27 March
Verbal privilege March 17 2008 The drive to connect.
Because it is possible, in the lowest of moods,
to post a status message to Facebook in a language that most of my 'social
network' does not understand (I have a rule by which I am only allowed to
be publicly self-pitying in Turkish, or occasionally in Francais) only to
have one of the people who knows my foolish head inside-out see it, and
instantly grasp, navigating via an Urdu cognate - perceptively and precisely
what I was thinking. And with kindness, write that understanding back to
me, in laughter, with love. What would I do without such friends?
Language, literature, politics, poetry, cinema, music, food, art, history,
I read her feeling something that might be about class. I compare her
discrete grace with my indiscretion: her blog values her connections and
doesn't risk them. She's well-placed. She's in New York working for Soros.
She was at Oxford. We know she's good-looking although she doesn't show
it off. She's international. She runs. She has interesting friends. She
cooks. People read her blog - I read her blog - to see into a privileged
life. She is the sort of person who would have been welcome where I wasn't,
for instance in the cog sci department at UCSD. If I were what she is I
wouldn't be marginal. She's young too, a postmodern person, thoroughly conversant.
An Obama person.
What am I instead. I'm radical. She's social and lovely and I'm not but
I'm radical. I can dig up roots and look at them and rearrange them. I've
done it in experimental film, philosophy, cog sci, trauma psychology, philosophy
of language. I do it for my students all the time.
But I still mind knowing she'd dislike the journal project and disapprove
of it.
Hillary has been messing up badly, confabulating about dodging bullets
and then confabulating more trying to make light of it.
Yesterday I worked at Dawne. Turned over the soil in the path with a
spade, in the hot sun. The ceonothus was in thick bloom, the matilija poppies
not yet. The small cistus on either side of the top of the steps have a
lot of buds and a few white flowers. Doves nesting in the jasmine. The passiflora
has red flowers thick on the fence, threaded among ivy and arced over the
gate. The red geraniums at the front of the house have survived though the
agapanthus didn't.
Afterward I went to Walter Andersons and walked the rose rows. Last year
they were afflicted but this year they are glossy and powerful. The nursery
full of perfume in the heat.
Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster PA. Is that who has been reading
my site - he's being published by MIT.
Xenophon in the Anabasis "Those I have given
offense to now accuse me. But those I have helped, in battle, on the march,
in cold, in sickness, none of them speak up. They do not remember."
felt the appeal of the tragic
knowledge of something immediately wrong in
the world
a poet's power to see beauty in truth
a soul great enough to bear new and intolerable
pain charged with exaltation
a difference between tragic and other pain
Nietszche "The reaffirmation of the will to
live in the face of death, and the joy of its inexhaustibility when so reaffirmed."
dignity and significance of human life
dignity of a soul in agony
Large awareness, authentic voice
Deena wanting to believe that souls before each incarnation choose the
path they will live, and that everything they suffer is their choice. It's
a horrendous belief. I can see what she wants from it, can I? She wants
to think of herself as a soul on a journey, who can take charge of her fate.
She can't pick the bit she's moved by out of its morass. She's refusing
Tom's rented box, a strange large white thing. His adventure starting
tomorrow. He came to take me for a drive over the bridge and up the Silver
Strand. I had been transcribing and was on edge. Scared of the bridge, thinking
what to do if Tom drove off the edge, exacerbated, finding him unbearable,
the way he explains too much. Wondered if it was because I'd been transcribing
a more sensitive time but then thought it might be my crooked way of being
distressed he's going away. I can feel the distress completely without its
Barbara Bonney. From Nozze, Sull'Aria, duet with contessa
The high spirit of his time was strong in Aeschylus.
He was, first and last, the born fighter to whom the consciousness of being
matched against a great adversary suffices and who can dispense with success
... The fullness of life is in the hazards of life.
Joseph Tennie Olson son of Mattias Olson who came to Valhalla with his
wife and seven children from Ada Minnesota in 1916. October 17 he filed
on his own place and proved it in 1925. I wrote about him in 1979.
Late 1981. I hadn't realized Jam invited them into her house so soon
after I got back into town. November. 1982-1985. Misery going on so long.
That I helped move Trudy's furniture. Jam persecuting me about a baby. By
now I'm describing scenes, more of the record is there. Jam comes across
as monstrous.
- Is crazy a better word
- For them too
- Would you call them evil
- I still have work to do here YES
- Susan was the same dynamic
- Is their evilness what makes them so good looking
- Their good looks allow them to be evil
- Does their vampirism keep them young no
- The question is what my weakness is
- I understood it as wanting intelligent company
- But that's wrong YES
- It's dissociation YES
- They can only target people who are partly cut off
- I needed them to give me myself
The fact I keep leaving out is that they're drug addicts.
Tom interrupted yesterday, came with his rented car to take me to see
what he'd seen coming home the day before, Camp Pendleton slopes yellow
with mustard. He came home wired from seeing his buddies, the man he was
when he used to know them. I listened but he didn't like the thoughts I
was having, which he could feel. I said he'd have those same thoughts in
a couple of days and went home. At eleven in the morning he arrived rebalanced.
From Camp Pendleton to San Clemente on I-5 the traffic was creeping.
It was a fine day, Sunday afternoon. We were not in a hurry.
I was talking about what I'd been thinking about, the misery of 1981,
what my weakness was. I said I wanted to be more interesting to myself than
I was. He said taking a drink was like that. I said That's about not feeling,
and I still often don't. He said he knows it about me, for instance the
night before my feelings were hurt but I didn't know it. He knows it and
he protects me. They knew it and exploited it and you know it and protect
it I said.
At this moment I'm wanting to be more interesting to myself still and
what do I know. Action. I still don't have action.
What am I trying to do with this time.
How would I do it if I had a context the way there was for the doc, what
context would it be.
Dames rocket.
It's about lesbians, art, Vancouver, the 70s and early 80s (envy, jealousy,
ruthlessness, competition), drugs, Strathcona, Jews, reading, writing, sex
and gender, culture revision, culture clash.
I had ethical ideas they didn't have.
I had formation they didn't have, London, hitchhiking, the country, Europe,
philosophy, literature.
They'd been lesbians longer.
They had Kiyooka, art study, Intermedia, a lot of drugs, staying clumped
with each other from college on, intense local study the way they did it
with photos, tapes, super-8, later video.
- So what's the context. History.
- They are.
- They learned a lot they wouldn't and won't give out.
- If it were a book what kind would it be.
- Characters R, T, C, E, J.
- Is it a digest of the journal.
I'd like to out them. For that it would need to be published. Who'd be
interested in it. Without what it was about them it's a miserable little
story. Did I record any of that, really.
Is there anything I can make of it.
What I made of it already in winter interference.
Beautiful losers, what was different about that, it's not the hard scrutiny
I want. Injured scrutiny.
I'd have to do it with love I learned to withhold, is that it? Not quite.
- It's a story about learning to withhold love and deny admiration. How
hatred comes. It begins with wondrous desire and ends with a narrowed heart,
- Sore heart saying so.
- The beautiful dictionary writing - it had stopped.
- What was I working on.
It's also a story of coming into work. What work was it then. My story
is that, theirs isn't mine.
Emilee writes:
The people that occupy the space where these
former structures previously existed are flabbergasted, and rightly so.
I turned my whole world upside down in the span of a year. And I am somehow
still standing here. I am looking at them and saying, okay. Some of them
have tried to hurt me. Some of them have turned away. Some are so perplexed
that they have reverted to the coping mechanisms that have helped them navigate
all of the challenges they have faced in their life.
Some of them are still looking at me. They are
making eye contact. They are the good listeners. I am working to create
a life in which I can write for them and for anyone else I can find that
are like them. I try to love all beings everywhere, but these are the beings
I will write for in this lifetime.
She also says: completely uncontrollable and perpetually
flowing dumb-struck love for the beauty of everything everywhere.
She quotes me: "Ah, that's art. He's stepping
over the line into the inchoate and making something with the best one is
and having no way to know whether it's good or not. Terrifying. It is the
condition of the work. It requires dragon power. And generates more."
I have learned more about myself as an artist.
The conditions I prefer to work under, the kind of stimulus I need, the
invoking of or opening to the sources within myself.
Today I actively go for refuge.
I think I am growing an understanding of the
relationship between the meditative techniques and symbolism of Tibetan
Vajrayana Buddhism and the analytical technology and symbolism of American
neurological science. Dialogue between the living tradition of Tantra and
the evolving sciences of neurology, sensory perception, and technology.
mind science
I am coming to see it as the queen's path different
than the hero's journey behind the scenes like tracking something in the
forest. You see a broken twig, you get a breath of wind, you narrow your
eyes and you go, quietly.
What I think when I read her is that the revision of the story I need
is to go through it without giving up heart. I can see how compassion is
the attitude that protects best. What I couldn't do then maybe I could do
Another thing I think is that Millie and Susan couldn't go through but
she can because along with being as smart as she is she has Buddhist training.
She's my second chance. She's the real thing. She'll soon outgrow me and
I won't mind because she'll teach me.
- Could I do universal love
- Without selling out
- Would it be what I'm looking for YES
- Would I still be able to see YES
- Do you want to comment mother, action, error,
- Will you point this coming through
- Act in relation to my mother
- Start with that
- Her mistake
- Act in relation to her mistake by writing
- Write about what happened to love
- It's safer to love everybody than to love one or two,
is that honest
- I notice a lot of hesitations
- I started there in grade 12
- Would it make me stupid no
- Would it make me phony no
- Body would you like it
- Vipassana YES
- Does Mary do it no
- Would I see BETTER
- It's marvelous with Tom YES
- Would it make me thin YES
- You're kidding no
- Would it mean I abandon the journal project
- All my work
- I would have to give up all my work
- And be nothing but a saint NO
- Will you comment (7p), power, Ellie, anger
- Suppressed
- Control
- Love controlled by anger
- Is all of my work about anger no
- I'm afraid that if I don't have bite I won't have edge
Anne Carson 1986 Eros the bittersweet: an essay
Small book, 170 pages.
a sort of voltage of decorum discharged between
two people approaching one another for a crisis of human contact
wound my two arms around this genuinely miraculous
amazing man and lay there all night long [Socrates]
a phenomenon whose essence and loveliness is
in its ambivalence
immortals call him Pteros, because of the wing-growing
necessity [in Phaedrus]
to read anagignoskein, again to know
A mood of knowledge floats out over your life
... It is a glance down into time, at realities you once knew, as staggeringly
beautiful as ...
3rd April
- Rinascita painting, sculpture and architecture
- 1300 in Tuscany
- The gold of Byzantine-Egyptian influence
- End of 1100s, industrial revolution - banking,
trade, textiles
- Early 1200s non-monastic friars
- "Intense physicality," "affective
- Francis joy in nature
- Giotto first years of 1300s
- Naturalistic and transcendent modes interacting
through late 1200s and early 1300s
- Intensification of Mary
- Northern influence, similar textile prosperity,
Ghent and Bruges
- More personal and lay piety
- Increasingly naturalistic sculpture of northern
- By mid-1400s exquisite naturalism of oil paintings
- color
- Von der Weyden red, green, blue, actual faces
and solid draperies
- Less brilliant frescos
Florence workshop of the spirit
Wealth textile and banking
Larger than Paris or London
Landed nobility and clergy
1300s education studia humanitatis
Petrarch scholar and poet b.1304 promoted
Humanism a new approach to the literature of
the past ... every opinion was to be read in its proper context
Earlier scholars looked for sententiae -
authoritative statements to be debated
an education, so to speak, in persuasiveness,
which focused on Latin authors primarily as models of fine rhetoric and
sound argument
syllabus taken from Cicero: grammar, rhetoric,
poetry, history, moral philosophy
Humanisti trained lawyers, merchants, bankers,
orators, statesmen
Italian city-states
Petrarch: "After the darkness has been dispelled,
our grandsons will be able to walk back into the pure radiance of the past."
Ideas seized on in Florence
Venice and Florence only republics to resist rule
by single despotic individual or family
Envisaged as a polis - ideals of humanism and political
Brunelleschi's unified piazza "an image of
perfect proportion and measure" "shaped to model an ideal of clarity"
1400s Cosimo de Medici banking family money, competition
for commissions
Mathematically calculated perspective Florence
Science of optics known for several centuries -
Dominant by later 1400s
David 1430 "one of the first free-standing
naked statues to have been created since antiquity"
> The homosexuality of the pagans
First half of the 1400s "a great leap in consciousness,"
"richer sense of what it might mean to be a human being"
Princely patron families of Milan, Mantua, Ferrara,
Expected intellectual attainment of their painters,
sculptors, architects
The artist became a kind of traveling intellectual.
Patrons - prince of Urbino "to be on familiar
terms with mathematicians and geometricians, moral philosophers and lawyers,
poets and theologians alike"
Greater value and freedom of artists
Late 1400s Lorenzo a humanist court - Ficino the
neoplatonist, Pico della Mirandola, Botticelli's Venus
Purpose of art not to communicate Christian stories
and feeling but to gratify the social and intellectual elite
Greater freedom, less universality
Da Vinci b.1452 painting "a subtle invention
which brings philosophy and subtle speculation to bear on the nature of
all forms - sea and land, plants and animals, grasses and flowers, which
are enveloped in light and shade." Leonardo's notebooks ed. Irma Richter
1980 Oxford p.195
Youth and apprenticeship in Florence, then Milan
Artist and universal knowledge notebook
Religious feeling to depicting creation
Notebooks 20,000 pages "consequence of his
views about what an artist should be"
Concerns by no means matched those of the humanists
- understanding nature ... share certain habits of thought with them ...
attitudes of productive skepticism towards every manuscript ... similarly
skeptical approach to the natural world.
experience, mother of all certainty
(Scientific revolution not until 1600s)
- Aerial perspective "one is aware of the
density of the atmosphere"
- Modeling
- Studying fossil deposits in the mountain ranges
above Milan
- High Renaissance 1500-1525 Michaelangelo, Raphael
- At the same time in Germany and the Low Countries
humanists wanted to challenge Rome - Erasmus
- Fear of apocalypse, preoccupation with the last
- French invasion of Italy, Savonarola
- Pope in Rome set to demonstrating impressiveness
North Europe - persisting tradition of ascetic
piety, Grünewald
Erasmus calling for spiritual renaissance, meaning
philology applied to scripture
Wanted to take scripture away from the theologians
More availability to ordinary people
Anti-materialist, anti-elitist
Printing press popularized mid-1400s
Germany a mass of independent principalities loosely
held in Holy Roman Empire
Merchants and bankers gradually penetrated by humanist
- Dürer Nuremberg visited Italy, friendly
with Raphael
- Made and sold prints, self portrait 1500
Michaelangelo 1475-1564
Sistine ceiling - allusions to classical sculpture
Pope raised money by selling indulgences
Luther nailed 1517, simple direct faith
1527 French troops pillaged Rome, radical Lutherans
Protestant art secular forms portrait, landscape
Wars of religion in second half of the 1500s
Montaigne reading to discover the multiplicity
of human consciousnesses "the diversity of his dogmas and fantasies"
Constancy itself is nothing but a languishing
and wavering dance.
- Quoted in Charles Taylor Sources of the self
Venice "Venetian painters painted sexual desire
death the human face landscape, and the fall of light"
Unparalleled network of long-distance trade routes
A republic
- Mid-1400s literary genre Arcadia, pastorale contemplative
- Around 1500 "a new kind of landscape art
in Italy, untethered from religious meanings." Giorgione, Titian
- Later Tintoretto, El Greco formed in Venice
Emerged into Baroque
Andrew Graham-Dixon 1999 Renaissance University
of California
England - 1588 Armada - Henry's daughter by Anne
Boleyn 1533
French, Italian, Spanish, Greek and Latin - Protectorate
Her brother Edward IV died after 6 years - Mary
Sound economy, avoidance of bad alliances, settlement
of religious schism, sea power, peace with France
I am already bound unto a husband, which is
the kingdom of England.
Literature of the last decades
Erasmus visited Oxford humanists
She executed her half-sister, her loved Devereaux,
- Sidney, Hakluyt, Marlowe, Spenser, Jonson
- Shakespeare died in 1616, she in 1603 at 70.
Spent the day doing what I used to do - read Graham-Dixon on the Renaissance,
nothing else. Made summary notes. Now it's 7:42. Palm treetops stirring
black in front of pale indigo in the west. Someone in a window opposite,
white shoulders seated above a tabletop. A lampshade slightly higher and
to their left - I can't see gender - as there is also here, as seen from
that room. It is a rectangle the shape of a 16mm frame, dark gold, complicated,
venetian stripes as if I'm seeing through a fine horizontal grid I can only
see above and below the lampshade.
I don't usually sit at this table. It has been covered with papers. This
is better.
Dark months of 1981-82. The journal skims. It writes bits in the order
I remember them. I'm aware writing that it's a cognitive record, phenomenological
There's hardly any punctuation - I've dropped periods, most commas, caps,
often use spacing to indicate sentences. There's usually nothing to mark
quotations. I often recognize them now, know who was speaking, but sometimes
I don't. The language sometimes is characteristic in a way I can recognize.
Transcribing it I reconstruct dim shells and edges.
Moments I haven't thought of since. (But vividness of lines I used in
the winter pieces - decontextualized vividness often.)
What's my sense of it as material.
Reading Carson I see how to read it as myth. Young woman led by eros
into a dark undoing. Nothing could be resolved. What I wrote was all flotsam,
whatever blew by.
A film frame I have been seeing yesterday and today. The edges of a side
of a flower, as if on the scanner, surrounded by a red frame inside the
frame. [sketch]
A water glass full of orange nasturtiums, another of yellow, picked at
Taft as buds.
Finished 1981 today, jumping to October 1984 because it's only half a
volume. Sick, literal, brief, daily. It's not a mass of abstract notes.
There's Mike playing hockey on the creek.
Someone yesterday spent 6 hours in Work & days, Calgary. They
got the ref from someone in BC. AG9.html, which is sex with Rob.
On PBS last night - Supernatural Science - a story about an experiment
with subjects wired to monitors being tested on card guessing. Shown series
of four cards, asked to say which would be randomly drawn by a machine,
they guessed at chance but physiological measures correctly discriminated
the card that would be drawn. This morning Louie writes about a show in
Strathcona of historical images. Prize draw of Opening doors. She
said she knew with calm certainty that her name would be drawn.
- So is it possible to know the future
- 'The body' can and some are able to tune in
- Is there more you can tell me heartbreak, Louie,
child, success
- Louie didn't care but needs to win
- Be seen winning
- Are you saying she influenced the draw
- But is the experiment valid
- Influence rather than precognition
- The physiological measures they saw were influence
- Is it exhausting YES
- More you want to say? conflict between acting
to compel and friendship
- You talking about her
- Could I have that sort of power no
- I don't have that kind of will no, different priorities
- Her need to be seen winning is her strongest
- Because of her brothers
- Mine is something about love no
- Creation
- The experience of creation
- Was I a better person in grade 12
- Because I was loving no
- Because I wasn't having sex no
- I was pure in heart NO
- I hadn't been compromised no
- I was more secure no
- Focused on a goal no
- Intending to be a perfect person no
- Better in some aspect
- Will you say which
- One card more responsible
- Financially YES
- In everything
- I wasn't writing anyone or anything off
- Is that what you mean YES
- With Roy I learned that cutting corners works
- I was attracted to people who cut corners
Dave says in my year the grade twelve average was 64%.
- It means I had a weakness
- The weakness was I didn't get as much socially as I was
- If I cheated I'd get more of it
- From Roy forward there was social cheating
- Up till then depression
- Was garden power cheating no
- The cheaters pretend to give it - Olivia, Roy, Trudy,
Tom, Susan YES
- It's a relief of depression to seem to get what I'm due
- Is there a solution to this weakness YES
- Is it grim
- To understand that I'll always get less than I'm due
- To be satisfied with that no
- To always be sad
- But surely this is less as we get older no
- I'm still primarily lame no
- Still seem primarily lame
- Is there some way I can do this better now YES
- Will you give me a sentence overview, struggle,
balance, processing
- Joyce wouldn't touch this
- Was it guilt YES
- Is that why it took her so long to see me
- Is Nora balanced in this
- Struggle for balance by processing
- Would it be good to feel it in the instant
- Presumably I do it unconsciously
Look there the palm - what to call it - the fruit-structure, its many
hanging plaits - catching light soft and tawny - hung partway down the pole
like a hanging basket of chandeliered stems. Behind it on window glass reflection
of the drifting fronds that are dropping the subtlest of shadow onto the
goldy fringe. It's the window I was looking at last night, almost directly
Drum scanning - West Coast Imaging $40 each, fluid mounted, color balanced,
wide gamut, cleaned at 2:1, scanned to DVD.
A workshop on unconscious and conscious self, 'I' and 'I'
Dark knowledge
Workshop on the pagan lineage - humanism, Renaissance, science
- Styles of conscious self
- Did unconscious whole always work the same way
- Modes of body-mind
- What sort of bodymind is 'mind'
- What sort of bodymind is 'body'
- Can I ask how you are
- Are you always the same no
- How are you shattering the structure, heartbreak,
balance, teaching
- Is this about teaching work
- Are you saying the teaching work is a way of balancing
- Restructuring heartbreak and balancing by teaching
- Do you like the creativity of teaching
- Would you rather be in a better institution no
- So am I going to be teaching until retiring age
- Is there a firm and fixed physical world
- Do you understand quantum effects
- Are they random no
- Do they negate the findings of the classical no
- They presuppose them
- Are they like static YES
- Are they lawful no
- Tiny glitches in the fabric of the real
- Can they be controlled no
- But quantum effects are systematic no
- Is there a good reason I've been so fallow no
action has presented itself
- Will something present itself
- Will you say what (Kw)
- Something with Tom no
- Something about honesty
- Could I get Notes in origin up before September
- Would that be a good idea
The bachelor - what's the word - tacky, but specifically - he
lies continuously - he chooses but he's told who he shouldn't eliminate
yet - they tell him they 'care about' him, are falling for him. A meretricious
man set up to judge among stupid slick-lipped salacious women willing to
be humiliated, crying because they have been rejected in a completely meaningless
contest, or else angrily defiant. Hugging at first meeting and kissing at
second, as if touch is social performance rather than real being. All of
it scandalizes me but what interests me - looking at young persons and clothes.
What do I think of that one, what's that one like.
- Will you advise me
- Will it harm me if I swallow it no
Huizinga on the Middle Ages - vengeance, loyalty,
display, lawsuits, crimes, assaults and persecutions, fear of hell, sorcerers
and devils, insecurity and war, brigandage, scarcity, pestilence, belief
in the end of the world, Christian advocacy of renunciation.
Today I saw that the red plaid blanket was in shreds. So many years.
It goes back to Ken in the blue room.
There's a black scribble in my left eye that's like Arabic cursive in
black ink. It must be a slump in vitreous humor. It moves when my eyes move.
I can't look at it. It's across the whole eyeball. I see it most against
the page.
Jumped to transcribing the end of DR. - It's fainter and more bitty,
as if very wet ink dried and shrank.
This morning it was the end of August playing with Michael. Instantly
the writing was better. I was there. Moments between when Jam shows up I
shrink back to an anxious dot. I was noticing that I'm gregarious but I
don't like to be with middle class people, I like the street. I could like
the street again now if I could afford a nook in it. I like it for a bad
reason and a good one. The good reason is that anyone's more visible and
present, I can meet up with them. Would middle class people seem like that
too if my position with them were better? I don't know.
The energy of the conflict about Michael. It's the same conflict I had
about Tom that's gone quiet now, mostly, except maybe in an indirect form?
The way the past couple of times I've seen him I've got antsy and wanted
to go home. The Home and Garden channel has something to do with it. He
wants me to join him in his bliss. The furnishings appall me, the way people
talk about them appalls me. Iridescent back-splash tiles, little brackets
in the bathroom.
Jam vs Michael. I noted it fully. Noticing that now I dislike Jam whenever
she comes into the story. It's not that I like Michael more, it's that I
see how happy I am with Michael and how shriveled with J. I see the oppression.
With Jam it was a dogged increasingly hopeless struggle. With Michael I
could see myself shining supernaturally. The bright sleek haunch in the
mirror. Jam wasted wasted wasted me, wasted my lovely 30s. Which is to say,
I guess, that I did; but I didn't, I made Notes in origin and other
beauty, I showed what she didn't see. So should I bear a grudge? Isn't the
question; I do, until I don't.
I'm at Bassam's about to open the computer.
It's a disaffected semester, nobody live, except Deidre probably, just
slog on.
- Deidre and Lexi both fear a greyness in mbo
- Is Lexi right about what I said no
- Lexi is afraid of analysis
- She's flipped from loathing to adoring a quite dissociated
- Deidre is more intrepid
- She's connected, she kept connection by booze
- She's seeing a correct implication of mbo
- 'The sky' did it
- I'm susceptible to Lexi because I feel I am grey stones
- I used to be so much more tuned in to the uncon
- It's not as numinous now
- Is it better for it not to be so numinous
- But I don't look nice no
- I used to look like Elfland
- And don't now
- Literal and magical are not correctly alternatives
- There is one world
- Will you comment act to process, come through
into balance
- Is that addressed to her YES
- Is Hillman right no
- Is he pernicious no
- Am I being inattentive
- One world filled with interest and value
- Value separated from world
- The Middle Ages
- Kri's doing well YES
- Is she going to finish this semester
- Is Gary no
- Compassionate leave
- Is Deena going to flunk
- Does she know it would be fair
- Dream and documentary to experimental film
- Teaching perception
- In the Middle Ages was that amount of curbing necessary
- Is there anything you want to say about Lexi no
- What she wants to do in art do first in life
- Is there a reason she wants the unconscious to be transpersonal
decision, to withdraw, from anger, turn for the better
- There are archetypes
- Resonant thoughts
- The wheel of opposites is one
- Something unnamed but present
- Is there a reason the cardinal directions are thought
of as 4(+2)
- Right-left, front-back
- Body templates
- Is three worlds also a body template
- Earth, sky and body horizontal
- Conceptual templates and equivalence columns
- Is it an error to think of dream as underworld
- Dreams are just dreams YES
- Deidre is nibbling at a conflict
- Is her image something to do with prebirth
- Placenta previa
- Evil and prenatal fear
- Ineffable dread YES
- Does her mother know about it
- Was her mother a drinker
- There's something charming about it
- Did you like Michael no
- Jamila
- You liked Jam? What about her? friendship
- Was she truly my superior no
- She unendingly tried to patronize me
- It was the stance she took to love woman
- And then I did it to Louie
- You liked her as a friend no
- Did you like me with Michael
- Was it an utter mistake to have Rowen YES
- Would it be bearable to him to hear it no
- An inferior child no
- A wrong relation to him NO
- Will you say in what sense pregnancy controlled
by Jam
- She set it up
- She needed to enact in me what she refused in herself
- She overpowered me
- That's what the $22,000 is for
- I have to see myself betrayed
- Everybody knew it
- Is it as simple as that
- Did she know what she was doing YES
- Was she guilty
- You still say you liked her
- Past tense
- Do you like her now
- Do you dislike Michael because he's a fool no
- So I'm Jam's victim
- Does that mean she's smarter than me
- She maneuvered me into it by humiliating me
- Will you tell me what made me so mind-fuckable
delay and isolation, early love betrayal
- Was Trudy in cahoots YES
- Should I give the money back YES
- It's blood money
- Is it harming me to have it no
- Is it harming Rowen no
- I would have to come up with what I've spent plus what
I've said is Rowen's
- Would it be just as good to give it all to Row
- A weakness of feeling judgment
- You don't like Michael because he's an addict
- Did I do that to him no
- Does Rowen feel he's inferior no
- Doomed no
- Are you liking Tom these days no
- Because he's coasting
- So has everything been wrong since then no
- I should tell Mary this
- Because I worked with Joyce
- Was it 'my body' that wanted the baby no
- Was Jam really smarter than me
- T no
- R no
- C no
- Is Jam still no
- It's called psychological pressure
- When Tom said I was an innocent it meant he thought he
could compel me
- Does he still think that no
- Is this the settled truth
- She bent me
- Did Joyce understand that no
- Was Jam shocked by Louie/Jamin because she understood
it was ended
- So I did that at Louie's expense no
- Because it didn't harm Louie
- So is Rowen as well as he can be
- Do I owe him more information no
- Does he want more no
- Is it important to pay back the fund
- Immediately no
- Better to do transfers first
- Can I do the calendar by next fall
- Is it worth doing the drum scan
- Could I do the notes in origin show
- Enough so I can get CC
- Do you want to say more balance, community, withdrawal,
- That humiliation threw me out of community no
- Made me withdraw no
- Is this a separate remark
- That's what's up
- Do you mean at [the college] no
- In general
- Urgent
- Say more a mistake, responsible, work, despair
- Work despair is a mistake that follows from it
- Do you know where to start quest, to act, to balance,
and recover
- Commit myself to looking for that YES
- Is there one key you can name YES (magician)
- That's a wonderful card
- Feeling, thinking, practical action, energy all together
- Balanced hemispheres
- Take that as prime identity
[notes on workshops and mbo students]
This morning transcribed Rowen's conception. 15 Sept 1984.
Jam said she didn't like to be associated with the way I see people.
I want to know whether she thought that because like many she has forbidden
herself to see what's wrong with people, or whether she's right, that the
way I see is pathological, and as such will be written off when people read
it, will make me written off altogether.
- Is it pathological no
- Will it cause me to be written off yes
Okay they're separate questions.
Saturday morning on the roof. It's nine o'clock - getting hot. Little
twitter. Sunglasses.
I'm transcribing more than ten pages a day because it's a time when I'm
feeling the neighbourhood, more is happening.
Wondering how it can be that now I have such a distaste for almost any
mention of Jam - how does that happen? (Smell of toast drifts probably from
I mean, did I feel the disgust and oppression then and not know it? Could
I have been that divided? I felt the oppression but not the disgust - what
does that mean? It means I was attached. And so was she, I feel sorry for
her in that. But objectively - what a horrendous mess. It took another horrendous
mess to get me out of it. But then I was out. Though the mess is still there
and discredits me to myself.
So one of the things I'm wondering about as I transcribe is how to think
about that discreditedness. What would be different if I could think well
of myself all the way through. Can I answer that? I'm wondering whether
there's something to do about it.
- Will you talk to me about this action, slow growth,
oppression, illusions
- I still have no
- I have acted to grow slowly out of oppression's illusions
- You're saying I have already done it
- But am I holding back from success because of it
- So doesn't that mean there's something to do no
- It's a just price no
- Will you give me a sentence structure, child,
Rowen, despair
- The structure of having Rowen in despair - you want to
say something about that power, tempering, equality, in creation
- That's how I should think of it
- That's how it went on into garden and school YES
- And how it has been ever since
- You're saying it wasn't a bad way to make a child
- I couldn't have any power with Jam
- But have I fallen back from it now no
- That's a relief YES
- I can tell the story differently
That felt like a light blooming in my solar.
- Thank you YES
- Is there any more you want to say no
Sore heart for Tom whose directory crashed, third time his writing has
got lost.
Tax cheque for $1094, total $2035.
On Sunday morning Tom reached to touch me and said Look. The horizon
was hot gold, apricot gold, an even band across the east. Santa Ana sunrise.
At Tom's house it's honeysuckle season. The scented geraniums are flowering
I stayed two nights. Yesterday I took a picture of Tom on the couch reading
the paper with the French doors open beyond him. I showed it to him. He
said, I'm starting to look like an old man. I'd thought that when I saw
him standing in line under the merciless fluorescents at Ralph's. But then
at another moment he's fresh pink and silver, a gorgeous man. I said at
our age it is always changing.
I'm so appreciating him. That's the word. I appreciate his good nature,
the way he takes his trials with optimism. His pleasure in life, his good
humor with me, the way he enjoys my thorniness and autocracy.
He's reading Virginia Woolf. I gave him A room of one's own and
now he found The common reader for himself. He says he wants to read
everything she has written.
We are generous with each other now, we look after each other. I took
his computer to the repairman and paid to have him look at it. He buys books
he thinks I'll like when he's in thrift shops. He only ever supports my
confidence - he doesn't hurt my feelings even if he's annoyed. We play with
compromises, I don't want the AC on so I say Okay, I've got the radio, it's
in the console, you can have KCRW on. He knows how to do between-time -
I have just realized that I'm learning from him. He or I will have bursts
of liveliness where we have something to say, and between them we say the
same thing many times, we admire the house or the view or the plants, or
we remember past times, or we tell about daily tasks, or praise each other.
I have thought of that sort of talk as corruption but I am seeing it maintains
an emotional texture. It's like air in the room - is that right? With other
people the between-time goes neurotic, is my feeling, but Tom isn't neurotic.
He's transparent and self-accepting. He will say any little insecurity or
He brings foreign movies from Blockbusters. This time it was Kadak
from Mongolia. I think he's going to be impatient because they're slow but
he likes them, he takes them in deep.
- Tom is a treasure
- Thank you
- Is it going to suddenly get worse again no
- Will we be together until we die
- Will he die soon no
- Will he die first
- Will I have to go back to Canada
- Will he come with me no
- We'll have six-month separations
- Will I be able to do good work
- Would I do better work if I was alone no
- Are you sure
- Will he be able to afford to keep that place
- Should I try to find him a writing job
- Should I organize exercise
- Do you want to tell me anything turn for the better,
crisis, overview, child
- Improvement of the child's sense of crisis
- Is it okay to befriend Mary again YES
- Are there good consequences of that
- Will you tell me what they are shared pleasure,
pragmatism, practical gain, heartbreak
- List
- Heartbreak is a consequence no
- What do you mean by it illusion, preparedness,
togetherness, child
- Child was always ready for heartbreak
- Is that what you mean YES
- The child is relaxing
- And those other things are the consequences of that
- Will you talk to me about work graduation, writing,
balance, intimacy
- Are you talking about film work
- Balance and intimacy
- Creation of intelligence YES
- Make them out of the materials of the slides YES
- Am I going to be able to start on this soon
- Will there be enough money for this
- Will I be able to make beautiful transcendent pieces
- Anything else you want to talk about now balance,
slow growth, come through, abandonment
- That's a summary
- Thank you
Favor, Lisa, Becci, Layla, Anna, Stacey, Kri, Kate, Laura letters, Jeanne,
E. Reader, collection of letters, best of semester magazine.
- Jeanne on the board
- Managing editor
- Do you like this idea no
- Because it would be too much work
- It would distract me from the film
- The works aren't good enough
- I could get Being about published
- Jeanne on the board instead of me
- Would you like it if it didn't involve me doing it
- Could I get fac hours for it
- Under those conditions would you like it
- Could we do this rapidly
- Reprint rights
- Talk to Val
- Design formula
- Students who want publishing internship
- Favor design YES
How much control of printing, paper stock
- Distrib, straight to Amazon
Publicity - interviews - hook - website - payment
- It's not self publishing
- Lise will want in no
- Suggestion for a name
- Who else has expertise
- This is dangerous
- But my blood jumps
A design philosophy
- It will teach everyone to publish

part 3
- in america volume 15: 2008 march-september
- work & days: a lifetime journal project