1st May
Being happy on credit is plain lying and I do it a lot, mostly only in
relation to Tom.
The little boy is like the will to live. The little girl is like the
will to be wise.
These have been days of fantastic cloud I've hardly seen. Upper pane
of the window blue, blue and white and white and dark grey. Running fast.
Small shreddy beings faster against the cumulous. How such air things can
keep their shape and move. They have just the degree of shape I like. Neurologically
minimal I'll say. The sun is being blown about. The eaves are full of twitter.
The hemlock is stirring. What is a swallow seen for one beat - a blur that
drops into points.
It's Thursday morning.
There's the way I never sleep on the left side of the bed because it's
your space.
Now I'm seeing that this paper is not about imagined sound, it is about
imagining sound. The way we imagine sound is a way of talking about
the brain - I see this in composer's descriptions - my sense of Orpheus
going into the brain - any transparent landscape is that.
I was in the tub after speaking to Tom. The house was jarred as if a
car had run into the porch hard downstairs. I heard water in the cooking
pot sizzle as it splashed against the sides. The mirror flapped against
the wall.
Louie frightened of her position. I say, Louie you have to understand
that there is no way you are going to get what you want in this. The best
that can happen is that you can be true to yourself this time in ways you
were not true to yourself the first time you did this. You have to notice
how you are tempted to betray yourself now, because those are the ways you
betrayed yourself then and since.
Hearing myself say that I think I am wise though I am daily proving that
I'm foolish.
How am I betraying myself? What does being true to myself require?
Here is a clue: I don't write here without imagining reading it to Tom.
What's my fantasy. That he's interested in my spirit and wants to accompany
me. And then there's a backup fantasy when that one fails: that he wants
to learn and I can teach him. That he wants to learn in a way that can take
effect. He does want it but the wanting to hide is stronger.
I want a companion and I have one but he is very weak. He is weaker than
I have wanted to know. I have been weak in relation to him. I have betrayed
myself by imagining him stronger than he is, again and again. What weakness
is that?
Ask first what his weakness is. He keeps himself in a haze. He derails
his own intelligence by separating emotion from circumstance. He gives himself
again and again emotion he hasn't earned. That way he can't work with himself.
He can't go through the stages of a real enterprize and then be rewarded
by real confidence and real joy.
How is it that I mis-estimate his weakness? I have described him accurately
many times in just this dry way: I saw the cockroaches, I read the meaning
of the shadow drunks, I heard what he said when I asked whether booze was
worth more than everything he has lost on its account. How is it that I
both see and don't see? It says it's because I see without feeling and feel
without seeing. When I see his wreckage I should feel it achingly. I shouldn't
be callous about souls. My very pitilessness is what sets me up to be fooled.
Track it. In what ways is he my weakness of action? He's broke. He's
underemployed. He's in debt and improvident. He gets stoned instead of taking
care of business. He risks his health. He isn't married. He has lost his
child. He doesn't do what I ask him for. He doesn't pay attention to what
I need. He takes minimal responsibility.
How does he aggress against me, hurt me? He hurts me sexually by being
rough and false. He hurts me by false promises, by lying, by denying my
intuition when it's right. He sets me up to wait for something that isn't
coming. He ignores my gifts. He hurts me by not feeling me, by having no
care for my spirit. He seduces me by false promises and lies. He draws me
into vulnerability by false pretences.
What kind of man inner and outer would I like to be with? A man who has
skill and discipline and loves his work, goes far with his work. A man of
scrupulous courageous honesty. A man of deep responsibility and spirit care.
A man who loves touch and can go far into it. A man who can learn, is curious,
who sacrifices his illusions, who studies. A man who is manly in a confident
way and not a bluffed way. A man who easily and naturally provides and takes
care of himself and others. A funny man. A passionate warm-blooded man.
A lucid man. A man who loves intimacy. A man who loves talent and intelligence
and fosters them in others. An intuitive man who feels what is there in
people and circumstances. A man who works physically too. A man with faith
and clarity. A well-organized man. A radical man - a man who sees for himself.
A man with respect and authority in the world. A man who wants to marry
me utterly and thoroughly and truly. A man who wants my entire love and
trust and passion and will do what is necessary to earn them. A man who
wants my genius to succeed and be fulfilled to its furthest, and knows how
to help.
Is there anything else I am supposed to ask? Ask what you are evading
with this figuring-out. You mean grief. Yes. I feel myself turning valiant:
that's the way it is, it can't be helped, I am alone, I don't have what
I need.
What should I do with that? Be generous. Say no, I will get you what
you need. I will change so you can have what you need. I will die so you
can have what you need - I'm supposed to say that? Yes. But isn't it ego
who needs it? No.
I'm wanting Tom to say this to his spirit? Yes. And I should say it to
my own. Yes. Do you want to say more? It's the sacrifice of a structure.
- Why am I doing this work with a drunk to
- Because I'm a drunk no because you are
weak in relation to drunks
- Do I have an enemy
- Is she right about the devil
- I want to know this predator
- A derisive and murderous antagonist
- Who is inborn
- What is your name for this structure stupidity.
Deadened in feeling, frail and drained in initiative
- The dark man? not a man
- Wipes out instinctual powers
- A failed magician
- Desire superiority and power
- It's lonely
- Hateful and envious
- We are taught to submit to it
- Do we marry it YES
- Is there a sign by which I can know that has happened
- Is a sign of destroyed instinct YES
- Not seeing that desire and action are counteractive
- Wanting relation and sabotaging it
- Setting goals and not even beginning
- Procrastination, shame, failure to begin or end, loss
of energy to create in daily life, kills new growth, prevents consciousness.
- Is my enemy resignation no repression
- Is it my father
- Who forbade energy
- Who was envious malicious seductive self absorbed pompous
nasty snide withholding terrorizing brutal lustful a bully a spoiler
- I have an unconscious structure who does that to me?!
- My father is in me still killing me
- Sex is my weakness in relation to it
and mind
- Tom isn't most of it but he evokes it
- So I'm repressed with him in ways that aren't his fault
- What is my best relation to the oppressor
see how it is behind fantasy
- Because it cuts off action YES
- Does Tom have an oppressor of a similar kind
- Does Louie
but not similar
- Should I pay attention to it
- What must I do to it find it behind exclusion/unconsciousness
- Write about my family YES
- Use obsessive energy for that YES
- Does it matter whether I go on with Tom
NO it matters that you do this work
This is a dryness I don't know what to think of. I am saying he has lost
too much of his coherence, he is already too destroyed. It isn't moral.
It isn't that he can make an effort and choose to come through. He is not
going to be able. There was a weakness already when he was sixteen. He is
not failing because of what happened then. He failed then because of what
he was.
- What I'm saying is true, he's too destroyed
- He was beautiful at times YES
- I didn't want to see how destroyed YES
- He can't be saved
- Can anyone be saved no
- Is he more wrecked than other people hm?
- Than me
- Why have I connected with a series of wrecks
you're looking for betrayal
- You have allowed me to do this you have
insisted on doing it
- And what has been your relation helping
you come through
- What should I do about feeling see its
- I'm supposed to feel you do feel
- But I feel mistakenly
- I worked around it by suppressing feeling
It says: Tom is your fourth wrecked man in four years. You are looking
for betrayal - that bleat of feeling released.
I am discouraged. What would courage feel like? One way would be that
I would say what I have said, he and I are in a process of true struggle
and true value. Something is coming true. Love is true, though it has to
win through much falseness. But what I am saying today is, love is false,
in me and in him, though there are people in whom it is true. It is as if
what is at stake is whether my life energy is good. The way it breaks out
into hope and joy - whether that is wrong in me.
I am saying to my love self: I feel you worrying that I will cut you
off. You are foolish and drunken and you lead me to betrayal. I love you,
I am not going to abandon you. You are my dearest life surge. I am married
to you for as long as I am alive. We are having a hard time together because
I am ambitious and impatient and you are impulsive and gullible. But you
are beautiful, beautiful to me, so beautiful and touching. Will you give
me your whole love and affection, will you work with me, will you grow with
me, will you live with me under one roof?
She says, write this: You have been fucking me over. I'll hang up if
you phone.
I wrote it. I took it to Money Mart. The fax wouldn't go through.
Clamped at the cunt. I lay down and passed out. What happened was vibration
at the heart instead of clamping. That's all.
- Vibration at the heart - what is that a
loss undoing
- Leave the phone off the hook no
- What will he want to know what do you want
to know?
- Whether I'm going on alone now - is that what he wants
to know YES
- Do you know the answer to that YES
- What is it you'll go on alone if you don't
- I am completely fed up with this
- Demand he stops booze, demand he stops weed, those are
my conditions YES
- Tell him he has to choose YES
- Hello shatter the structure
- Speak to him tonight and tell him YES
- Can I be prepared and clear
- Instruction? come through to the intelligence
of love's energy
- That was the energy I had when I broke last time
- He has to feel real love in it YES
- Why he is enslaved
- And something about energy
- My real energy of love makes a difference to him
something about secrecy
- It reaches through his habit of secrecy
- I must give him an ultimatum
- But I must do it without cutting off
- Does that mean I must go on in agony NO
- It's love woman who wants to cut off YES
- She's my addiction no she is addicted
- Is that my vulnerability no your defense
- Being addicted and being cut off belong to the same structure
- So I am not ready yet to talk to him no
- But I am not in a state of love you are
- Do you mean my willingness to learn YES
- Should I offer to be his friend YES
- Say I will not be his mate and his lover until he is
clean YES
- This is a very great sacrifice
- Because I lose my freedom
- He does not really want me as a mate YES
- What does being his friend involve having
good judgment
- I should let him still phone me YES
- And do what when he does, fight with him
- Go to Al-Anon meetings no read their stuff
- Is this unconditional love YES
- What will it do for me save you from withdrawing
- This is what I should have done from the beginning
- Lust derailed me no, need
- Need of what temperance
- Did I do that well
- He said he was angry - he wasn't angry
- What was he in pain
- What will be the short-term consequence
he'll be more honest
- What will be the long-term consequence
for love woman
- What? she'll be smarter
- But what about him he will have to decide
- Am I doing the right thing YES
- I will lose him no you are not excluded
- He will be gone but I won't be excluded
- Please say temperance
- Is loss going to hit me NO
I am amazingly better.
It's as if I am really on his side now, wholly on his side, and that
is where I am supposed to be.
It's as if I couldn't be on his side until I could give up on him romantically,
because his madness could enlist my madness.
I feel a kind of joy and excitement that battle is joined. I'm thanking
my book. I said to it yesterday that I wasn't loving him and it said, no,
you are, because you are willing to learn.
I said to him - among many other things - sometimes when I have said
loving things to you I have seen something in your eyes that was saying,
No, that isn't the right answer. I think it was wanting me to say what I
am saying now.
I don't know about that, he said.
I do. I know it. I said and sighed.
He poured out rationalizations. From 16 to 40 it was a 12-pack every
night. Now it is just a coupla beers. He drinks like a gentleman. He loves
weed, aesthetically. Bars are a metaphor. He needs them for that. His life
is under control. He's no dummy.
I said, You think it's better to burn out than to fade away, but I think
there's a third option.
Oh I've done a lot of work these three days.
Lay down and got very sick - chills and fever - diarrhea.
This morning there is sun on the carpet. It is nearly the middle of May
and still very cold. Cold clouds.
I'm standing at an end looking ahead into a time that doesn't have what
I want in it. I saw that as if standing at the edge of a plateau where the
land drops away.
What doesn't it have in it - Tom's arms, Tom's hands - his kiss, his
loveliness of feeling, his surprisingness - his barenaked hunger - his simplicity
- his pleasure beside me when we visit the world - his largeness - his eagerness
- his heat - the body I kissed - his manness, the eager ways of it - his
graphic talk.
I didn't dare feel him because I thought I would lose my clarity but
this morning I am remembering what good company we were. We were a match
of liveliness. We kept going out and meeting the world together. That was
- Please comment something about sex
- He has a reservation about sex with me
- Wants to hold out for a different kind of woman
- What is it about meditation
- In what sense death
- This is very scary to me YES
- Please explain duality
- Do you mean he wants a man YES
- Is this really why he's ditching me YES
- Could he merge better with a man YES
- Because of his fear no because of his unconscious
- His unconscious is his mother YES
- She wants a man YES
- When he's drugged are they together YES
- Is that what you mean meditation no, the
- Do you mean wanting to get away from the work
- He wants his sexuality to escape the work
- Why because he wants to be integrated
- And he wouldn't be integrated with me YES
- His sexuality wouldn't be integrated
- Are we going in circles no
- What is it about me persistent
- I'm too persistent not enough
- I don't get through to him don't come
- Why don't I come need to be more relaxed
- This is a confusing section intelligent
- I'm ready to give up you're withdrawn
- I'm sad the future is unknown
- I feel now I'll stay incomplete decision
- I felt complete when I was with him except
when you felt incomplete
Then I check out his watch. It's a fake they say at the pawnshop. That's
making me cry.
- This time I have been burned worse than ever
- And by you too no
- Why didn't you protect me from this man
you wanted to have fun
- Is that wrong it's wrong to have fun with
- I was willing to give him good heart
- But that wasn't good enough it wasn't
- You think I got what I deserved
- Did he get what he deserved no
- Why not he will before it's over
- From other sources? he's going through
it now
- What should I learn from this that you
- That I survive betrayal no that you survive
true heart exposure
- With a man at all
- Did I do good in a way YES
- Should I have done better
stabilized as
love woman
- Suffered more YES
- You mean the feeling and understanding thing
- You're right it was your exclusion
- Would that have been better for him YES
- But mainly better for me YES
Still shitting cream soup, little dribs. I'm imagining this sickness
is body transition. Okay that time is over, let's clear out.
Wanting to stamp my foot and say, I gave you seven months and a lot of
rope and you hanged yourself. Here are your promises and their dates. How
can you live with yourself being such a sleaze. Don't you want to get to
the bottom of yourself and start really living? That you don't seems evidence
of deep stupidlity.
- Is his lying cynical no compulsive
- It isn't the fault of drugs, drugs are the fault of it
- He has to lie to women so he'll never be really vulnerable
- The important thing to get across to him is that there
is a right kind of burning YES
- The adventure of liberation YES
- Love as action not sensation
- Love as willingness to suffer so you won't harm
- Zonking is spirit derelection. It's death of his real
- To want to be out of pain, and a looser consciousness,
is right. The means are ineffective. There are effective means. This is
the central thing to get across. YES
- Replacing habits one by one NO adjusting
- Acknowledge creative death
- Intellectual death
- Crippling of relation to Mathew
- Demolition of relation to women
- Impotence and fear of impotence
- Financial stress
- Health stress
- Finds it hard to do anything YES
So then I go through and list what seem to be lies. They are embedded
in so much realness they seem not lies but child heart I would grieve not
to have been given. The only one that hurt me was the one about seeing me
in April on his honor as a man. That one was a lie my body knew to be a
lie. It shocked me horribly.
Up to my leaving it was a series of unfoldings, we got deeper every time.
By the time I left we were white hearts. We were both there.
That it was a lie meant he knew he wouldn't come. "I'm afraid I'll
lose my nerve." He told me that. But at the last moment. What does
that mean? There's still something missing in my understanding.
After I got back it was as if he was lying all the time. It was as if
he couldn't bear to tell me he wasn't coming and so he had nothing real
to say.
I've broken into a rank sweat saying this.
There's a piece missing. He has it but will he ever give it.
- Love woman will you talk to me no
- I miss you please talk to me yes
- How are you doing illusions are good for
- You like illusions yes
- I miss you a lot no
- I think I miss him but really I miss you
- Will you be with me even if he isn't yes
- Is there something you'd like to do with me
have a turn, evade processing to integrate young heart
- Get out of this psychological work yes
- Are you afraid of it yes
- Do you think it will do away with you yes
- Larger one is she right
- If she is integrated what will be her role
- In everything I do
- Is that a good role not withdrawn
- Do you have questions you want to ask will
I be excluded
- If you were integrated what would you like
- The way it was with Tom yes, going places,
being there
- Will you say more imagining
- You like to escape yes
- From pain yes, from dullness, oppression
- I want you more than ever YES
- What would you like from me persistence
in imagining
- Is there something you'd like to imagine
childish sharing
- The way it was with Tom yes
- Play yes
- Did he string me a line to turn himself on
no for control
- Control his dependence no control so he
could be dependent
- Will you teach me how to play YES
- Larger one is this good no explain to her
about the work
- Listen there is wonderful work for you to do, would you
like to learn it yes
- You are the beginning of a beautiful skill
- To get to it we need to do some of this hard psychological
work yes
- Does that scare you YES
- If you help me with this work we can be together all
the time YES
- You can live in the world with me yes
- Will you help me no
- LO now what talk to her about death
- I don't know what to say (Qp)
- The death the work is aiming for
- The death that will result from reconnecting with her
mother YES
- Please help me here a change of judgment
- Death is such a scary word persist
- Do you want her to offer to die YES
- Why would she do that because of losses
- Because of losing Tom no her mother
- You want her to offer to die because her mother ditched
her YES
- Are you listening to this YES
- What do you think it's honest
- LO is this reliving a death no really dying
- I don't want her to die it's for completion
- She is my beauty no
- She's my liveliness no
- She's my sexiness YES
- She's my ability to attract men
- She's my fun YES
- My youthfulness
- She's my heart NO
- So her death is the death of those things
- I hate that you're addicted to her
- She's my energy
- What would be left true relation to losses
- Big deal you'd be honest
- This is what I've been telling Tom to do
thinking he should do
- Would he lose all that YES
- What is true relation to loss good for
- I'd feel I'd be giving up everything that makes life
worth living YES
- Would I be giving up everything that ...
- Do you mean give it up absolutely NO
- Case by case as I work
- You want me to lie down and be crushed
no to get better judgment
- Are you listening my beautiful one no
- You are afraid I want you to die absolutely
- What I want is for you to let me get reconnected honestly
to my origins. I'll be able to take better care of you if you do
- LO can you help happiness can't be based
on a lie
- Love woman is a lie YES
- How do you feel hearing that I want to
be fixed
- Can she be made true YES
- Do you want to be made true it depends
- Can you talk to her directly NO
- Would she want it if she understood it
- Can you explain it to her it means she'll
be married
- To whom temperance is her marriage
- Feeling and judgment YES
- She'd be married to understanding
- Would you like to be married to understanding
- This is the process by which you marry him
- So will you do it YES
- My liveiness sexiness fun will marry understanding
- I'd like that too no you'll be the listener
- If liking is the wrong word, what's the right one
- Okay to stop?
- Love woman do you want to say anything before I leave
ask a question
- Okay it's about wisdom - does the undeluded
judgment complete childhood
- Why do you ask it's about marriage
- Do you want childhood to be completed YES
- Do you know why she's asking this the mother
- Does she want to know whether the marriage gives her
her mother
- That's what she's been looking for
- Tom doesn't give her the mother back
- This is a sweet question
- What's the answer anger, slow growth, conflict,
honesty give her the mother back
- That's the right thing for her to work for
- Is that what you wanted to know yes
- Are you okay with that yes
Fighting my mum for Mother's Day.
I fought her the way I fought Tom - I herded her, first about religion
and then when she was ending the call with guilt pressure, I got relentless.
What did she try:
1) "You remind me of your father, nothing but cold logic."
I said it was emotion but not the emotion she wanted.
2) "I thought my mum didn't have a clue who I was and I probably
didn't know what was going on for her either, but we cared about each other."
I said I talk this way to people I care about.
3) "I do want to know what you think." I said maybe nobody
else tells her but we all think of her as wanting not to know.
4) "Why is it so much now we just get blamed for what we did wrong."
I said, Why don't you take it that your children are trying to give you
something they have learned?
5) "Why can't there be some bond from the things I did right."
I said, You had years of that. "Why can't I still have it." There
you are, wanting us to be what we used to be.
Mainly I kept saying, You have no idea what you are being given at
this moment. You're frightened of what I just said, you're trying to
get away from it.
I said there was a time that broke the bond. I saw her not getting it.
I said imagine a two year old. She said she was in agony the whole time
I was away. I said the two year old had no way to know that. I can't believe
you have never imagined this.
She said when I came back I called them you guys. I said that
sounded contemptuous to me. She said, "Oh, no..."
I said, "What do you think that little girl was feeling?" "Bewildered?"
"What else?" "Angry?" "Yes." I can see she
has never thought of that.
"She didn't seem angry" she says. I say she was so angry she
wouldn't give her anger. As I say it I am noticing that I have carried myself
onto dangerous ground. "But when she grew up she realized," Mary
said. Oh wow! I'm thinking. "No. She never grew up. The person who
realized was a caretaker person. There's a way I have never been a real
person since then."
Then Mary puts it together. "Would she like to be angry now?"
That feels very risky to her, I say, having been noticing how angry I have
been all along. I'm feeling for whether to do it right then or whether to
wait. I say will she come with me to Joyce, will she think about whether
she can do that? I'll let her know the date.
We leave it at that. Thank you, she says. You did good! I say suddenly.
You did good, do you know that?
Thank you, she says again in a real voice. She's got it.
"I'm mad at your culture for not teaching you more about what a
person is." "We were ignorant" she says. "They tried
to keep you ignorant so they could control you," I say. "Oh, no..."
she says.
But you're there, she says. Yes, I'm her champion, I say, you want me
to be your champion but I'm her champion.
I didn't hold back. I fought clean. I took responsibility and focused.
I didn't hedge when I got into fear. I didn't expect her to look after me.
I didn't feel sorry for her. I spoke to her best. I was fearless about religion.
I didn't feel sorry for myself.
Have been wanting to say this about the work both in philosophy and this
other: it is always a work of sorting, discerning, at a scale finer than
the concepts we start with. It's discerning within concepts. (I gesture
toward Wittgenstein when I think that.)
Examples: 'representation' or 'imagination' in different people's systems.
It isn't a matter of accepting one version, it is being able to read any
of them accurately in site, and at the same time keep some of the other
systems up - that is how it feels - up in the air, up in suspension - how
it fields - to be able to sense the relative location.
In emotional work, there's the way anyone becomes visible as many and
you can learn who you are addressing or could address at different times.
The active separate presences in I, for instance the one who as
I write keeps wanting to ask how Tom is.
Principle one is discernment.
Principle two is tracking. Tracking is used in discerning. It means pushing
with questions, persisting, not letting it go, dogging it, not being led
Principle three is something like working a knot. In emotional work it
means don't instruct yourself, clear the structure. Don't tell yourself
not to wonder about Tom; go to the place creating the wonder and work it.
Maybe find out who it is and get an understanding. It's neurological. In
philosophy can I think of an example - something like that happened when
I fell through from digital into analog, but I don't remember how it happened.
I'm thinking of it now in relation to all the snag places where I'm supposed
to recover love and action by working through the moment.
One of the people I read on alcoholics got people to rework the moment
they consented to drink again.
I'm asking something about how or when I've been learning these ways
of working. Persistence took years. I used to be satisfied with one question.
I didn't think I could find anything. Jam taught me there could be persistence.
Discernment has come this past year - last summer. I think of it as the
net resolving. That's book training along with the reading.
I have had a new sense of working knots just in the past week. The book
taught me.
The book and Joyce work similarly in the way they turn me loose and then
correct me at points.
Thinking of the Time, space and knowledge book saying knowledge
is always available.
What's new in the book work is asking that's more mutual - is there anything
you want to talk about, I say. And learning to talk to the younger and less
knowing parts.
With Joyce it has been that it takes me years to understand what she
means. I marvel at the patience she has to have in her work. She doesn't
know whether she'll ever see acknowledgment or comprehension. I'm only beginning
to know that when she speaks she isn't always addressing [the conscious
or present] me.
Writing these two pages has taken nearly two hours.
Waking at 3 and dialling through the songs [radio] - then I'm in your
world - dialling through emotion - emotional line and texture and mix -
a relevant lab.
Heaven knows she can't go with him / And she rolls / On by herself /
Heaven knows / He can't go with her / And he rolls / On by himself / Fare
thee well. I'm tending to forgive you, I wonder is that alright. Don't mean
I take it back, my challenge stands, I said I'd go for broke, I'm going,
you're not, it's you who're hanging back.
A woman singing This old man with such subtlety and passion it
stands as a demonstration I don't know of what. [Tori Amos]
Thank you for music back, California boy. Thank you for your flowing
You don't have to go on livin' / With your back against the wall / Let
me put my arms around you / I won't let you fall
This worries me some: I think my challenge is right but it will seem
to come at him from the side of the forces of oppression that have come
at him all his life. He won't understand that I defend his wildness.
Mother will they drop the bomb / Mother will they like my song / Mother
should I run for president / Mother should I trust the government / Mother
do you think she's good enough / Mother do you think she's dangerous
Then the lonely supple defiant riding forth of the male voice of choice,
electric, steel, escaped from the body that was in the woman, making it
alone. I have sympathy for that - my friend - but there is a next move.
You're hung up.
I am / A wo - / man in / Love / And I'll do / Any / Thing / To get you
/ Into / My life / And hold you / Inside of / Me.
She sings that wailing, wailing, very gloriously.
It was the man who couldn't look me in the eye who knocked on my eyelid
to say stay with me while we do this.
- Honey I'm not waiting for you / At the bottom of your glass
- Here I am / Here I am / Still carrying a flag for you / Burning me
just like a brand
[book material on addiction]
- There's a deluded personality and a clear one
- Do they alternate no, conflict
- Denial/deluded personality very fragmented
- Sober personality damaged
- Denial to protect social interface
- But I'm supposed to challenge it
- Large effort to appear competent
- The impaired judgment can't judge itself impaired
- Grandiosity is lying about capability
- He believes it and at other times its opposite
- Needs to learn truth is between
- Susceptible to inner pressure, doesn't know how to release
- Con wants to expand
- Does the uncon want to go on drinking no
- The little voice - that eventually sounds like it isn't
- The subtlety, resourcefulness and power of the addictive
structure' no
- There is an addicted structure
- And it uses auditory imagining
- The subtlety resourcefulness and power of the uncon
- It is the con that is the addictive structure
- Con needs to feel itself creative
- Provide sober emotionality
- Get into alliance with uncon, work cooperatively toward
creative solution
- It's like a lucidity behind him
- It communicates with me no, expresses itself
- If I am square with it he feels it as reliability
- Does the con create the uncon no they are
both creations of the body
- Uncon is powerful creative attentive
- These things are facts but it doesn't do them
- Uncon seems to humor and protect the con from having
its feelings hurt, is that right no it has to do with material
success, being able to survive socially
- Keeps facts and emotions uncon
- Does what con asks even when it's trouble
- Con is a social construct
- Created in language
- Uncon is a religious construct in the sense of total
- Assume a structure of self-loathing in Tom
- Uncon shame, self-devaluation no mostly
- That's what he had to deal with when he was sober
- Family and church
- So there was surrender
and no
- It's a linguistic structure YES
- It's not surrender it's conditioning
- If you don't actively resist it gets in
- The oppressor and hated self correlates
- One has to go back and meet it YES
- Can one meet it in one's friends
- Combat
- Confusion-restructuring is deep change of structure
- You create confusion to allow it: going sane
- When the oppressor is being undone there is confusion
- Joyce has done that YES
- It's detailed work can be
- Can it be restructured in a flash
but doesn't stay
- Am I going to have a chance to work with him
- Only if I stay out of romance YES
- So what should I do about romance find
your losses in it
- Name the dodges before they happen YES
- Cut off his habit
- He shd stop telling me he loves me no but
act it more
- When he tells me he loves me ask for action
- The action of responsibility YES
- Do you want to say more about the oppressor in him
ask him
- Would meditation be useful to him
- Loosening con
- Ordeals - is that useful
- I should set them? no he should, make himself
- The goal of getting here was good for that
- Is there some other goal he should have now
- Is he dissociated not exactly
- Sexually abused by his mother
- That's why he's sensitive to being told he's gorgeous
- It has an abusive feel to him
- He didn't dissociate but he didn't understand
- Was he angry with her YES
- He didn't know for what YES
- And still doesn't
- That's a sort of dissociation
- Of intelligence YES
- Drugs are means of dissociation
- Dissociation two ways 1. reality registers but the structure
is still to be experience, and 2. the caretaker gets a life history and
starts to feel real
- Those apply to him
- It happens originally in trauma and then zonking allows
you to do it again YES
- The escaped realities are wells YES
- My reading personality is a caretaker YES
- Love woman is a caretaker YES
- They don't act to protect, they REPLACE but are ungrounded
- Dry drunk, states like drunk
- His rages are
- Dissociated reactivation
- Reactivation can come apart into: behavior, affect, sensation,
- Mind does come apart these ways
- Basic no there are hundreds of ways
- What's important is just to realize it can be partial
- Trauma before his mother's death something
about his father
- Some alternative personalities can't tell the difference
between memory and present
- When memories reactivate they are there
- Those are the remnants YES
- It happens to him YES
- Then he ejects YES
- Other persons work to protect the helpless ones from
pain and terror, look for methods
- This is too anthropomorphically stated
- My duality of consc in drunkenness was exceptional
- Is that dissociation YES
- The con is drunk
- The same dissociation when I do emotion reactivation
- If I did it more, con wd believe itself
- Strategies to ward reactivation: revictimization (activates
opioids), victimizing, zonking
- Drugs augment dissociation
- Drugs and unwanted feeling, that is the simplicity of
- Look at what the feeling was
- Every time you're tempted, look for the feeling
- A disorder of needing fantasy, ie needing to be fantasy
- Euphoria as a vulnerable state
- You feel powerful and free
- Success when you're weak
- Boredom = emotional shutdown, you're blocking something
- Take a risk for the thrill of growth instead of the thrill
of escape.
- Would that work for him YES
- Quitting, the frustration of having long-term goals is
a habit that has been useful YES
- A moral presence of felt truth, is this one true of him
- The inside man, is there always someone in him who recognizes
the truth
- Recognition is a relation of con and uncon
- Can you tell me the reason shared structure
- Can you explain this more another time
- Denial is a natural shock absorber
- Bargaining, 'I can handle it' is denial
- Watch for addict personality and recovery personality
but don't be simply judgmental
- He's bargaining YES
- He wants 2 things that are legitimate, to be out of pain,
and a looser consciousness
- His means are ineffective
- Child gives up power in exchange for recgnition attention
and care by adult self YES
- Fantasy tells what they want
- Grandiosity says what he wants to be
- Is the idea of surrender correct depends
- There can be surrender to the wrong thing
- People surrender to their drunk personality
- Did I surrender to love woman
- That was the wrong thing YES
- Should I surrender to you NO
- Work with you
- Will you explain surrender it's a patriarchal
- He rightly resists it no
- Will you give me a sentence people try
to make children surrender
- Breaking the spirit? no, subordinating
- Do I need to name what is correct in his resistence
- Letting go of conscious control shouldn't be thought
of as surrender
- How should it be thought of quest
- A search
- Do you like the idea of relation to a higher power
- As if a question is a prayer YES
- Tom can't do it alone? his conscious personality
- So the conscious personality must ask and listen
- Must it trust what it hears YES
- It learns to YES
- Because there is real help YES
- The way I learned to trust Joyce no
- The way I learned to trust you silence
- Do you want me to trust you more no
- Is there something else you want me to ask about
- Patriarchy and trust? YES
- Patriarchy destroys trust
but how
- How? something about imagining
- Destroys self-trust YES
- Will you give me a sentence in working against compulsion
you have to integrate agony
- Is this about the relation of con and uncon
- Is there more you want to tell me about this
he has lost his honesty
- And what be brilliant and courageous
- Face it? YES
- And what fight him
- And what control his dishonesty
- You mean in me
- Codependency is you are addicted to them, am I addicted
to him
- Enabling = bearing pain, taking consequences
- Detachment is the opposite, detach with love, take responsibility
for oneself. Let them have the dignity of it, they are responsible for
their own recovery.
- And what realize it's a crisis
- In me YES, crucial
- Drugs force the uncon NO they force the
- Con is terrified of that YES
- Patriarchy spoils that relation YES
- It trains con YES
- The trained con is too tight YES
- Part of its tightness is that it doesn't trust
- That's what its tightness is YES
- So looseness is always available in theory
- The longing for looseness is what makes us susceptible
- Is that the patriarchal plot YES
- So we trust the wrong things
- And are thus controlled
- So Tom was seeing the possibility of a correct trust
- Patriarchy is about making sure men are in control
certain men, rational men
- Mental men? guess
- Men who deny the mother
- Tom is not one of those YES
- But patriarchy has destroyed him YES
- Patriarchy limits imagination YES
- Imagination is looseness ACCESS to looseness
- Fantasy that knows itself fantasy
- Dips its wings in the orange sky light
- The brain has a physical need for looseness
- Trained con untrain
- Meditation depends
- Is drug dependency generally about relation of con and
uncon NO pain avoidance
- 1.get through pain, 2.loosen con - those two things are
- Tom needs both YES
- AA is a tight con YES
- So he needs to do it some other way YES
- Therapy YES
- So surrender is about loosening
- But patriarchy has made it about tightening
- The question is surrendering what YES
- It's correct to surrender tightness
- Incorrect to surrender liveness
- Training is surrendering liveness YES
- Tom hasn't surrendered liveness but has
lost some
volume 6
- the golden west volume 5: 1996 january-april
- work & days: a lifetime journal project