to do market tables.
4. [the college] mean-spiritedly saying they won't refund my flight because
I didn't pay for it.
5. Went to UTC to buy a hard drive and ask about a monitor. They showed
me a 30" monitor that would do RGB and video, huge - $1800 and 126
6. Young man tells me for $100/yr I can have one-to-one tech coaching
once a week.
Orange Ralph Lauren shirt and more grapefruit shea butter.
Woken at 5 by a dream first that I'm with Judy
and her (vaguely felt) family and I am noticing she is in better shape than
I am. She looks good at her age. There's something about my pots, pots I've
made, which I can see on a high shelf above a cupboard, and my yellow rug.
Then I'm listening to a woman being interviewed on the radio. She's a writer?
She has cancer and is going to die. The interviewer asks when. She says
quite cheerfully some year ending in a nine, a couple of years from now,
so I assume 2009. Then the interviewer says her name. It's Ellie.
- Should I be frightened
- Have I got cancer no
- A minute ago you said I did no
- Will I die next year
- Physically no
- Sentence child, mourning, caution, losses
- I'm wavering because I don't believe you
- I'm not being accurate with you anymore no
- I don't think I'm going to die next year
- Either way
- Misgivings about Judy having done something to me
- Revenge
- And recovery
- She was trying to
- Did she succeed
- Mortal harm no
- So you think I'm going to die NO
- Is that stinging a serious condition
- Will he know what to do with it
- Kidneys no
- Are my kidneys okay
- Should I do the fast no
- I want to lose 8 pounds
- Do you want to talk to me conflict, anger, come
through, crisis
Yesterday morning I woke from a dream that I'd
arrive at an appointment with a new therapist and didn't see her in her
office. Then saw someone asleep in a bottom bunk. I was a couple of minutes
early, would she wake when it was time. She came into the anteroom wearing
a belly dancer costume under orange and purple lights. She was going to
show me a media presentation. I said I didn't want that kind of therapy,
I wanted plain therapy.
What else has been happening. Transcribing last year this time noticing
the flat short sentences, wondering what they mean, dimly afraid of what
they mean. Tom tearing into his boxes of papers, sorting family letters,
throwing some of them away, Vic's Mad Life I had called that box. Took him
shopping for plastic bins for his storage closet yesterday.
- Do either of these dreams mean anything no
- My dreams these days don't mean anything
- Child, morning, caution, losses is going to die next
- Is dying already no
- I'm more cheerful
- I'm more secure
- I'm way more pedestrian no
- Those short flat sentences no
- Explain practical, child, successful, action
- I'm beginning to be able to act
- An action phase YES
- The press, the slides, publishing empire
- Was that depression because of Ed no
- Because of Tom YES
- Is Tom's sobriety secure YES
- Getting the storage closet cleaned up is important
- He can deal with it now
- Is there any more you want to say no
The sacred place, anthology Tom bought second-hand. Kathleen Norris
Getting to Hope, essay about being a lay preacher as poet, in a tiny
Presbyterian church on the prairie in South Dakota. It made me cry feeling
what I could have to tell the congregation at La Glace, that no longer has
its church out on the grass. Linda Hasselstrom Buffalo winter, essay
about a winter night when she was drunk and stoned and went into the park
and sat with buffalo around her. John McPhee From 'A mountain' about
hiking with Brower in the Glacier Peak Wilderness in Washington. Katherine
McNamara Piety about being given wolverine foot bones in Alaska and
being scared of them.
1996 ed Olsen and Cairns University of Utah
Fed-Exed my slides to West Coast Imaging - made the decisions, got the
parcel assembled, 81 slides picked out, the list printed, the order form
printed, all that, all that. It's big.
Then finished transcribing 1983 Feb-Aug, 183 pages. One more volume.
In this one the constant distress about Jam, a few islands with Ellen Tallman,
having company in myself. A lot of reading notes. As I'm transcribing I'm
thinking how good that era was in experimental/perceptual art, experimental
film and music, what good discussion there was, what a strong home it was.
I kept assembling bits into themes: point, line, hover, music, twoness,
waves. I was keeping myself in a matrix of concrete abstraction - is that
what I mean? - matter based abstraction? - that must also have been a matrix
for photos. Want to write about that. - Looking at second level slides today
seeing that some of them are strong at the furthest end of my discipline,
ie to make photographs that find subtle and total order over a whole frame
imposed on natural material. For instance a couple of slides of nothing
but long grass or a wind-laid snow surface - the slide of nothing but cultivated
earth in furrows - slides of a stone in grass. They aren't the star photos,
I didn't pick them for the show, I may not have seen them. They are exercises
of the far end of my photographic strength, which is framing.
Wondered whether for the themed collections of bits there could be a
randomizing algorithm I could tell to order the bits in different ways so
I could look at what else can come out of sequence, what is made by an order
of two.
The notes on music suggesting effects of writing.
Dave pressing about the poster, which means I have to invent the show.
Should it be Leaving the land?
- Should I show the movie no
- Slides
- A version of notes in origin
- Any of the readings no
- Talk about the project
- Talk about how the landscape goes on being important
- Record it
- Is there time for an interview with those mags
- I'd like artists to come
- Neuroscience of perception
- A press package
So there I went to inventing a press page and have given it
most of the day. I love the photo. I look at it, more than the collection
of praise paragraphs, and feel I came through the misery and confusion (transcribing
1983) knowing something, forceful. The praise paragraphs stagger me some,
were the gatekeepers really saying those things about me? While I was feeling
excluded everywhere. Things other people would love to have said about them.
Having to think about the talk if I have to think about the poster. I
looked at Leaving the land and liked it, but it's done. Dave saying
I'll project notes in origin - no, I don't think so. I think the
slides and talk about taking pictures.
Spoke to Jeff at West Coast this morning - he said Call me anytime.
Tom said goodbye to the desk this morning.
Note from Don Hanlon Johnson.
12:38 7/15/08 your work. Dear Ellie, I am very
taken by your writings on mind, your intricacy, nuance, and deep thinking
through of it all. You inspire me. Best wishes,
PhD in philosophy at Yale 1971, first graduate
program in somatics, professor of somatics at CIIS. Ex-Jesuit.
body practices, experiential wisdom
taking stands in favor of the crucial importance
of our material reality
educators who have developed practices for accessing
and cultivating the stores of wisdom, creativity and courage that live within
our bodies
courses in philosophy, theology and the classics
taught by the Jesuits who were by far the most interesting and engaging
adults I had ever met
center of my life's work, an inquiry into the
primal origins of thought and value in the realm of experience
novels explored in a more intimate way the intricacies
of first-hand experience, and a crafting of the kind of language that is
closest to experience
Dan Berrigan, psychedelics, Charlotte Selver, Esalen,
Ida Rolf, rolfed 20 years
Perhaps no one has been more eloquent, prolific
and wisely critical within this specific enlightenment of the body than
Don Hanlon Johnson.
He is not familiar with a single
body worker who has remained within his or her original church.
Conviction that the dynamics of male Catholic
asceticism and spirituality, or what Johnson quite correctly dubs "the
monastic disciple of the penis," are not so much about repressing and
eliminating sexual energies as they are about exaggerating,
disciplining, analyzing and sublimating them into more and more intense
[homoerotic] forms.
realized that his religious superiors were generally
"those with proclivities for lace, incense and theatrical gestures"
[These are Jeffrey Kripal]
Early 60s Jesuits were taking LSD.
The protean body
Bone, breath and gesture, practices in embodiment
Body: recovering our sensual wisdom
Body, spirit and democracy
Body in psychotherapy: inquiries in somatic
Everyday hopes, utopian dreams: reflections
on American ideas
Groundworks: narratives of embodiment
Lunch cooking.
Feel I've done the work of the day. Inner pressure. Dave this morning
pushing about the poster. Wrote the text for it, posted it on the new press
page, which I love, and then was thinking if I want artists to come I should
try to get a notice into Art of the Peace. Emailed the editor.
Rowen wanting money for clothes - has a job at the Sears photo studio.
Tom with small piles on his floor, army letters arranged by month.
The subtle white noise. I don't think I hear it at Tom's.
I was dreaming something about color - saying I'm
not so scrupulous now about not changing color quality in photos because
I've noticed how I can change the color of what I really see from moment
to moment. While I'm thinking that in the dream I'm looking from a square
attic window onto a city hillside where the roofs of buildings are red and
green squares in dim light. I look again and the colors are a little different.
Something I should remember to note, about very short term memory. When
I'm working with two open documents and I need to go from one to the other
to copy a date, say, I can arrive at the second document and have forgotten
what I was going to do there, though it was only a second.
Was at Bassam this morning thinking about the PRC talk and what came
to me was that it should be Leaving the land 2, which would take up from
where I left off, the land being a test of mind. I could talk about having
gone away and learned attention and demonstrate that attention in the slides,
talk about what I can see in the slides, what was being felt.
I was in and out of the jeep parked in front of Dawes Marketing, carrying
out a rosemary bush and digging the spading fork out of the back. I was
wearing blue jeans with rolled cuffs, pale blue Chuck E's, fitted orange
shirt. I was kidding with the young women at the reservation desk outside
Mukashi. A young woman, Japanese-looking, said "I like your style."
"What style is that." "Your style. And I like your hair."
I loved that. I beamed. Somebody liked what I like, which is the look of
the blue jeans with orange cotton, the fitted cut of the shirt, the way
it's a physical casual 63. The beat-up pale blue sneakers. She was saying
she liked my body - I felt.
Tom across the table at Maria's this morning talking about reading Vic's
letters and his own. The voice in Vic's letters nearly always a false Jewish
gangster street voice, he said, and he'd reply in the same false voice.
At a loss today. It's Saturday. Tom's house later. I've transcribed my
daily sets of pages from both 1983 and 2007, cleaned up all the clippings
on surfaces, made notes from some, have cleaned house (yesterday caught
up with the answer file) all the way down to orange oil on the floor
and stripped sheets, and it isn't 3 yet. I'm addled by having to think about
the PRC talk out of order, when I should be concentrating on Ant Bear and
the res lectures, which are now two weeks away. Thinking about the PRC talk
is making me uncertain whether to do the three lectures I've thought of
or whether to simplify to two, or whether to make one of them the same talk.
Mind and land: vision and intuition in the open air.
Denis Donoghue The pragmatic American: William
James and our homegrown way of thought Harpers January 2007
Santayana said he "kept his mind and heart
wide open to all that might seem, to polite minds, odd, personal, or visionary
in religion and philosophy."
Impressed with evolutionary origin and use of thinking.
Says philosophers attenuate "the spiritual
principle to a thoroughly ghostly condition."
I believe that 'consciousness' when once it
has evaporated to this estate of pure diaphaneity, is on the point of disappearing
altogether. It is the name of a non-entity, and has no place among first
principles ... the faint rumor left behind by the disappearing 'soul' upon
the air of philosophy.
In Does consciousness exist 1904.
- Function not entity.
[Breath] is, I am persuaded, the essence out
of which the philosophers have constructed the entity known to them as consciousness.
This entity is fictitious, while thoughts in the concrete are fully real.
your loyalty to the possibilities of others
whom you admire and love so that you are willing to accept your own poor
life, for it is that glory's partner. You can at least appreciate, applaud,
furnish the audience, of so brave a total world ... Identify your life therewith;
then, through angers, losses, ignorance, ennui, whatever you thus make yourself,
whatever you thus most deeply are, picks its way.
The principles of psychology ch IX The stream of thought
an alternation of flights and perchings
The rhythm of language expresses this, where
every thought is expressed in a sentence, and every sentence closed by a
period. The resting-places are usually occupied by sensorial imaginations
of some sort, whose peculiarity is that they can be held before the mind
for an indefinite time, and contemplated without changing; the places of
flight are filled with thoughts of relations, static or dynamic, that for
the most part obtain between the matters contemplated in the periods of
comparative rest.
Let us call the resting-places the "substantive
parts," and the places of flight the "transitive parts,"
of the stream of thought. It then appears that the main end of our thinking
is at all times the attainment of some other substantive part than the one
from which we have just been dislodged. And we may say that the main use
of the transitive parts is to lead us from one substantive conclusion to
Bonobo Congo River basin
Irene Pepperberg Alex the African grey parrot
Monday morning.
I taught Tom [Suzanne] Somers' eating system and he has lost 17 pounds.
He looks beautiful in his little jockey's lying next to me. All his family
papers are filed in envelopes in clear plastic bins. Last week he read everything.
He would wake early and work until he slept. While he was on the bike yesterday
I read through the army envelopes. [His first wife's] letters frantic, I
love you, I miss you, you're my whole life, I dream of you every night,
I can't wait until we can be together again, I know you love me as much
as I love you, I know we will be together forever. She cried. She thought
of suicide. Desperately enslaved and completely impersonal. She wasn't writing
to a friend she wanted to talk to, she was writing to a fantasy she was
completely hooked by. Young, with a baby, pretty but not intelligent, isolated,
alone for the first time in her life, trapped in faithful waiting. There
was one letter with a different quality, as if she'd had a moment of calm.
In it she saw that she went overboard with both her husband and her son
because she was guilty for rebellious thoughts.
There's a letter from Vic where he says [she] is like Mac, "all
woman, all feminine," when she gives herself she gives herself altogether,
she lives for Tom and Joey.
A couple of things about that.
- Is it about being overpowered by hormones no
- Is a woman who goes ape that way more feminine
- Does being ape like that make better sex no
- Is there something about Tom that draws it out
- If I'd let myself go like that would I be better looking
- She's an object lesson, it's not a good idea
- She had it in her to be conflicted but she suppressed
self defense
- Is it better psychologically to let it go like that
- Would I have been better off if I'd let it go with Roy
- Did Mac and Vic do it right
- They built love
- Could Tom have done that if he didn't go to war
- Is there anything you want to say about that despair,
the Work, losses, search
- He's doing the work of researching despair and losses
- He's doing it correctly
- Did he drop her because he felt unworthy of her
- Is there anything you want to say to me in relation to
this improvement, (empress), generous, balance
- Improvement in feminine generous balance
- Rather than feminine besotted attachment
- Mac got there in the course of loyalty
- Am I spending too much time on these people no
- People have always wanted him to act out for them
- Is that important no
- Do I have a real relation with him
- Are we really friends
Another thing I think I saw in her letters, and Tom's too, is that Tom
was still idealistic and uncompromised when he went to Okinawa. He came
back morally wrecked and she had no clue, and Vic didn't either. He was
on his own not knowing what had happened to him. He was in a false relation
to both his dad and [his wife]. He was only back three months when he busted
it up. He was a bad man in his own eyes.
- I haven't taken enough account of how clean and idealistic
a man there was behind the reckless wrecking man
- Tomasz Komendzinski, Instytut Filosofi, Uniwersyteta M. Kopernika,
Torun, Poland
- Editorial board member Phenomenology & cognitive sciences
- Enactivism as research platform for interdisciplinary studies
- Is anything going to come of this
- Poland next year
- Will he like the conclusion
- Is he a good mind
- Will he publish papers
- Any of my YES
- Will he like Being about
- Is this the beginning of having a presence
Another thing, Emilee wrote. She's not at ease. This letter had a posed
sound as if she was trying to be what she used to be. Is that it? The mother
took revenge. It rumpled her aura. It disrupted a central well-being.
Went to Mexico and got the TN.
50 year old Dutch woman watches her husband and three children 17-23
fall off a mountain near Mont Blanc.
- Semester self-eval Jan-July 2008
- Answered, got through, two attacks on Fading
- Began working with Orpheus bits
- Peaceful pleasure with Tom
- Swapped G3 and got it working
- Got Tom onto his bike and eating well
- Got Tom cleaning out his storage space
- Got the Mac Book Pro fixed
- Will finish transcribing DR
- Will finish Fading up to date
- Got another two external drives
- Worked out tax refund procedure
- Transferred notes in origin and current
- Made jacket for notes in origin
- Notes in origin in Toronto
- Got a clue about FCP and DVD Pro
- Did Tenuous body, the sky well
- Shon airport photo
- Getting Jaes to write her story
- Bringing Deidre into clearness and hope
- Pushing Gary into dealing with writing
- Cracking Deena's self-deception
- Tried out camera on Black Canyon Road
- Pagan notes, Renaissance notes
- Camping alone once, Glorieta Canyon
- Wrangle with Lexi
- Checked out OAS and US Social Security
- Publishing research and plan for Ant Bear
- Ant Bear document and site
- Camping with Tom for his birthday
- Nice clothes
- Better care of 2720 plants
- Researched monitor
- Lovely health, shine
- Press page
- M reading Frank
- Sent slides to be scanned
the right side of the face and head and the
right hand, which had been charred to the bone
Further west than west / beyond the land / my
people are dancing / on the other wind.
The woman of Kemay
In that first moment, he told me, it was no
woman he saw at all in the doorway, but a blaze and glory of fire, and a
glitter of gold scales and talons, and the great eyes of a dragon.
"... in the beginning, dragons and humans
were all one. They were all one people, one race, winged, and speaking the
True Language.
"They were beautiful, and strong, and wise,
and free.
"But in time nothing can be without becoming.
So among the dragon-people some became more and more in love with flight
and wildness, and would have less and less to do with the works of making,
or with study and learning, or with houses and cities. They wanted only
to fly further and further, hunting and eating their kill, ignorant and
uncaring, seeking more freedom and more.
"Others of the dragon-people came to care
little for flight, but gathered up treasure, wealth, things made, things
learned . And they came to fear the wild ones, who might come flying and
destroy all their dear hoard.
"Among them were some who saved the learning
of the dragons - the True Language of the Making - and these are now the
"When the one people were becoming two,
some of them, still both human and dragon, still winged, went not east but
west, on over the Open Sea .... There they live in peace, great winged beings,
both wild and wise, with human mind and dragon heart.
"... who we are, and where our wholeness
gazed through a gap in the thickets at the western
sky ... that far, clear, golden space of light
the sinuous, iron-dark body borne by long, webbed
wings as red as fire, the out-reaching claws, the coils of smoke fading
behind it in the air ... the glitter of rust-black scales and the gleam
of the long eye ... the red tongue that was a tongue of flame ... stink
of burning ... hissing roar ... breathed out a sigh of fire. Its feet clashed
on the rock. The thorny tail, writhing, rattled, and the wings, scarlet
where the sun shone through them, stormed and rustled as they folded down
to the mailed flanks. The head turned slowly.
crept into bed beside the little, warm, silky
silence that was Therru asleep. She slept, and her sleep opened out into
a vast windy space hazy with rose and gold. She flew. Her voice called "Kalessin."
A voice answered, calling from gulfs of light.
a rage that burned in her ... the length of
her body like a rod of fire.
"You have a fire around you, a shining
of fire all about your head."
And then, what's this, a turn in the story, a sudden
turn that bites me hard so tears jump into my eyes. "I am Tenar of
Attuan," she said. He stood still. She said, "I think you are
the king."
"You can come back across the mountains.
There is a way. He knew it. But the name of the mountains is Pain."
the soft, unhurt side of her face as expressionless
as the rigid, scar-masked side
The child's voice was like a metal brush drawn
across metal, like dry leaves, like the hiss of fire burning.
Tenar and Ged have a winter talk. "... but
women seem to fear their own strength, to be afraid of themselves."
"Are they ever taught to trust themselves?" Ged asked.
a huge voice like a broom of metal dragged across
a gong
Le Guin Ursula 2001 The other wind
Le Guin almost 80. October 21 1929.
Books with wrong names, Powers, Gifts, Voices -
that don't have what most of her books have. They have plots but less love?
- What there is in Tehanu - sensory presence, love for the kitchen,
the garden, the orchard, the man's face, anyone who is well-borne.
Jane Mayer on Bill Moyer talking about torture. A fine plain dark face,
sober, confident, light-spirited.
Tom's last night. We had turned off the light and got into our beds and
I wanted to talk. He did what he does. He said "I'm going to sleep
now." Usually I let it go but I called myself up and asked him what
it is that scares him about talking in the dark. I had to push some, but
then it was happening quite naturally, Tom on his back with his knees up,
his voice going on. What he's afraid of: that he won't feel what he thinks
he should feel.
- Is it a sexual fear no
- Is it from his wives
- They were starved for something
- I'm not
- It was his shut-downness
- He didn't get it when I said what he actually feels is
information YES
- Is it true that he's completely self-absorbed
- Can he get loose from Catholic guilt YES
What else - because I taught him Suzanne Somers on eating he is down
to 180, which is more than twenty pounds. He's drinking water, exercising,
eating fruit and vegetables and no bread or chips. He looks beautiful.
This morning I was sitting at the table with the computer in front of
me when the room pitched like a ship. Swayed solidly I think north-south
for six seconds? It's hard to tell how long, because while it was happening
I was bemused and vacant. Another thirty seconds and Nora downstairs hollered
Earthquake! Everyone was going online googling Earthquake San
Diego. Chino Hills outside LA, 5.4.
Pussy musk. At the movies with Tom and lying next to him watching TV
smelling my own jeans crotch, a smell I like, warm biscuits. I asked Tom
whether he could smell it. "Pussy musk?" he said.
SFU has put pdf versions of masters theses online - there's Analogue/digital
and also Modern commons: place, nature and revolution at the Strathcona
Community Gardens.
What did I do today - sent revised PRC blurb to Dave - correspondence
with Ruth about office and dorm - sent revised dragon blurb to Em - wrote
Jennifer about VT taxes - asked SFU for PhD special arrangement docs - booked
flight SAN-YVR, hours cold in Starbucks trying to book YVR-YEG and check
YEG-YQU - phoned to check on the slide scans - took tax refund check to
the bank on the bike - wrote and sent support letters for Layla - mailed
Dave's check to the G&F - had to poke around finding addresses - and
in the end thought the G3 had crashed and taken all the lectures and the
last three DR journals plus a volume of Fading. Had to go fetch the
old G3 from Tom's to try its battery, which somehow worked.
Someone in China google-searched "Ellie Epp" and clicked straight
through to Being about. I don't know what that means. Can't imagine
a story that would make that happen.
A lot of dreaming these nights. I was in a house
kneeling at a window with covers to my chin looking out. A thin long-haired
young man came out of the house next door. Looked at me. I liked his face
though it was not quite right. Smiled. He lifted his camera. I imagined
him seeing someone who was staring out of sleep. Let him take pictures,
turned my head.
Walking out through snow, somewhere in a city I
thought of as Toronto. It was so white I couldn't see the path. Walking
on, falling in step with a woman and talking with her, etc, coming through
a building. Etc.
Before I woke, looking into a corridor I knew was
Paul K's, maybe a corridor into his photo studio, wide and very brightly
lit. There are sheets pinned up that I think are technical lists. I walk
halfway down and stop. He comes out complaining that I was (strenuously)
teaching math at night. He says if they can do it they will, meaning that
teaching is useless. I say Fuck you and turn around and leave. Mainly that
dream was the look of the lit corridor with sheets of paper here and there
on the walls. It had a look of sheetrock set up temporarily to divide up
a large space like a basement. It was broad and had a crook, and there was
all that incandescent light on white walls.
Finished transcribing DR today, in Fading only this vol not caught
Showed Tom the press page, got the statement by writing what I thought
were intro paras for the talk itself.
1st August
A Rhoda dream. Someone suggested she should stay
with me and there she was in bed under a table (?) across the room. I in
mine. In the morning she turns on the TV! I'm hating it but wait. Then suddenly
she has gone, the space is clear. I go turn the TV off. Later in the same
dream (Jim Smith) in a long skirt. He's going to live in the big damaged
house with me. Which room? I follow him across the hall. It's a good room.
The wallpaper isn't ripped, good windows and it's warm with afternoon sun.
Then later something about Judy. A bag of food I'm looking at curiously
because it has been there for months and it looks fresh.
The house is like houses I've dreamed before, a three-storey house with
a lot of damage in the roof. The dream also referred to apartments I've
dreamed T and R in before, in the apartment building next to 824 E Pender.
When I woke I was thinking of a quality I felt in myself in the early
days in 824 - a sensation of quality and also a stance. I wonder can I remember
it well enough to name it. I don't think it shows in the journal record.
Is it related to what I've done when I write papers. A kind of dive to
essence: what is this really about. Going to simplicity. Something like
a belly dive.
It's also related to that word 'purity' that shows up in writing about
Trapline. Clean love?
Something else about how things happen, things coming right as if I'm
in touch with the whole.
I'm trying to remember a particular moment of feeling it. It's in the
back room at the desk with the big silver mirror against the pale green.
Summer evening. It's a clean dedication to living in truth, willingness
to do whatever that truth decides.
What it has to do with Rhoda is that I imagined her to be that, though
she likely is not. She looks like that.
- It was living courageously in small things
- Love, dedication, immediacy
- Conscience
What I used to call conscience.
- Do you know what I'm talking about connection,
action, lovers, integration
- Is that the way I should always live YES
- Should I give the tax money back no
The big damaged house is my present state. I'm on the ground floor, the
upper floors are empty and more wrecked.
A gay man in women's clothes across the corridor is not a good thing.
- Rhoda was an invasion
- Will you say invasion by what sharpness, anxious
- The kinds of mistakes it led me into
- Insulting Judy
- It does lead me into mistakes
- She clears out and is replaced by a compromised manhood
- Sissified action
- Does Rhoda deliberately live as an image of that
- It's her fear
- You are a correction of it YES
- Is there more you want to say come through to
organized subtle teaching
- Is this about the lectures
- Is the house about the lectures
The scans came today. $2791.
How are they - so-so - lurid but maybe I can fix that - not interesting
in closeup, not grainy - the dark ones aren't interesting though some of
the bright ones are - surprisingly clean - they're not what I wanted them
for - I don't think - but I will see what I can do with them - they looked
good at 8% - some of them too magenta, some too cyan - not remotely printable
I don't think.
Saturday early. I like the thoughts I have when I wake, though they are
often grim. They are thoughts about life. For instance this morning I saw
a man carrying home a Christmas tree and said, There is so much of that,
over and over.
- The food of dragons is said to be light.
- They kill in rage, to defend their young, or
for sport.
- Naturally irritable and arrogant
- Raids, sudden and random
- Speak true speech
- Pitiless, unpredictable, intelligent
- Leave to our wings the long winds of the west
- Leave us the air-sea, the unknown, the utmost
- The gender of all dragons is a matter of conjecture.
- Various springs, caves, hills, stones and woods,
sites of concentrated power
- The powers of the Mother
- Older powers of the earth, human arts
- Spirits of place, worshipped at the site and
at home altars with offerings of flowers, oil, food, dances, races, sacrifices,
carvings, songs, music and silence
Airport, midday, flight in an hour.
Ruckus with Margo these last days - there was a lot of back and forth
and I was firm and eloquent in my own defense - and Margo had to back up
on a lot of her prejudgments - but there is a remainder, which is that I
despise Francis and don't want to not despise him - I'm generally careful
not to say what I think to students but at times I probably leak it. M wants
to say 'personal' is different from 'intellectual' but in this case it is
not. Francis to me is centuries of male priesthood, complacent entitled
mediocrity. I want to defend students from that more than I want to be approved
by faculty. What else - in relation to Emilee I had something to lose if
she got along with Francis - yes - I didn't want her to go the way of piety
- I wanted her to stay with me. I'm not sure I didn't wreck Emilee's semester
in fact, in ways I am not going to admit to M because I now don't trust
her. So this is for my own record: how would I have done that. By saying
I wanted to stay in touch with her work, so she sent packets to me and therefore
ended up writing them for me? Which Francis would hate? The other way to
think it would be the way I was feeling it, which was that I wanted to defend
Emilee's brilliance from his blindness to it. I wanted her to be able to
have backup from someone who can see her, the way I would like to have had
backup from someone who could see me. This can't be said - it's what I wouldn't
trust M to be able to hear - M's path isn't loyalty in hard truths, it is
smoothening by positive description.
Is there a crux of it: yes - would Emilee's spirit and Emilee's work
have been better if she had had a confluent semester with Francis? After
the tantra essay she didn't do good work. She would have had to do what
she can do already. She is going against her grain working with F.
[opposite page: analysis of dealings with Em during the semester]
Plainfield 7th
- Will you give me an assessment loss of judgment,
child's crisis
- I have been having losses of judgment no
- They have
- It's child's crisis
- Mothers do betray
- Are we being fair to Ruth
- She's letting it happen
- We aren't obliged to be polite
- Is she better than I think NO
- Was Margo completely right no
- Now with Francis I'm thinking what was that about
- Is Deena's mistrust okay
- Would Jaes no
- David is so out of it he doesn't matter
- Angela too
- Is Gary's mistrust because I pushed him
- Are both of them better off
- Is Kri solid
- Deidre ought to be overjoyed still
- Was Belle cool
- Did someone get to her no
- Annie no
- Ruth is full of grim judgment
- Am I trusting Lise too much no
- Do you have more to say NO
- Goldberg isn't scheming anymore
- There's nothing wrong with my relation to fac
- Katt is just busy busy NO
- Better than I think
- Responsible
- Will you talk to me about that YES
- Will Margo get it
- Will Ruth get it more
- She bought what F said
- There's an underlayer that can't be said YES
- It's about defending women
- Will you talk to me (HM), partial loss, turn for
the better, indecision
- Is this a forecast
- It's more resolved YES
- It was murky even in my mind
- Do I hate him more than he hates me no
- He hated me from the first
- Say more (8c), (hermit), (HM), illusion
- Practical action to improve community YES
- Okay process, honest, despair, defeat
- The community should
- After Margo YES
- That was why I burst out at F
- We're going on very disrupted
- They aren't going to do that
- Margo isn't dealing with it
- No one is dealing with it YES
- M will see I identify with Em YES
- There's nothing wrong with that
- I'm working with both their limits
- Question is, what do I want
- I want people to see through Francis
- I want people to see through religion
- I want people to love the world
- Is there a way I can work for these and not get embroiled
- Is Francis actively working to get me fired
- Will he succeed no
- Does Ruth like Francis no
- Are you sure
- Does she like me
- Does Jim no
- Is there anything I can do to satisfy M no
- M has been losing it in the last while
- Is that New York no
- Will you tell me what Ruth thinks I'm too free
- Free? YES
- It's a kind of prissiness
- Need I pay heed YES
- Be less free no
- I called her on her boring fake speech
- She doesn't look forward to getting to know us
- Lise rescued her no, played along
- She let Goldberg take it away
- Was Margo up to something unstraightforward
- For losing her job no
- For the web mention
- Does she truly believe I was responsible for spoiling
Emilee's semester YES
- Was I no
- Did Emilee give her that impression no
- I can't interrogate Emilee no
- I can but shouldn't no
- Is Em worried I got into trouble
- We don't miss KC
- Is M still going to want to talk about it no
- Is Ruth going to want a private talk no
- Is she afraid of me
- Anyone else no
- Is there anything more you want to say writing,
friendship, processing, action
- Do you mean with Emilee
- Work it through with her

part 6
- in america volume 15:2008 march-september
- work & days: a lifetime journal project