in america 10 part 5 - 2006 june  work & days: a lifetime journal project

8 June

Documentary about cheetahs - I'm transcribing and hear a young woman's voice offside, some Southern girl, maybe in her twenties. I like this narration, they should do this more, she's so feeling and natural. I sit down and watch her more than the cheetahs. She is wearing no makeup. Long straight hair, nose a bit aquiline, poreless white face. Her mouth is interesting, a bit thin and muscular., intelligent. What is it that is holding my attention. I couldn't tell what she was. She seemed artless but I kept staring to try to catch another kind of intelligence I'd sometimes maybe see - I couldn't tell. Didn't know why this artless Southern girl would have a camera crew following her through Namibia and Zululand. Then I went on Google because I wanted a photo of that face for its tensile quality - is that how to say it? Is it what Susan said, small muscle control? A taut face. A face that goes taut like a cheetah. Holly Hunter b.1958 in Georgia.


Evil Susan turned up in my mailbox today. Forwarded message from a tantric dance goddess. I could tell what she thought she was saying but why wd she be saying what she was actually saying - three things maybe, 1. tantric goddess is signing ohm love 2. she is being encouraged to write a book 3. she is bursting into my mailbox without saying anything herself. Delete.

Still have 5 evals I'm lagging on. I hate dealing with the online form.

Friday morning. Grey. I'm holding off.


Transcribing 1993. I look up sallit. It's from the Old English for sea farer, pirate. saeliga. !! Ken is nowhere Google can find him.

1. What I like most in transcribing is anything about light in the garden.
2. The garden brought me such adventure of encounter.
3. Now that I'm discounting obsession I see that Kenneth was about stories, was a story. I harvested stories.

I'm wanting the whole thing up, now, to see the whole. For instance now I can see how these stories in Aphrodite's garden are like the stories in Still at home, after years of something else.


Lyubov wants to do a 3-part mini

What is postmodern science
Quantum - "non-material, non-predictable and deeply unified"
Human-world congruence

- What kind of Sunday it was. I'm sweet on Tom today, sad for him, his bike got stolen from out front at my house - his beautiful blue bike I bought him for his birthday for two hundred dollars.

We went to see The Prairie Home Companion last night. I was downtown on my bike and afterwards he walked me up 4th wheeling it for me until the street flattened enough to ride.

He was next to me in the movie cracking because of the singing about a mother dying.

And today in the jeep while I did my laundry leaning back with his eyes closed listening to the banjo on ---*.

Jam tonight wanting to know where I'll be July and the beginning of August.

Unsettling - the bike and Lyubov.

Tripped on the sidewalk and smacked down hard. It's happening oftener.


Am I coming up against my old enemy in a new place. I'm scared now about Francis and Lyubov, my heart feels squeezed. I'm being checked. Beaten back, is how it feels. I've been the science expert. Am I going to find myself behind? Is what I know going to be too - what? - recondite - too developed, too dependent on slow learning - to be able to articulate? Am I going to be silenced?

My instinct is that they're going to be interpreting science in a way that aligns it with dissociations and priesthoods.

Francis wants a kingdom of mysticism he can command because he's been to India.

Quantum mysticism is a removed mysticism, it's not a mysticism of perception.

I want a science as love. Perception as love, science as love vs science as dissociation.

Other discomforts. Susan and what to do about her.

Matter and emanation

Light, energy, radiation

Einstein's imaginary

'behind the surface'

'matter and energy are forms of one real thing'

the sun turning its enormous bulk into an ocean of energy

atoms seem spontaneously to emit a chunk of wave

light quantum - go in one direction rather than another

"Men always need some idiotic fiction in the name of which they face each other."

statistical randomness at base

'at the quantum level' x energy conservation x causation

rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life is a letter to Dutch physicist Paul Ehrenfest late in the 1914-1919 war

at velocities well below the speed of light classical gravity

atoms when heated give off and absorb only a few frequencies

quantum jump

even the scientists speak in the idealist way of saying they change nature's rules rather than describe differently

wave effects spherical, particle directional

a long assault on humanism

be clear about what is speculation

distortions of electron orbits by electric and magnetic fields

number of outer orbit electrons - chemical properties

the wave theory of light has proved itself superbly in describing purely optical phenomena

faith that the universe makes sense

a replacement for both waves and particles

predict the direction quanta will travel

a virtual field with action at a distance no detectable energy, but real effects in the form of instantaneous dependencies? between electrons

a way of abandoning [the notion of] causation

conservation principle

whether angle of scatter would be predictable - if so, conservation

limiting equations that solve practical problems but don't describe foundations

a mathematically unified field theory

if a magnet moves past a resting conductor you get an energy field around the magnet = electrical field

if you move a conductor past a magnet you get electromagnetic induction - volts of electromagnetic force - pushes electrons in the conductor = asymmetry

you get different accounts of what happens depending on which you consider to be in motion and which at rest

electromotive forces are electromagnetic fields with 0 energy

physical field a region of empty space that somehow produces effects

inertial systems

light always propagates in empty space at a speed independent of the state of motion of the emitting body

no ether, no absolute time

something about measurement being locally timed

saves the equations

there are facts but the measurable parts are relative

'relativity' is actually about absolutes: absolute speed of light, universality of laws in any system

gravity - uniform in systems, things accelerate together

gravity is indistinguishable from gravitation

a structural limitation on knowledge

a spinning electrical charge produces a magnetic field - electrons generate field so must be spinning

laws the same everywhere means you would discover them to be so

indefinite number of ways to define reference points, but each would lead to a single solution

special relativity = uniform motion

general relativity incorporates it - accelerated ie gravity


"a profound trust in the universe and life"

distrust in authority seen as intentionally deceiving

vibrating oscillators

Brownian motion


This is worrying     NO
She's going to be supporting Francis     no
Is this going to undermine me with my students     no
Are students going to like her     no
I'm going to need to be prepared   
Science needs to change   
She would want to take it into fuzzy logic   
I wd want to take it into nondissociation   
This is going to be a hard res     no
I shd skip part 1   
Let her do 1 and 2 first   
Shd I still do 3    
After she does 3   
Will you talk to me about Francis   
He hates me   
Since Spirit as body    
That was a direct challenge   
Does he know I'm smarter than he is   
He expects her to do his work    
Sentence     balance in the midst of change, friendship, writing, honesty
Should I talk to her   
Would she want to be on his side    no
Wd she rather be on mine   
I should propose to Margo that I should talk to her    
Does she like Francis    no
Does Sue like her   
You're saying Francis is not a problem   
Is she a dualist     no
Is she an idealist     no
Is she a realist   
Can I be candid with her about male science   
Wd she like Being about   
Say if we're going to be clashing I'd like to know ahead of time   
Forestall Francis   
Can we form an alliance   
Will she report back to Francis     no
Wd she believe about dissociation   
I should do a completely different mini   
Does she believe in life after death     no
This is going to be tricky with Susan    no
She's evil    
Seductive and out of control   
Will she try to do it again   
This time I don't give her an inch   
She no longer wants to be part of mbo   
She wants to sail away   
I was a fool about her    no
Is she expecting to come to the colloq     no
She's bad seed   
She'll be going into her last sem   
Is she going to do good work     no
I should do something about perception   
And show my films   
Just be ready to debate if necess   

100s of millions of years of molecular evolution

atom - nucleus has the mass

which is v tiny - it's the properties of electrons that determine interactions of atoms

laws of chemistry are consequence of quantum interactions of the electronic swarm surrounding the nucleus

radioactivity is emission of particles from the nucleus

protons and neutrons immensely strongly bound

shells and jumping orbit characteristic energy levels electrons

charge conservation in hadron reactions can be explained by numerical conservation of quarks

quarks similar to electrons, combined quarks or antiquarks, or one of each

have never been detected as free particles

up down strange charm (bottom, top) beauty truth

electric charge concentrated in pointlike structures

energy required to resolve a question

"may exist at higher energies than we can achieve"

experiments that led to subatomic theory, high energy physics


photoelectric effect - light hits a metal plate, electrons fly off

atomic line spectra


A male language so corrupt I can't think in it:

'penetrating', 'voyaging into'
'virgin territory'
'particle,' 'wave'
they were looking for ultimate parts by breaking
'laws,' 'governed by laws'
'a changeless world' ie of laws
'there are an infinite number of hadrons'
'the universe is a book read by scientists'
There is order. It can be detected. It can be described. Predictions can be made.
because order is invariant and universal
conservation of energy
time translation invariance
"greatest possible logical unity" Einstein
strong nuclear, electromagnetic, weak, gravitational wd be unified theory
Bacon early 1600s experimental
Indeterminacy = mathematical indescribability
individual quantum events such as radioactive disintegration of one nucleus aren't describably/predictable
only averages over many events are
at this scale statistical
"limits to knowledge as a consequence of the material structure of any real intelligence" 337
"Our attraction to the beautiful, what is coherent and simple, is at the heart of the human capability of rationally comprehending the material world." 340
"The conduct of inquiry is handed down from generation to generation of scientists, in a kind of charismatic chain." 342


I found a short version of Lyubov's diss online and here's what I found: she lumps carelessly. She cites Ken Wilber! She's got a nation-wide education prize for a diss that would never pass in philos.

She's not sensitive to the weaknesses of metaphor in thought.

She's hungry for synthesis and somewhat able in it.

There are things to be said on her side but she's pious.

She hasn't looked at the implications.

1. interprets quantum results to say holonomic universe. If everything is everything, is anything something?

- certainly people are connected

- they're very large speculations and we are adopting them as metaphors or paradigm-shifting instances, they've seized our imaginations like religious pictures

- my question is, can we love the universe without them and live well and meaningfully?

Is the universe conscious? Are organic bits conscious? It says no.

Emotional gains of this vision of science.

But do we need them? I think not, if we don't dissociate prebirth life and being in.

Progressive and retrogressive is what I need to say, and sort them.

Be able clearly to say how mbo is different.

Find best sources on philos of quantum mechanics.

Postmodern science:

1. Method, stories and integral visions "New postmodern perspective on scientific rationality that encompasses fuzzy logic and narrative information."

2. Quantum theory - "visions and cautions associated with interpretations and applications of the concepts of ..." Whether quantum theory offers visions on reality as something "non-material, non-predictable, and deeply unified."

3. The embodied mind, x representation, human-world co-emergence

[my outline]

1. ordered sea of light     selfcreating and selfordering structures
2. organic bodies     order unique to living bodies
3. cognitive networks     neural networks

Large orange moon - strawberry moon - there it was when I went out barefoot to lock the gate.


Stepping out the door today that little ecstasy of early air.

I'm at Bellevue waiting for the hedging crew. There's a bricklayer's crew and a stucco crew.

Guistino Hidalgo from Guadalajara.


I like to do things but I don't like to have things to do.

Guistino a beautiful man, very fit, not quite my height, white teeth, warm black eyes. He was in a bucket of the boom truck clipping top growth on the hedge.

Later I tripped on the sidewalk in front of him and he grabbed my upper arm and hauled me up. I was feeling a sort of hunger for what he is, responsible hardworking physical man with warm eyes. There was also something else. I would look up and see him in the bucket against the sky and he'd smile an ingratiating smile. The awkwardness for all of us, him, me, Min, of working to Nora's whim. "She wants it more natural."


"reenchanting nature"
As if value is only given by intoxication.
The way it's said makes it sound as if it's nature that needs to change.
People need to be more feeling and in contact.
For that we don't need nature to accede to our infant wishes for magical powers and immortality.
I want nature to be loved, I want people to live in love and intelligence
I also want them to stand honestly in tragic facts, cry like a man
I think those two things go together.

Why do they say conventional science is cold?

Galaxies in their clusters, enormity.


Body & cosmos. So I'll do a 3-part mini that talks about:

1. Sensory expansion, what bodies can do.
2. The meaning of structure.
3. Sensory closedness, dissociation.
4. The scale of bodies.
5. Value - what would make us value nature.
6. Mystification, transcendence.
7. Science and love

- and I'll bring my films.

I. Contact and well-being
II. Structure
III. Films - experiencing



Transcribing 1987 -

Vampires on TV - they rear their heads back and hiss. Fangs come down. I saw them and thought of what I became after Rhoda and Trudy. Transcribing these journals is making me see myself as evil. Did I wreck Michael [Voskamp]? Was I corrupt from Roy on? Do my powers come from evil? Is that why I'm careful not to profit?

I cannot possibly take money from Jam.

What does evil mean? Crooked. Wrecked. Wrecked the way Michael [Duke] is.

Would I have died if I hadn't gone bad after them?

I did the right thing, I went to Joyce.

Juliana said she didn't understand what happened at the end of Spinster. I said was it when the teacher killed himself after he'd got a student pregnant and she'd committed suicide. If so I could understand that sometimes you can be responsible for something that has gone so wrong you can know you're irrecoverable and check out; but I wouldn't do that, I would try to make restitution in whatever way I could.

Maybe guilt isn't a feeling but a sort of fact that gets calculated unconsciously.


If I decide unconsciously that I shouldn't succeed, then at the same time I'm preventing the good in my work from being used.

This morning an email from Louie who hadn't written since I sent her the url for Frank:

Frank and his name
Do like the way he says things, means them
The hot plate on at night in the cabin
You were his best part
Seeing a young man on a trampoline because you wrote it

Then she writes,

Yellow cherries in a bowl tonight big gobble you are the only other person I know who would dive into the cherry bowl on a summer night in such a way

If I've correctly sentenced myself to fail because my capability rides on damage to Luke, Rowen and Michael - irreparable damage - then what I feel is a kind of loving pleasure at having seen a principle of being.

13 pages of September 1987, up the mountain with Akira, dinner at Daphne's with Cheryl. Both passages went incandescent for a moment. I mean intense and coherent.

Friday afternoon. Brilliant.


Saturday morning, 6:30. It's grey but it'll open later. Stacey yesterday sent a piece citing research that says kids now are losing sensory ability, they need higher stimulation and they don't integrate senses. A guy in Esquire writing about boys, who says they're disaffected in school, they shouldn't have to read Jane Eyre.


Yesterday Tom said let's go to Santa Ysabel and I said let's go somewhere we haven't been, so then we took the Del Dios exit and the S6 to Palomar through Valley Center. Tom was telling a story about the first time he took ecstasy with Lorrie, driving to Bolinas deep into the night, seeing colors coming out of her mouth when she spoke. Then a herd of neon-outlined deer running on the right side of the car and on the left orange tortoises. He was wound up in the frenzy of the story when we found ourselves looping down into a stunning undeveloped valley. There were a lot of little roads and houses - rocky and blond - and then continuing into Mesa Grande country.

Later coming down off Palomar Tom stopped in a pull-out and we felt the warm scented wind and looked across to farm houses on the ridges - yes somewhere out there.

Poking at quantum mechanics books - realm like theology, men lost in speculation. What I feel in it is obscure incoherence, somehow that their terms are assuming what they deny. I know it needs to be studied as a field of discourse, what men say. If I do that - if I can do that - I'll see what they are getting wrong. But it's also very repellant, the history of experiments and results, the ugly men piling up historically, the pages of equations. At its best it's a confusion that has to shake down someday into clarity. Someone will come along and rephrase it.

In the meantime there are male motives proliferating.

1. If there is no 'reality,' there are no bodies, no biology, no evolution.

2. If there are no bodies there is no observer.

3. They have to imagine the observer as an outsider to their posited nonreality.

4. If the math works the fault is in the ontological interpretation.

5. Does it mean their interp of anything subatomic is wrong?

6. Say there are no subatomic entities or parts, but fields. Can they be shattered? No.

7. Reality means stability of pattern    yes

8. A jumpy fluxy submaterial - what else could I be. A scale beneath which conservation laws don't apply.

It means that pattern isn't bottom-up   
Or top down?     no
Somehow a result of the whole   

9. Careful eye on the body denial motive. Look for what they want out of unsettled state of theory. Look for the fallacies, which aren't all motivated.

10. Can it support further capabilities and wellbeing of bodies? Is there a way to frame it so it can?

11. Do they interpret themselves out from under it?

12. Is time real? Biology requires it.

13. Limiting conditions where middle-world laws fail. Somehow it's one whole which means that these realms don't otherwise determine each other? Subatomic under the floor, as if?

Those values don't matter?    
Is telepathy supraliminal?    

14. If they want subatomic indeterminacy to somehow ground the notion of immortality, how would they get soul identities out of it? to be the same soul it would have to be the same organization.


quantum biology - for bulky objects, billions of particles, quantum effects average to zero.
quantum evolution - slippage in which genes mutate
quantum chemistry, quantum molecular biol - electron tunneling
Look for the fantastical claims:
holography - part is whole
wish is action
immaterial reality
Can we say people are evil or good   
So would you say I am evil     no
Was for a while   
I did Rowen huge damage   
I did Luke huge damage   
Only those three   
It can't be undone   
It isn't outweighed    no
Is it true that I would have died   
R, T, Jam, those three together did me huge damage because they could    
Ed, Mary   
Mary made what reparation she could   
Jam made some   
Rhoda and Trudy were really evil   
I was starved for intellectual company   
Now I do without   
Susan couldn't corrupt me   
So there's something in me that calculates that I should fail   
Is the journal self punishment    
Is it correct   
I sentence myself to failure   
And dislike   
Is that a life sentence   
It's kind of a relief to think that   
Does it mean I shouldn't post the journal    no
Does it mean I shd edit things that hurt people    no
I shd use it to feel my wrongness   
I have my power at a cost to other people   
So I shdn't profit from it   
In terms of fame or money   
Do you want to say more     no
I should still work     YES
Does Tom have that same calculation   
Is it you in me   
So I should never be published     no
So I should not do that beautiful work     no


Nancy Holt - near Lucin UT thirty years ago. Four long concrete culverts 9' across, 18' long, with holes drilled aligned to patterns of Draco, Perseus, Columba, Capricorn.


About itching. Yesterday aft in the jeep that sensation of being bitten. I don't see anything on my arm. After a bit there's a little bump like a mosquito bite. An hour later just after I get home another bite inside my sleeve further up the arm. Same, little mosquito bump. Itch stops. By night the bumps are gone. Next morning the big red itchy spots have appeared, same as bedbugs, but if so what were they or was it doing in my jeep? And does it mean Tom carries them in his clothes?



volume 11

in america volume 10: 2006 january-june
work & days: a lifetime journal project