Dinner with Nora. We were at the outside table at the Brigantine, upstairs
on its porch looking toward the bay with masts and the mountains beyond.
Nightfall, there was silver on the water. We ordered mussels, sashimi, fish
tacos. She had a cab'. I had a pale ale. We were tucked in a corner. The
waiter was a young man with a bare-looking head. How to say what happened.
Leslie played with him, she took him into something swift that lit him up.
The reason I can't describe it is that I couldn't follow it. It was like
a sword being played so swiftly it's invisible in the midst of its motion.
Some kind of tossing and flashing. She won him. She dazzled me. Then we
went on.
She is shutting down advertising casinos. Min is looking after the small
accounts she has left. She is at liberty. There's a piece of land she could
build on. Architect's plans already drawn. An architect she likes, a woman.
Ocean view from the upper deck. 5 million. Something else too, she knows
she hasn't been into the deep of intimacy. The astrologist told her to read
the story of Orpheus, or was it Persephone. A sweeter self she left behind.
Seafood is where we started, I said. Paella, she said. Ten years in September.
(No, 9 October 1998.)
It's a month today the jeep is gone. I won't get it back. It doesn't
say yes to that, it's still saying I will.
NW2-TP78-8-W of the 6th meridian. Mulligan Lake.
Scrip from Gerhart Wedel. [Ed bought it from Wedel]
Friday morning - clear - I'm in the deck chair - the air is still cold
- a lot of twitter - there comes a plane - sun directly above the cathedral
- it's quarter to 9 - but really quarter to 8.
What I mostly want to say is that it's the time of year for the California
scent in this neighbourhood - the Indian hawthorns are blooming thick pink
but it's not them. There's the camphor tree next to the Victorian fantasy,
a wide round tree. Beyond it, between two palm stems, the drillbit tower,
another plane. I'm wearing sunglasses. A small jet. The palms are all cleaned
up by the wind and standing pleased it seems to me. An Alaskan Air with
Indian face on the tail. A bird loud on the rail who left when I looked
at him. Where's the crow, on the condo gable end.
What do I have to do - mail to Jimmy, Ian but no hurry, Justin when he's
ready. Apart from those, two weeks open. It would have been the time to
go camping.
Don't have the first vol of Dames rocket, where is it. Don't want
to do that slogging transcription.
Not excited about learning Final Cut Pro because the image is so small
I don't enjoy it. I can't see what I'm doing. And first 4 tapes partly corrupted.
I have logged and binned what I can.
- Want to be out.
- It's warming.
- I'll water the kumquats and go downtown.
[Heidegger notes looked up for Jimmy]
It's Saturday afternoon. I took a taxi to Tom's this morning. Did my
laundry, walked to the library, which was closed for Cesar Chavez day, had
breakfast outside at the Urban Grind, bought tea, came home. Look how I
said 'home.' Am on the bench outside, now that it's in the shade.
The pots along the outside ledge are still in sun. There are their colors:
African basil flowers purple, jasmine white, new specks of red, the small
salvia, two kinds of pink scented geranium, sweetpeas.
A bluejay below.
It's quiet. There's a footstep, the neighbour two doors along coming
back with his mail.
A lot of small cheeping and twittering.
I can just make out a rustling from the palm, that one palm in the centre
of the view.
Sips of sweet pea flower.
The birds I hear are not in view. - There's one, pink-headed.
Drinking tea. Writing on a cushion on my knee.
There are the pigeons on their wire.
The jay is hanging out quietly.
This place costs 10,000 a year.
Are those new leaves on the sycamore?
Orange butterfly.
The dark eugenia is like a group tree, many young stems rocking separately
thirty feet up. So nice and bitty with bitty red tips.
Clean blue.
Anna's hummingbird clacking at the basil flowers.
The grey cat passes saying mieuw. Chloe below halted in a shadow
waiting for something to move. White butterfly.
How is my shreddy acacia. New growth on the tips.
Music from one of the apartments.
There's still sun on the corner of the steps.
Ice cream truck on Florida. I'm a little teapot / short and stout. The
kids must be out.
2 April
2 nights at Tom's.
Working on Fading 10.
My teeth are hurting these days - need a hygienist and don't know how
to find one.
So there I discovered that a scaling/planing will cost me $600 if I do
it here. Check Dr Landeros tomorrow. Googled peridontal pockets and now
understand. Still hurting - sore throat, all my deteriorating fillings.
Worried about money. I was in balance about money, briefly, and now losing
the jeep has got me in trouble. I have this $3000 computer I don't really
like, should I sell it at a loss? Should I sell it to Rowen?
Feel boxed in - scared - am I going to lose my teeth -
[money calculations]
Okay I owe 6000 and by the time I want to buy the jeep will owe less,
4200. Low interest. Have budgeted $1500 jeep costs above buying price for
lojack plus.
If I go into film it will need more money.
What's good - Tom's house - Tom in his house - good things don't add
up do they - they swap around.
Haven't phoned Susan since a week ago. I think of it and say no.
- dictionary
- lyric
- tenuous music
- technological means
- pagan imagining
- grief
- plants and light, motion of plants
- dreaming and vision
- dematerialization
- slight rhythms
- beauty
- experimental film
- artists
- Coleridge and Wordsworth
- loss
- depth
- death
- innocence
- fear
- bliss
- immersion
- electronic music
- body sensation
- This needs:
- library
- yoga
- country
- camera
- music exploring
- contacts
- money
- free time
[notes on teeth and dentists]
What relation between the finishing-up/legacy work and the etherealizing
work - a lot of management - management is solid - but the ethereal work
needs management too.
Solid work -
- Get films onto DVD and archived
- Slides - get PRC slides scanned and archived
- Get notes in origin onto DVD
- Journal project done and archived
- We made this done as much as should be and on DVD
- Publicity enough to get me where I'm needed
- Grants so I can stop teaching
- Writing out in book form?
- Being about somehow published and publicized
- Mbo site updated, finished
- Keywords everywhere
- Teaching letters and lectures
- Website more multimedia
- I have a stats engine tracking pages and it's telling me people click
in and straight out.
- I need a lot of money and a lot of time to do all this.
- And then the opening-out work.
- Teaching has to go
- Can I get this much money in another way
And then the tech requirements for this electronic music work:
- Learn Final Cut Pro
- Monitor and speakers
- Dub audiotape
- Mic
- Some kind of visual source - prob film and transfer
- Learn to make DVDs
- Audio recording and editing
- Can I do these side by side
- Am I going to have time
- I've done a lot in these 5 years
- When I thought I wasn't doing anything YES
[more teeth notes]
- Am I wrong about myself in philosophy no
- In art no
- In the journal no
- In my whole life
- That interests me
turn for the better, true, withdrawal from action
- There would be improvement if I truly withdrew from action
- Wrong from the beginning no
- From a certain point on no
- I have so much withheld from action no
- You mean something interesting
- Do you mean a specific kind of action
- Can you say in one card no
- A sentence imagining, child, shattering the structure,
- I have delusions that are hers
- Still
- After everything
- Joyce could see it
- A core of delusion
- That drives action no
- That drives something
- Does this have something to do with lack of compassion
- If it wasn't there would I be famous no
- Can you tell me with one card what would be different
less indecision
- Is there something I can do no
- I obviously agree with you
- A root of doubt
- Would making amends fix it YES
- Stealing cheese no
- Being mean to my mother no
- Is it a delusion about love no
- Efficacy
- Inefficacy
- I don't understand why it's there sometimes and sometimes
not, is it mediated by stress NO
- A falsity of consciousness
- Do you want to say more tonight search, recover,
early love, turn for the better
- Look to improve by recovering early love
- For everything
- Like when I was in Sexsmith
- That's the amends
- More? practical action against oppression of shared
- More no
Seeing & 'seeing'
- visual perceiving
- visionary states
- something between
- 1. perceiving and imagining: how it happens. Evolution.
- 2. readings
- 3. slides
- Sewall
- Merleau-Ponty
- Abram
- mind and land
- world and human
- perception-based minds
- embodied perception theory
- visual pleasure as knowledge
- clairvoyance
- implications for art
- steadiness and flux of perception, tunability
- drugs
- hormonal states
- ecstasy, nutmeg
- suppression and dullness
- design and Chris Alexander
15,000 years ago a vast glacier melted
formed a huge lake eventually drained by the Wapiti,
Smoky, Peace system
leaving remnant lakes and the Grande Prairie
first humans thought to have come across the Bering
8,000-10,000 years ago
archeological evidence less than 7,000
Beaver by 1700s, surrounded by others
17 townships in the prairie
Transcribed 15 pages of 1977 today, going to do the whole of it lower
case without periods. Liked transcribing it though it's simplest reporting.
A sensation tonight - distinct - I was on the couch watching TV with
a pillow over my mouth - remembering my face in my thirties - how it felt
to be pretty - not knowing that it felt some way -
Got into putting up workshops today - seeing, the uncon, theory, speaking
bodies - a lot of focus, tracking little things across four or five or six
docs. Finished pages please me, red and dark blue.
Here's a blog I found when I was looking for the ref for Jorie Graham's
line, filaments of falling marked by the tiny certainties [verbalprivilege.blogspot.com],
quoting someone talking about The English patient, don't know whether
it quotes Ondaatje:
We die containing a richness of lovers and tribes,
tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have plunged into and swum up as if
rivers of wisdom, characters we have climbed into as if trees, fears we
have hidden in as if caves .... We are communal histories, communal books.
It opened on a beautiful page - beautiful photo of an Oxford back in
winter light matted on brownish cream. Adrienne Rich quote. Literature,
politics, travel, Brooklyn, Istanbul, Oxford. Red high-heeled boots. Lesbian
Statcounter tells me who has visited sites - isp addresses, city, and
how they came in. I have four sites tagged: workshop index, Being about,
work & days, mbo worksite. People coming into mbo through google
'embodiment studies.'
- New edition of The lover within, forward says:
- And, after fourteen years delay,
- For Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche
- In belated recognition of the transmission that
seeded this first wedding of somatics and tantra.
In the bib it's kum nye.
Monday morning, grey as it has been these days. My left hand slightly
stinging if I touch something, the small ends of cactus fuzz. Have to be
in TJ at 10 to have my teeth cleaned.
Yesterday aft went to see In grosse Stille at the Ken.
Midmorning I got on the bike with my laundry and rode through mizzling
rain to Tom's. Found the blinds shut tight and Tom cleaning the kitchen
floor with Big Bird on TV. What was it happened then - dismay. I had put
my clothes in the laundry and sat on the couch with Tom telling him about
Mary wanting to give Rudy the land he's on. We had the French doors open
and that was alright. I went off to the farmer's market, left Tom to take
my laundry out. When I came back, two plastic bags of vegetables hung from
the ends of the handlebars, long bunch of yellow iris buds propped among
them so I could hold it and still manage the brake, Tom's house sealed again,
dark inside, and he watching golf on TV. I dropped instantly, lonely pain.
Tom had been saying many times how perfect the color is on his TV, how good
the sound now that he has it routed through the speakers. Stupid fucking
TV I said bitterly as I left.
Pushing the bike along the walkway, hung with plastic bags again, now
with laundry too, I bumped into the big fuzzy cactus outside the end apartment.
It grabbed and fell. I had to take hold of it to get past. Left it lying
on its side.
Now struggling uphill under the grey sky pushing the bike with my hand
stinging from hundreds of whisker spines, I was saying bleakly I have
to leave, I have to get away from him, I'm down to what he is, empty,
zonking, watching television. I don't know where to go. I want to be full
like I used to be. I don't have enough money to live anywhere. Would I be
in pain like I was last time I was away from him, maybe not.
Like that all the way home. Phone ringing as I was about to unlock the
Was trying to pull the spines out with cellotape when Tom called up.
He had figured out the bus route to the Ken. He said "Soak your hand
in hot water with salt in it," what he'd learned when he was working
at the cactus farm.
Then he sat next to me holding my hand firmly, turning it so he could
see the fuzz against the light, pulling it out with tweezers. He was focused,
My ADD has kicked in, he said. He didn't stop. There was a moment when we
were both concentrating, I was holding a phone card behind my hand so he
could see all the fuzz against it and keeping my other fingers out of the
way, he was working on the inside of my forefinger. There was his large
fine freckled hand holding mine very steadily, there was the side of his
face next to mine. It was sexy. In what way. It was a sensation I haven't
had with him mostly, or ever? Like being with Rob in mutual physical doing,
in physical concentration. Knowing someone's physical being, being in it
with them.
TJ, Dr Felix, the trolley.
Louie this morning tells about a date with Douglas Todd. She had fun.
Dave Leonard replied to letter 4. Note from Susan with the $25 she owes
me. Tom walked across the park to visit briefly. I finished Peter Theroux's
LA book. Polly so far the only student who has got a packet in. Red velvet
and bloody sheets in Paris.
Opening my eyes on blue sky this morning.
TJ again tomorrow, pruning with Nor at Taft on Thurs.
I don't want to tell the story of going to TJ, the trolley, walking in
Mexico, tacos at the last stand before the border, except to say it was
happy and interested, calm; even standing and moving in the long line back
into the US I was just looking contentedly all around.
Louie said she's unfreezing some, completely out of debt, working less.
Now I want something to do. No more computer, shut it down.
- Wednesday. It has greyed over again.
- Mexico in a while.
Still don't know what to do about Susan. Two weeks. When I scan back
in this book, I see wonderful times with her but I somehow forget her -
that's interesting, it's what I must have done with my mom. I structured
my hippocampus someway? It says not the hippocampus, but some part - I disabled
it so I don't miss someone. And then when they call me I feel it an imposition,
is that right?
- Should I stay friends with Susan
- Does she want too much no
- She is more dependent than I am
- Too dependent
- But that's not the point on my end
- I dread being in contact with her
- Are the forgetting and the dread two different things
- I don't want to be used as an anxiety soaker by her
- She has a tendency to do that
- I don't do that to her
- She doesn't have anyone to do that with
- Is it okay to not want dirty junk with her
- The work edge is really precious
- Advice? withdrawn, honesty, is in conflict with,
- I'm withholding
Here's the day, grey and early, 6:30. Toothache woke me.
So I'm thinking to go to Van in May - look after my teeth, get my passport,
go to the conference.
Do I want to - no. Though going anywhere -
- What's up - 8 ordinary letters, Stacey's last gasp.
- Taft pruning
- Get silver Mac wireless to work
- Fading - check and post 7-9, finish transcribing 10, transcribe
this one, teaching letters?
- DR - transcribe all
- Reader
- Redo Speaking bodies some
- Keywords for my sites, contact links
Yesterday at Taft with Nor, cutting back the lower levels of the cassia.
I worked 5 hours without a break, worked hard, and was fine. She paced me,
except for answering the phone a lot. Good concentration. We had a new reciprocating
saw. I stumble, fell flat twice. Don't slow down through, hurl myself around.
Looking at Belleview quietly absorbing. I landed there in 2002 and now
it is another space, better and worse. The terrace is perfect, and its outside
fireplace is. The flat lawn with its cobble wall is bad but the sloping
passage around it is good. The evergreen pear is radiantly revived. Light
comes through the hedge with its graceful eucalyptus leaves. Best are the
nasturtiums in prepped ground swarming the bamboo screening next to a woodpile.
What I loved in the upstairs room, what made me happy the moment I opened
my eyes in the morning, was the treetops through the casement windows. There
they still are, though the room is another shape and the ceiling opened
to its rafters. From the deck, whitecaps on the bay. A cold wind yesterday
as we stood with glasses of red wine. Palms, eucalyptus, the pepper tree.
Money. She made money and it let her create what she likes. I would have
done something else with both the house and the garden.
I don't do what it takes to have money.
But am I too deferential on account of it. When we came into the restaurant
last night she chose the table next to the fire and took the chair beside
it - that was economic dominance.
Shouldn't I have a beautiful place to live? Haven't I done more to earn
it than she has? Haven't I done more to earn dominance? I have. And even
my jeep is gone. I'm stamping my foot.
- That's about how these two things work together, forgetting
and not wanting to be roped in
- Do you mean I can fight off being roped in YES
- Should YES
- Is my minimalism for good reasons
- Am I right not to want to know all the details of her
daily life
- I'm an eminence grise, I've earned not having to
- The solution is to be work friends
- For that we both have to be in work
- Am I right to protect my life YES
- Am I protecting it correctly no
- Should I let people in more no
- A cognitive economy
- It isn't all pathological
- Do I need it to be able to get into my wide mind
- Using me to absorb distress and anxiety is misuse
- Is there more you want to say no
- Comment shared pleasure, community, esoteric,
- Do you feel I'm rewarded for what I do no
- Do rewards matter
- Should I find more money no
- In some esoteric way I share pleasure
- I should have the house and garden of beautiful work
instead no
- Even my jeep is gone young, overview, imagining,
- Will you slant this valor
- I want to stamp my foot about that YES
- Anything you want to talk about YES (Kp)
- Provision
through, to balance, secret, creation
- Balance is the secret of creative provision
- Should Luke do an internship with Nora
- More sociable and friendly
- Films
- Should I make earning a priority
- For some number of years
- 5
- Do it with art grants no
- Selling what I already have no
Mary has offered me 10,000 to replace my jeep - she said she feels god
wants her to.
Sunday aft. Irish weather, sun, clouds, spits of rain, sun, clouds. I
don't want to be working on packets.
Two nights at Tom's. Good nights and mornings. Dried out the meatloaf
watching Searching for the wrong-eyed Jesus. Tom gazed at me lovingly.
Dave has sent me a copy of a page of Johanna Haakstad's record book for
1945, births January 4 to April 1. In the centre of the page Mrs Mary Epp
admitted March 4 discharged March 16. In that period four La Glace babies,
a couple from Buffalo Lakes, a couple from Valhalla Centre, Teepee Creek,
Blueberry Mountain, Spirit River, Cherry Point, Northmark.
Owed 750 in taxes, paid a total of 3187 on 21,345, plus 450 in union
dues, 278 Vermont State. Another 728. Total 3915. Last year I paid 2580
on 18,448.
Can I say the best moment on the weekend. When I arrived Friday evening
I was criticizing Tom for this and that. Can I remember what. He was telling
me again about the man he replaces on Fridays at work - the other men don't
like him. I said briefly that he had already told me that part, just tell
me the parts I don't already know. Tom was offended. I said it's common
courtesy to monitor what one has already told other people. He said "I'm
just talking." I said "I'm going to get my clothes from the laundry."
When I got back he was grumbling about how critical I am. I said "I'm
just saying my thoughts. That's the kind of thoughts I have." He started
laughing. A nice laugh. Kept starting up again. "Why are you laughing,
because you've always done that to women and they have always just put up
with it?" "Yes."
I mean this is a fine time with Tom. He said he's contented.
I was in the tub in the dark and he carried in his open laptop to show
me what he'd written that day. A book of light. Three-quarter page with
a good line about being like a dog with its head out the window of a car.
"Too much, too fast, too *."
He sleeps so quietly next to me. I wake and see him with his head under
his blanket, or else laid down somewhere among his too many pillows and
Because I'm transcribing 1977 I am sometimes remembering the body I was
then. Light. White Indian shirt. Loose green cord jeans. Green army jacket
with big external pockets. Silver moccasins. Shoulders. Short hair. I was
Something about that body I haven't said yet - it's light-boned, it's
a spirit body.
I don't write much. What I write is often quite abstract, stoned concern
with responsibility for consciousness. But there's some of the quality of
Jam and Cheryl and the time. Sketchy. I wanted to be weightless and was.
What I'm feeling in it is that I could write something from it, alongside
Steamship Minnedosa from Antwerp 9 July 1924 Peter and Susanna Epp bound for Rosthern
Saskatchewan, She 25, he 38. Passage paid by the Mennonite Church.
NW2 was filed and proved by William Kinderwater,
a school teacher who was 27 and a widower when he filed. 1911-1915 he taught
at McHenry School. NE2 was filed and proved by Frank K 1912-1919, who was
20 when he filed. They were Americans.
Frank also filed and proved SW3, where they lived
on the eastern edge, and SE2. So Frank filed Hill Sixty both sides of the
road. The creek quarter SE3, south of their house, was filed by a Louisiana
freighter aged 50 called Lewis in 1914 - had originally been filed by Wm
K but abandoned as too marshy. Proved 1919. The other marsh quarter, SW2,
was filed in 1913 by Joseph K but cancelled.
Township 74, of which we were on the south edge,
was said by the surveyor Walter McFarlane (1909-1912) to be black loam 3-8"
deep over a clay subsoil, gently rolling, nearly half covered with scattered
bluffs of poplar and willow scrub. 6" poplar, 6-8" spruce. Small
amounts of upland hay. Creek about 20 links wide, 2' deep, current about
2 miles per hour. None of the lands liable to flooding.
Friday morning -
Transcribed a lot last night - undated notes that took me from buying
the Studebaker to getting my license and driving with Jam to Clearbrook,
to going north and then the Olson house. A lot of moments and photos. I'm
surprised how little I wrote.
I have two weeks when this batch is done and this morning I got excited
about Dames rocket - I'm wondering whether the Orpheus story is that
one - is it? In the matrix of lostness, abstraction, a Celtic magic of my
country - I didn't go underground, I went into silence, more silence, dependency,
beauty bare - it felt to me like a poetic work, is this it, is this the
thing that will turn me on? I understand it more.
What do I need:
- large monitor
- animation capability
- mic
- slides - get into the texture of the slides
- optical printer access?
- money for slide copying
- That work is my apex and I need to finish it
- Has my time since been wasted no
- Will I have to keep teaching no
- Can I fund this
- After the fact
- Let me live long enough to do this well.
- Let M help me.
- Let J help me.
- This is why I've dropped Susan.
I've been somebody who works with time - I circulate times into each
other - my own, and other eras too, minds of other eras - when I began the
journal and even before, when I was a child, I had a strong sense of wanting
to remember, of giving future selves a record.
Justin is showing his madness.
I'm not liking what I'm seeing. He asked to phone so he could vent. He
sent the journal editor a complaining letter. He is using words like 'licked.'
I can see why he is 40 years old working at a picture framing business,
living with roommates. He's not getting what I say. He's a crank. It's deep.
It rained hard yesterday. Cold and grey this morning.
I was reading Dave's Grande Prairie County book yesterday after I'd done
what I could with Kri. What did I like in it. Discovering that farmers went
back to horses during the depression because they couldn't afford gas, and
so that was why Ed was threshing with teams into the 50s. Imagining townsites
being surveyed for instance at Sexsmith and Hythe. Knowing which areas were
settled first and where the original trails were.
1909 McFarlane surveyed 37 townships. 74 not yet subdivided into quarters.
He went back and subdivided 74 and others in 1910. Frank Kinderwater was
from Wisconsin though his father Adolph came from Germany. William's wife
died before he came.
Edison Trail summer 1911 with Frank - NW2 and NW3 were scrip - filed
9 Sept 1911. Another quarter as homestead. Then went back to Wisconsin.
Frank brought Pauline in 1912.
1912 to Ed's marriage in 1943 is 30 years of cultivation on that quarter.
Epps on the land in 1933.
Frank was 21 in 1911 so would have been 65 in 1955, whole adult life.
On the deck in sunglasses.
The weekend at Tom's.
Saturday - met him at the 5 o'clock screening of The wind that shakes
the barley. Walked to Whole Foods after, walking my bike and carrying
the laundry, then ambled home with steak in the dark. Walked through his
neighbourhood talking about the movie, pushing a bike the way people do
in their 20s, cooked. Garlic mashed potatoes with peppered steak, fried
onions and cabbage. Ate watching Frontline. He said I was looking
almost winsome, which surprised me. My face when I lean on my hand feels
padded, which it never did before.
When I'm lying in bed with my head near Tom's I listen to his quiet breathing
and something like thank for his breath, as if he could die anytime and
then I would want to have cherished his aliveness while I had it.
In the morning he woke me before I wanted to be awake. He needs to go
to the Union Tribune box and get the paper. Said there was mauve
next to the mountain. I love his gratitude for ordinary things. The paper
box. His renewed driver's license. Dinner made in his house.
There wasn't milk for my tea so he walked to 7-11 and got some.
I cooked breakfast. Had the French doors open onto the scent of honeysuckle,
which was there all weekend. Blooming arms of it around the acacia's pot.
A coyote bush thriving in one of the agave pots -
We read the papers. He was looking good. There was a real kiss.
I bent over to read something on the floor. He felt me up. Sat there showing
me his boner. I was looking at it doubtfully. Not proud of my body, maybe
my pussy smells bad now, there's flab around my whole middle, my breasts
are nice and soft but they're pointing down. Starting to. Oh alright, but
we have to put the venetians down. He licks my clit. Is it the first time
he's done it well, I'm thinking. Very well. And so on. Then we're lying
quiet with our heads together on the pillow, Sunday afternoon on the other
side of the venetians, the French doors open in the kitchen. Birds all day,
a pair of bluejays, mockingbirds, doves, a small yellow one, earlier a lot
of swallows or something like.
A couple of times I've noticed that I am hearing music and not remembering
what it is though I know it. Ismael Lo.
Walked to Blockbusters and got Talking Head's Don't make sense,
David Byrne young. In the evening talked Tom into watching Animal Planet
on elephants and then a PBS show on dogs, which we both liked - sheepdogs
herding on a steep rocky hillside, expertly moving sheep that flow like
water between the rocks.
I said to Tom when we were in bed with the lights out, Do you think we'll
ever do it again? He said Maybe in another year if the mood strikes us.
That was a good answer because the mood did strike us. It wasn't the way
he used to do it, when he thought he should.
I got restless late afternoon yesterday and took my bike across the park
to Tom's. Found the door open behind the screen and Tom sitting on the edge
of the bed with the laptop on the café table in front of him. There
was sun on the treetops, honeysuckle on the rail, and he was writing.
In the mail I took with me to Starbuck's yesterday morning there was
a Grande Prairie County map showing the owners of every quarter. I liked
seeing that our quarter is now owned by Joseph Kinderwater, who must be
the great-great nephew or the great grandson of William Kinderwater, who
homesteaded it. That seemed just right.
Dave also sent a xerox of the pages of the Fairview history book written
by Eunice Boyd Powell. There's a photo of her white-haired, erect, slim,
bright-eyed, surrounded by grown children. She and Rees after years living
all over the country in grain buyers' housing, bought land in Buffalo Lakes,
and there they are on the map only a couple of quarters east of NW2. Her
youngest daughter works at the credit union.
My visit was going to be short but we sat leaning our heads together
on the blue couch and he talked about the resistance he feels when he sits
writing. He said "It's interesting" in a beautiful tone, lightly
thoughtfully and self lovingly.
Almost a month since I last spoke to Susan. Every day, probably, I ask
whether I should contact her, whether I really want to cut her off, and
always something is adamant. I don't know why. I am trying it out.
I've been feeling something I haven't known in this way. I am pausing
to think how to say it so it isn't trite. It's that there have been many
kinds of time and will be more. For instance I have had strong recall that
helped me write well and now I don't. I'll write another way. With Tom there
have been sublime and miserable times and right now is serene and graceful
as never before and this one will pass too.
Wednesday morning. Sun on the roof, a lot of twitter. It's 7:30, chilly.
Transcribing 1977 tiring because most of it is notes. What can I say
about those credulous times. Jane Roberts notes. The journal gives no sense
of what was significant in the time, the photos. It gives very little of
the people I was with - I'd like to have more of Helmer for example, any
of them, and the places. My memories for the time are outside what I wrote,
my knowledge of what happened is outside what I wrote. What I did write
often was a hard willed scrutiny of my own consciousness.
It now seems pathological and a waste, and yet that same state was also
taking good pictures, my best. I don't understand what that was. Artificial
and deeply immersed.
The times were about magical consciousness, etc, people were reading
that sort of thing, drugs had made an ethos that reached even people who
hadn't used them, and I'd been interested in 'consciousness' since Hegel
and existentialism at Queen's. We'd been reading books that said we could
enter marvels and claim powers by altering consciousness, and so I sort
of claim powers and I guess I did document how I got to them, but I don't
think that hard selfconscious scrutiny was good for anything.
- It's very artificial
- It's very ugly
- But it broke up habits
- It broke up ego
- And that allowed something
- But the writing is so bad.
- What to do with the journal in that time.
- What to do with bad writing.
- How to use the photos.
- How to fit notes in o
- How to use side writing efforts
- Donohue "two conservatives to one liberal"
- "People demonstrating did not get much play."
- "The story was there and it could have been
gotten and it wasn't gotten."
- Tim Russert "It's the middle-level people
who know."
- "These were supposed to be the most sophisticated
journalists and they were totally bamboozled."
- Dan Rather, "Given all that, who am I to
claim that it is a Machiavellian plot?"
- Donohue cancelled. "These executives were
- Peter Beinart "The war has been a tragic
- 1 trillion dollars.
- PBS on the reporting of the war. Bill Moyers
Jon Stewart - you're beautiful.
PBS finally speaking up.
Transcribed a lot of PRC sheets today, not the raw notebooks but notes
in origin and other extracts. I saw that I did come to a style that
was alright for the place. When I read it now I feel the paradise openness
of the place, of myself in it. It's as if the written anxiety was what happened
when I opened something that had been closed, should I say my language self
was overwhelmed, the anxiety was hers? Was it something like that? And meantime
energy flooded into the sensory self. Is it hemispheres? Language hemisphere
gets anxious when it's connected.
So the writing that's good is right hemisphere writing. I can use that
style for anything in this piece, it is the right voice for the place.
Maybe Dave can suggest how I can give the slides to the place. I'd like
anyone to have them. Good prints.
Notes in origin on CD is priority.
- It is like separate people
Tom's computer crashed again. He hadn't backed up. When he told me it
was like being stabbed.
Email from Rowen this morning, he'd read about himself in the journal
story about Ed's funeral.
Logan this morning.
Transcribing notes in origin text and some of the earlier variants.
Sometimes I'm taken by rhythms I found. From 1977 when I camped on the yard
to 1978 when I went back with a car and money and was in the Olson house
wrecked for writing, to 1979 when I was in the lake house, to 1981 when
I was writing the play of the weather and finding work that still
holds my ear - 5 years earning myself in so much detail and distress - and
then there was no one who could read it and I was shut out - they ganged
up on me - it must have been that, was it that? 1981 to 1984, three years
where I was working in what I had become and pitched into starvation, betrayal,
- Was it an effort to stop me
- By all three of them
- And it did stop me no
- It stopped me in what they cared about no
- It stopped me for a time NO
- That writing was the best of my life
- Did they know how good it was
- Jamila hated me for that
- Do you want to say anything about this no
- Do they believe they defeated me yes
- The deepening that happened at the lake house.
- It was a culmination.
- Place and person, what I made of the place.
I was making something from what I believed about art, that it should
come out of quality in a life - so the best writing in the lake house came
from lived beauty.
I asked Rowen whether he is still interested in photography and he said
with joy It's my thing.
Last night I spoke to Robert when Row wasn't home. He was loud but he
cared about Rowen's spirit, he wanted Rowen to tell me about his laptop
himself. He was like a dad with a teenager: "I was away for a few days
and the house was alright."
Rowen loved Arizona. They were photographing quail, several kinds. Drove
to the Grand Canyon. Ecuador in fall.
Woke this morning and had to futz with getting Statcounter code onto
the two pages that hadn't been showing visits. Logan has been reading the
journal! He's Baltimore. Someone in San José.
The times I open the computer hungry. For something to happen, for something
to be.
- Louie's dating Douglas Todd.
- His photo on google says a man-looking man with a flat stomach.
- A good man, responsible, curious. Conventional.
- She'll know how to be with that.
- It'll confirm her in what she comes from.
- Maybe that'll let her be wilder because safer. Wilder in work.
I don't miss Susan though many days I ask whether I do.
Copied field & field this morning. It read with a lot of authority
and scope. When I read it I hear the taped voice which is tonally so right
that it makes something specific and unique of what would be otherwise quite
an abstract score. I mean it's a beautiful accomplishment. No one has done
anything like it, it comes out of a state it took years to build, one that
is true to my place and independent of the social infantility there. Not
about but from. It builds from so many others. It is a marvel.
What should I do with it.
Google finds me briefly mentioned in three books recently published in
Canada, with Rimmer, Elder, a short list. If I live long enough there'll
be Being about and the writing too, converging, and work &
Journey to Ixtlan Dec
- reaffirmations from the world
- erasing personal history
- losing self importance
- death is an advisor
- assuming responsibility
- becoming a hunter
- being inaccessible
- disrupting routines
- having a gesture
- his world of precise acts and feelings
- decisions
- wind as power
- mysterious in twilight
- deliberately available and unavailable
part 6
- in america volume 12: 2006 january-june
- work & days: a lifetime journal project