5th Ave, 18th December 2002
Locked in for the night, sore. The hotplate is too feeble to undo all
the chill. There's grime. The room doesn't sound music well. I'm still not
safe from Brenda, who will come stomping in, though less, oh less. Hope
the car is okay at its grey curb. Bike tied to a signpost downstairs. Sat
on the floor trying to figure out the filing cabinet, which is in its spot
now, papers put away in their categories - poetics, [college], institute,
gardens, misc. Will I have working energy tomorrow, be warm and dry enough?
I took the driving manual to Tom, zipped downhill on 4th, which brings
me to the Golden West in minutes. He was behind the desk in his green terry
pullover jacket, hair slicked back, antique tie. I expected nothing and
meant to dash but he came to the counter, held both my hands and looked
into my eyes, instant and ready in his new way.
It's raining on my asphalt shingle beach. Closed-in with two lamps, the
hotplate, B Minor Mass. I can see palms through the dirty window.
Yesterday I found my bike with the front wheel gone and another, with
a flat tire, leaned against it. I had happened to see a bike rack in Nora's
pile for Amvets and had it in the car, so I took bike and wheel to Felipe
next to the Golden West. When I was putting it back on the rack I realized
that it was so low to the ground it would strike on bumps, and then that
I had wedged it into the rack so I couldn't get it off.
And then a man arrived, crazy, offering to help. He was on a bike, loaded
with a bulging briefcase and other bags. He had very small features, a red
rash on his face. He introduced himself - four names - so rapidly I caught
only Jones.
A bicycle man will know how this bike rack is meant to go, I thought.
He stepped in and took over. I let him, provisionally. He was talking crazy
and so fast I got only bits of what he said. "I'm your archangel at
your service." He worked in a way that was both smart and lost. He
pulled off my bike lock cord, wrapped it in circles, took off my seat, and
set the coil onto the post, to start with. Then after a time took the rack
off the car with the bike attached to it and ran at a tree until he had
knocked the bike off it. Then he set to putting the rack back on the car.
He had it turned the other way around from the way I'd had it. Something
about the brand plate being the face that faces my face. I wasn't seeing
how it was going to hold the bike. He moved the latches by the spring, shortened
the straps from the top of the trunk. He was putting pressure on the rusted
edge of the trunk opening, as if he didn't see that it was crumpling.
At this point he seemed to be stalled, repeating. He had been talking
the whole time, going into a falsetto voice. He wondered if I had a cigarette.
Would I go and get him a Pepsi. I knew I was not leaving him with the bike
and car. I said that if we got it to work I'd give him ten dollars. He was
saying I had had a hard life but I was fuckin' sexy. Was I with someone?
I asked him how old he was. Forty. Where did he grow up? San Diego. What
part? Clairemont. Alcohol, and pot was nice.
He had taken off his jacket, was working in a white longsleeved shirt
over a white undershirt. Michael something David Jones. I was seeing a small
pleasant-looking Welshman, slightly roly-poly like Colin, but berserk on
speed. He was poeticizing constantly but I missed most of what he said.
At some point I realized I should step in. I said I wanted it this way
and not that. A tall pale fifty year old redheaded man had stopped and was
offering the same advice, handed Michael Jones a cigarette as if he knew
him. We set the bike on and it was good. I handed over the ten dollar bill
I had in my pocket. Gave Michael a handful of dried cherries, the other
man too. Said, I'm going now. Michael had hold of the straps again. It's
going to fishtail. I'll drive slow, I said and started the car. As I was
stopped at the light Michael was still beside me fiddling with the straps.
When I got home to Banker's Hill, the front tube was completely flat and
the tire flapping off. It had blown.
Still don't have a phone or internet.
Pouring money.
If I keep the hotplate on and sit under my quilt with a hot water bottle
it is warm enough.
Tom got his driver's license yesterday, second dentist appointment tomorrow.
New buzz cut.
It is Sunday morning.
I want to complain. Here I am in my next stage and alone in a room on
and on like in the last stage. It is wet and cold like Vancouver. I don't
even have a large deep project I'm dedicated to. Tom is an old man now,
he just wants to lie low in his room. We are bored with each other. I ache.
I am living in a room with business boxes stacked so I am confined to its
edges. I've been either doing [college] or else slack.
From this blankness I step into the first pages of the May-September 2002 journal and there am a soul at once.
Tom here in this tight little den yesterday 'til six this morning. The
mix, the contradictions. When he got here he sat on the couch and looked
at me with those level wolfy eyes. I liked that and also as always do not
feel I know him in it. He launched a bit of silver tongue, I love you, you
are so beautiful, you are so wonderful. When that happens I get wary or
frightened, feel at sea, don't know what is going on. That and his stupefying
repetitive relationship talk. I feel more and more excluded by it, as if
he is talking to hear himself. In the midst of that I also feel no sexual
interest. He brags how horny he is but doesn't get hard. What he means is
how horny he is in relation to fantasy. There wasn't much contact, except
when he was nonsexually feeling the tense and open parts of my body. It's
true I'm heady and cut off but his bluffing makes it worse.
And then there was sitting briefly in his new room at the Golden West
as he washed his shirt. I felt such dismay and had to cover it. He's done
what he can but oh such a dark little hole, with his worst knick-knacks
proudly displayed. Looking at the room I feel it as him - that's what he
is. My heart shrinks when I feel that. Shrinks how - with pity, with fear.
Any more? No, that's how it is for now. And how does it feel? Sore heart,
which I wasn't feeling.
Very hard two days.
It broke this morning when I said with passion that 1) some of my funks
are when I am feeling what he is suppressing, and 2) if he wants love and
trust and gratitude and loyalty from me he will need to learn to allow me
to be the baby sometimes. After two days turning everything I said to mush
he finally heard me, but that was also after he had unloaded on and on.
I feel pulped. While it is going on I'm thinking only that one day I'll
be away from him for good, it will be over. His descriptions of what I am,
what I do, his quotations of what I've said, are so wrong, so crude, so
obtuse, so ugly, that I withdraw, I get silent, I take refuge in aiming
to be gone. I feel more and more alone, until it is an agony.
Dreamed I came into a public room, like a gallery
foyer, full of people. Across the room I saw my mother catch sight of me.
Her face looked like mine. Coming toward me was Uncle Willie in a lambskin
cap. He looked radiantly happy. Someone was saying it was a spiritual happiness,
he had found something.
My mother's recognition on my left, the theorist's blazing happiness
on my right, is it that?
The way my various projects are the same project:
- Frank after his life, what happens to maleness in split between
adoration and exploitation of mother/land/women/body
- Mind and land, creation and self creation without material ravage
- Being about, platform
- Canyon project
- Gardening
- Teaching
They sweep down from the foothills and the higher
plains, from the country of the oaks and grassland. They move as a family,
helping each other, communicating with each other, their bodies flowing
over the land, a culture sharing the chore of training up the young ...
When we come into this country we call them wolves and we slay them.
We use machines to comfort us
We do not know why we like deserts
We are probably the first generation since prehistoric
times to see and feel the world as a whole.
The earth's real food, the amount of energy
captured by plants through sunlight ... our consumption at forty percent
of all the production of photosynthesis ... either through direct consumption
or through disturbance
A group of human beings who stood before him
with thousands of years of the desert housed in their flesh, their bones,
and their minds.
This is one of the few places on earth where
I have heard the stars, a low humming as they swing from horizon to horizon.
tinaja tank
Europe seemed to hate nature. By the time of
the Doomsday Book in England in 1086 less than two percent of the virgin
forest remained.
Before I was born I would sometimes steal out
of my mother's womb while she was sleeping, but it was dark and I did not
go far. Every good doctor begins to understand before he is born. [Yuma]
He knew the only thing of value to be found
here was the honest glimmer of an understanding about just what the word
place might mean. Something that we
do not conquer, something that does not care about us, something that might
fill the emptiness that has driven us for so very long ... We seem to want
a world where there is a master plan and this plan states that our behavior
will not be punished, our appetites will not be curbed, our present will
not determine our future. We will be exempt from death, from hunger, from
pain, from everything but love. And love will not be earned but freely given
like that of a parent to a child. We say that such a world is our due, is
our right, is part of the master plan ... The desert will not sustain our
lies but instead offers a taste of life. And out on the ground there is
no master and there is no plan but there is death and hunger and pain. Because,
as we always suspected, the desert does not care. And finally, love becomes
a possibility.
Now we make studies of it before we kill it.
Now we write stories protesting its death.
800 years ... a boojum, el cirio, 100 million
years its kind, there
First we must learn to love something that does
not love us ... Secondly, we must learn to live in a place we can never
stay. Third, we must accept the fact that we can change very little here.
Saying that we, too, belong. And we say it with
the very evidence that proves our distance, that asserts our exclusion.
Do you really believe that in the true beginning
was the word? 108
Come here. Now taste.
Charles Bowden 1992 The Sonoran desert HN Abrams
Sunday 29th Point Loma
Sitting up in bed in Eliz's room, camellias at the west window, an afternoon
with running sky at the south.
That sensation - waiting alone, slightly or faintly panicked. Empty time.
I couldn't bear Tom yesterday. Took him back to the hotel. What was the
sensation, intense intolerance, exhaustion.
I read Lessing, 300 pages, last night and this morning. The sweetest
dream, 2002. She's 83. There's not much in this one, but it is effortless
interest. None of her analytic fetches, people understanding one another.
Almost nothing but humans imagined out of people she has known. She's comforting
her loneliness with scenes of food and company. There's no structure in
the book. Young people becoming old people. She has seen that, what became
of people and their enthusiasms over time, whole lives.
Is there anything I could know about this state - should I call it depression.
I like light. I can look at these four half-stripped door panels and
the green
wall next to the window and be the honey-butter joy of the light. I
seem to be more and more like that, dependent on beauty to keep me alive.
I don't want to do anything.
Tom was here with me Monday night, Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday until I took him home at 4. Christmas Eve I was
complaining that we weren't in contact. I was lonely. Christmas Day I zonked
out and Christmas night I was in agony. It broke when I asked Tom how he
was feeling, and then, after a hard night, broke all the way when I made
the speech Thursday morning. Tom said we had to keep going, so I went for
him again Thursday night. Friday morning we woke early and he did something
surprising to my nipples. Etc. But came before I could. Friday night wanted
to borrow twenty dollars. Saturday slept most of the day, which I liked
because I needed to be alone. He wants to buy a trailer in Kingman AZ and
live there with me. I feel trapped in a life that will never have realness
in it again.
Will enterprise do? - Except that I feel no ambition.
2002, the beautiful number. Joyce died, I defended Being about,
there were the exquisite mornings in Bellevue, Ed died, I had two months
completely away from Tom. Left 824 E Pender.
The long task is over but its empty shell is not.
Went out shopping late in the afternoon and then to look at the sea at
Nazarene College. The scrub is dead grey with minute seedlings green at
its feet, a barren trodden slope. The sea was in shore break, curly, creamy,
creeping, slow scallops spreading into lace. The sun was a gold disc just
over the horizon line. I was staring in its face and there was no direct
light on me - that was odd - it was there but as if already gone. Only the
clouds overhead were lit. Three pelicans were coasting in line, sideslipping
in a stiff breeze. There was yellow on the backs of wavelets - I could see
it only further out.
- Ruhe sanft, mein holdes Leben
- Schlafe, bis dein Gluck erwacht
Have been listening to Mozart's sprung rhythms on those lines - that
isn't the term - what I mean is the way he stretches vowels or shortens
them in unexpected ways so the body listening winds tight and lets go in
tendrils like a squash vine.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Kiri
Te Kanawa with the London Symphony Orchetra conducted by Colin Davis Philips
- Its name is depression of spirits.
- It's psychological and significant, both.
- It is awkward.
- It is failure as a being, failure to thrive.
What else - Tom in his bullying way punishes it, takes it personally,
is enraged that I should be depressed when I have him. Is stuck with a dull
unresponsive woman.
There have already been years of this depression.
When I was working on the book it seemed the cost of great effort. While
I was in the rain in Vancouver I longed for California and the effort to
be over. While I was in 824 for 27 years I longed to be away from the press
of Rhoda and Trudy and the neighbourhood. All along it was depression. Since
the years of the garden it has been depression. Joyce liberated me into
Depression is isolation, lack of energy for action, disappointment with
people, lack of hope. It is familial, genetic I mean. Joyce got me out of
it into the garden, seventeen years ago. I went back into it when I went
back to school. I snap out of it when I'm teaching. Power snaps me out of
it. Extreme fear, as when I was first with Tom, can take me out of it. Paradoxically,
attachment loss gets me out of it. Sharp agony.
Instinctive medications: romance, risk, fear, beauty. Instinctive evasions:
novels, food.
It says: be concerned with getting to your reserves - improvement of
love woman, slow growth of Ellie - act to come through - graduate from compulsion
to aloneness - persist in missing and coming through to anger - graduate
from missing and depression, which are illusions.
All of this makes sense.
Quarter past 8 in Ocean Beach [the Greek's café]. Slatted sun
in a booth. Radio. A warm room. Regulars who feel it's home, old men. Out
there a big bunch of grass atop a pole - palm tree - glittering. A pretty
waitress pouring syrup into plastic bottles. Blue sky, a pink plaster wall.
January 2003
At twilight tonight I walked out into the pink and blue and found the
alley I have been looking for (Dupont St). The quail garden has been fenced,
the eucalyptus topped or removed. The alley, though, had a strong feel of
something. It is an earth track and has odd structures built against it,
odd views into nooks. It itemizes strange forms of life. It is uncanny.
I stepped onto a horizontal 2x4 to see over the fence, which is grapestake.
There was the house, remodeled, and a large garden, quite conventional.
Was that a mesquite in the corner by the garage, which is where I recently
began to feel my bedroom built? I came around the end of the block to see
the house from the front, and as I stood looking at it - professionally
and blandly landscaped - a slim small old car drove up next to me. I was
feeling it as a Rover, probably. It was nearly dark and I did not want to
look at the person driving, but I felt him as a thin man with dark hair.
I smiled with the side of my mouth and limped away. I felt he was Iain Mackintosh.
I felt that he has moved here from London, and that he either found the
house because I had found it, or else that I found it because he had been
going to live there. I felt that if I had not been afraid to look at him,
I would have seen that it was him and I would have crossed permanently into
fairyland. I felt that my intense connection with the house as I imagined
it rebuilt was in some way following the progress of its actual renovation.
I wondered whether the garage on the alley was built later, and whether
I began to imagine the bedroom in the SW corner when it was built.
What can I take from this liminal wish? Iain Mac is love woman's counterpart
- that mirroring fineness. He's not my father, he's my male self, which
David Carter also was. He's my fairy king, Kc, David Mac, a man who has
my gifts and tastes, and in whom I could see and love them, or who in seeing
and loving them in me would make me feel myself them.
- Is he a real being
- Is he unconscious
- Really contrasexual
- Is he any sort of key to action
- Was I feeling his presence
- Because of the alley
- Do I have the sort of relation to him I should have
- Can you describe it not withdrawn
- Not unconscious
- Of some particular function imagining
- Is he a sort of medial
- Imagining as a kind of vision
- Is this related to the dream YES
- I should imagine a man no
- Imagine a man imagining
- Imagine a man creating YES
- Is there something he wants to imagine a process
- Literally that yes
- Is it imagining him that makes me love woman
- Integration from the left into the right
- You are saying imagining him imagining would set up the
process YES
- Does it matter what he imagines
- It matters to him
- Will you tell me what he wants to imagine travel
and reserve
- Will you point that answer losses
- He wants to imagine me YES
- His loss of me
- He feels he has lost me
- Meaning love woman
- Like Orpheus
- Imagining Orpheus imagining Euridice
- Does he take everything as mythic
- Is that what's reserved YES
- Imagine him imagining tales YES
- He's the beautiful husband YES
One thing I dreamed last night is that I was with
Josie and saw extraordinary beautiful creations floating and billowing above
us, for instance a large construction like a panel of black and white sails
made of sheets of gusting sheer fabric - it was like a huge kite or the
layered rigging of a many-masted sailing ship. I said to Josie, It must
be sky-hung, meaning this isn't supported from below.
- He lives with that inward gaze to mythic significance
- Is doing it always
- And wants to tell me
- Would I be complete and happy if he could
- Is he in touch with real things that I'm not
- Is it a setting of attention
- Do you want to comment no
- Does he NO
- Does he speak no
- He makes pictures
- Is that ritual sense his
- He sees unconsciously
- Robert MacLean was an intoxicating embodiment
- This is making me feel it's better for me to live alone
in creation - is that accurate no
- It has to be balanced with the real
- A form of creation that's sky-hung
- Do you mean he is latent no
- Active
- But as mythic response
The last three days it's been Aristotle for Marianne, ousia/entity/'substance',
the arguments for the principle of noncontradiction and A on the origin
of courage. Aristotle and Aristotle scholars. The way it's always a puzzle
fitting his terms to a translation, like trying to discover a single value
for x in a bunch of equations that aren't - or may be - related.
The way he seems a lucid empiricist standing interested in the real world,
and then up pops some line that seems to imply the old offstage noumena.
The way he sets out conceptual analyses, notices the polysemy of terms,
makes something of it. I imagine him with a noble forehead and large eyes.
I want him to be my clear-eyed ally speaking as I would before obscurantist
Christians brought in their billowing mists to try to save the noumena -
substance and essence and accident and so on.
Marianne is infected with that version and unintelligible mostly. She's
coming from Heidegger. She's not a really good student, she doesn't have
the digging-down clarity of a philosopher. I can get her clearer than she
is. Give her a B-. Say I think it is a C but I'm going to give her the benefit
of her difficulties. Still, it's a doctorate. She should be spending four
months on Aristotle, not five weeks. A doc means she'd be prepared to teach
it. Still, she's at the beginning, and what has to develop is her approach,
not acquaintance with facts, so it's too soon to tell. Many people get docs
who aren't talented the way I want her to be. Is she as talented as they?
Marianne says she's quitting.
It was nice yesterday at the sky shack, balmy, door open, Ethiopian pop
music, Bad boy, come with me, come with me. Tom was scrubbing calcium
off the shower tile, I was cutting open the windows, prying nails and staples
out of the floor. We worked without talking. The sun shone on the rooftops.
Earlier he kept me company as I pruned the ficuses on the mall floor. I
had a love light in my eyes, he said. We came back to Eliz's and did not
succeed in making much of it. He went to sleep at 6:30. I was awake most
of the night. Then at dawn we drove over the crest of Point Loma ridge and
saw the city in a pool of mist. The water was clear, there was powdery mist
among the towers only, just their height. As I drove home again from dropping
him off, the sun was rising in wide gold, gold fluid, the goldest gold,
Today I'm gardening all day at Taft. 'Bye.
The difference my clearings make. Yesterday the back garden. The pines
at the bottom of the space, periwinkle at their feet, pine needles heaped.
Bare earth and cascading plants on the raised bed. Brick and concrete steps
swept. Bare earth at the foot of the bird of paradise, so its shape shows.
Orange tree with fluffed ground in its square, so it's a whole with its
floor, canopy and snake-skin stems. It was nothing when I began and exquisite
when I finished.
"Done in wispy threads of black and red chalk ... sfumato
is what it's called. In Leonardo's own notes he says it is to blend your
shadows seamlessly, in the manner of smoke."
S. karwinskii is blooming at Taft, eight feet tall, tips vivid lipstick
pink. The white jasmine and purple hardenbergia are in full flower together
on the fence.
At Eliz's, the night before I go to Vermont - a little ache about leaving
- I've cleaned house, dragging, and am waiting for the last laundry tossing
in the dryer. Te Kanawa singing Mozart, the CD repeating all evening, these
many evenings. It has been a house. Fireplace, kitchen, windows onto trees
and skies, washer and dryer, subtle shining floors, carpets. I am going
back to my tiny lock-up tonight and then into the sky tomorrow. The ache
is for the house where I have been quiet with beauty near, and scrappy with
Mr Tom who comes pressing his thighs tight against my bum. Last night he
felt the space of thighs and ass turn into a fluid of goldy atoms. When
he put one hand on my breast it intensified, he said. We have had these
drives in the dawn, taking him to work. Last night we managed peace on the
sofa with the fire. Vacuuming this aft I was finding his big flakes of ankle
skin here and there on carpets. He has been ardent, I mean emotionally.
When he is awake at night he is sometimes clutching his head, saying What
is this woman doing with me?! We got to real kisses by the end of this week,
for the first time since I am here, I think. Trusting kisses on both sides.
Kisses trusting on both sides.
From the plane, Philadelphia, in snow twilight, a graphic sheet in five
colors, white, black, grey, a slightly brown-grey, and a slightly dark-green
black. On the rocky escarpments evergreens in dark clots and deciduous trees
in light webs were sorted by some principle I wasn't sure of, maybe the
evergreens were following declivities. Creeks were strong perfectly black
wriggles, local roads broken-up grids laid over the ups and downs of valley
bottoms, and freeways were lines of intention, not on the grid, not accommodated
to topography, shooting across places without noticing them. There were
beautiful markings around farms, trees on fencelines cutting rectangles
or parts of rectangles in the white, parallel rows of dots that were orchards
or Christmas tree farms. Among the fields the roads themselves were white.
Two sets of headlights, another color, yellow, one chasing the other toward
a farm in fields.
From San Diego to Philadelphia the woman in the seat next to me was an
associate professor of engineering, a hydrodynamicist who works with rivers
and bridges. She was in her mid-forties, an American-sweetheart blond, natural,
reserved, traveling in jeans with a back-pack.
Here I am in a very pale green cell in Vermont, snow falling, not falling
really, zigzagging like insects playing among the molecules. I am not very
inspired to be among my cohort faculty. I'm depressed by not looking wonderful.
I dreamed a garden where a row of glazed jars was
lined up against a wall. Their sides were leaned against each other. Some
were upside down. I noticed that some, I think two, were closed at both
ends. I was struck by the way their sides fitted together in one solid row.
Rowen is sick, at loose ends, depressed. Oh Rowen. He flunked math again.
Played the super-nerd in the musical, had to sing in a nerdy voice. Liked
the cast party, drank a lot. Michael is in town building dinghies.
Thursday night. Do I want to do BAs too, Bobby asks.
Long email from Louie in SA. Writes about Luke, "is full of his
own relief that he has come through some period of despair and I understand
that he is also telling you about his success how much he has learnt how
he is valued," "market talk rolls out of him."
"Performing tired popular responsible" I said [of myself],
she quoted.
Here are some questions. The advising group is nothing special, can I
fix it. The room defeats it, it's full of junk. I'm not well enough organized.
They feel at home. The authentics are bored, but not only bored; the inauthenics
cling as they do everywhere. I play to put them at ease, and keep an eye
out for clues, but am coasting. It's been because of the theory course,
but that's over now. I'm doing study plans individually in office hours.
Today's the last group 'til Sunday.
In advising group I felt myself an old tiger in a dirty cell in a zoo,
pacing and twitching my tail, pent, bleary, exacerbated.
I invented an exercise. Think of one thing you don't want anyone to know
about you. Write it on a piece of paper. Give the papers to the middle of
the room. Everybody pick a piece and read it as if it was your own.
- Was the exercise this morning too much
- Too much for some no for all
- I overstepped
- Did I have a bad motive
- Will you explain why it wasn't good wanting to
feel like a successful mother
- Is it that I don't understand something about weakness
John Haines took an inspired course, in which
the way he undertook to live made room for, tested, and determined his art.
His mild coldness towards the public, his unwillingness,
despite years of teaching, to speak campus lingo or praise the faint new
stars, his avoidance of the prevailing irony, have set him outside a widely
shared mental landscape. If you pick up Haines after a few of these it is
hard to make the switch. His direct statement and lament and even his spirit-filled
landscapes with their beasts, hardships, owls and winds are not current.
Haines conveys the same sense as the Spanish
poets of being on foot, outdoors, trading the inner for the outer atmosphere
with every breath, unsociable yet aware that there are others out there
and they are men and women like himself.
- Slowly, without sun, the day sinks
- Toward the close of December.
- It is minus sixty degrees.
And yet my sense of things tells me that the
relative security of our society cannot hold, and that a debt remains to
be paid to this century out of the safety we have so far contrived. [Haines]
In fact a seer's confidence co-exists with an
absence of vanity.
Valerie Trueblood The poems of John Haines Poets and
Writers vol 32 no 1, January/February 2003
Ivanna who was Dennis Maracle, thin-shanked, coquettish in pancake and
mascara, Lee Maracle's ex-husband. "The most published aboriginal woman
writer in Canada." This is his way of getting a fame of his own, is
my guess. Emphasized femininity, the appearance of gender rather than embodied
Looking at Marilyn Monroe adoring, yearning. What is that? It seems to
be, but isn't, yearning to touch. It seems to be, but isn't, yearning to
be that myself. The fact is that nothing would satisfy that desire. It isn't
really desire. Is that right? It's a kind of god-presence. It isn't really
desire because it is memory. So when I feel it for a boy-girl like Jen is
it memory too? Is it always memory of feeling for a parent?
My eyes are strong. People were looking to have me hold them steady when
they spoke. I can easily do that. When Richie spoke at the keynote he was
anchoring himself in two places and would look back and forth between them.
It must be that I was taking responsibility, I thought, so I went on doing
whatever it was. My eyes say, I'm hearing you.
The moment in the last advising group when the students were complaining
about the food and dirty dorms. I was writing notes but out of the corner
of my eye saw Kate looking miserable. Kate are you...? Yes, she said instantly.
She got up and walked out of the room. I was looking after her admiringly.
She is smart, reserved, clear, scrupulous. I was aware her trust would be
hardest to earn. She couldn't bear the blank, spoiled Americans whining
that it was potatoes bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.
Kate is also physically the best-knit of the group, an Iowa blond, broad-shouldered,
gold-skinned, soft-lipped, diffident, quick. Next time we meet we'll know
each other much better than we do now, I said straight off the top.
Lynne was at the goodbye circle with husband and little dog. Souls come
here wanting to be completed, and when they are being completed they start
to work to complete other souls, I said. I was thinking of her very newly
arrived soul with chirpy presence and obscure indirect inklings.
Anne. She said in her study plan that her question about care for the
mentally ill is really about her brother. I sighed. Now we are on the ground.
[After-res multi-program faculty retreat] I don't like it so much when
it's nothing but faculty, don't want to perpetuate their memory by writing
about them. How am I feeling it - a herd of grey bodies in dull colors of
wool. There are moments, Lise, Danielle, and I a few nights ago talking
about how we find ourselves again after a res, how we live at home.
I am afraid of Danielle because she is beautiful. She's
- At that moment she sat down opposite. She has a long narrow face, pale,
immaculate. She's black-eyed, lined, light-boned, light altogether, flaneur,
well-dressed. She's boy-girl perfectly, a girlish boy. The way she stands
against the wall with one foot crossed over the other and one arm across
her chest supporting the elbow of the arm holding the cigarette. She's not
I'm dwelling because it gives me pleasure and relief to see and think
of her, and it bores and distresses me to hear and see most of the rest.
She keeps herself cognitively clean in some way they don't. She is pondered,
scrupulous, in ways I am not, maybe. Facing her across a table I'm shy,
this time. I feel less well bred, or did. Today she told me her dad was
a school inspector in small towns in Quebec province, one of twelve children
in a widow's family in Quebec City, educated to be a brother. I told her
the Rockies were a tiny sawtooth on the horizon when a chinook was on the
way from the west.
It was worth being here for the moment walking toward the cafeteria from
the dorm, head down, thinking, when I looked up just at the door and saw
Danielle in her smoking spot, smiling into my eyes.
On a lesser level, worth being here for the conversation
around the table last night, Margo, Karen, Lise, Sara. We gave our motives
for wanting an embodiment concentration and in doing that laid out the range
of the program. What I can do with the program is very limited because nobody
else knows or is going to know the framework I have found. They will all
go on saying 'the body' when they mean movement and certain kinds of feeling,
and 'the mind' when they mean self-repression and segregation. That is symptomatic
- 'the body' is what belongs with early love, 'the mind' what belongs with
defenses. That is, the dichotomizing manners of speaking are accurate,
and what I am about cannot be done by fixing the language.
I said in the introduction circle - Lucinda, the new president, Shelley
- why can't I remember this - Tomás - that I love intelligence and
hate what harms it. Tomás jumped up afterward and said, You know
yourself, it is true, you do hate what harms intelligence. Now I understand
you better.
When Danielle goes home, she said, she talks to her friend for four hours.
Then it's done.
"The Americans don't leave any thoughts unspoken," Francis
said righteously.
It's Friday morning, white sky at the window, car motor running, large
pine opposite. I'll pack.
Two days of faculty meetings wiped me - I fell twice walking in snow,
twice when I was dragging my suitcase into the airport. I'm full of detestation.
It seemed Danielle and Keith were the only artists who could see their
own clothes.
Mark Spragg writing a male life with horses. His memory is full and precise.
His writing is extraordinarily earned. He has had a life of focused, skilled
interaction with a place he could know very thoroughly. I would want it
to be that writers are considered fortunate if they have, have had, a concrete
Mark Spragg 2000 Where rivers change direction Riverhead
First, Mary sounded off the rails with her phone message. "This
is the Epp residence." "God loves you."
Second, I haven't been able to write here since I'm back. That means
I didn't do the transition well. Tom's rage at the airport cost me three
days. Tom's rage was a stunning withering blast into an exhausted open-hearted
child. I seemed to recover but didn't. His rage was a control mechanism.
By blasting me when I was arriving from being a popular professor he turned
me into a silenced child. Silenced, I've listened, gone along with his plans.
Third, the fall into dismay when Louie said she was disappointed I'm
back with Tom.
Fourth, a dream just now - it was four in the morning - that I
was buttoning a white shirt over my pregnant belly, and then I had two daughters
rather than one, the first a little larger and more definite than the other.
I was trying to think whether I should give the second to someone else.
Will you explain. Pay attention to your judgment. I was thinking they
had always been together and shouldn't be separated, but also that I couldn't
manage two at a time. Will you tell me what the two babies are? Slow growth
and success. Do you mean the kind of success I have at [the college]? Yes.
I've held off success because I wanted to grow. Yes. People often do stop
growing when they're successful. YES. These babies belong together. Yes.
It is Friday, I'm back a week. Sick, that horrible woman coughing next
to me in 14C gave me what she had though I tried to ward it by glaring.
I sweated through the night and today am not feverish but too weak to get
up and move around. It is balmy at the door, a warm, still day. I have not
spoken to anyone for days, except Mary yesterday on the phone. The small
of my back hurts. I'm clammy.
I'm remembering with a nostalgic pang the times, the many times, the
years unbroken, when I came to my journal and wrote eagerly, interestedly,
like a happy child telling all to a fond mother. I am without intellectual
energy or urgency. Is it because I'm penned up with Tom, I'm wondering,
turned off sex because he's a limp little wiener, but loyally struggling
on? Say it a different way: I'm without energy because I'm turned off true
heart and early love. It is going to say I can be true heart and early love
without my old way of getting it by romantic starvation and transient feasting.
But, but, that's religious illusion isn't it? Keep early love for an imaginary
being who doesn't disappoint. Is that what you want me to do? No. Is there
another way? Maybe it's age, energy dying away. No. Will you tell me? In
disappointment and loss look for your young self. Do you mean feel as a
young self? Yes. Is this about honesty? No. Give up self suppression. Yes.
It means being bare. Yes. Drugs? No. Can I get honest feeling without? Yes.
Do you want to say more. No.
Mary is okay. She wants to travel. She has put laminated wood in her
corridor. She is translating again.
Is there anything else you want to talk about? Your teaching work: process,
withdrawal, search for, defeat. Do you mean [the college]? No. You mean
the larger project. Yes. Look for what defeats me. YES.
1st February
Penumbra of illness. I don't have mental energy, can't work, can't read,
am lonely. There is a lovely day at the door.
- Do you want to talk about what I'm doing next
- Something you want to say? intelligence, disillusionment,
imagining, reversal
- Recommendation? no, description
- A time of intelligent disillusionment to be able to imagine
- Move from intelligent disillusionment to imagining solutions
- More fight to find unconscious disillusionment
- More decide in favor of love woman's excluded
- Hope to be able to save souls
Global withdrawal.
Alright, now I can settle, now I'm here.
There has been a long zone of dislocation, three and a half months since
I left the upstairs room at Nora's to go to Ed's death.
It's almost 7 on a Tuesday morning.
The day is brightening gradually around this roof. Weak light on the
palms. My heater starlings chipping and cheeping on close-by wires.
Miserable Sunday night with Tom. Miserable not strong enough a word.
In bed I settled to trying to speak from myself at last. He listened for
a while and then went into an explanation of San Diego that was irrelevant
and long. I cut him off. It was my turn to talk. He exploded. There followed
the grievances of whatever period it has been since his last explosion.
Fuckin' bitch tight-assed cunt. What happened was that my focusing took
him down and there he found his rage ignored over the many slights and jabs
of the interim, and with it a collection of grievances from other times.
"You always ...You never ..." Ignoring it is what makes him unintelligent.
The explosion itself is tediously stupid because it's young. His speechifying
is a way of trying to ward the explosion.
In the melee I said a couple of things too. My throat was sore and I
listened to myself saying them with double interest. I sounded like a husky
tom-boy, definite and clear.
For years he hasn't been very hard. He tries to fuck when he can and
it's when I'm cold. When he is able, he doesn't wait for me to come. And
then he doesn't take care of me, I have to bring myself. He thinks he's
wonderful now, because there's sometimes a bit of foreplay, but that is
just basic, it's standard. I used to be really hot for him but my body has
lost hope, it has given up. When someone is reliable and considerate I'm
full of trust and gratitude. He is used to fucking on booze. To say these
things is harsh and it's deadly, probably. I haven't wanted to say them,
but I am fed up with taking the hit.
The second, which was earlier, and made me cry I noticed, was that he
doesn't like me and did not really want me romantically. He wanted a different
quality in me. He seduced me to get it. He got what he wants and he is okay
now. He could still go back, maybe, but he is alright. He doesn't owe me
anything because I made sure I did everything in a way so it was useful
to me too. He should just say yes, I did get what I want, thank you. But
he feels obligated now.
This speech is more questionable.
- My sadness came when I said what I did about motive
- I'm most centered when I work from that belief
- And it is correct
- But part of me is sad that it's true
- That's the child YES
- I don't know how to have adult awareness and child open
heart at the same time
- Is this the crux
- Dynamically it is very chaotic
- He speaks from such disorder
- It harms me YES
- I no longer love an imaginary being
- I love only in the practical sense
- It's true that I'm withdrawn
- I'm given very little I can respond to
- Am I withdrawn justly no
- Is there ever just withdrawal no
- Because withdrawal is self suppression
- I withdraw because I don't want to feel failure
- Do I need to show every time
- Feel every time
- Wd I be less withdrawn if I weren't with him no
- More no
It isn't obligation holding him back, it is fear of the abyss of loss.
It is that fear that makes him go overboard propitiating. Root of addiction.
His stupidity is always denial-stupidity. He is terribly in need of affection
and attachment because he is still young. The question for him is what can
he do that will let him work through this stuff without me. His dependence
is part of what makes him rage. Is there anything?
He looked like an old man with a hangover when he arrived at the door
in white shirt and pants. He lounged on the couch across from me, tie flopped,
feet crossed at the ankle, and talked two hours. Stupid talk. He felt entitled.
He felt I was interested. He said he came to apologize and denied he came
to be let off the fear of losing me, which is fear of larger catastrophe.
I wrote down what he said and after the three hours of loud talk turned
on the lamp and talked to the book, which made us both laugh. Then I spoke
from the balance of the book and we were in peace enough though I didn't
want to touch him and am, this morning, still disgusted.
I said what he wants from me is really to come through. He said he doesn't
want a guru. I said yes he does, it's sleazy not to admit it.
I should give all this love
If it isn't coming back to me I start to get angry
and feel foolish
I haven't done it consciously
The only way I could logically say I was loving
was if I was honest, remained faithful
I have to tear away all of the barroom masculinity
Try and think of you as a person, spirit
When you correct me that's like the well of gasoline
the matches are being thrown on
What scares me is I knew I wasn't fighting fair
when I was doing it
I don't want to live that way
Having to apologize and make amends and feel bad
and have the fear that I would do it again and deal with the consequences
of what I've done
Letting one third of my personality make two thirds
of my personality mad at me
Reactivation - yeah this was like me again - there's
a lot of things alcoholics have a watchful eye on
Drinking allows you to act as if
I want you to lower it down about two clicks
I got tied up with a very smart woman
That level works very good on jobs, the Army. Take
things at face value, deal with how to move the pieces around
That's the level I go cruising into a discussion
with you
Behind that is the true Tom Fendler
I expect them to be a mind reader
(Give me an example.) Oscar, Tony, Jim White, Lorie
Because you don't understand it I'm double-binded
Speak from behind a persona
I'll spend 15 minutes saying something that's correct
but I haven't been educated in it, I don't know what's been established
and what hasn't, I have to start from the genesis of the thought
Let's see how a slightly smarter street kid would
say this
I don't have the background to say it in your earnest
I am completely out of the world that I chose to
live in since I was about 14 years old. In the Golden West I have the PhD
in reality. I can be in that world and I don't have to drink
I have really popped up. The realities that we're
coming from are really different. My conceit is that I can truly encompass
both realities because I'm super bitchin'. When I'm not there I'm like urgh.
That's where my pettiness comes in. I should have a doctorate with four
oak leaves.
All your students are bullshit
Some of the things I've said to you are quite brilliant
and I don't get anything for it.
You get so deeply into them. I get angry because
we don't have conversations like that. It grinds a little bit.
And then I get angry because I have to go do what
I do and I don't have time to think and be creative and ponder the nuances.
When I do come to you I'm not prepared for you.
I came here to say I'm sorry, I'll never call you
a bitch again, I want to unarmour myself.
I'm trying to be serene. I am serene.
I've got a week's worth of 24-hour conditioning
If I had the opportunity to see you every other
day for an hour or two, then I would have an other reality, then we would
have continuity
A mutual reality that was unfettered
Ellie you're so far out there, you need to get
back in your body
You have a very precise pronunciation and it's
not the way you speak normally
On Sunday - as if you were curling your tongue
around - professional mode - a little bit academic
It's not hatred
We have an opportunity to do something that's fulfilling
If it was love why did it go to betrayal
- Does Tom want to be improved
- Is it sleazy of him not to admit it
- It has been his main motive since the beginning
- He has wanted to not feel that
- Is he more of a vampire than he thinks
- If he just admitted it and didn't try to duck it would
things go better with us
- Tom's motive is that he wants to come through
- Is he coming through
- His motive from the beginning was that
- He thought he needed to present it as romance to get
what he wanted
- (E: What I'm feeling is relief
I recognized a strong spirit - all of those things
have not added up to a woman I could consistently like - hard to be with
if I'm not my best self
- Is laziness why no
- It isn't laziness, it's that to be his best self he has
to be connected
- He can't always be connected
- The reason isn't always bad feelings
- Are those intentions at two different levels
- A guy at the bottom of the cycle
I came into it as an autonomous being who wasn't
being looked into.
- What's the first thing that needs to be dealt with
end of illusion
- Not being in truth
- Does it matter whether we do it together
- In what sense it matters for Tom
- It matters for Tom because he doesn't have an alternative
- The book is what Tom is here for
- Is there any part of Tom that is of use to the book
- To Ellie
- Is Tom less than Ellie no
- When Tom asks what Ellie is feeling what is he wanting
to hear some kind of lie
- A global overview and there is no such thing
- Will you tell me how I'm supposed to live now, emotionally
father illusions improved, slow growth
- (E: My true heart life is with Louie
- Emotional slow growth
- Emotional growth of what kind honest, coming through,
end of illusions, success
part 6
- in america volume 1: 2002-03 september-february
- work & days: a lifetime journal project