1 October 2007
Café Bassam - there's a mirror next to me - hair down this morning
- cross-legged in the red hoodie - have my back to the window because of
the sun - it's shining on silver and dark that looks burnished and interesting
- my reflection on windows shows a person just the shape I like - so neat
a rump and slender back. That's the first thing to say in this book. Joyful
Have thought I should do something about the way I often am not present.
I notice it in the way I don't want to write. I should say I notice it sometimes
when I wake and think of things I could want to write and haven't thought
to. It is as if an interested person returns during sleep and then very
quickly is wiped out.
For instance the man I bought the jeep from was and wasn't a dwarf. He
was maybe 5' tall but he had the dwarf shape of skull, large, with a flat
top and thick bone bulging forward over large eyes. A nice smile. Peter
I arrived at Rancho Mission Drive for my 5:15 appointment with a taxi
driver who got involved with the jeep-buying story, advised me to offer
a couple of hundred less than asking price, the kind Tom calls a camel trader.
As he was leaving he said "I think you gonna buy it" and wished
me luck. It turned out there was another buyer coming at 6. I liked the
jeep though not really the color; I liked his thick bundle of maintenance
records and how immaculate it was underneath; I liked how clean the paint
was; it looked cossetted. I knew $3500 was an exceptionally good price given
its condition and mileage, which is only 94k. So I wanted to nail down the
deal before the next guy came. He said he'd call afterwards. But when I
spoke to him from home he said the next buyer had offered 39. I was stricken.
Amazingly so. Fetched the string and asked whether I was being played. It
said no. I said I'd match it and had first dibs if so, but went away sore
at heart, very, as if I'd been betrayed, which I had been, under one understanding
of the fact that I'd given him my driver's license to hold as good faith
security. Woke at night so distressed from a bad dream that I wondered whether
I should call off the deal. The book said no, everything's alright.
And next day at noon in the Bank of America parking lot we signed the
pink slip and I drove it away. It's so like my old jeep that when I'm driving
it I can feel there wasn't an interruption. But I'm anxious in ways I wasn't,
my heart is tighter, I don't like to leave it parked at night.
Tires and liftgate struts. Fluids. Lojack or the Guardian system if I
can find it. Tax. Another $2000.
Café Bassam. There I am looking yellow and small-eyed. Folds of
skin under my jaw.
This guy is an apparatus lover, walks around always in a straw hat because
he's bald. Collection of silver flasks, collection of old guns. Collection
of public clocks. He shuffles. Collection of ceramic teapots in the shapes
of fruit and vegetables on the grand piano. Collection of mirrors. The space
is him, his vision of himself. That's why he was offended when I asked if
he was getting wireless. He says hello stone-faced, "This is a class-i-cal
place, not like Starbucks." There he is smiling at a young woman interested
in his walnut muffins baked in French custard cups.
First sun on the grey duct overhead, the sun is rising behind the 10-storey
pink-beige appartment building across the street.
He has set his volume lower since I talked to him about it. The music
is still bad.
Second packets are in. I read Emilee's with bits of tears. There she
was, brilliant and immediate, starved the way brilliant women are.
There's the sun putting a polish on my skin.
Dreamed about Peter Epp - I noticed his lower lip
- woke, realized I had never seen him as a man - slept again and dreamed
I was in a large house for his funeral. What it was about this dream was
the house, seeing people going upstairs to rooms with large views of gardens.
I went up and looked at for instance a room full of white and orange Penguins
[books]. On the street afterwards was complaining that no one had spoken
about my grandfather. A man next to me said that had happened the day before.
In the room with the Penguins was a journal left
on the desk. I touched it, thought of opening it, thought no, and started
down the stairs. As I was leaving the old woman whose journal it was darted
toward it. We'd thought the house was empty. She had been hiding.
I like the thought that there is a woman hiding, that the upstairs isn't
[list of tasks]
Look at that list - I'm slogging this semester - all day email to deal
with - finally the last of the letters.
Dusan in my dream - I didn't remember his name,
just that he was that man from the garden - he was leaving the city and
it seemed I was too - had brought goodbye presents, there was a device I
don't know the use of, a long thin acrylic box, like a pencil case but thinner
and longer, clear but with colored panels and maybe gradations. There were
also crystals a dirty amber color that meant something.
I finished transcribing the section of Dames rocket before I met
T and C this morning. 256 pages. It's the first part of learning Vancouver,
getting the house and neighbourhood, friends and lovers. In sequence Paul,
Maggie, Nellie. Thinking about how to break it up and how to introduce it.
I don't approve of her [me] because she doesn't write well. Yet she was
doing anything she could think to do to become someone who could write better.
Do I disapprove her affairs. I was hungry and full of social energy as
I'm not now.
Writing Emilee yesterday saying the isolation of coming to know what
other people don't know is worth it because of the satisfaction of no longer
being divided against oneself. She's where I was isn't she, longing for
her capacity. She's good at her hard job and at home she's somehow stuck
with a woman who can't stand her to be large, I mean in herself too. She
doesn't want to leave the people she has but she's more than they are. I
took that fence when I came to it. Susan doesn't leave them, she goes ahead
and overwhelms them. Emilee couldn't do that, she's too scrupulous. That
means never having free energy, except in thinking of the fantasy man. -
Did I get that right, that the fantasy man mediates free energy and that's
his particular function? Drinking allows free energy but with diminished
capacity, so it doesn't come across as large. That makes it safe. There's
the other fear too, that if one comes across as large one will be stuck
in never being able to be small.
That's a misunderstanding because being truly and not falsely powerful
depends on and can accommodate all the being small there actually is. I
mean the early smallness not the held-back smallness.
What's my bind now, though, because I don't have free energy. I had a
man who mediated mine and now I can't be large or I'll lose him, though
he no longer gets me to energy.
Margo's letter to the fac yesterday addressing their uncertainties firmly
and clearly. She could do it because Lise told her what they were saying,
and Lise could do that because I'd spoken first to the fac and then to her
and firmed her up. M's letter said one of the things she was being fired
for was "a situation that came up with an ADA student" that Sue
thought she had mishandled, "endangering the college." That was
Millie's mischief. Mark had been asking all the previous deans to fire her
and they hadn't done it, and then Sue did and it was partly my fault. I
was frightened seeing it. And yet I don't regret what I did with Millie.
That work is, the record of it is, still able to inspire people into more
freedom and realness. But the thought that I'd got Margo fired is horrifying,
because she has been the soul of what's right with the program. She has
been backing everything courageous and hopeful.
She refused to write me up.
But Jane wrote her up.
It's fear of being pushed out again by the small minded frightened ass-coverers.
Was feeling yesterday how no one, none of the fac, none of the students,
even Susan in her testimonial, talk about the gift my radical reframing
is to them or the college. Susan talks about "nurturing, intelligent
close reading" but the most important thing she got was the reframing
that let her think accurately and that is her major cachet and credibility
at Kripalu. It's why I'm grieved that she was as attached to Lise and Jim,
who gave her so much less.
This is the crux of something.
I have been thinking it would be a relief to be fired so I would be forced
to do something else.
We went to In the valley of Elah tonight. Paul Haggis. Tom showed
up at quarter past 4 in a yellow farmer cap. We
- There I got up and made an appointment to buy tires and am now in Kearny
Mesa at Qualberto's Mexican Food while my jeep is on the hoist. An hour
and change, he said.
Here's Doris Lessing at 88 a little dumpling of an old woman who has
finally won the Nobel. [newspaper clipping]
Satisfied tonight because I took care of the tires - bought a beat-up
army jerry can for water - a green flannel duvet cover - a sleeping bag
to put into it - a folding mattress like the old one - threw out the back
seat - beautiful thick green wool blanket, best dark green.
Today I did nothing for [the college], I ran around - it has taken me
almost two weeks to deal with this packet cycle. Stress.
It's the season when my hair falls out scarily and macs [apples] are
back on the market. Raining this morning.
Adrian this morning floating the thought of a peer-reviewed journal called
Embodiment. Should I volunteer for the board? I should. If I guest-edited
who would I want to get - Gendlin - Debbie Rose - Juliana? - Churchlands
- Susan. It would make me legit at [the college]. It might help with getting
Being about published. Argue for art.
Woke from a dream where I was briefing two reporters
about something I'd found in the La Glace School playground, I don't think
it was that when the dream began. A large field. I'd somehow found the coordinates
of some underground engineering. I'd backed its program partway - I mean
I'd clicked it back through its operating steps to see how it worked. There
was also something else about another piece of machinery at the lower (south)
end of the field. That's as much as I remember about what it was. At the
end of the dream I'd told two reporters I had something to show them. I
was going to break the story. Led them to our house, from which I could
see the school. Door seemed locked but then it opened. It was dark. I was
turning on lights but they were very dim. The reporters were waiting in
the kitchen while I looked for my notes. Then I was looking for my slippers
because the house was icy cold. One of the reporters came looking for me.
I explained I was looking for my slippers and it seemed he was relieved
I was mentioning the cold.
Woke in Tom's bed in the dark at nearly 6 thinking the dream is about
what I was talking to Tom about last night, the crushing depression of not
having my work recognized at [the college] and elsewhere.
In the middle of the dream Isobel Christensen [*spelling?]
guessed something about what I had found. I took her in the other room to
tell her about it. Asked her to hold off on telling anyone. A moment of
her best brightness. She'd asked how I'd come to find it and I'd said it
must be all those girl detective books I'd read. She said very brightly
"I know what you were reading." Then I saw there were a
lot of children in the room with us and I said "There are a lot of
people watching," meaning I can't tell you about it now. So then, the
sense was it was a week later, I saw my chance with he reporters, who were
in La Glace for something else.
Louie sends me NYT link for Slow dancing,
for which a still photographer used a high-def camera with 1000 fps and
stretched the footage further to get 10-12 minutes from 5 sec, projected
on three 50' screens on the façade of a theatre. Projected in uncompressed
high-def. Random choices of three from 43, ballet, tap, flamenco, break,
modern, kramping, capoeira, Beijing opera, Javanese court, Indian. Black
background, white lighting. Commission from LA Music Center, post-produced
on Macs using Shake (optical flow feature) and Final Cut Studio. Lights
200,000 watts filtered through silk. Had to find software to allow uncompressed
Yesterday aft watched football with Tom, which made him so happy he kissed
my arm up and down. Ladanian Thomlinson made all four touchdowns. I do like
the physical drama, players' ways of dancing themselves. It was the first
time we've watched a game together that our team won.
A Brain and behavior abstract saying genes
with maternal expression which engender undergrowth and genes with paternal
expression that engender overgrowth. Hypothesizes autism is from underdevelopment
of social cognition and psychosis from overdevelopment. (Schizophrenia,
bipolar, depression.) 'Diametric phenotypes.'
Completely losing these days to [the college] business, reading faculty
documents for peer review, uselessly, redundantly, and today scraping together
an undated version of mbo docs for the program review. The last time I spent
days on them, nothing at all came of it. Kaaba and some unknown external
reviewer may see this version. Margo may be more persuaded. If she goes
a new person may be equally clueless.
The kind of morning I love. I woke after it was light. The sky was clear.
Tinted ivory behind the palms and eucalyptus.
What should I do before I go to the grim bits of the day, praising two
lightless labourers.
The people that said "We love you, you're
beautiful" were the same people that didn't want me for ten years.
I saw that people don't know what's beautiful or talented - they follow.
- A model in her fifties.
- Do you like CG no
- She seems so worthy no
- She's a manipulator
- Is that what you dislike about her no
- Do you think she's fundamentally dishonest no
- Powertripper
- Is she genuinely caring no
- She needs her CV
- Does she respect me no
- Is her creative writing good no
- She works hard
- Am I better with students no
- She helps students
- Do you dislike her because she sacrifices her body
- Is she dissociated no
- If she does good does it matter that she doesn't care
- Her mediocrity
- Are her poems bad
- She's deeply ingratiating
- And appeals to weakness
- That's what you dislike
- Is that what her ugliness means
- Do you want to comment power by means of loss
of beauty and love woman
- Evaluate her in terms of efficiency and energy
- She's a kind of troll
- She tries to flatter me
- And anyone
- She gains power by appealing to weakness YES
- Is she behind Margo getting fired no
- Is she dangerous no
- (Still saying we're going to keep Margo
- Is she a genuine artist no
- Am I
- Does how I'm reviewed matter no
- Does how I review matter no
- Get it done sloppy
- Will Jim and Lise learn from the letters no
- KC is too humble
- She gives too much
- Do you want to say anything about her no
- She gives up on love and beauty altogether
- And drinks because of it
- Self sacrificial
- And is losing her talent
- Mechanical
- And paranoid
- Very dissociated
- I'm having the wrong people review me no
- It doesn't matter
- They both do good work with students
Talking to Susan. She was in New York wanting to talk about whether to
take $50,000 a year to work full time for Kripalu or jump to NYC and go
for private clients. I said I'd do anything for escape velocity. (I said
I think she has it. She doesn't need to get better than convection.)
What can I do to get to a jump.
Where do I want to go.
I want to be excited again, smart again.
I don't want to be in service work.
I want to be an artist doing thrilling work.
I want to be well funded for it.
I don't want to organize embodiment studies though I do want to publish
Being about.
I'm committed to finishing Work & days though a lot of it
is mediocre. The only thing that can redeem Dames rocket and a lot
of Aphrodite's garden is what I should write about the time.
I'm not committed to staying with Tom though I'm frightened by saying
- I'm done with mbo aren't I
- It's getting too crowded
- Art?
- Will I be able to quit teaching and be funded
- Will you tell me how many more semesters I'll have to
be at [the college] (2s)
- This time next year I'll be out
- Out of debt
- Is it worth going more into debt to get the digitizing
- Will Toronto find me money
- Will they want to do the collected works
- Do I have any reason still to be at [the college]
- Can I get a grant no
- Some other income
- Teaching somewhere else no
- Welfare no
- Something else is going to come up
- Will you tell me where to get money truth
- Aim for art rather than Orpheus no
- Orpheus
- Do you mean the PRC stuff
- A prize no
- Am I going to get out of jail finally
- Should I accept the money from M no
A dream that I missed the boat. It was an ocean
liner and I was waiting to leave for 2 when I found it was now 4. I was
wailing, and woke.
Have transcribed the first 3 vols of Dames rocket. Slogging, it's
not a pleasure. Now I want to edit it, get it done. Worried I've regularized
it too much, so even the tiny textual interest of accurate illiteracy is
no longer there.
Want to say how since I looked through the 430 Google finds for 'embodiment
studies' I feel disgusted with it and want nothing more to do with it. It's
shaping into something much less radical, a fad. I'm also disgusted to think
that I might have currency at [the college] because of that flurry, with
no one even now having a clue of what I've done. - Puzzle in the DR pages
always that they're so mediocre, what makes me so mediocre now, what let
me be something better for a while, what can I do -
The mediocrity of [the college]. The way I have to discount any praise
because everyone praises as a policy. Reading advising letters from Karen
and Caryn annoyed by the false modesty. Both declare how much they are always
learning from all their students - sickening - as bad in Karen who may actually
feel it - sickening assumption that communication has to be false - they
don't allow themselves strong writing [in the letters]. They do good work,
they work hard, they address student work in detail, but their self-effacing
tone perpetuates that tone. Margo telling me to be more humble and diffident.
It's vile.
I'm dealing with the peer reviews by being brief and breezy. I won't
give more time than that.
Larissa Lai yesterday writing to say someone wants to buy notes in
origin on DVD. I said how much can they get for it. I have to do that.
Maybe CFDC will be more proactive than Sylvia.
Lovely Saturday morning. There was white mist at dawn but now at 10 it's
bright warm day. I'm happy because so far today I've set up the first three
volumes of DR. Somehow clicking through it, it seemed more interesting than
I'd thought. It seemed lively. Vol 1 is 6 parts, East Van, Luke and Paul.
Vol 2 begins with Maggie and goes to the end of 2706 Eton. Vol 3 goes to
Nellie, the lesbian community and then at the beginning of part 4 C and
I decided T and C won't begin a volume, I'll fold them into the lesbian
community. It's giving me pleasure to demote them. When I get to Jam I can
start a vol maybe, because what I learned from her was real.
How does someone hit a new town running - that's the question at the
beginning of DR. I arrived Jan 1975 and by July 1977 I was in bed with Jam.
There was no one in Vancouver who could have been a better context. T and
C traumatized me and that made an impression but haven't they turned out
to be nothing more than that? I'll watch this - won't revise falsely but
will like it if it's true.
Tom's house at 7.05 Sunday morning with white mist at the window. There's
Mr Penis-head on the fireplace ledge. Tom has a hideous picture over the
blue couch. His dad's painting from the window of the Arlington isn't bad.
A huge chrome garbage can next to the stove - things that happened while
I was away, but so perfect a house.
Quilted denim bedspread I found lately.
Out the window the datura 2' tall and holding its large pointed leaves elegantly
on curved white legs. Honeysuckle in fall bloom among the pot plants on
the steps. Narcissus racing up, 8" in a week. In among those stair plants is the single
cricket that sounds on and on every night.
Here's Tom back from Ralph's on his new bike, Marin mountain bike, big
silver thing, very gear. Tom has so much better stuff than I do, a G3 that
has wireless and can handle the complicated pages on the web, this beautiful
bike, this marvelous warm bright house, kitchen things I got him, that are
stainless steel where mine are junk. The moon lamp, the Swedish desk. The
blue couch! The ringed glass bowl. All my plants. This view. The tall palm
last thing before whiteness. The sycamore only beginning to lose its leaves,
strong rust in pointed definite rags. The chintz orchid-and-palmetto cushions
on the bench. There he is pouring coffee beans into the glass jar, banging
the garbage can. Scraping coffee beans into the grinder, click of the spoon.
The loud fridge hum.
Then I stepped out into a hot wind. Tom was polishing his bike inside.
I said "There's a Santa Ana." He said "I've been wondering
why I was feeling 16 years old."
I went home for a while to work on Dames rocket and when Tom came
to fetch me at 5 there was smoke in the air. A fire in Malibu he said. We
rode to his place through the succulent garden in Balboa Park. Blue plants
with a white bloom on them in creamy pink light. Later we were watching
continuing coverage, a fire on 94 near Tecate, another that began at Witch
Creek and was spreading rapidly toward Ramona and then the San Pasqual Valley.
High winds. Long streamers of flame, pine trees writhing in the fire's way.
Tom watching beside me in journalist's excitement. The whole town of Ramona
evacuated. San Diego's lesbian fire chief at the podium. Buildings in flames
with no fire men to be seen.
Riding with Tom alongside the zoo parking lot, scents concentrated in
the dry air. Something sweet and particular, a dirty bush with dried out
white flowers. Eucalyptus.
Riding home after supper at Denny's on a sidewalk in North Park, sensing
little heat zones with the sides of my face and arm - something still holding
day's temperature.
While Tom was polishing his bike I was taking apart the agave choked
in the green pot, replanting some of its pups. New Cuban oregano.
Can I find a film lab today.
Tuesday morning. The Union and LA Times with fires on their
front page. Beautiful photos. Fire festival.
I'm cringing after Lise's email last night about reading the letters
to Jimmy for the eval. She began by puffing my intelligence and rigor and
then said she couldn't evaluate properly if she didn't see Jimmy's work
too, and wondered whether he'd been devastated. - Then I wonder whether
I misjudged in wanting her for the evals - who would have been better -
Campbell probably - she'll complain to Margo that I'm harsh with students
- and unacknowledged under her opinion will be her undeclared sense of my
distaste for her mediocrity - what she did, what Susan let her do, to Susan's
writing, what she did to the postcard text, the awful cat death piece -
her way of schmoozing everyone because she needs to be popular. And then
on the other side I need to ask whether the queasiness I now feel about
her is a kind of jealousy - I'm saying 'a kind' because it's complicated.
At the colloquy I saw that students I'd felt I'd carried into realness were
as attached to her and easier with her - now even Favor - students I'd given
something extraordinary to, where she gives a gush of flattery and no intellectual
incision. Queasy disgust. And I wonder whether it's because I'm lame and
discounted, and so everything I am cannot amount to the so much less that
she is. It's that long-time structure, from little.
She knows she's less and needs to be popular and in control of her population.
She does it by means she knows are crooked. She's going to want to defend
those crooked means. It's girl politics.
What's my question. Is [the college] wrecked for me. Transparency and
true hope have been my strengths. Would a much more cynical strategy work?
Third packet - horrible Betty - sentimental, right-thinking, why do I
want nothing to do with her, want to dispatch her somehow with my eyes shut.
She's the little woman, protected, yearning but false, hollow. There I sighed.
What is that. I felt like this about Suzanne. Class? Probably class. I don't
want to reach her, I want to be rid of her. I should never have been assigned
"I am still reading the Laura letters, just
extraordinary. I love that you quote her so much and don't want to miss
a word so it's taking a long time. This time I feel the give and take through
and through. Does it get any more exciting than this? Any teaching anywhere?
I don't think so." [Lise]
This work took me by surprise this packet, and
it began with your response, a dream, and a sense of someone I used to know,
a me that I had somehow forgotten.
There were some things in your response that
hit me like a brick, the rightness of it, the good sense of it. Like being
whacked on the head with an aha stick, clean on the first pass. You are
right that I have found this work, shred by shred, laborious .... It is
labor-intensive, but it is very satisfying work. I am very thankful for
the matched intensity that you respond with.
This is how you do this kind of work. This is
how you do this kind of work.
I am having a hard time writing that paper because
that is not my voice. [Emilee]
A dream that there's a juvenile delinquent boy
in bed at the end of a long room and Tom and I are next to each other at
this end. Tom gets in bed with me. I don't mind. In the morning I see the
delinquent boy in Tom's bed smiling. He's writing postcards.
After the conference call - disgusted by Margo pressing a social activism
concentration - why - because embodiment studies is better founded conceptually,
more prepared, more participated in, more articulated, than the concentrations
we have. They don't want it. They marginalize it. They ignore the magazine,
the website. They want to envision something conventional that actually
has less social significance.
Margo's best argument is that such a concentration would attract activist
I conclude that I should find somewhere else for embodiment studies and
just move it, website, magazine, workshops, everything. And then I think
but no I don't want to be Miz mbo somewhere, I want to be recognized where
I am.
All day trouble with email - Mercury retrograde - or maybe phone lines
overloaded, although we managed an hour and a half on the conference call.
People emailing because San Diego burning is international news - Jam
this morning.
I was on a bus squashed into a seat with two men
- remarked to the one next to me that I'd never been three in a seat on
a bus before. He was telling me about himself and I could only hear bits
of his sentences. There was some kind of noise. Driving a truck? He was
younger though not young, a regular man. I was trying to feel out a sense
of him. He was stroking me as he spoke but when he suddenly stroked my breast
I turned my back to him. He went out and came back with coffee. "How
do you take your cream?"
We were at a dark place that I thought must be
the bus station after Dawson Creek. Why isn't there a bus? The driver we
were supposed to connect with refused to wait. Something about my journal.
I open it to where I think there'll be the next clear page, and there aren't
any clean pages. I leaf quickly through page after page of maybe philosophy
I'm sitting on the ground with my little boy, still
have the man in mind. The ground drops toward the station building. It's
very dark. A woman in a Volkswagon Bug is trying to rush up the hill. She
can't make it, rolls back, gets out and walks away through a tunnel. There's
daylight on the other side of it. Then I see people arriving through another
archway on my level. Daylight there too, European city streets. I think
the world Avernus. Is it some underworld space. (Sigh.)
There are pools below. I want to wash my hands,
can I reach the water. They are ornamental garden pools, two of different
sizes with water at different levels. Maybe a third. I'm on the mossy wet
edge of the nearer one and starting to slip in, am I going to get wet, I
in my long skirt. At that point I'm considering whether in this dream I
should have the man dipped into the pool, whether it would transform him.
Writing the dream many considerations offside. I notice secondary elaboration
- something that happens in the dream because the dreamer is puzzled about
what's happening - trying to figure it out. Have wondered whether to leave
it out of the account and try to keep the significant core, but it's more
as if the dream is composed that way, by event, and then response to that
event, led along by the dreamer's thoughts, for instance the way when I
saw the woman leave by a short tunnel. At the moment I'm refusing to go
further into it.
What I was thinking when I sighed, above, was something about latent
content of daylight events, for instance the way our phone connection was
so broken up yesterday. Margo's cell this time and last time was breaking
up painfully. I was thinking awareness of that sort of significance is underworld.
What I'm thinking now is that if I don't pay attention to that the way
I sometimes have because I don't want to get further into where I am. I
don't want to be where I am.
When I was up north I was where I wanted to be. I don't want to be with
[the college] people. The evidence is I don't want to be with Tom. I don't
want to be in San Diego. The evidence is I don't want to be with Tom because
I don't attend to anything when I'm with him. He doesn't either, with me.
I also can't just leave. I've wedged myself into this circumstance by
carelessness. That means I'm sentenced to superficiality. Is it getting
worse? No, it's holding. In the overlap of times I carried the habit of
attention, I could carry it, for some time. But I'm habituated now. Hallowe'en
coming up, access.
Should I try to force attention to where I am? It says no.
'Art' to me means that attention.
Belle's fantasies and escape - her art and the metaphysics she invents
to be able to call her art perception rather than fantasy. Belle's life
has gone so wrong that she can't afford to know anything.
- Will you talk to me about being wedged into a circumstance
I don't want to be in
- One card process
- Are you saying why no
- What to do about it
- These thoughts are coming from the DR time
- The 'spiritual' dimension
- Have I at times been in the right place
- Will I ever, again
- Talk to Tom about this no
- Because he lies
- That's the worst thing about him
- So should I leave him no
- I did not miss him at all
- I was happier without him
- Will you say why I shouldn't leave Tom, decision,
organization, anguish
- Being decisive in relation to Tom orders my anguish
- He's a crutch YES
- We're each other's crutches
- You mean the way he's the daddy I can sass
- You're saying I'm too crippled to be real no
- Will you lead me (HP)
- Something secret
- Should I stop for now
- I know presence is what I need
- I know why I avoid it
- Do I know what creates it no
- Tom has more presence than I no
- Less conscience about it
- Presence is what he was attracted to
- Do you know what creates it
- Would it help if you told me no
- Is it a matter of any moment no
At Café Bassam today, finished two letters and set up Billy's.
On the news just now, a meeting as the shuttle docks at the space station,
of two women who are each commander of their mission.
Fruit salad: strawberries, purple figs, soaked almonds, grapefruit, cut
in pieces and mixed up, morning and night, so good.
Editing and formatting parts 3 and 4 today.
What Lise did with her eval, what she doesn't mention. She recognizes
the Laura letters but not the Jimmy letters - why.
What would I want someone to say that I'm disappointed no one will say
- that they get the whole picture.
Lay down in the dark and realized I was frightened - was Lise saying
something Margo wanted her to say? It says yes. She talked to Margo about
it. Do you think I'm too critical? No. Did Lise feel personally condemned
by the Jimmy letter? Yes. She saw the weakness of her own writing in it.
Will Jim like the Jimmy letter more? Yes. Is her letter going to be used
against me? No. Am I irrationally frightened? Yes. I stick my neck out.
- Can you explain Justin to me
- He had a psychotic break
- Wide open to synchronicity
- Am I helping him at all no
- Could I
- Would Joyce have known what to do with him no
- Can you give me a hint childhood
- He didn't have anyone to talk to
- Could anybody else do anything for him no
- Picture of a whole
- Was it basically the idea of system
- So it's integration
- Co-dependents' group any good no
- Can he do what he needs to do via the I Ching
- Is his brain too far gone with marijuana no
- An image of a system - like a mandala
- Ask whether there's an image he likes best
- The third is the paper
- Is the body of the user
- Drugs massively addled
- Keeping making it simpler not more complicated
- He's attracted to complication
- I worked to learn to get to essences
- Could he learn
Tuesday morning, tomorrow's the last day of October. It's dark and cold.
Formatting Dames rocket. I'm into the beginning of vol 3: Nellie.
At Tom's two nights last weekend. I gape at the plants. Buy more. A fern
and a lamb's ears. The pink vine geranium has come through the near side
of the rail. Tom is taking care of Marko's plants too.
Early Monday I woke before dawn. Tom was still asleep. The blind was
up. I saw the first pink on an array of little clods. First bird cries.
And then through to full flamingo over bright turquoise. Went out in white
pyjamas and bare feet to buy the paper for Tom.
On Sunday aft he was on his bed reading and I was creeping around the
edges of the room with a can of Orange Pledge.
Café Bassam. Gypsy violin syrup.
Susan for a few minutes this morning bubbling about what it's like coming
into the city on the train, which enters underground. It's very noisy and
on the many parallel tracks other trains moving at many different speeds
carry people in lit spaces silently. (Something like that.) And then a teenage
boy talking to another boy about how you need to be in yourself to make
girls like you. She was marveling to be hearing such relevant talk and marveling
to see his gestures, which were being performed from the same system as
his speech, and which were completely unlike the gestures of people in the
Berkshires. He was black, his culture was the very latest. This in the context
of talking about how we are environments. I was saying we become them. In
my six years I became London.
Reminds me to write down Luke's story about a night in New York when
he was there this September. He was walking, arrived in Times Square at
three in the morning. A street person said to him "Pavarotti just died."
Luke said "I have him on my phone." They stood and listened together.
- I've formatted the first section of DR, up to meeting Cheryl. What
do I need to do to think about this little period. About a year and a half.
- Want to know what I was before the crash.
- Is the best way to skip them and up north and transcribe from 1981
- In July 1976 I was 31 and:
- Five years later when I came back into town in 1981 I was 36 and:
- In those five years this happened:
- In the last four years of Dames rocket, before Rowen was born, I was:
- In July 1976
- I had just moved into Strathcona and 820A, learning the city
- I delighted in and chafed at Luke
- I had gone through lovers testing to find what worked for me, I had
just finished Trapline
- I'd been testing community involvement, very social
- There was a peak of feminist momentum
- Was good-looking, emotional, loving
- Inklings of what I was going to do next
- The writers I liked were intense - Dinesen, Dillard. I was mostly looking
for emotional freedom, immediacy.
- I overwrote - look at how the writing is bad, write about what I was
trying for in writing.
- Find the slides I took - consider what I thought of them.
- The split between decisions that made Trapline and the falsity
of the self of the journal - didn't have an artist persona.
- Consider the friends, Paul, Maggie, Nellie, what each of them was and
gave. Leah.
- Consider what's not in the journal, what I remember outside it.
- How does a young person come into a new city and find her way - what
does she need, how did I get it.
- What's the role of feeling in that getting.
- Was the Book active then?
part 2
- in america volume 14: 2007-2008 september-march
- work & days: a lifetime journal project