7 January
A storm of wind last night. I could see the palms thrashing in the dark.
This morning branches torn from the Cleveland sage downstairs. Clean grey
air in the street when I went down in my pyjamas to fetch tea from the jeep.
Jane Eyre on PBS. Lazy speech anachronisms but Jane played by
the right sort of person, and Rochester too. She had a very long upper lip
and an unattractive profile. Her face held. He was more boyish than I have
imagined Rochester, like Hugh Grant with a lot of hair, but he had the right
feeling impetuosity. There was a scene where we saw them side by side on
the grass, two profiles. It was the sight of friendship. Convincing: these
two people had found each other.
I was reading it as a man with unredeemed feeling meeting and instantly
recognizing passionate rectitude, something he could be. Miss Ingraham is
his flirtation with cynical dissociation. He is a man with a lot of books
- magnifying glasses - globes. She standing in his library looking at a
natural history book. She is an artist, he a traveler, and they walk out
in the world together. Scenes where they talk by the river.
At the end a scene added in the adaptation. They are sitting for their
portrait - it's another anachronism, a portrait painter would not assemble
a group on the lawn as if they were having a picture taken - and there she
is with a more flattering hairstyle in charge of servants and all else,
flourishing with a two-year-old on her lap. He says "Where's the baby."
Something about just that.
What this adaptation left out was Jane's voice, which makes all of it
Jane. "Reader, I married him." There was some of her cadence but
she is not the encompassing accomplishment Bronte's voice makes her.
The way the magazine this time is about women meeting wildness in
the form of boys or men. First Emilee and the stringy dirty boy who cut
his lip with a razor blade when she kissed someone in a play: "a dozen
tiny cuts that bled in comic rivulets between his teeth and down his boy's
chin." Stacey meeting the devil in Moscow. Becci's brother and her
dad breaking down. Margi writing as a twelve year old about loving a boy.
Then Melanie explaining Von Franz on the devil as animus possession. Then
Ian honestly telling his effort to meet wildness on the camping trip. Then
Belle's meditation notes, which take her to a state in which she feels herself
a god. Then Kri on attacking and being attacked by a man in aikido. "True
stories and true names unfolding within me; me, letting them come."
Then Anne Smith quoting Butala, who sees her husband "asleep on the
ground with his animals" and then saying "desire and passion,
weaving together to create a self." "This monumental work of self-creation."
At the head of it all Polly Raine's image of a tiny woman nesting in leaves
and twigs.
Seeing Tiptree notes this morning I thought I could do a workshop on
women sci fi writers.
The magazine is good. No one is writing about it. I've published good
Working on the Orpheus notes feeling Leslie Freeman - feeling whether
to write her and invite her to work with me.
- Sorting the stack of notes seeing what are their natural categories.
- Somatics
- Psychology, meaning narrative
- Brain
Trying to get the new computer online - had to write Jorge to ask for
a password. On the phone with La Cie trying to get the MacBook to recognize
the external drive. That was all aft. It's 7 at night and I haven't got
dressed yet. Cooking fish and vegetables. Finished transcribing DR7 which
was the first summer up north and then back in Van. Now a short vol 1977-78
Oct-Feb. Then the vol with the Olson house, mostly already transcribed,
1978-79 Feb-Jan. Then the vol where I move into the lake house, 1979 Jan-July,
transcribed, and then 1979-80 July-Feb also transcribed. So this little
stretch will take me to 1980. I'm saying so because I want the transcribing
over - it doesn't fund itself with pleasure.
Earlier working on Orpheus notes though not very energetically.
Hillary vs Obama tomorrow, she isn't going to make it. For a good reason
or bad: I don't like his ranting. It's old fashioned preacher demoguery.
I don't hear actual common sense. I don't like his pinched purple-lipped
little face. But people like his oratory maybe enough to get him elected.
Hillary is my age and there she is a bit dumpy in spite of all money and
intelligence can do. She has played the game and it somehow shows. Is that
what it is? She's doing what she has to do but the fact that it's visible
is damning her. She'd be a good president, much better than Obama. She's
by far the best candidate but that isn't going to be what matters. I'm saying
that in the discouragement of my own case. People are ashamed of Iraq and
they want to be proud of electing a black president. They don't want to
be proud of electing a woman - that isn't how it works.
Mac genius tomorrow at UTC - MacBook and La Cie, G3 and password, buy
another La Cie.
Friday - LA on the 7.05 train from Old Town arrive around 10 - Red Line
and bus to Burbank - arrive 11.10 - appointment at 1.
Sylvia will sell a DVD to SFU for 600, Notes in origin, advance
me the money.
Hillary won in New Hampshire. She was on TV in a beautiful tapestry jacket
soft and real saying New Hampshire had given her her own voice. I think
she means the interview the previous day, where she welled into tears talking
about wanting to salvage the country. Hideous John Edwards immediately jumped
on that clip, said a president can't be weak. This morning a woman voter
interviewed saying she was undecided until she saw Hillary in tears. "I
didn't see it as weakness, I saw it as passion." Women voted for her
46% to 37% for Obama.
At Bassam's Leo Finegold who is 80 and looks 65, joined the army at 17
out of New Orleans, taken prisoner in Germany in 1945, liberated a month
later by the Russians.
Mac genius bar at UTC - I was there with the MacBook Pro and my two G3s
and my external drive. The big computer wasn't recognizing the La Cie. My
second G3 had a password problem so I couldn't get it online. My old G3
is giving me a message about memory - ie it is dying. I had lugged in all
that hardware and had it spread out on the bar. In the end, the MacBook
is at the shop for repairs that will cost $320, the G3 password problem
is fixed but at the cost of wiping the OS so now I don't have the option
of 9.2 on it any more, and all the set up work I did on it is gone; AND
now I can't read the external drive, hangs up when I try. That may be because
as I was loading up all the computers plus two bags of groceries I overbalanced
and fell so the computer bags hit against the sidewalk.
And tomorrow going to LA with two films and the new hard drive.
Feeling the fragility of computers, jeep-body, new patches of decay on
my teeth.
The stress of this new project - the stress of the expense, the stress
of learning new machines and software, getting them to work.
This 1977-78 vol isn't as frantic and abstracted. Transcribing it I felt
for a moment the air of myself at that time - unsayable except that it's
light and poised more than earlier and more than now.
Sylvia about the DVDs - thinking about jacket material. What should be
the photo - needs to be something there can be print over.
Blurbs, about the filmmaker, about the project.
- All day scratching in past times.
Question about DR - why do I think of the lake house as the core of my
life. 1979-81. I was 35. I made myself in relation to a place. It was a
mythic zone. The house was right, the yard was right. Now I want to give
an account of it. I want to make Notes in origin the show. It needs
a lot of money. Cost it.
- Slide digitization
- Tape "
- Film "
- Time - a year
- Professional DVD costs
- Technical helper
- Notes in origin and Current
- Trapline
- Bright and dark
- Collected works
- Being about - pdf - costs proofreading, images
- Edited DVD journal volumes:
- SH 5 x 100
- DR 21 x 100
- AG 20 x 100
- GW 24 x 100
- F
I found my way into a state of beauty. That's the point. The work will
evoke it.
Amtrak, passing the marsh north of Oceanside.
I liked opening the door this morning on a milky dewy dawn and going
downstairs to find the taxi at the curb. And now the humming glide above
cliffs with glassed-off waves below. Surfer cars with their hatches up.
A simple, silent ocean. Sand, foam. Sweet pink light. Simplest two foot
waves rising to green. There was a dolphin's black fin.
Smoke House Restaurant, Burbank. Modern Videofilm Services building across
the street.
I was on Hollywood Boulevard staring at LA - tacky dirty Hollywood Boulevard.
Justin's new version correctly and quite beautifully proposes he'll look
at A vision and antitheticality. I went online to find a definition
and discovered myself happy in Yeats. Temperamentally opposed streams in
western culture. Aristotle vs Plato - each of them founded on different
dichotomies. An antithetical view would be antithetical within either. I
Ching interpretations have two temperamental streams - the I Ching
itself has structural contrasts.
A right contrast would be I Ching interpretation vs interpretation
of some text in a western canon.
Art vs science, Renaissance to Englightenment
Orthodoxy vs mysticism - Blake, Shelley, Coleridge, Romantics, Yeats
Authoritative order vs individual instinctual order
I Ching literature doesn't have that dynamic, Chinese culture
doesn't have it.
A bodily energetic economy
Oppositional/alternate vs antithetical now: art plus science, mysticism
plus orthodoxy
New notion of order
[etc - trying to work out Justin's thesis]
What do I love in Yeats - his sentic lyricism - his beauty and defense
of beauty - mythic feeling - Greek and Celtic.
- Is the notion of a matrix for work important
- Does it have to be mysterious to work no
- Do I already have it
- Could I live like the lake house again no
- Because I've done that
- It needed something I don't have anymore no
- Because I need to be like this to get it done
[Spirit as body IV The sky notes]
So I'm back from LA with DVDs, Notes in origin and Current
uncompressed in high def in the drive and an HD Cam tape, half of the digitizing
is done, cost of about $1455-300 for the sale to SFU = 1155. Sylvia may
or may not get me more sales. I can use the HD to make a deluxe HD collected
works for income later. Maybe -400 for fac devel = 755.
Doing the same for Trapline and Bright and dark will be
more because of the sound, say $1800.
Then I need a bunch for expert scans of 30 slides. And cassette. And
And then there is politics - Sylvia - CFMDC - Canyon - Women make Movies.
Tom's house, Monday morning, 6:23.
January dawn through the French doors. Hot cup of tea. There goes a crow
across the yellow.
Was there a best moment of the weekend. Saturday night I was lying next
to Tom watching cariboo with the head phones on and he turned his head against
my shoulder and fell asleep.
It's windy this morning. The tall vertical limbs of the eugenia are bitty
black lace panels nodding across each other back and forth.
The refrigerator motor starts up.
What it was like to read the first Fading vol intros over Tom's
shoulder last night. He wasn't saying what he actually thought and by the
second page he was skimming the parts that weren't about him. I was feeling
doubtful of them in a way I never do, as if I could see how this and that
are false.
Full daylight. Saturday night eating at Denny's I told Tom the story
of LA, from Thursday before leaving to the taxi coming home, with a lot
of technical detail about the lab. I knew he was interested. He could see
As I'm writing this I'm wondering what has happened to journal writing.
For one thing, there's the way I have no impulse to write anything about
LA. For another there's the dullness of the writing. How do I feel about
the flat sentences I know they are. It's my structure isn't it: I'm not
what I was, I'm damaged. I'm dying.
Now a bird singing persistently and a hot zone of sky behind the eugenia
where just now I see the sun rising quickly. There it is.
Somebody in Hunan, China - Changsha - got to me by searching SFU for
epp. I don't think they meant me. Yesterday someone in Michigan who got
in from Senses of cinema spent 35 minutes, and someone in Richmond
BC spent 4 in Work & days.
My MacBook returned. They took out the added memory and it's fixed, it
recognizes the drive. Now my second G3 hangs up and its little mirror ball
spins on and on. I can't get it to go direct to mail, it has no 9.2 and
so no programs I need. Won't find the La Cie. And the Mac Pro 1) has no
modem for land line and 2) won't connect wireless here. So I have three
computers and no complete system.
It's after 5, orange in the west. I'm rag-tag today, shouldn't have stayed
at Tom's last night. Drinking real tea to try to get a mind. What do I want.
Work. What are the parts of preparation.
- 1. money
- 2. reputation, contacts, community
- 3. equipment, technology
- 4. state
- 5. notes, tale, materials
- 6. energy, health, looks
- Is that it? no
- One more
- Name it recovery
- Sentence withdrawal, community, balance, quest
- Look for balance between withdrawal and community
- If I do that will artists be able to use Being about
7. social recovery
- It's actually 6
- I can do that now, can't I
- Next page - is this correct
- Is there any more you want to say about this no
- Is there a reason I had to wait so long betrayal,
fight, practical, turn for the better
- Personal completion
Working on Tenuous body: the sky this morning. What do I know
- it's loose - make it loose - demonstrate adoration and connection,
early love integrated with theoretical knowledge.
- 1. naturalizing spirit as body, 'spiritualizing' body
- 2. difficult personal integration - an aspect - personal core of the
- 3. naturalizing 'spiritual' values - subtle body
- 4. spiritualizing 'natural' values - the sky
- a. larger and greater - feeling held in a large order
- b. adoring knowledgably - art
- - monuments - Lightning Field, Turrell
- - photography
- - music
- c. gods and archetypes
- d. visualization - being sky
- Evolution.
- -
- 1. State
- 2. Technology
- 3. Health, energy, appearance
- 4. Materials
- 5. Money
- 6. Community
- 1. Act to improve isolation toward friendship
- 2. Success by coming through to practical skill
- 3. Friendship, subtle, combat, recovery. Health and energy through
recovery of friendship's subtle combat.
- 4. Honesty come through slow growth of meditation
- That is what has happened
- I've winnowed
5. Indecision, skill, male betrayal
- Male exclusion
- Is that a diagnosis
- I fear men keeping me out of money
- Whereas men have always been my supporters YES
- Tell Rowen I'm borrowing it
6. Balance the subtle oppression of love woman
- The way Lis does by covering my tracks no
- It exists and I have to have a strategy
- Give love woman the overview of child's indecision
- Let LW deal with it in those terms YES
- The larger self in community
- Truly? YES
- Will you describe the larger purpose YES illusion,
3c, construction, exclusion - drunken illusion of construction when the
truth is exclusion
- This is a drunken illusion of construction NO
- The purpose is to deal with that
- Largely
- Psychological
- Do you want to say more about this no
- Computers:
- The old G3 is staggering
- New G3 is good but does not have Word, Photoshop, Pagemill
- The MacBook has everything, is good but can't do email
- 250 LaCie with backup and We made this
- 360 LaCie with Notes in origin and Current
It's cold. Friday morning. Cold sun. Excited, somehow things to do, but
all of them good things.
I think the new G3 is alright - a man in an office full of old Macs got
9.2 onto it, with all my programs and files. I can still have the desktop
I like. I'm telling this because it's the accomplishment of the day. - And
secured Final Cut Pro and DVD Pro, opened Notes in origin and got
a still of the swan, started working with the jacket template.
- The bad thing. Mirror in the little office building, three walls, an
old woman with no jaw any more, a fold from neck to chin. I had a beautiful
jaw, and face padding, though I'm not fat now. Gullies under the eyes. Nice
hair though, dark and silver. So what is this pudding face, not everyone
my age looks like that.
I went to Tom's after to bring him the jeep for tomorrow and found him
soft and quiet in his pj's. He calmly listened to my speedy dump of computer
- So is it that I still weigh too much no
- Hormonal
- Is it because I'm with Tom no
- If I were having sex would I look better no
- Is it working with machines no
- Duty no
- If I were just an artist would I look better
- Last summer I looked better YES
- If I did the fast would I look better no
- Will you comment withdrawn, practical, overview,
- Is this a list
- Those are the reasons
- If I were more emotional would I look better no
- So now I look as bad as Judy no
- But for the same reason
- By withdrawn do you mean withheld
- It's the look of the bad journal writing
- Does Tom actually think it's beautiful
- It's because I'm looking after people no
- If I exercised more would I look better no
6.5 for every thousand meters
3 families of clouds
cirrus - fiber, hair
cumulous - heap
stratus - sheet, layer
nimbus - rainy
Named 1892 Luke Howard
"The view from high windows"
1783 "summer filled with inexplicable skies,"
reeking air, sickly sun, breathing problems, rotting meat. Aurora, earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions, electrical storms, stench of sulfur.
The later Romantics is Shelley
Goethe "the systematic succession of forms"
Wholeness of nature
Constable "I am the man of clouds" 1821-22.
"We see nothing truly until we understand it."
Two summers on Hampstead Heath learning to paint
and the farthest stretch possible.
- Turner 1810, 1815.
- His profession as a painter could be shown to
be "scientific as well as poetic."
Cloud physics
Convection cells "each one releasing buoyant
Cumulus congestus
Air rising is surrounded by less pressure - expand,
loose motion, energy=cooler. It rises if warm ie less dense.
When cooler it can hold less moisture.
Droplets grow around a seed - changes that attract
- Am I right in thinking Judy can't afford to know me
- Does she think she has exceeded me
- Has she no
- Am I right to allow her to think so
- Can I afford it YES
- Does Mary understand this
- Was Judy a withholding person because of me
- Because I dominated her
- I had more liveliness
- Did she do for me then what I'm doing for her now
- Now she has more energy than I do
- She's committed to her arenas
- She's miles more conventional
- Is there any more you want to say about this no
- She was curbed because of me
- But not because of polio YES
- She attributed it wrongly
- Did Mary know what she was doing
- "You were unstoppable" was correct
- Should I be more forward with the family
- Will you say why to come through
- Being inhibited there inhibits me elsewhere no
- I've written them off YES
- Rightly
- Rightly YES
- And so much else
- Is that liveliness lost no
- It has found its arenas
Multicelled cumulus
Cumulus congestus - multitude of cells in all stages
of development, 25,000' and higher
Strong positive buoyancy
Air pulled to earth by gravity
When water molecules in air slow down they're more
likely to latch onto others - for instance a bit of dirt or other water
molecules, ie condensing to water.
When they rise they're less squashed together -
spread out - lose energy by moving - get cooler.
As it cools, bonds form between water molecules
= water.
Water droplets 10 microns = 10 twentyfive thousandths
of an inch.
Billions of droplets large enough to reflect light,
a lot of empty space between them.
Cloud condensation nuclei even smaller, one two
hundred fifty thousandths.
Slightly charged so they attract water molecules
so the appearance of cloud granularity indicates that free water molecules
have linked together into water.
Growth as droplets collide in vertical motion,
rapid where there's a lot of vertical motion.
A small raindrop, a mizzle drop, is one twenty-fifth
of an inch = a million droplets.
Average would contain 10 milion.
Large, cats and dogs, one hundred million.
Cumulus = convection clouds.
Cumulus: rising, cooling, humidifying, each cloud
globule is the upward stem of a convection cell.
Stratus - stable atmosphere - are stable - stratified
Ground fog - air cooled by fog
Sea smoke - rises from relatively warmer water
Advection fog - warm moist air over cool water
so air cools to its dew point
Low stratus lifted by weak upward currents, warm
- Altostratus - mid-layer overcast
- Cirrostratus - ice-crystal translucent - low
moisture content
- Clear space between clouds indicates sinking
Buttermilk sky
- convection globules, air is oscillating up and down regions
- Altocumulus
- mid-level layered with dimples of convection, instability and overturning
- Mackerel sky
- Cirrocumulus
- higher, near freezing
- Cumulonimbus
- rain cloud
[Tom talks to the book:
- Is the job affecting my health no
- What's affecting (strength)
- Strong enough for environment
- Should Tom quit tomorrow no
- Ride it out and go on UI
- Does he really want to write
- Can he find the intent
- Can he find a job that allows him enough money and still
- Is the dust affecting his chest no
- Is kow-towing affecting his chest
Manage / energy / indecision / speed
- Uptown news
- Car next logical step
- 1. Ride out job
- 2. $1000 month toward car
- 3. By time laid off able to get a car
- 4. Call Manny, set up appointment and have talking points
- 5. Do research about unemployment
[Tom's signature, and mine]
Billow clouds - parallel rows - wind speeds in
layers above and below the clouds vary - shearing force.
Sunset colors because of scattering by particles
in the air, large particles scatter out blue.
Hooked cirrus
'Natural law': natural orderedness
Cars have driven further than the distance to the
moon: 240,000 miles.
One glance at the dark side of the new moon
apprises us of the weather for thousands of miles westward where the whiteness
of wide cloudy areas is earthshine's main source.
Moon - one diameter
Becoming capable of imagining natural order
Someone in Murrysville Pennsylvania an hour on my site today, in Work
& days, and three last week. Originally came in through Valleyview-Whitecourt
last September.
Transcribing on the new G3 for the first time, committing to it. It's
silent. The keys are swifter. It's brighter, I think. Now it has exactly
the desktop I had before.
Now we'll see what happens if I restart in OS10.
Also someone in Oregon State U bookmarked, someone in Montreal did a
5 min name search, was looking into film, graphics.
Last night Tom and I happened into The march of the penguins.
Tom was enchanted - Tom who despises nature documentaries. Said it stayed
with him today. We were cuddled watching it in a warm bath of loving pleasure.
The saintly way they hang their heads alongside, slow pondering necks with
orange patches. The animal imperative to care for young, the solemnity of
the partnership. Both the male and the female taking themselves to the edge
of endurance for the sake of the egg and then the gormless hopeful chick.
It's an image of faithfulness that comforted us.
Photoshop - I have a version - text, layers, frame grab.
Two more days -
- Does it still write
how deeply the mystery of distance would affect
the shock of space awareness
discus-shaped mass of 200 billion stars spinning
in a turbulent whirl of gas and dust
sun near the outer rim
hub in Saggitarius - 80,000 light years
when we look away from the rim, only 5,000
center a sphere of hydrogen
one revolution every 230 million years
empty space at least one atom of hydrogen every
cubic centimeter
Supergalaxy a wheel of wheels
the evolution of galaxies and groups of galaxies
from simple undefined clouds of random atoms toward structural symmetry
and developed form
Turbulence is the shearing effect of disparate
velocities, the divergence of streams into eddies and subeddies.
Friday morning. Flying later. It's not 7 yet, mild clouds and a few crows.
Something I had saved up to say from when I was walking toward Starbucks
- that I haven't fallen for months. I should notice when it happens.
I thought of that because I was feeling how I was walking. I'm limping
more, my shadow says, but I feel light. When I'm on a corner waiting to
cross I feel my hips fall lightly into alignment under me - a feeling I
love. It's partly the jeans, the way when I'm in the right weight I feel
them hanging from my hip bones.
I've been happy this week, putting together the sky lecture and learning
to make the DVD sleeve in Photoshop. Open time. Harmonious with Tom. I drove
to his house at 4 yesterday, thinking to do my laundry before he gets home
after 5, but when I arrived at the stop sign at Cypress there he was crossing
in front of me, a tall thin-faced man in a beanie cap carrying a big backpack.
We went for dinner to the Denny's on Pacific. Ate fast, he looked tired
across from me. He was paying and I stepped outside. Held open the door
for a homeless man carrying a bag with his take-out dinner. He looked at
me as he passed through and said "You're a pretty woman. My Aunt Jenny
told me, if you think a woman is pretty, you should always tell her."
He had a good face, very weathered. His voice reminded me of Pilgrim. Slight
smell of booze. A slight body in blackened clothes. Then he said something
like "I used to be worse. I was a gunner in the airforce, got my hip
shot at." The walkway was slick with rain. I watched him hobbling toward
his shopping cart full of cans holding his thin hips twisted sideways. He
stopped at the end of the wall, resting. As Tom and I came past he said
"This weather is hard on me." He had the American buoyancy of
Tom drove me home, stopped on the corner outside Davis. I gathered my
bags, came around to kiss him through his window. Nice kisses, two identical
with a gazing pause between, confiding and trusting.
Terminal 1 Lindberg Field. In transit. In the midst of conversations.
Strange bodies.
Plainfield 26th
- I have less credibility
- Because I got angry no
- For a good reason no
- Has C done a campaign no
- For a fair reason YES
- They didn't think my judgment was good no
- Because of the way I handled Margo/Francis no,
action, judgment, (Kw), balance
- Can you point this early love
- Because of some way I've acted YES
- Are they accurate no
- Because they're denying something
- Does Jim think well of me
- Ralph
- Francis no
- Campbell
- Lise
- Goldberg no
- Margo no
- Are they just in their estimate
- Margo since Milly
- I can write Francis off
- Goldberg because of the journal
- M didn't like that I lost my temper with Justin
- Was I aggressive enough today NO
- Did you like Jim on personal development no
- Should I have said more no
- I was thinking let them say that if it's all they have
the guts for YES
- Was that wrong
- Did I make up for it with the happiness exercise
- That was beautiful YES
- Did C get better shoes because of what I said
The kind of day it was, in faculty meeting this morning Margo, large
calm Margo in raspberry UGG boots sitting crossways in the armchair watching
us hash out what to do. I don't think I can reconstruct it. People said
what they say. Goldberg said we have to be very careful, Ralph said we have
to be very careful, Lise said she wants to do something, I said we shouldn't
roll over. There was a particular moment, I think. Ralph said we should
be clear what we're fighting for not just take someone as an enemy. People
said a just workplace. I said - what did I say - for people to be able to
not feel defeated and silenced. From there we seemed rapidly to settle into
a plan. It was a plan I found myself left out of. I want to say two things
at once, here. One is that it's a good plan as far as it goes, it accommodates
people's anxieties and at the same time takes on a larger cause. The other
thing is that when it came to forming the committee for that action I volunteered
and the waters closed over me. Then Goldberg went around in her expert facilitator
way and asked everyone to say how they felt. Margo said how remarkable a
group we were and had we noticed how that had just happened. People were
saying yes it was wonderful and I was feeling, not wonderful enough, because
Margo is still going. There she still was large and watchful at the head
of the room, people comfortable around her in an even accepted light. I
was seeing that that will be gone.
Last night at the supper table our fac was sitting at one of the big
square tables. Goldberg said what could we talk about I said that one night
with the Sufis there was an exercise where we went around and everyone told
the happiest time they'd had. Goldberg immediately wanted to tell about
a moment last week when she was doing yoga and felt her physical wholeness.
Then we went around. KC said anytime she sees a cat or dog. Francis told
a long story about his trip to India, being welcomed into a famous shrine.
Ralph didn't want to tell anything but Francis began to tell one for him
and then he picked it up and radiated with it - a chestnut tree that puts
out suckers and they die back and it puts out more, the persistance of life.
Lise said she has a happy gene and is happy most of the time. Bobby, who
was sitting with us, was the revelation. There he was with his big eyes
and bulging forehead. He told two stories about supporting someone who was
being unjustly attacked. I could see that's who he is - a defender. Margo
arrived and sat next to him. She didn't want to say anything. We went around
again. I had told about work happiness, sitting in bed and breaking through
and seeing the significance of the moment spread into the past and future.
Bobby said he'd written a book about the history of deaf people and his
uncle, at a meeting, had said he'd given them their history. Margo said
two things. There was a moment when she was having to stand up at a community
meeting and challenge the then president, and Bobby had just come and stood
next to her. And also that any day, every day, if she gets into attention,
something shifts, she sees differently.
I'm having one of those moments where I'm thinking a lot of things. The
complications of social life. I'm wondering why there hasn't been much of
that sense, why I have been, whether I have been, shut down in them. What
we'll lose with Margo. Depth. Margo's attention. Sometimes her support is
transparently false, goofy, but everyone feels seen.
What have I lost in myself in the last years. As if the attention Margo
is talking about. I'm not talking to the book much. I don't have crisis.
I haven't been pressing where I should - I've been coasting.
The way in the fac - this is another thing I was thinking - real dislikes
are suspended in social action. I mean the way people fall in with playing
- Madge Herron b. Dec 12 1915, died 2002 at 86.
- Donegal - Kentish Town.
- Abbey Theatre 1930s
- Love poems by women
- Charring
- 1999 advanced dementia
- Documentary for Irish television
- Kevin O'Connor 4 Oct 2002 Guardian obit
This morning was dreaming I was driving into London
seeing marvels. There were narrow streets covered high up with a ceiling
of white gauze, white flowers. Driving a causeway over a broad brown river,
I was seeing next to the railing piles of naked bodies coated with brown
mud posed as living sculptures.
Shon Workman - the woman in orange on the Chicago flight.
That's the second of the workshops - Body as spirit I after Theory
Lise afterwards standing with me and Margo under brilliant stars, a few,
wanting to argue about reincarnation. I said "I don't want to argue
with you Lise, I can't bear it, it grieves me so much when people say they're
not going to die." I said it desperately. I had to search for the world
grieves and it was right.
Email from Mary saying Lil Epp has died.
February 3
- Quite a lot -
- Margo's mom
- Jaes distressed [fearing] that I'd shut down on her
- The unsuitable thing I did at Margo's goodbye
- Is Jaes as pious as I fear no
- She doesn't understand when I say difference between
experience and explanation
- Jaes isn't really a shaman
- She thinks she is
- If she were she wouldn't be afraid of me

part 6
- in ameerica volume 14: 2007-2008 september-march
- work & days: a lifetime journal project