in america 7 part 6 - 2005 march-april  work & days: a lifetime journal project

29 March 2005

Phoned Tom last night. He had been reading vol 2 most of the day. Present and friendly. That volume is Jim Legg and David Beach. I said, It's good writing isn't it. Silence. Some of it, he says. I laugh. I know his sense of good writing is not exactly mine, although we'll agree at some of the highlights. He wants to correct me when I don't punctuate the way he would for a newspaper, questionmarks for questions. But said I use sentence structure to do the work. Was angry once, something I said about men, probably. I'm hard on them, I agree.


Dr Phan sez it's dry eyes and that the eye puff test this time didn't show glaucoma in the R eye. Estrogen maybe.

I bought a Coolpix 2500 for Rowen on Amazon yesterday.


Sunday I laid a freshly opened pink lily on the scanner and made two jpgs. There's the second on the screen across the room. It looks like a Chinese ink painting. It also changes color when I move in the room. It's exquisite. The background is like silk or parchment. The edges of two petals are in sharp focus, the rest of the flower is just a bleed of color. it's like a photo crossed with a painting on thick absorbent paper.

Louie gasped. Susan didn't comment.

Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:48:17 'energy'

> the metaphor thinks for us incorrectly
you're right we don't conceptualize any of this well
> henderson: matter is a very condensed form of energy
> that matter is dense energy/ this feels wrong to me
> makes the relationship of matter and energy materialist instead of energetic/ i.e I guess it seems to me that we end up with a definition of energy that comes more on the terms of what we know about matter/
> cz that is the stuff to which we assume we know ourselves/ the language we are taught
> we learn ourselves as matter and try to extrapolate 'back to' energy
how are we imagining energy, how are we imagining matter?
we're cognitively evolved to perceive and therefore to think at a certain scale, and that's more or less what 'matter' means to us, naively. places, creatures, things. cognitive base level. we have no choice but be materialist in this sense, it isn't how we're taught, it's how we've evolved.
but as theoretical terms 'energy' and 'matter' both have to be imagined metaphorically. henderson was showing how she's imagining them. how do you?
> the problem we get into is that of being one place and extending into whatever is outside that place
expanding and contracting - why do we need to call it energy - needing an explanatory frame for what is felt and sometimes not felt - those flows - which are invisible and which seem to penetrate the body rather than stop at the skin, the way heat or electrical charge do.
when I give off heat I don't say I expand my heat envelope.
there's a lot of work to be done to get the alternative community to talk more perceptively. 'energy' is used for anything invisible and unexplained.

Tue, 29 Mar 2005 21:31:40 'inward gaze'

> /who/ is directing inward gaze
> to what
> how/ structurally? / is this "made to happen"
> where is it happening / i.e. / not the focal point/ where or what is the organ/ network/ system of sight/ distribution of effect
> intention/ purpose of inward gaze

the metaphor of 'inward gaze' sets up these questions

we use our eyes to see - outwardly.

we are also able to seem to see, to simulate aspects of an act of seeing without actually seeing.

we are able to seem to see intentionally by means of some of the same circuits by which we direct attention in seeing - prefrontal areas often closely implicated with self talk.

the gaze isn't directed at anything - no objects are being seen - activity in visual areas is being evoked so that we seem to see.

look at the imagining chapter of being about for how

it is happening by means of very broadly distributed networks.

many sorts of purpose.

I think there are ways in which seeming to see is used for actual perception, but by a sort of synaesthesic translation. say we have a so-far-unexplained ability for distance clairvoyance. it wd be some form of non-visual perception, presumably, but it might feed activation into visual areas so we could get the actual nonvisual perception by simulational visual means.

> how is inward gaze different from 'listening to yourself' / 'listening to the body'

sometimes listening to the body means somatosensory perception. it is inward and attention. 'inward gaze' isn't inward and it isn't perception, though it is attention.

> operativeness of gaze

the cognitive significance of gaze control is huge: pervasive, foundational.

evidence that eye control circuits are used to organize a lot of kinds of attention, imagining, thinking, through motor simulation / act metaphor.

gaze control is organized in vast areas of the dorsal (old visual) stream - parietal and premotor circuits - a lot of cortex because eye position and movement has to be correlated with so many other things, body position, hand position, arm position, head position.

prepositions and gaze control - see the Talmy papers in your bibliog

Talmy L 1983 How language structures space, in Spatial orientation: theory, research, and application, H Pick and L Acredolo eds Plenum Press

Talmy L 1996 Fictive motion in language and 'ception,' in Language and space, P Bloom et al eds MIT/Bradford

dreaming and rapid eye motion

eye control and language area near Broca's in prefrontal - see the Rizzolatti paper in your bibliog

Rizzolatti G et al 1997 The space around us, Science 277:190-191

deixis - see chapter 9 of BA


Lovely 6 AM. I walk out to unlock the gate and there's apricot behind the cathedral. A quiet the birds have to themselves. Air alive.

Dry eyes. The drying out there has been - no crashing, no dreams worth telling, no drive, no longing, steady competence when it's called for, and that's all. Good works.

I dreamed last night that I was in bed and my quilt stood up above me. I was thinking it was an occult electrical effect of some kind and then dreamed on to explain it as a storm wind etc. I also dreamed I was lying down with Dave Carter. He took off his clothes, had a long hard-on. I stroked the smooth white skin of his ribcage, was it.

Still have Carolyn, Sean, Astro. Want to be done. Fed up with student mediocrity. Being in service to it.

What else do I need to do before Louie comes.

Then I'll get back and there'll be a huge heavy packet 3. 4 long manuscripts.

A month before I can think of my own work.

I made about $1600 on this job for Scott. More than $1000 this month.

Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:29:44 Re: shooting into the air
> why was yesterday dispiriting.
> what's happening with you?
de rien/ just my usual drama queen self/ getting the paperwork together for my taxes is always a reality check/ will try to answer yr question because my desire to side step the question is shame/ not to answer you wd be a kind of pushing you away that i don't want to do/ but it won't be a sober answer--
past three years of my life / terribly fragmented /have lived in four homes / earned income in three states/ for small example/ certainly it began before that/ had somewhat hoped i wz coming out of it/ last year at this time wz seeming to settle down/ writing for a newspaper / not making a living but it was a start/ writing and hiking a lot/ and so it went for six months until i followed that heart of mine/ you know the one/ into yoga certification with the idea of deepening my practice / which led to me getting rid of two thirds of my belongings/ giving up the newspaper/ volunteering at Kripalu for months/ enrolling in ayurveda/ enrolling in [the college]/ and now what / dropping the ayurveda/
as my small savings account from selling the condo bears silent witness to this erratic course/ the writing am doing now asks exactly what it is I am placing my faith in/ what i think i'm up to and i don't have any answer/ this heart of mine/ don't forget it is the same one that l---s you in disregard of all my self castigation about illusions/ u r in as good a position as any to judge its weakness/ is it only some series of misplaced synapse firings deranged by shock/ or is this just how it feels to do the work i need to do/ is there / as i so often ask/ anything to trust in myself/
i am afraid of myself/ is all/ afraid of what i know i am asking myself to do/ and knowing better than my friends seem to know about themselves/ what it is to lie to myself/ what other ways of trying/ of putting myself aside/ of giving myself half/ of 'growing up' / of doing the things i "should" do - and as i wrote yesterday/ shooting in the air/ loved that/ have reached that kind of nothing on the far side of the canyon
the nothing where end and beginning are a snake with its tail in its mouth/ giving up the ayurveda/ and i can't quite get to it/ they are bending over backward to help me stay in/ what is it that drives me to let it go/ it's making the choice after all this / to get in the boat/ is to stop mistaking the path for the journey/ the map for the territory/ etc/ is to stop using words to cope and to begin to demand something/ can't say from myself/ cz it seems i have demanded quite a bit from myself already/ but from the life to which i have given my life/ and not to see it through the bitterness you prize in me/ or the light that others coo over in my face/ but from this time-bound flesh whose breaths simultaneously and as the same thing inscribe and efface my being
what does it mean/ any of that/ know no more about that than what u could mean by being a warrior/ or why i throw the cards and light the candles and sleep among the stones/ only that i see where i have come from as a truly scorched earth/ the horizon where i long to see light remains dim or dark/ and for that I forgive the horizon/ am struggling with forgiving myself/ i made these choices/ / i cannot ask why i was made this way/ there isn't anyone else i would want to be/


Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:39:31 Re: shooting into the air

when I was in my late thirties, some years very lost and sad. there was one sunday afternoon a gypsy telling fortunes in an aisle of the farmers' market. she looked so much like a gypsy fortune teller I gave her $20 just to find out what that is. she hardly pretended to look at my hand. I asked with some desperation, but what sort of WORK should I be doing? she said matter-of-factly something that had never occurred to me, you're the sort of person you have to change all the time.
so susan. if shame, self-castigation, foaming, terrified suspension, are the matrix in which creation occurs, as is happening certainly, two poems in two days, isn't it? then maybe are you already in the boat?


Shd I take Louie to the Baja, to San Felipe? I think so - 94 to Tecate, 3 to Ensenada, 3 across to San Felipe.

when I loved you first / it was in a dead cold
room with a paper cup of iced tea in my hand / I
had my coat on and / your face met mine
across everything
To which I said
certainly I l--- you too, though that's not the point

To which she said

certainly / gee whiz / and four more very very lovely words right after it
not the point / yeah maybe not / though
I melted when I read this


Today I did nothing with Sean's or Astro's silly packets. I sent Carolyn's, then went through my file and found what there was about the Baja. Discovered an office on Clairmont Drive. Had to go there right then. And buy Baja insurance and books. Plants of Baja, phrase book, map, guidebook. Considering quickly, wd it be too much to do.

I go to Dawne and look at the slope. Ceanothus blooming. Painted ladies everywhere on the scented geranium which has spread ten feet. The matilija poppies recovered mostly. Honeysuckle smothering both edges. Olive. White salvia.


Thu, 31 Mar 2005 16:07:00 Re: a good drive too I bet
> for some reason am thinking louie is going with you rather than
> won't there be flowers
aren't you so clever and psychic - it is louie not tom. she is flying down from vancouver on sunday. has never visited me here.
she doesn't know it yet but i have been buying insurance and maps for the baja. yes it will be flowers everywhere.
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 19:06:16 pinkish brown one
yes but how did you know it was louie - or anyone even - i have often camped alone
> > a surface that faces up without a lid
> > scanned / long exposure/ like you are shooting them in a box somehow
> this is when I was really psychic and clever/ loved the fact that the box is your room/ a perfect camera
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 22:30:19 Re: pinkish brown one
Attachments: no other world.jpg
> often camped alone
know that
you want me to tell you all my secrets/
elfreda you talk a big show about energy / then go thinking there's nothing in the field between us/ you told me yrself is all/ and I only couldn't tell at first if you wanted I should say that I knew/ cz why
wouldn't you have just brought it into words yourself
personally/ would like nothing so well as to go into the desert with you/ am glad for you with louie/ she will like the surprise
this is the dv still which i had with there is no other world
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 20:45:20 not saying
> the dv still
want to put my finger on that crease between your eyebrows and press.
want to turn up the light
> you talk a big show about energy
but energy/connection doesn't mean you know everything.
> couldn't tell at first if you wanted I should say that I knew/ cz why wouldn't you have just brought it into words yourself
i don't ever want to not know you know. it's interesting to know you know. it isn't because of wanting to be hidden. anything you can see i'm glad for you to see.
but, for one thing, if i told everything i wdn't find out you already knew or didn't.
i've mostly told everybody everything but when i have an instinct not to lately i don't. i check with the book to make sure it's not for the wrong reason.
i think not telling is sometimes BECAUSE of the field - it makes a little shelter structure in the field, where i can be too easy to reach. for instance with tom, if there is some small thing i am not telling him, his unconscious pain doesn't seem to hit me with the same force. this is something i've learned recently. i'm not sure it's really that, no way to tell.
what do you do about this one?
Fri, 1 Apr 2005 21:45:40 english as a second language
> energy/connection doesn't mean you know everything
pequena diosa
have spent much of my free time today thinking/ how to respond/ it
would have been difficult for me to wait so long to hear from you/ I
apologize for the hours
agree whole heartedly/ it doesn't mean I know everything/ and of
course/ it goes without saying/ I don't tu vises when non quixeras tu
"knowing" in this sense/ has been a source of confusion to me from my earliest memory /it isn't simple for me to parse it/ the gift if it seems to sit in a terribly lonely and maybe as a child/ miserable place
knew from the moment I read your email that louie was going with you/ cried about it/ stayed as present as possible to my many feelings /
steadied with them/
> what do you do about this one?
wasn't very pleased with myself for wanting to ask you/ and then felt I wasn't doing well with having it unspoken/ wanted to be my clearest self and just know whatever you say to me / nothing other than that/ for me that's the best way to be with another/ in whatever they want to have said/ known/ presented/ and I do fail at this/ though / slowly I get better
you and I have been calm / even tender / with each other of late/ has been a source of peace for me/ decided to err in the direction of asking because I would rather seek out the confidence between us/ I
want your happiness / I want my own
don't know how to answer the sort of situation you give as an example because I simply don't matter in that way to anyone/ and should it happen that I am in such a situation where telling someone something will be painful for them to hear/ not sure what i will do/ though I agree with you that wanting not to be struck by the blunt force of someone else's pain/ expectations/ their decision to live with certain ideas/ that instinct is self preserving and self loving / must be
accommodated / respected

1st April

It's about 8. My right eye scratched yesterday when I was weeding. I'm scared about my eyes. Pressed about getting ready to leave. What else. Margo [phoning] at 11. Shd I do taxes now. There'll be packets when I'm back.


Tom had money in his pocket and had impulse-bought me a teeshirt with the word JEEP and two helmeted soldiers in a Wrangler. He hadn't worked all week and has a pain in his groin he's scared is prostate cancer. Was jonesing for a joint. I stopped kissing him.

What else. Millie freaking all day yesterday. Somehow wanting to collapse and not go. Suicidal, she said.

What else. Eyes still mucky-feeling. Wearing sunglasses outside.

Wondering whether to risk the Baja.

I told Susan I was going to the Baja for a week and she immediately thought it was with Louie and cried. Now she's saying she wants not to know more than people want to tell her. I am going to growl.

What shd I do about Margo. They are investing in that new social action program they've dumped on us. Now we're supposed to give 6 days to the stupid retreat?!

It has been Saturday. This morning before Tom came I filed my US and then my Canadian taxes and spoke to a lovely man at Canada Revenue. Took my plot rent to the garden meeting. Laundry, and while it was washing, ordered the back of the jeep. Then wandered North Park looking for a mattress for Louie. Found a delightful one, black-covered in 3 parts folding flat. $85. And then Whole Foods for soup and now it's evening. The soup was saffron mussel. Eyes have been less sore today.

Last email from Millie said she was about to pack her computer.

Sat, 02 Apr 2005 13:45:00 saturday aft
> wasn't very pleased with myself for wanting to ask you
that's the worst of my not having said it. I hate for anyone to be in that position. am sorry. now that I know you'll know anyway I won't do it again.
> source of confusion to me from my earliest memory
> seems to sit in a terribly lonely and maybe as a child/ miserable place
intelligence. inference of various kinds. maybe very empathic nets reach conclusions from nothing more than the rhythm of a sentence, what word comes before another when there are two ways to say it.
what I meant to say is that even so it's spotty, it has its hits and misses.
for instance louie - she is like you in knowing uncannily - it is delightful of her - and also there are things she surprisingly doesn't know. i wd assume it is the same with you.
>wanted to just know whatever you say to me / nothing other than that/ for me that's the best way to be with another/ in whatever they want to have said/ known/ presented/
this makes me growl on your behalf - as if one shd put out one's eyes because people don't want to be seen - I want you always to know anything you can about me or anything - this is one of the things warrior means - don juan's sort - it means being more loyal to knowledge than to belonging
> will be painful for them to hear/ not sure what i will do/ though I agree with you that wanting not to be struck by the blunt force of someone else's pain/ expectations
i said that in an unclear way. i wasn't talking about tom's unconscious pain about something about me. i was talking about his unconscious pain about something unrelated to me, which i have also found myself receiving like a kick in the chest. i think maybe having just some small secret from such a person can protect from being wide open to that sort of pain.
i have in most of my life been scrupulous to tell the things that are hard to tell, and that was because of not wanting to be what feels like shut down. now I am not as sure I shdn't choose sometimes to be less open. I ask the book each time.
louie is arriving tomorrow morning. we'll probably not leave until monday early and be back saturday night. if she says yes we'll go to san felipe, which is on the sea of cortez. I was there once thirty years ago. there were frigate birds and pelicans. the road is a two-lane through mountains, which will be blooming. yes I will take pictures.
am taking a bilingual paz, todo que no es piedra es luz.
butterflies passing through in hundreds of thousands this week, painted ladies, which are brown and orange. so many in eddies on the road that it was like driving behind a woodchip truck.
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 20:48:14 en mi boca/ piedra
> more loyal to knowledge than to belonging
will think about this/ but how i feel about the choice is more / that it's not terribly self-interested on my part to be being anywhere inside another person's circuits/ possibly under conditions of invitation / intimacy/ even then/ some hesitation / i am still wired for entanglement and working at getting that undone in me
that said/ am in some wonder/ and content/ when I feel you working when
I am working/ or / v rarely/ imagine that you are thinking of me/
energetically/ i try to remember to route any feelings I want to send
your way through the larger field/ my attempt/ to have the energy shed
any lint/ come to you as something like butterflies/ or whatever the
universe knows you'd be touched by/ disinterested in it being from me/
satisfying to me in the sense/ that I know it will show up as something
beautiful/ and therefore please you/ it can't get lost in being
something the other doesn't like/ what has it got to do with anything/
it being from me / except my ego/ and that isn't really love is it
are you all packed? you must be excited/ to get out into the good air/
to be not forlorn but well companioned/ to sleep under the stars
i'll be at kripalu when you get back
Sat, 02 Apr 2005 20:20:46 saturday night
> packed?
most of the camping stuff lives in the jeep, it's more a matter of
depacking the gardening stuff, spading fork, pickaxe, brush out the mud, which i did on the parking lot of the laundromat, and then wandered away into north park looking for a camping mattress, only had one. found a beautiful one, can i describe it, 4 inch foam but cut in 3 panels so it folds and doesn't have to be wrestled with. so satisfying, a nice thing.
it's black. i keep thinking of it fondly.
> i'll be at kripalu when you get back
then write while i'm gone if you want
if you have an atlas look for tecate on highway 94 south out of san diego, it's on the border, then highway 3 west to ensenada and then 3 again east across the mountains to join 5 running south to san felipe.
i only have seen the stretch from tecate to ensenada. it is a high silent road with little traffic. i once, it was christmas day, felt a huge slumbering spirit at the height of that road. tom was with me that time. neither of us were talking but much later when we were home that night i said, you know that stretch of road ... and tom said just what i'd felt.
it was a presence. very ancient feeling.
traveling companions: one never knows how it will go. with louie it is often fraught, but maybe we have calmed down now.
paz's simple concrete non-social spanish is how i'd like to learn it.
todo tu cuerpo era escritura
recobra la palabra
eres hermosa
Sun, 3 Apr 2005 00:07:57 Re: saturday night
> tom said just what i'd felt
you are so very close to both of them/ how did you ever arrive / where
you are not settled in the arms of either of them/ being one of
schopenauer's porcupines/ pushing and shuffling and prickling/ but
anyway/ struggling the love you have/ and not without the consolation
of the other's hands/ and
how did you/ come to a pass where you say of yourself/ is it irony
again/ that you are a simple philosopher/ what made you reach out of
your art and grab on to this crag as the waters of your creativity
carried you by it/ what roughness did you want
you see not only don't i know everything/ i don't know anything/ there/
a bit of foam for you
my father wrote to me today to say he is worried about me/ it made me
cry/ he said he knows it isn't any of his business
my father is an avid birder/ and one of his closest friends the past
few years is a lesbian/ it is one of those gentle ironies of life that
he has become such good friends with her/ and sees the happiness she
has with her partner/ that he no longer thinks it such an aberration/
it makes me love life/ that things like this change this way/ in
particular you know/ that the change comes about through such long and
quiet things
things will be good with louie/ i can feel it/ why after all would she
come at last/ now / to see you in SD/ you will be happy to be near her
and that's what will make her happy too/
thx for route
i will write to you only if you promise to write to me when you get
back / even though you'll feel my cold room/ not as cold in april. but
the books with their ears up/ wanting my buzzing network for their
tell me to go to bed if you are not going to write to me tonight
anymore/ i am fooling with edelman/ o/ slow me/ tried to sleep/ but
this time it was you who woke me
what is this word acuerdate?
> eres hermosa
surely you are being sentimental or yr spanish is indiscriminate
Sun, 03 Apr 2005 06:14:37 sunday 5AM really 4
> not settled in the arms of either of them
pushing and shuffling and prickling
> and not without the consolation
of hands
though louie's consolation is not her hands, which are nice hands but small. it is her devoted and curious nature, the way she loves to eat and laugh and enjoys herself and likes to talk to me about novels and was brought up in such a good family that she can be responsible without being tight.
> how did you/ come to a pass where you say of yourself/ is it irony
again/ that you are a simple philosopher/ what made you reach out of
your art and grab on to this crag as the waters of your creativity
carried you by it/ what roughness did you want
simple is a bit ironical but not exactly or only. was a philosopher before i was an artist. when i was 17 i bought a book called <the age of analysis> about 20th c philosophy. was reading that in a pink bedroom in sexsmith alberta. at college it was clear i had a talent. there was a professor who quietly championed me, martyn estall. i'm saying his name because he died at ninety just before i defended my diss. he got me the graduating medal and a woodrow wilson nomination. a beautiful spirit, much more beautiful than i knew at the time, because he lectured very slowly.
my gift was clarity, i could see through conceptual confusions. a sort of voyant man at the gardens said the name he was given for me was she who sees to the center. i think i can do it because i keep a connection to a simple nonverbal mind, and i think i have that because when i was two and learning to talk i was taken out of speech for seven months. i went into the hospital speaking german and came out speaking english, and in between was i am sure spoken to very little. logical talent in my father's family but there it was uneducated and went cranky, for instance an uncle who was a baptist preacher who spent his last years writing instructions to youth which, when he died, his widow left in a box at the goodwill. uncle willie. an aunt, his sister, who wrote stuff for church papers on the theme of wives be subject to your husbands.
what was happening in philosophy when i came out of college was unendurably sterile, there was no sort of juicy life to be made in it, though the guy i beat for the medal went on to oxford and is a name.
1989 when i went back to school was the year patricia churchland published <neurophilosophy>. my first day at sfu, drinking coffee in the cafeteria, i overheard people at the next table talking about it. evelyn fox keller's book on mclintock was before that, and gleick's book on chaos. the intellectual landscape started jumping in the late eighties. it started coming my way.
i think <being about> is more significant than anything i've done in art, i was not as good an artist as i wanted to be. in art i minded more when people didn't like it. in philosophy i'm very steadfast about my value.
> my father wrote to me today to say he is worried abut me/ it made me cry/ he said he knows it isn't any of his business
> that the change comes about through such long and quiet things
do you have a picture of him you can send
that you have a father who can be worried about you
is he still with his brother's widow?
i like to hear he's a birder though i find the lists an oddly bureaucratic way to be with nature
> i will write to you only if you promise to write to me when you get back
> tell me to go to bed if you are not going to write to me tonight
i went to bed at 7:30 after changing the time to 8:30.
> what is this word acuerdate?
facing page sez remember
> eres hermosa

volume 8

in america volume 7: 2004-05 december-april
work & days: a lifetime journal project