Part 1 I take a bus to Edmonton, leaving Jam in the lake
house on her own for the rest of the winter. From the Y find a weekend job
looking after a mentally disabled girl, and then a month-long live-in job
looking after Pat the 90-year old railway man and his three teenage grandsons
while the parents go to Hawaii. During these jobs I keep working in the
ways I had up north. In part 2 I'm in Vancouver at the Hotel Europe, Jean-Vi
and Katherine visit. Part 3 I go tree planting up Jervis Inlet on a barge.
Hellish early season with a Brinkman crew led by Nora *. Sleet, howling
wind flapping the little tent at night, an air mattress that deflated, 45
degree slopes. I start cooking for the crew, alternating with the crew chief's
boyfriend. Briefly in Vancouver between contracts. Part 4, planting and
cooking near Bella Coola. I don't provide edit versions for this vol because
none of it is from the lake house.
Notes: Jane Roberts' Seth material, de Chardin Le milieu
divin, Celtic mythology, Yeats, geographic visualisation, weather systems,
Denise Levertov, Chinese history, Greek mythology, parthenogenetic lizards,
Jung, electronic music, Ehrenzweig The pictorial space of Bridget Riley,
Liu The travels of Lao Ts'an, Richard Mulcaster, The gospel according
to Thomas, Tibetan book of the dead, La region centrale,
The black stallion (the movie), diatoms, moths, National Geographic,
music of north India, Pistis Sophia, birdsong, optics, photomicrography
and photobiology, genetics, the Lightning Field, Sappho,
Mentioned: Jam Ismail, Don Carmichael, Diana Kemble, Paul
Kinsella, Cheryl S, Trudy R, Daphne Marlatt, Roy Kiyooka, Judith Sandiford,
Maggie Shore, Carole Itter, Rhoda Rosenfeld, Josie Cooke, Sandy Rodin, Renee
Rodin, Marion Bancroft, Joyce Frazee, Shan *, Dale *, Jean-Vi Lenthe, Katherine
*, Hildegard *, Greg Morrison, Indra Kagis, Don Druick, Pat Smith, Ina Dennekamp,
planters Kim Nora Wren Jane Mark Elizabeth Susan Park Hillel, Henry Brownrigg
, Roy Chisholm, Luke, Buddy Hardy, Madge Herron, Nell and Marty in Hythe,
Edmonton YWCA, Hotel Europe at 43 Powell in Vancouver,
the Blue Mule studio, Women's Day benefit at the Polish Community Centre,
the Classical Joint, Clearbrook Road, Daroka's, women's dance I think at
the Fisherman's Hall on Powell, 3 Vets, Mountain Equipment Co-op, Deacon's
Safety Supply, Jervis Inlet, Pine Free Clinic, Williams Lake, Bella Coola,
the Ukrainian Hall on Pender, the Swedish Ballroom, Silver Creek,
St Teresa, Beaver Indians, How to grow orchids,
Thoreau, Dorothy Richardson, Penthouse magazine, James Agee, HD,
Gertrude Stein, Bach's mass, Helen in Egypt, John Muir, Circle Lo,
Susie Wong, the child Mozart, Rembrandt, Eva Hesse, Rafferty, Ingrid Suderman,
Phyllis Mailing, Marie-Claire Blais, Krishnamurti, Kawabata The master
of go, Two silhouettes on the shade, Brinkman Reforestation,
Germinale, The tale of Genji, Maya Deren, Sheila Watson, Krishnamurti,
Robin Blaser. |