Ellie Epp workshop index Embodiment Studies web worksite index 

Bibliography: House themes and powers: living and imagining in the archetype

Written houses

Louise Erdrich 2003 The painted drum The New Yorker

Virginia Woolf To the lighthouse

Colette 2002 My mother's house and Sido Farrer, Strauss and Giraux

Ursula Le Guin 1985 Always coming home University of California

Le Guin took a piece of land she knew in childhood and imagined a culture that would build and live well on it 20,000 years in the future.

Alice Notley Mysteries of small houses

Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space

Experimental documentary

Trinh T. Minh-ha 1985 Naked Spaces: Living is Round 135 minutes, color, VHS/16mm/DVD available from Women make Movies in NY

Shot with stunning elegance and clarity, NAKED SPACES explores the rhythm and ritual of life in the rural environments of six West African countries (Mauritania, Mali, Burkino Faso, Togo, Benin and Senegal). The nonlinear structure of NAKED SPACES challenges the traditions of ethnographic filmmaking, while sensuous sights and sounds lead the viewer on a poetic journey to the most inaccessible parts of the African continent, the private interaction of people in their living spaces.


Christopher Alexander 1977 A pattern language: towns, buildings, construction

Christopher Alexander The nature of order (4 volumes)

Michael Benedikt "Stanley Saitowitz' Transvaal House" http://www.ar.utexas.edu/center/benedikt_articles/saitowitz.htr

Michael Benedikt "The work of Rob Quigley" http://www.ar.utexas.edu/center/benedikt_articles/quigley.htr

Alexander is the classical exponent of embodiment in architecture. The Benedikt papers are gorgeous, lucid, environmentally passionate things.