7 September
I'd been with Carmichael, he'd laid his head beside
mine, he was commenting on the day. I'm telling that just because it came
before what I want to see again, a strip of swimming pool. It is as if mostly
covered for the night, but the near strip is showing and lit from below.
When Don's new wife returns I want to get into that water. I strip. I'm
crossing it. When I do the racer's turn at the edge, head over heels and
push off strongly with the feet, I'm surprised how far I glide. Sometimes
turning my head correctly to gulp air. - What it was about this dream was
the water lit from within and then the sensation of motion.
There's the mountain straight ahead partly lit. A crow. More crows. I'm
wanting to be gone.
Last night Louie offered to be the book - the interesting moment - I
was talking about my mom's blankness - was when she said she saw eggs being
broken on the grass. I said it wasn't grass it was dirt, I was breaking
eggs into earth and stirring to make a cake. My mother was angry. Louie
said, She stopped your expression. Yes. Louie was letting me see what breaking
eggs into earth suggests - it means 'enlivening,' putting life into what
I do - what I do in teaching - the stories Dorothy wanted to hear were stories
about doing that - I looked up at 'enlivening,' directly toward the window
across the street that is reflecting this building's grass-fed yolk yellow.
Dorothy saying she sees things, animals sometimes. "Last week you
said you were seeing two little boys crossing the garden" David said.
"Then next day you said you saw a little girl."
Her story of the little clock - there it was on the picture rail next
to the front windows - her grandfather's - that started to tick when he
was in the hospital dying. She and Russell had had a pact, that whichever
went first would try to get a message through. A couple of months after
Russell died she and David and Marilyn and young Russell were sitting around
the dining room table and the clock started to tick. How long did it go
on I ask. Maybe half an hour.
- Can I do that
- Is there some project out there
- Persist in making something happen
- More important than the movie
- The Mac fantasy
- A form of
- Something with gardening no
- Something with land
- Something with community
- Can you say more strength, feeling, mourning,
- Environmental action
- Say more feeling, exclusion, love, child
- Is this in conflict with the film interest no
- This is a delusion isn't it no
- Is there something that can satisfy all those
- At Santa Ysabel / Mesa Grande
- Would I find it by going there
- Wireless and jeep
- Maps
- Tent? no
- Craigslist
- Photographs no
- As a way of access
- Permissions
- Some Indian man no
- Would Nora get behind it no
- Useful contacts
- Is Margo really going to be fired no
- Is the program in danger no
- Is there anything you want to say about this no
- Is it Goldberg's doing no
- Write individual letters to the pres and board members
- Before the meeting
- Should we fight for her
- Was it just no
- Does Margo know why it is no
- Do you think we'll be able to undo it
- Should we get alumna involved
- Even if Margo says no
- Is the program in danger no
- Are we costing them money no
- Do you think Kaaba would be willing to fight
- Sentence improvement, partial, disaster of leader
- S replies that she's well and hopes I am too.
- That means it's my move and I don't know what it should be.
Louie got up this morning and scribbled in her journal, recording her
bookwork and getting more.
I wasn't impressed by what the book said, mostly, but I liked the feeling
of signifying images being given, the opening of interest in being, daily
and lifetime significance - something I used to feel more.
Why is this writing so lumpy - I'm in a departure area now - both heavy
bags got onto the conveyor - the customs officer took left and right finger
prints and that must have been a camera - when he said what's the purpose
of your visit, I said "I live there" - just am lumpy and don't
know it when I'm writing my dumb flat sentences.
I like the quiet of this high bright carpeted place. I like the flow
of occasional strangers pulling their silently rolling black bags. The well-built
cumulous I can see through the far side windows. The breezy hum of the moving
Coming back to Tom in my blue sneakers, the washed jeans, the black shirt
open to the third button, and one dolphin earring.
- The walkway quiets down when no one is on it.
- Segregated on another walkway up there, flowing contrarywise, are the
- Men and their sloping necks. Occasionally someone strolling with a
straight back.
- The hideousness of running shoes.
- What do I want this semester -
- perfect weight and core tone and bp
- more heart with T
- jeep
- transfer everything for films and notes in origin
- learn Final Cut Pro and DVD tech
- transcribe DR when I can
- think about added/other livelihood
- place/people/project
- writing? grant? thesis?
Dreamed Tom had been to a storehouse of my dad's
and had helped himself to the wood sofa of my grandpa Epp and some bedding
(my grandma's comforter).
While we were standing in his place a beautiful
young male UPS driver zoomed up, rushed in and Tom rushed to meet him, some
game about spraying quickly into his letter pouch. When Tom was in the next
room the driver looked at me the way a woman who loved him would look at
a rival. Then Tom and he walked away together and I was trying to trail
them to catch them at something. Some[thing about?] the bottom couple of
inches of Tom's cargo pant leg.
There was swimming in that dream too. Narrow pool
of water I could see a large fish in. When I went in it was too shallow.
Good talk with Tom yesterday. He was straight up I think. I was watching
a sharp faced silver haired man with cold eyes, cold bedroom eyes. We were
talking about our dissatisfactions. He was saying this summer he wanted
sex. He was on the beach and there were women so beautiful he hardly dared
look at them. He was wanting to fuck any of them. Then he'd think about
having to listen to stories about their cats. Having to go to their place,
or bring them to his. Having to be clandestine, or else having to tell me
"I'm going to have sex now."
He suspects both of us want it but not with each other. Before we'd have
it with each other there are resentments we'd have to let go of.
I was saying I feel I can't be interesting with him, he isn't interested
in me. He agrees he's self centred, that's what he's like, he's not nurturing.
We look at breaking up.
We both would like to be free to change, to have more happen.
I say he could get lovers but I probably couldn't. Men my age repel me.
He doesn't disagree.
I say it would be tragic too. How, he says. I'm pausing. My eyes are
wet. Because he's letting go of me and he's been the only person in my life
who's wanted to hold onto me. His eyes get wet too. He says he would never
abandon me. I saved his life. More than once. We rode the river together,
you don't abandon someone you've ridden the river with.
After a while I say it's clear it isn't about what he does with his house
it's about whether there's contact or not.
Later in the evening we were standing at the Cove in the dark, at the
bottom of the steps with the tide crashing in, and he put his arm around
me. I laid my head on his shoulder for a moment. That was the sweet spot
in my day yesterday.
- So should we break up yes
- Because of sex
- Because he wants sex YES
- Is that what my dreams mean
- And what about me love woman, community, decision,
- It's a biological fact that sex is over for me
- Could I bear to imagine him with another woman
- He really wants to break up now no
- If we broke up would I move to the next thing
- But we have to break up so I can
- Will you lead me process
- Is that a general instruction
- Do you mean now no
- I've brought him to this point and now I'm supposed to
let him go no
- Now I'm supposed to think of what I could do if I were
- What could I do balance in the midst of
- Is there a place for me in the save the Santa Ysabel
- Do you recommend that
In Santa Ysabel at the lunch counter Tom said of the fat old farmer sitting
two seats down from a crony, That's Boss Hog.
He picked me up at 8:30 to go to Carlsbad to look at a jeep. When he
stands below and shouts up his shout has a declarative sound, I noticed.
Ellie. He was looking quite peaky, he'd just got out of bed.
We zipped up I-5. I had mapquested directions to the inland subdivision.
Stopped at a Carl Junior's for Tom to get breakfast. Empty parking lot with
bottlebrush trees. Sunday morning. California.
We were early and pulled in at the triple gate facing back toward the
road. There's your jeep Tom said after a while. A good dark red, nice later
model rump. Clean cut young man driving it, straight back.
Let's follow him in, I said. Nah, give him a moment to get inside, kiss
his wife said Tom.
I was antsy. We'll just wait 'til the end of this song, Tom said. I give
it one more minute. I need to go now. Okay he says. We have conferred. He's
going to stay in the car and read the Times.
I cross the road to meet a young soldier, jarhead, nice looking, mild,
smart. Hold out my hand. He's level and calm. I tell him about my old Cherokee.
He's sympathetic. I say I have my little checklist and I'll just go through
it, crawl underneath to look, and so on. I bounce the corners. Open the
liftgate. Look at the spare. Look at the tread on the tires. Check the transmission
fluid. Check the color of the oil. Check the level of the brake fluid (it's
down). Look at the belt when it's running. Crawl underneath front back and
side to look at the cat and the muffler, which is rusted. There's a leak
on that thing that sticks down, big round thing.
Say I'd like to take it for a drive, does he want to come? He says no.
I drive it a block up El Camino Real, accelerate hard, brake hard, take
my hand off the wheel to see whether it tracks. It does, perfectly. It's
not as frisky as my Cherokee, doesn't have that light-footed frisky pick-up,
doesn't have the same throaty growl. The controls are a bit flimsy, compared.
It doesn't have a CD player, it doesn't have A/C. I don't mind the dents
on the back fender. I'll be able to have a bike carrier because it has a
trailer hitch. The color's wonderful.
I tell him I like it but I'd want my jeep guy to look at it, especially
because of the leak. His wife is beginning to chime in, I think she likes
me. They say they can take it to PB. I'll have to find out when Bob can
fit me in. I'll call them first thing Monday morning.
Drive away with Tom. He had been proud of me. He liked the way I was
standing with them, I looked young, he said. I had a good level gaze. He
liked seeing me bouncing the corners and crawling under.
We were halfway to country and kept going. Mountains planted in avocados
to the top. Fruit stands. Then all of that thinned out and there were the
real mountains with natural scatterings of trees.
Tom was driving intently, his [rented] touring sedan. We came up over
the ridge and into the golden valley where the wild oats this season are
dark amber rather than palomino blond. The spread of the land, wide wide.
At Dudley's bakery Tom wanted to spend money. He bought two bracelets
and wore them both on his long thin wrist furred with copper and silver,
a strong thin fur over his tan. Vain Tom. What is it about you and clothes.
Driving along explaining your watch and your retro Nikes and your tan pants
and grey teeshirt. "I'm bringing my wardrobe up a notch."
So he brought me home on 8 and we kissed goodbye and I carried my groceries
upstairs and here I am waiting for 9 o'clock so I can phone Robert's Automotive.
Dreamed I opened a large handwritten book, someone's
notes. I was scanning because I knew I was dreaming and if I focused more
I'd wake. It was a complex text, interesting, notes and observations, a
bit alchemical. I was thinking I could revise my journal to be more like
that. I assumed it was a man's.
Later a moment listening to a woman teaching a
man a song, or to sing. She was repeating a phrase in Latin. I was singing
it quietly to learn it myself. She heard me, called me forward, asked me
to sing the line. I heard it coming out of my mouth bright and clear. Then
after a moment she burst into tears. I boldly put my arms around her while
she cried - it was bold because she was the teacher. She stiffened at first
but then she let go into it. I had my hand on her spine behind the heart,
as if to infuse something into it. Then I rubbed it firmly.
- Bob made a long list of the wrongs of the car.
- Poor young Clint had a muscle twitching in his thin jaw when I said
it was bad news.
[list of Cherokee service totals from Nov 2003]
I often think about you Ellie, so beautiful
with your flashing dark eyes. There was something so bright about you, you
sparkled like you had an electricity about you the air around you almost
used to crack. I used to tell my children all the tales you told me. - Jane Downey
[notes on Craigslist Cherokee]
- Is she the smartest student I've had
- Do I have anything to offer her
- She's smarter than Susan
- Sentence decision, child, subtle, withdrawn
- She's smarter than I am no
- Is there something she wants from me completion,
- She's missing something young
- Is she genuinely a lesbian no
- Something I should do with this packet slow growth,
balance, anguish, improvement
[list of what's needed to transfer automotive title]
Café Bassam at 8:30 Sunday morning. It has been two weeks. Good
things: tax included, marble topped tables, wood chairs with arms, high
ceiling and whole-wall windows, paintings and mirrors, full warming sun
as of this moment, when it rose above the apartment building opposite. A
piano. Things they need to fix: music too loud, no sofas, no newspapers,
barista afraid to talk.
How are things. 4 done, 4 more. Justin wanting dichotomy explained. Billy
sent a sloppy screenplay he didn't know was that. I showed him specifics.
He panicked. I wrote back nice. He came through, rightly said I'd held a
mirror that showed him how much more he has to do. I found a lot to like
in Betty's natural loving stories about living on the mountain above Ashville.
Annie wrote well when she was raving and when she was writing in Woolf's
aura, and badly when she was trying for fiction of her own - awkwardly,
without rhythm to carry her ahead.
Who I have left. Belle unrigorously going on about consciousness. I need
to do philosophy with her. It will take a lot of time. Melanie so far my
worst, inchoate. 'Poetry' without a single salvageable line, no ear. She
says she wants to study 'schizophrenia, and mythology,' but in truth she's
not capable of studying anything because what she actually wants is to break
through with herself. She's G3, which is too late for what should have happened
in G1. I don't know what to do with her. She wrote about Plath and misunderstood
her, about Paz and couldn't touch him. Her journal was full of platitudes
about how society is cut off from nature. Her plan is wrong. I should have
caught it at the res, but I couldn't stand her, I suppose her anxiety, her
voice, and her way of speaking always through a barred smile. David ignoring
email, an attachment I can't open, a screenplay I suspect is plagiarized
(is it?) because it is too finished. He may be in school for the loan money.
And then Emilee, admirable Emilee. I think she may be the smartest student
I've had, small plump wren, buxom, brown, hair in a bun, and inside that
quiet oval watchful passion. She wrote considerate explanation for me and
authoritative beauty for herself and sent me both. I read her in love and
gratitude because she has been self responsible, she is not wasting my time
or her own. She gives herself the challenge of meeting what she is not.
She gives herself the food of the mouth. She is a companion to my extremity.
She writes. She drinks. She wrote about her family and her job. (The company
she works for is called Deep Blue. Her boss is a woman.) She wants me to
know her but she isn't seductive. She's principled. Will I understand what
she wants from me.
Look at those fat croissants -
It has filled up some since I've been here.
Tom will be waiting for me and I don't want to see him today, I want
another day like yesterday, working and private. I don't need his egotism
and our repetitions. When we think of giving each other up we crack and
are beautiful to each other but when we go on normally we fade into corruption.
Nora's shining me on about the car.
Yesterday when I was asleep in the afternoon I dreamed Judy
drove into a parking spot with the slick sideways skid and swivel there
is in a car ad I like.
This morning I dreamed I was in the fields southeast
of La Glace, northwest of the farm, looking for a route through. We were
on a ridge looking over a vast marsh.
Working on Emilee's letter I was feeling a tug to write that dream.
Almost done, just David left and then what - almost 2 weeks.
Tom's scale last night 141, this morning 139.
[Reading notes on Jeremy Narby 1999 The cosmic
serpent and DNA, Tarcher/Putnam
How medicinal properties of plants become known
Invisible beings found in animals, plants, mountains,
streams, lakes, certain crystals
Can be seen if one ingests certain plants
Hallucinogen composition usually resembles serotonin,
fit into serotonin receptors as nonstandard forms
He has an inner rep story about perception and
so he thinks hallucinogens cannot just be "discharges of images stored
in the compartments of the subconscious memory."
I would say that what it means to say plants give knowledge is that they
alter structure in ways that is both knowing and confusion.
He talks about information in DNA rather than structural
- Is 'snake' actually wave motion
- And umbilicus
- And phallus
- And sperm
- Cd it also be DNA no
Symbolism is always overdetermined, multiply determined.
Blind spot about womb life.
- Are creator twins from baby and placenta
- Shamanic ascent
- Is it literally something about sky no
- Literally physiological no
- Abstraction
- Is DNA conscious of itself no
- Cosmic tree is placenta YES
- Snake and crystal together is about optics
Campbell "wherever nature is revered as self-moving,
and so inherently divine, the serpent is revered as symbolic of its divine
- The cord really is two serpents twisted YES
- In hallucination do they perceive at the microscopic
level no
Establishing knowledge states (understood as communication with beings)
through music - visual music
- He says DNA can't originate on earth - does it?
- Proteins in any living thing made of the same
20 small molecules, amino acids.
- Average protein is 200 in the right order.
- He says it's statistically impossible because
he doesn't consider that there are principles of ordering inherent in structure.
- age of earth 4.5 billion
- fossils of single-celled at about 3.5 billion
- bacteria
- traces of 'biological activity' at 3.85
- DNA in nucleus of a human cell, two-yard long
thread only 10 atoms wide. 3 billion bases per thread, wrap 200 million
- billion times longer than its width
- 120x narrower than the smallest wavelength of
visible light
- nucleus is a 2-millionth of a pinhead
- human body about 100 thousand billion cells,
therefore 125 billion miles of DNA
- long enough to wrap the earth 5 million times
- A and T, C and G, no other pairing of bases
- 2nd ribbon is opposite and therefore the same
thing inverted
- for 2 billion years only anaerobic bacteria
- some used hydrogen in water, liberating oxygen
- then nucleated aerobic, bigger
- then photosynthesis, multicellular
- then at only 550 million years ago, explosion
of multicellular
- 3-50 million species now, almost all extinct
- metaphoric language, circumlocutions "twisted
language brings me close but not too close"
- Only part of DNA thread used in making proteins
and enzymes, long sequences with endless repeats.
- All proteins work off sequence of 3 bases.
- All the words of the genetic code have 3 letters,
and as DNA has a 4-letter alphabet (A, C, G, T), the genetic code contains
4x4x4=64 possible words." p 100
- All correspond to either one of the 20 amino
acids used in the construction of proteins or to one of two punctuation
marks ('start,' 'stop').
- Introns and extrons - enzymes eliminate introns
after 'transcription'
- Genes are effective sequences but even they are
up to 98% introns.
- Wants to call biological high function 'biotechnology'
- "this replicable, information-storing molecule"
- DNA is an aperiodic crystal that traps and transports
electrons with efficiency
- And that emits photons at ultra-weak levels
- "the crystalline and biospheric network
of <DNA-based> life"
- acetylcholine and nicotine
- receptor in cell membrane - a large protein with
a slot for a molecule of acetylcholine/nicotine and a gate
- when there's a fit, a flow of ions - cascade
of electrical reactions - ends up activating DNA in nucleus
- to stimulate construction of more proteins including
nicotine/acetylcholine receptors
- 7 types of serotonin receptors "in relation
to which each hallucinogen has a specific mode of functioning"
- lock and channel receptors
- antennae
- A stupid idea that DNA "transmits visual
- DNA is a self-active structural template
- There are biophotons
- Cells of all living beings emit photons at
a rate of up to approximately 100 units per second and per square centimeter
of surface area DNA was the source of this photon emission.
- wavelength from infrared to ultraviolet
- highly coherent though weak
- ultra-weak laser
- with dimethyltryptamine very intense colors
- biophoton emission as a form of communication
between cells, organisms
- believe that cells use these waves to direct
their own internal reactions as well as to communicate among themselves,
and even between organisms, for instance, photon emission provides a communication
mechanism that could explain how billions of individual plankton organisms
cooperate in swarms, behaving like superorganisms.
- Cells as solid-state systems.
- Consciousness could be the electromagnetic
field constituted by the sum of these emissions.
- Use of quartz - cells separated by a quartz screen
mutually influenced each other's multiplication.
- DNA is also a crystal - aperiodic - a stack of
hexagons, each base being a slightly different shape.
- The repeat sequences, though, are periodic, the
periodic sections are all different lengths.
- - so could pick up photons he says.
- Do hallucinogens stimulate reception of photons
emitted by the widely interlinked biosphere?
- DNA the source of a subtle field?
- Is it a means of tuning whole organisms
- Do these fields influence each other at a distance
- Influence external medium no
- Is consciousness anything to do with it no
- In hallucination can one see the field no
- Imagine it
- Sense by other means
- And seem to see
- When fields are in contact can they sense each other
- The 'subtle body' of light
A young man I seemed to be being fixed up with.
He was something like Portuguese, some kind of Mediterranean. Women in his
family were doing the fixing. I seemed to be going along with it. He was
sweet and friendly, quite small. I wanted his sister to understand how I
might not be as suitable as she thought, I said there were two reasons.
One was that I had my PhD. She left the room. I said to him in a perky friendly
way we had seemed to have established, I guess she didn't want to know the
second reason.
Anything I can find in that. There's something I carried away about the
sweetness of his young body, the sweet naturalness I felt in relation to
him, mainly that.
How irritating normal conversation with Tom is to me. I avoid it, don't
look forward to it.
How bothered I've been by just about anyone's conversation.
Café Bassam. Bad music. I said turn it down please.
Need to write my self evaluation,
What is there to say about the last two semesters. Last summer to this
Summer res. What did I teach. Body & cosmos.
That disaster of a colloquy. Then what did I do in winter.
I hate this music.
What do I actually think of my work - I've done these evals, I'm not
interested in doing it again - I've been more bored, my students have been
worse - I haven't had that lively collaboration with Lise - Anna, Carolyn,
Layla, Juliana - Laura was spectacular - said some things to Jimmy that
I needed to say - wrestled Kri interestedly - but wasn't everybody else
a waste - Polly, Ian - Justin has been good but amazingly slow - Darlene
a waste - Rachel didn't want as much challenge as she got - she would have
liked to be praised more - I tried to hand on my framework, put a lot of
effort into that with Jimmy and Kri and Laura - is that just preaching,
because they can't use it? Will they find my letters are shoving my philosophy?
As if really all I'm interested in is working it out for myself. No I should
say what else I had to do. The way I try to unknot whatever is holding them.
Try to show them their own strengths.
I think my best quality is that I'm generous, I want them all to come
along. I think my worst quality might be that I overestimate what they can
do. Is that correct? An impatience probably.
- I'm bored doing this - I'm not interested in evaluating myself generally,
I do that particularly every moment when I'm writing the letters. I'm weighing,
is this too direct, is this too ingratiating, is this seductive, is this
too missionarizing, is this clear, is this correctly adapted to the student.
I'm not interested in being evaluated either. I don't think my evaluators
know more than I do, so it's pro forma.
What would I be more interested in. Gossip? Someone talking to me in
detail about the students and the letters, what they're about. Talk about
advising, technical talk.
What is it that's horrible about this music. It's European shmaltz, conventional
- horns and strings. I like this space. I could bring ear plugs? Maybe it's
the hardness of the room, concrete.
Is there anything I'd rather talk about.
This guy is gay and he's not smart, so I won't be able to persuade him.
[Craigslist Cherokee notes]
A lot of dreaming. I was in a bed with Frank's
younger brother. We were naked. There was a heap of some green paste on
his left collarbone. I licked it. I was thinking we were going to poke but
it turned out that he wasn't going to. I was hiddenly disappointed.
I was in bed in a large square room in India that
was full of cobras standing up quietly all facing the same direction. Later
they were moving toward the door, not slithering but just sliding, still
with their heads up. Some of them were slipping over my feet under a sheet.
Outside I was standing with people looking at some kind of reptile that
had the look of grey polished stone. There were several standing at the
edge of a puddle.
Young men energy, that's my body at the moment, my thighs in bluejeans.
When I write notes on dreams I feel the futility. I am aware of the part
of the narrative that is just the regular mind's rational puzzlement at
its unlikely circumstance. That doesn't seem worth writing - the way the
dream continues from some point is just rationalizations.
What I want from the dream is what I can't get - usually it's to see
the initial place again, to look around in it more. For instance that room
in India, its wideness, the far windows curtained, the low furniture, and
all those low quiet verticals at intervals like a field of rebar.
What do I have to do - David, Justin again, 2 student profiles as templates,
fac conf call at 4:30.
Is there something I can want for myself. A friend. A new friend. Talk.
Close talk, interested talk. Work talk. A work context. The way experimental
film used to be. A context around perception and creation, that's about
cosmos not people.
Land and mind site? Make a context?
Body as spirit lectures again with sky as part IV.
- Did Millie have permanent gains from the work we did
- Is she okay
- Did she go back to her family no
- Should I have continued to do the work with her
- Is there some kind of format for using the work
- Is she still mad at me
- For opening her up no
- For quitting
- For dropping her
- Is she right no
- Was I right to drop her YES
- Is her health okay no
Sleeping this aft a flash dream of my mother holding
a new-born baby. She is in the other room. I just saw the baby's naked legs
and her midriff and arm.
Yesterday at Tom's house I was telling him about Margo at the end of
the conference call timidly saying she has decided it would be bad for the
program to lose its leadership while it is still forming - in other words
we should fight for her after all - Tom had tears in his eyes. He's interested
in work politics. And then he described how she would fight - pad, pad,
dab, pad, pad, dab. I was still laughing today.
Working with students - diving to find the kernel - Melanie and Belle
happy - Justin writing paragraphs I was trying to translate - in the effort
I was feeling them a dark prickly bush with branches hooked onto each other.
I couldn't get all the interrelations into readable sentences, so I was
understanding his difficulty. Maybe it's dope.
I got Melanie simplified to the hero's journey. She should have had better
advising in G1 and G2.
Belle liked what I sent but she hasn't actually understood it - I think
- she wants an elaborate fantasy of consciousness. She's inchoate. She's
Talking to Margo about getting fired.
She's surprisingly defeatist.
The most persuasive thing she heard from me was that this situation is
like many and if we can't handle it we can't teach social change.
The most direct exchange we had was when she said "Some of my faculty
are smarter than I am" and I said "You think?" and she said
"I think you are smarter than I am, and I think Karen Campbell is,"
and, pause, I said "I like your list."
How does it feel after that conversation. A bit triumphant as if I dominated
her when she's down.
Could I have done that better.
I said she shouldn't trust Francis's take on Mark.
I said I'm not fond of the fac just now.
I said they need to feel she'll fight.
I said she needs to turn up the jets [energetically].
I said I'll go on saying what I've been saying in fac conversations but
I don't want to take leadership on it because the leadership should come
from her.
I said it would be bad for us to roll over and that rolling over will
not save the program - rolling over will make admin think they can get away
with restructuring.
I said she is the program and if she's going I should think of looking
for a new job. She said she thought that's probably true, because if admin
doesn't like TLA it likes embodiment studies even less.
I said the coordinators, people who are already in charge of something,
may imagine they could get to be in charge of the whole. She said they might
not know that about themselves. I said yes, Francis and Ralph don't.
I don't trust any of her negative assessments of possibility but I also
don't know enough to be sure.
Did I give away that I'm not speaking strongly enough? Am I waffling
like they are?
Did she think I am only supporting her because I think she's my only
chance? - I don't.
I asked why she gets along with us but not with higher ups. She said
it has always been like that and she thinks it's because she's not deferential.
She gets along well with confident administrators but not with anyone who
has a weak ego. And also because as an administrator she isn't hierarchical.
She said progressive colleges always have the difficulty that faculty
are progressive and admin are hierarchical, it has to be that way to some
On the bike today in rolled jeans and the thin red hoodie looking at
my shadow and seeing a slender person, slender back and shoulders, nice
bump of a slender rear. Frisking with pleasure in how it feels to be that.
Frisking on the bike, easily able to take the hill from the credit union
without walking it. In the mirror in Café Bassam wise old lined face
I like. What's the word. There is one. Earned. Formed.
Buying Auto Trader, looking at Craigslist many times a day, considering
the credit union buying program.
Writing students to ask them for testimonial pages [for Margo]. Michael
D, Gwen, Anna.
Lise reports that Susan is in love, stage manager at the Met. She's got
New York.
- Is she truly in love no
- Is she giving up writing no
- Does this mean I can be friends with her now
- Does it mean she wouldn't want to no
- I got even with her YES
- Was that correct to do
- Do you have a comment completion, power, responsible,
- Power struggle finished
- Because I won no
- Because she transferred it elsewhere
- Her power bid to get me responsible for her child
- Seduction
- Has she been reading my journal
- From NY
- Mainly to see how she figures in it
- Is she pleased no
- Angry
- Am sad
- Did I misuse the chance no
- You helped me
- Is this person up to her no
- Do I have a creative priority
turn for the better, brilliance and courage, action
on despair
- Despair of publishing no
- Other people's despair no
- My own
- Brilliant and courageous action on my own despair
- Despair of my work reaching anyone
- Am I wrong in that despair
- It is a child's despair
- Write it no
- Feel it
- Was I getting Millie to do my own work
- To her detriment no
- Somatic work like that no
- Forcing action
- To feel included in the world
- Keep working on looks and energy
1996 SE 4x4 4 dr 6 cyl 93k all records auto $3500 Rancho Mission Road
"forest green" - looks like turquoise
Got up this morning and went into my business pile. Canadian taxes, BC
Med, etc - and am noticing how surprisingly stressful it is. Why would body
so mind it. Heart stress. Because it's technological, it says.
And it's slow - there's a lot of waiting.
Woke from a bad dream. It's 2 in the morning. It
was something about a woman in a lab. Being hunted by a woman. I turned
up a thermostat while people were fighting, she or someone had started a
process that was going to take it to a disaster. I thought the heat might
fix what was going to happen - I'm having trouble writing this, I
took a hit last night when he doublecrossed me. It was an awful dream. I'm
wondering whether I should back out of the deal also because I'm not sure
of the color.
This feels really bad.
How. Heartsick.
- Will you help me
- Will you lead me
- Am I feeling the loss of my jeep no
- I'm feeling something has gone very wrong no
- It's like my computer having snuff film on it
- It was a doublecross no
- The beginning of the jeep shouldn't have this in it
- Will you lead me
- One card completion, graduation
- Do I feel this bad because the jeep is dangerous
- Is it worth 3900
- Was he lying no
- Do you think the color is bad no
- Am I sick
- Is he some kind of bad medicine no
- I'm feeling like my innocent joy is spoiled
- Will you give me a card fight, to recover, honest,
- I'm murky no
- Was it some kind of body blow no
- Will you lead me
- One card writing, anger, power, come through
- I should be angry instead of hurt no
- Should I back out no
- It's bad ju-ju no
- Please lead me YES completion
- Do you mean go through with it
- Will I get hurt in it no
- Does it feel this bad because it was a doublecross
- He did wrong
- Because buying a jeep is stressful no
- It's kind of a bad color no
- Can you get it through to me why it was such a blow
work woman undecided imagining exclusion
- Like being dropped
- Mourning and undecided because imagining exclusion
Bought the jeep yesterday.
Tired and sore this morning, didn't want to see Tom but said I'd pick
him up to go to the farmers' market. Driving with him drained by his language,
fucking everything. I said I didn't feel well and was going home.
Weary of him, the repetition, his dependency, wanting to be praised always.
When I was picking him up the phone rang. He walked across the room in his
underwear. My eyes averted instantly, involuntarily.
Today I was transcribing 1976, the months when I'd begun to keep company
with lesbians. I was learning freedoms, I said.
There was an earthquake during the night last night, the strongest I've
felt, but I forgot it today, until the news mentioned it just now.
volume 14
- in america volume 13: 2007 may-september
- work & days: a lifetime journal project