Bibliography: Fields and networks
1. Intro
Wilden Anthony 1980 System and structure Tavistock
2. Physics
Gleick James 1988 Chaos: Making a New Science
Kauffman Stuart 1995 At home in the universe: the search
for the laws of self-organization and complexity Oxford
Prigogine I. & G Nicolis 1989 Exploring complexity:
an introduction Freeman and Company
Weinberg Steven 1997 What is quantum field theory and
what did we think it was? Conference talk on the web.
MIT Open Courseware Nonlinear dynamics I. Chaos
3. Biology
Elman JL et al 1998 Rethinking Innateness: A Connectionist
Perspective on Development MIT
Oyama Susan 1985 The Ontogeny of Information Cambridge
Oyama Susan 1993 The problem of change, in Brain development
and cognition: a reader, M Johnson ed, 19-30 Blackwell
Rosen Robert 1991 Life Itself Columbia
Rosen Robert ed 1985 Theoretical biology and complexity
Academic Press
Rosen works in the philosophy of biological representation,
and is clear on how and why forms of description that work for old-style
physics don't work for biology, ie for self-constructing and self-maintaining
4. Connectionism and neuroscience
Damasio A, H Damasio 1994 Cortical systems for retrieval
of concrete knowledge: the convergence zone framework, in Large-scale
neuronal theories of the brain, C Koch and J Davis eds, 61-70 MIT
Freedman W 1991 The physiology of perception, Scientific
American, Feb 1991:78-85
Fuster J 1995 Memory in the Cerebral Cortex: an empirical
approach to neural networks in the human and nonhuman primate MIT
Churchland PM 1989 A Neurocomputational perspective
Churchland PS 1986 Neurophilosophy MIT/Bradford
Mesulam M 1990 Large-scale neurocognitive networks and
distributed processing for attention, language and memory, Annals of
neurology 28(5):597-613
Tononi G, G Edelman 1998 Consciousness and complexity,
Science 282:1846-1851
Epp Ellie 2002 Being about ch. 2 Wide nets
5. Archetypes as networks
Saunders Peter & Skar Patricia Archetypes, Complexes
and Self-Organization
Tresan DL 1996a. Jungian Metapsychology and Neurobiological
Theory Journal of Analytical Psychology 41(3):403
6. Language
Halliday Michael 1994 An Introduction to Functional
Grammar E Arnold
What I liked about this one (you'd only need the first
couple of chapters) is the the way he shows how any element in a sentence
can be multifunctional it's an intro to multifunctionality in representation,
which as I understand it is one of the actual meanings of ambiguity.
7. Architecture
Alexander Christopher 2003 New concepts in complexity
theory arising from studies in the field of architecture
Alexander Christopher The nature of order (4 volumes)
Jencks Charles 1995 The architecture of the jumping
universe: a polemic: how complexity science is changing architecture and
culture John Wiley and Sons
Jencks, an American architect who has written a number
of books on architecture and postmodernism, in this book describes 'a new
world view, influenced by current science,' that 'shows the universe to
be more creative and dynamic than previously thought. This shift in thinking,
Charles Jencks argues, is from a traditional religious perspective to a
cosmogenic orientation: the view that we inhabit a self-organizing universe
in which the mind and culture are understood to be not accidental but typical
of its creativity.' 'This friendly polemic both advocates and criticizes
as it seeks to define a new direction for the contemporary arts. It defines
the challenge of a new spiritual culture, based on the twin concepts of
cosmogenesis and the emergence of ever higher levels of sensitivity and
organization.' 'This book honours not only architectural space and cosmic
space but soul space. It is spirited and refreshing, a demand that we join
the jumping universe and thereby reinvent our work . Matthew
8. Community
Jacobs Jane Death and life in the great American cities
City a problem of organized complexity
Guérin Daniel Anarchism
9. Psychological wholeness
Maturana HR & Varela FJ 1987 The tree of knowledge
Goldstein K 1963 The organism, 2nd ed Beacon Press
Perls F, R Hefferline, P Goodman 1965 Gestalt psychology:
excitement and growth in the human personality Dell