Part 1: at the end of January I run out of money and have
to go to the city for work. In Edmonton I visit my Queen's friend Don and
find a job as relief cook's assistant and later relief camp attendant for
Bull Catering on rigs at Bodo, Hudson's Hope and Cold Lake. Afterhours I
revise writing. There are days off at the Y in Edmonton between assignments,
and then a few weeks in Vancouver. Part 2: I'm back at the Olson house in
early spring, getting the lake house ready to move into later on. Go on
revising writing, shoot a couple of the film sequences that end up in notes
in origin. In part 3 move into the lake house and then am in London
for a film festival for two weeks. Jam has come back from Hong Kong and
is in the house when I return. To earn money to bring Luke from England
for a visit I go treeplanting with a Brinkman Reforestation crew I run into
in Hythe. Part 4 Luke is at the lake house along with other visitors. Part
5 in Vancouver with Luke, staying in the East Pender house while my sub-tenant
is away. When Luke flies back to London Jam and I get ready to drive north
for the fall and winter.
This volume's part-numbers on the left again are linked
to edited versions which themselves have links to unedited originals, and
I'm again offering these edited pages without excerpts below.
Notes: Turner, Marie-Claire Blais, Mayfair magazine,
Isak Dineson Winter's tales, Lionni Parallel botany, Rilke
Sonnets to Orpheus, Luis Barragan at Las Arbolades, David Cooper,
Jane Roberts Seth books, Gideon bible, Frank Waters on the Hopi, the Mahayana,
Alvin Lucier, Eric Satie, particle physics.
Mentioned: Krista Maeots, Don Carmichael, Marytka Kosinska,
Jane Howell, Bruce Davis, Jane Perks, Judy Ritter, Dorothy at Bodo, Val
Power, Jules and Myrtle at Primrose Lake, Czap the toolpush, Joe Leblanc,
Kay of Bull Catering, Shan *, Emily Wyman, Janeen Postman / van den Berg,
Bernice Hornland, Helmer Dolemo, Tone and Jesse Tofteland, John Tofteland,
Mary Epp, Ed Epp, Paul Kinsella, Al Mackenzie, Mrs Fimrite the post mistress,
Tony Tiller, Bill Volk, Paul and Kathy Epp, Dirk Brinkman and his crew (Ted,
Menlo, Gabriel, Genique, Brian, Yoann, Liz, Suzanne, Peggy, Jeff), Jean-Vi
Lenthe, Ronnie Anderson, Walter Webber, Betty Jo and Larry Stamm, Maria
and Abe Loewan, Esther Phillips and Dianna, Jean Waite, Cathy Ford, Daphne
Marlatt and Kit, Nellie van Leuwan, Kirk Tougas, Nora Blanck.
Bull Catering, Carousel Color, Edmonton YWCA, Bodo Alberta,
Fort St John BC, Blue Willow Cafe in Edmonton, Smoky Lake, Primrose Lake,
Vermilion, Sun Motel Lloydminster, Hythe Hotel, Beaverlodge Experimental
Station, Brinkman Reforestation, Seven Lakes Motel, Horse Lake Reserve,
Conally Wong's cafe, La Glace, Hythe, Beaverlodge, Williams Lake, Koji's
cafe, Video In.
Penthouse magazine, Hundertwasser,
MC Richards, Mary Miegs, McLuhan, Sonnets to Orpheus translated by
Karl Siegler, Le Guin, Omni magazine, Anne of Green
Gables, David Cooper, Gertrude Stein, Bruderhofgemeinde, Mother Hulda,
Agatha Christie, Joseph Raphael, Frank Waters, Luis Barragan Las Arbolades,
EJH Corner The life of plants, Spiritual midwifery, Alice
Bailey, Kawabata Snow country, Foucault *, Freckles, Pearl
Buck, Teresa Stitch-Randall, The Simillarion, Buckminster Fuller,
Ib'n Arabi, Playgirl, The tao of physics, The once and
future king, Omni magazine, Meister Eckhart, Saint Exupéry,
Artscanada, Heidi, Arthur Ransome, Vera Frankl, Borges, Sheila
Watson, Sachdev, National Geographic, Schumann, Derrida Writing
and différence, Metamorphoses, The warrior woman,
Capilano Review, Herzog, Co-op Radio, Mozart Idomineo, Architectural
Digest, Hindemith, Makara, Herzog, Kawabata The master of go,
Dune, Sontag on Wachtel, Olmi. |