Ellie Epp workshop index Embodiment Studies web worksite index 

Seeing 1. Light's creatures  Seeing 2: Loved states of light  Bibliography  Supplementary notes

SEEING: an erotic philosophy of visual perception, Bibliography


Sobel Michael 1989 Light University of Chicago Press

Wolff Milo on the wave structure of light and matter

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive

Light phenomena on earth and from earth

Minnaert Marcel The Nature of Light and Colour in the Open Air

Evolution of vision

Barton R 1998 Visual specialization and brain evolution in primates, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 265:1933-1937

Caminiti R et al 1996 History of the two pathways, Cerebral Cortex 6(3):319-328

Ingle D 1993 Evolution and physiology of "what" versus "where", Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16:247-248

Cognitive science of visual perception

Martha Farah 2000 The cognitive neuroscience of vision

Gibson J 1979 The ecological approach to visual perception Houghton Mifflin

Livingstone Margaret 2002 Vision and art: the biology of seeing Harry Abrams

Epp Ellie 2002 Being about Ch 3 Perceiving

Rizzolatti G et al 1997 The space around us, Science 277:190-191

Sacks Oliver 2003 The mind's eye: what the blind see New Yorker July 28, 48-59

Mehta V 1957 Face to face: an autobiography Little, Brown

Cytowic R 1989 Synesthesia: a union of the senses Springer-Verlag

Redgrove Peter 1988 The black goddess and the unseen real Grove/Atlantic

Visual imagining

Epp Ellie 1995 Brain and imagining

Epp Ellie 2002 Being about, Chapter 5. Imagining

Le Guin Ursula 1982 The diary of the rose, in The compass rose: short stories Harper and Row

Farah M 2000 The neural bases of mental imagery, in The new cognitive neurosciences, M Gazzaniga ed, 965-974 Bradford/MIT

Hobson J 1988 The dreaming brain Basic Books

Solms M 1997 The neuropsychology of dreams Lawrence Erlbaum

Moskvitin Jurij 1974 Essay on the origin of thought Ohio University Press ch IV Observations, 49-59.

Seeing and pictures, pictorial knowing

Gibson J 1954/1982 A theory of pictorial perception, republished in Reasons for realism: selected essays of James J Gibson, ed E Reed and R Jones Lawrence Erlbaum

Gibson J 1970 The information available in pictures, Leonardo 4:27

Kracauer S 1960 Theory of film Oxford

Edgerton S 1991 The heritage of Giotto's geometry: art and science on the eve of the scientific revolution Cornell University

Ferguson E 1977 The mind's eye: non-verbal thought in technology, Science 197:827-836

Stafford Barbara 1991 Body criticism: imaging the unseen in Enlightenment art and medicine MIT

Stafford Barbara 1996 Good looking: essays on the virtue of images MIT

Summers D 1990 The judgment of sense: Renaissance naturalism and the rise of aesthetics Cambridge

Zeki S 1999 Inner vision: an exploration of art and the brain Oxford

Knowing by seeing, vision as connection

Berger John 2002 Steps towards a small theory of the visible, in The shape of a pocket Pantheon

Dijkstra Bram 1998 Georgia O'Keefe and the eros of place Princeton

Keller Evelyn 1983 A feeling for the organism Yale

Milner Marion / Joanna Field 1986 A life of one's own Virago Press

Milner Marion / Joanna Field 1990 On not being able to paint International Universities Press

Sewall Laura 1999 Sight and sensibility: the ecopsychology of perception Jeremy P.Tarcher/Putnam

Scientific visualisation


Pickover Clifford A. (ed.) 1994 Frontiers of Scientific Visualization John Willey Inc

Wright R 1990 Computer graphics as allegorical knowledge: electronic imagery in the sciences, Digital image, digital cinema, Leonardo supplement Pergamon

Clairvoyance, paravisual and unusual knowing

Cummings Geraldine 1971 Swan on a black sea - out of print, look for it on Amazon Used

Heywood Rosalind 1959 The sixth sense: an enquiry into extra-sensory perception

Garrett Eileen 1969 Many voices

Yeats WB 1925 A vision