edged out volume 8 part 4 - 1984 march  work & days: a lifetime journal project

6th March 1984

The acres of the memorial, the Japanese contributed - we're rising to view it, the plane is the whole plane of us - the Japanese ambassador's stiff smile suggests we'll be nuked a bit further up.

Comfortable with Don, kissing, but his mouth so cold. I say looking through the ladder at him with white hair fringe and a black fuzz, I'm seeing how you were as a school boy.

(- Feeling Oxford.)

The pile of writing a finished account of my high school years, I was happy.

Out with the wood remembering the light of the early time with J, in my house and hers.

War fire and decision seems to be here again.

The mystery of not-seeing, can I do for myself what I've been doing for him.

The beautiful bad story of the harama. An Bonefoot sez: everything I write is written by a crippled woman. That one was written by my womb.

It's hope that's my enemy.

But I'm ugly thinking so.


Soft illness.
The sounds of street and in the kitchen, a grown person.

"There is a lot of aspiration in it. There is a lot of aspiration in you."

The Indians knowing they're going to get money selling everything in their houses. The piles of clothes' colors. They're selling them in dale [?].

Edit Sonderh. We should love life's long hours of sickness / and narrow years of longing / like the brief --- of the desert's flowers.

Molecular electronics - a 3d protein lattice small enough to fit in a cell

'critical period' many connections made and then dissolved - "may store memories in their microtubule matrix" - "how a nerve impulse could cause clusters of microtubules inside the cell to oscillate in unison, like reeds swaying in the wind" - traveling wave fronts - interference.


Walking through looking how the houses are made - dug down, in the excavation are small trees growing, and then the foundation, piled rock, drywall, about the height of a person, timber frame and poles from outside the hole, for the roof.

A photograph of a street or river or the surfline, something to do with a mass of salmon barbecue.
Looking down into a rectangular mirror image of sky, drop from my nose falling to infinity - where does it stop - can I see it.
The only way is if it's running backwards from impact.


A sojourner -


Waking into the feeling of - it's a blank now - dreamed something like an argument about whether consciousness is in the pink bumps [sketch] or should come into statement.

How to think about what's wrong
The way I forget names of things
Television and reading
Not wanting to be with anyone, or in any circles
Welfare shame
The way the work hasn't been my own
Any visible set of angles is going to generate a whole series of implications, other angles.
Continual visual slide.

In order not to be pulled away into the visionary or all those other modes.


[address of tessera in Toronto]

social wrecking
being many systems
not having right method handy
journal being too multiple and alien

what seems mine - London - La Glace - Luke - slides - a certain one of the writing voices, that clear light.



False visual covering true audible, speaking the truth writing lies - homophone code.

"The interpreting sub-conscious" "has no power of inductive reasoning but is practically perfect at deduction"
The 2 year old forming inductive rules

Soit à la fois inférentiel technicien et révélateur.

DR battling in the politics of perception, for what's to be noticed, and how, whose nervous system, whose endocrine balance, whose senses, whose upbringing will feel at home in

I ask What Is to teach me.

Of any work, what's its speed.

"Drawing from the same system of structural opposition."


In this dead time in Vancouver the odd new experience of watching her theorize and refusing to go along - seeing I understand nothing - her flurry of thinking about - I was like that - she saying she understood what Blake was doing - the way I'm neutral with her body - the heat in the diaphragm when she said she'd tell me what Laiwan's doing with writing - "Going around with your wooden face" - on the bus thinking I could know it's dying and be with its dying - realizing with love that's what she's doing - when she said what would bring my work would be being married, "I think you could get quite a good man," now - am I in this blank because I've been so long with a system that doesn't know anything about me - waking in solar plex anxiety - notes about the enclosure, the basket materials and the scythe, gender would be assigned according - I flash out.

The journal - I was a woman, trying to be a woman, trying not to be a woman - helpless with my material, I can't graduate, I can't write my ain folk, I don't know them - really to write as the crippled woman, is it to go back to beauty - I wonder if there's something you're not telling me, because you aren't noticing there's something I'm not telling you - she depends on her strictness, she depends on her seeing - should I write Tony.

I was no longer this unintelligible woman whose thoughts and actions deviate from their own secret logic.

I was unavoidably confronted with this unknown couple, about whom I could make up stories as long as the mysteries lasted.

the domain of authority

She has become a writer because of him and in spite of him. From that point forward I knew why I existed and because of this I knew a peace of soul that allowed me to get back on my feet again.

[Is this Duras in The ravishing of Lol Stein?]

The woman who killed an ugly man: she's a head shot without paint speaking slow, only sometimes rolling the whites of her eyes as she says they had a German shepherd, "It was a big dog," the huge husband feeding Daryn his vomit mixed up with baby food. "Things no human being should have to tell another" said the jury man. "I knew one of us would die."

[Doc on TV about a woman on trial for killing her husband.]

In these days watching thought not work - phrase says - I consider it and refuse it - am left with nothing but absorbing into TV - a relation in self - does it mean something that it's the same with her - about the kitchen she saying I use it so she doesn't recognize it - disregard different uses of knives - sticky drips - that I don't like how she's wanting to write - I say if I were really to be there I'd be so offended I couldn't be there - she arguing that little nice men are best - she fought to get me to see her the way she thinks her mother saw her father - and on my side, if she wants that she has to look like my father - otherwise thought is divided / from touch and sight - dear one it isn't political.

The dream thesis

Dream reading teacher, meditation teacher

of Queen Titania who has turned her King into an ass

"Listening, that debauchery that ages the face," says Colette.

Often having to read backward, can't stand the ordering meant to make it easy. [ie reading from the back of the book forward]

"Surfacing" "Surely the surfacing subconscious stream"

"criticism which adopts the terms of an existing critical theory," terminology and theory

The ghetto of woman's body - "while we have been doing literary housekeeping, they have been gazing at the stars."

must break the connections with the symbolism that immobilizes feminine thought

to the neurological system (ecstasy, white, consciousness, condition - leave behind the symbolic of fertility - for "real presence in language")

Will find its sources of energy in

the spoken
next to domination
speeds of reading
lack plots, focus on epiphanies, uncensored repetitions, dense, 'sensibility'
the old languages, origin, all language times
dark other, the heavily encoded
the moment scale
"the bourgeois world of advertising and politics"
the thinness of modern usage
    "mastery, control and distance"

If we live in a space which is radically in question for us, that makes our barest speaking a problem to itself. For voice does issue in part from civil space.

[Sounds like Kristeva]

Dennis Lee "Country, cadence, silence" Open letter Fall 1973

The Titania photograph
Jane dying
An Bonefoot
Transpose legs
Oma's black
Intérvention téléologique
The red phall-fish

Blue lines - Barry

At school I can't stand the girls' language
At recess I'm in my desk still, reading a storybook
It's misery, I'm saved by Janeen
Her talk with me, their talk, church talk, relative talk with me, with her
His talk with them
Hospital talk, to me, around me
Playing and fighting talk, letter writing
Teacher's talk, students' talk, school writing, story talk
Best friend talk and writing, love writing, journal writing, protest writing, 'writing'
Boyfriend talk and writing
Professional writing and public speaking, talking to strangers
Out of school note writing
Stoned language
Writing 'for myself'
Identifying with my language, outgrown, distress
The love for someone language presence, language presence was sexual presence
Stoned language, that it's different
If it is true every national language has its own dream language and unconscious
wherein the biological and social program of the species would be ciphered in confrontation with language
The body - a field "where words mutually attract each other"
"Inside language she leaps for joy."
Language, a living body we enter at birth
Placental, our flat land, our sea, it is both place

1. The baby in the carrycot, lifted into the bus - the baby propped on the pillow - I'm speaking to him - "You were on a bus with your baby. You were speaking to him" a woman on a march says. "I've seen you before. I remember you because you were speaking to him."

2. The baby older, a two year old, 3, 4, 5. I love the child's speech. I love what we say to each other. Write it in my journal, I love the child in language. In writing I want to perpetuate what we said to each other in love, in intimacy.

3. The child at school. I can't stand the other girls' speech, I sit alone in my desk at recess, reading.

4. He wants us to speak German. We resist instinctively. Why. English. It's ours. German. They want us caught in their old people's deadness, irrelevance. German is a language of disease, scabs. It's scaly, it's thick skin without pores. It kills us. We have no German but theirs. English is air. Ich will nicht. I don't want to. I have the world to choose my language in. When I see Hitler on film: yes - I know the sound. Visiting preachers screaming. Unbe-lichkeit in Gothic lettering capitals.

5. With Paul coming to stop writing every good exchange because there would be more.

Kristeva polylogue

'recent'     'theory'     'text'     'discourse     ' 'feminist'     'formal'     'Quebec writers'     'English Canada'     'tradition of realism'     'subversive'     'content'     'strong empirical bias'     'the production of meaning through language'     'arguing very strongly'     'that's of course ...'     'the whole notion of ...'     'in the use of language that the text embraces'     'intertextuality'     'praxis'

tessera cabal, writers who have a means to attract writing by unknowns
symbolon broken stone, each carrying away half
the inaccessible, the complex and contradictory, the jagged and incomplete, the discordant and dark
"the image from below" 'the underside of reflection"
wholeness, harmony and radiance, beauty
simplicity, resemblance, clarity
chora - chorion the bubble - dance, choros - choreein to spread - choros region - chorde string - peristalsis
a mobile mix, contradiction and movement
the (semiotic) chora
the ordering of a process, disposition
that     to be mine
crosses through the cut that leaves me as one
and brings into me
the conflict of waves
that make me mobile and afraid
"What are my categories of advantage and disadvantage"
"What's the relation of ambition to need"
writing and good health
"a desire to describe what one is experiencing"
"the relation of the translation or notice to the original"
One can imitate, work off in the same mode.
("Language configuration"), work off in another mode.

What's the relation of beauty and dividing.

"Words I am not going to use because I experience them as membership words."

In the Anglophone tradition one is transcribing reality, translating a reality which is total and exists out there and one can mirror it in language.

Fitting language.

These people are doing something quite different.

The critic's measure being that s/he recognizes her own world.

"unspoken but always present subtext"

My feeling is my feeling something: the blind sense: what I am feeling is not myself. There is no inner world. There is a position.
And then: speaking.

Her sophistication seeing the thing shown hiding as visible. I'm outclassed, not seeing anything that isn't given as visible.

Illusions of closure - perfection - simplicity.

If the writing isn't meant to sell its author but to -

Being forced by contradiction, to -


Un receptacle (correspondant à la mère
mobile, de mélange, de contradiction et de mouvement
nécessaire au fonctionment de la nature
avant l'intérvention téléologique
de Dieu

1. substitute by opposite 2. inverse order 3. nonsense connectives

La disposition
d'un procès qui
pour être celui du sujet
traverse la coupure unaire qui l'installe
et fait intervenir
dans son topos
la lutee des pulsions
qui le met en mouvement et en danger
Se joue
avec et à travers
le corps de la mère - la femme -
mais dans le procès de la signifiance
Procedures of meaning
The cauldron and stick
Axis, radiation, lines
What's here: soup, the dissolve, plasma, potential, amniotic fluid, matrix
without form and void

In myself, before writing, the space of charges, uncommitted and then committed.

Combat of impulse     making me work.


The image of the underside of reflection

Writing that's useable, I like to be ....

The prestige of incomprehension

What is the author wearing, the game of being a person in language

Then phallos = 1. what stands = attention, 2. what comes in = food, and goes out.

Phallas Athena - god's finger is the nipple and omphallos.

Origin is on our side - every androcentric value goes back to what's common.

We end patriarchy by stopping fidelity.

Mnemonics and power

Kristeva's confusors


1. un receptacle - it's an enclosure, bag, pot, there's a location marked off by some dividing material - ie it's the own body - is own body from the beginning? Yes, inside and outside is given.

Therefore un receptacle = the notion of inside/outside - the mother, the own body, region topos, stomach and gut, bed, le corps la mere la femme.

2. l'intervention - it's something that comes in and divides - ventris the belly fent findere to split - a small opening, a finger-hole - wind - venter - law the womb of a wife or mother - a hollowed part, as of a bone - the surface of a petal that faces the interior - any of the various cavities of the body, ventricle of heart, brain, spinal cord - ventiloquism belly speech - venture - vena - Venus - vena cava - venal, selling - venery venari of hunting - venerari revere - venial venia forgiveness - venin poison. The image of a hand in the gut, the idea of entering/leaving.

Intervention = finger in ass, finger in mouth, fantasy of getting in umbilicus, penis in vagina, person in house, invading army, colonizing, immigration, food down the hatch, turd, baby out.

Breast/food, penis/turd, god's finger, cord.

Phalanges of fingers and toes - phalangos line of a battle - phalaris coot - phallos - a piece of tail - fa la - falx falcis sickle - "broad and slightly curved blade" - falcon - because of curved beak or wings - breeds trains or hunts with falcons - falconet a small canon - a falcon-gentle is a female falcon, faucon gentil - faldan to fold - feallan - the phall of man - fallacious fallere deceptive - the phallen angel - the red fall fish - fall guy - Phallopian - phall-out - summer phallow - fealging fallow land - deer - phalls - false flax gold-of-pleasure - phallshood - Phallstaff - phallter - falsa imaginae - fealty participation and tribute (tribus descendence through mom).

intérvention téléologique - there's the first sense of piece of tele - log, stick - something into the belly - but something into or out of the (mouth).

The womb and stomach confused

The idea of intervention in the cord

Then it's après l' intérvention.

3. La disposition - a setting out - setting away from centre - something done by hand -

d'un procès - of a process, of a trial - procedure, processing food - in a certain order - sorting

Then disposition, disposal and process are inverted.

4. Qui pour etre celui du - something done for ownership - to own / to be owned - a firm tie - something done to be attached - to often be, often be with - to be sorted with.

Sujet - does she mean self as she feels herself - my experience of myself - my experience sorted into self and nonself - "what it's about" - who it's for - the thing that's moved by the speaker and thinks itself moving - the subject is the object of the speaker.

Le fils va au courant
Le vers vas au fils
Why is the nipple shown as god's finger and the baby as a man - it has to do with scale -
What I feel for mama
when it becomes an idea

A - because a man is showing himself contemporary - ie the baby feels the breast as another baby - ie we're back at placenta - god's cloud.


The subject is what thinks itself being

The subject is higher than the object - it is seen doing

But subject is equally the speaker's object, "take as my subject"

In subjection - thrown under my - "a body for dissection or a person used" - "serving as the basic idea of" - "a branch of learning" - "about which something is affirmed or denied" - ego or self, substance, essential being.

Then subject = control/controlled, getting / not getting, thriving/loving, ordering/decomposing.

La disposition / qui pour être celui du / sujet
All say the same thing - vital sorting

5. Traverse la coupure - 'couple' - 'blessure' - cupness - cutness - cord - skin - pours through - pours across - cooper - another contradiction - crossing what's cut and can't be crossed - stroke, blow - couple, two of a kind - the join, coupler - so coupure is join/sunder, twoness.

Transverse - lying across, athwart - the long axis - colon - trav over across or through - 'go over' - to oppose, thwart.

Unaire - urinaire - secreted stored and passed - trait unaire - akin to ouron oura tail - unbroken line - coupure unaire is bladder - v is displaced

Qui l'installe - ceasarian, belly birth

6. Et fait intervenir dans son topos - puts into its mouth - top, surface, spin - head

Qui l'installe - places - stallions - confines - 'confinement' - confined because confining - confined and fed - a domestic animal, large - ie organs - sheath or covering - steall - stal stable - stael place - stalassein trickle - stale stool urine of cattle or horses - estale fixed position - to diaper - then is bull the male pisser and shitter - stale the smell of myself - stool sprouting - the sleep of the animals in the barn.

La lutte des - loot

Pulsions - drives, instincts - pulsations, pulses

Coupure - cut - stoma - rim structures


Once the structure of language has been recognized in the unconscious, metaphor and metonymy, substitution.

Toward the imaginary relation to an other
The counterpart
Initial enslavement, a struggle of pure prestige
"grounded in a psychology of dependence"
What does she want of me: it is qua other that I desire
Protects himself from his desire
It is this object that cannot be grasped in the mirror
That the spectator image lends its clothes
"Do you have black tie dinners with Mrs Carmichael? Very handsome."

Bring their false brilliance back to the gap that they designate, which I always find instructive, and above all to try to work out the method of a sort of calculation.

A calculated vacillation for the hysteric
Than any amount of interpretation

It is castration that sustains this strong ego, so strong, one might say, that its proper name is an inconvenience to it, since the neurotic is really Nameless

What he does not want is to sacrifice his castration (his difference) to the pleasure of an Other he imagines the other demands.

Castration means pleasuring refused. Castus pure. Kasta to throw.

1. Transistor person - in almost entirely psychological existence - is picking up waves of the other person - has trouble knowing who. I should never identify myself with a vision that hasn't seen me. Or if not 'waves' then, programmable by cue, to match modes. Gespelia substitute.

See-feeling, repose and activity seemed to be collective in subtle ways. Is ugliness pain. Not handling it as that. My feeling is feeling something: the blind sense: what I am feeling is not myself. There is no inner world. To this object that cannot be grasped in the mirror, the specular image lends its clothes. Learning clairvoyance. The hysteric's (in constant intoxication with) trustful belief in and surrender to objects and persons.

2. Immobility - cramp - blank - 'listening' - astricted child chemical? Unfix like a (their idea of) fighter. The conflict of waves / that makes me mobile / and afraid. Of any work, what's its speed. Sentic mobility. The vacancy of self-watching. Liveliness of consciousness, strictness of conscience. The movement among states.

3. Systems of structural opposition - not taking both - being forced by contradiction. The way in language a term is its opposite. They were in search of something more primary than the opposites. "These people are doing something quite different." Imaginary entities of difference. Giving prestige to incomprehension. Battling against incomprehension. "The imaginary relation to an other." "A struggle of pure prestige." "Grounded in a psychology of dependence."

4. The Buddhist presence. We should love life's long hours of sickness / and narrow years of longing. Concentration commitment. Feeding what time gives / back into time / stimulating it, accelerating it. We save all beings by including them.

5. Science, thinking by connecting to what's said already. Whole worlds are built around common things people come to appreciate.

6. Where they and each one are striving to attach tribute.

Fineness what do you see, Soul who is watching you. I could wonder who his writing is watched by.

7. The fantasia of origin - theories made by people who are still in the womb. What did she expect to find in the well? Knowledge and poetry.

8. Power and mnemonic - appreciating and appreciation triggers. Astonished to see the male-favoring design of ideas we work with - metaphysical scientific religious - and the deformational undertow in them, of what it leaves out, not so much the matriarchal as the prenatal.

9. Being afraid to see. Is there something I don't know, could it change suddenly, what I know could be gone.

10. Being trained to focus in a specific verbal-symbolic problem solving. Anxiety and theory.

11. Wanting the men to see I've passed them. Showing the father that one is oneself an abstract heroic phallus. Who unless her father palpably desires her is anxious to know she exists. it is in order to be the signifier of the desire of the Other, that a woman will reject her attributes in the masque. Therefore a value attachable by symbolic authority.

12. Common events seem to have been impressive in the system implied by the dreams.

13. Reading with a sense of separating the parts of a concoction into sources, glamours, tensions. Homophone code. Suspending the object. Taking all the nouns as substitute, trusting the verbs. Wrong systems right parts. Separating the senses. Looking to see which word the rest are there for. whatever term is made central in the discourse means 'I'.

14. Using the senses - to be newly at home in the physical universe. Seeing and inference. I don't know by analogy I simply see.

15. Specifically, by coming to know its point of view. Because the hidden life is hidden behind it. Facing toward it is hard. Guilt, hopelessness, heaviness of spirit. Look for it in criticism.

16. Femininity - a discourse marked as imitative or subservient. Feminizations.


The pleasure of writing a suite of dreams for someone to read

To like myself I have to be skilled framey body     willed quick laughing     alone focused proud sexual impious     hungry     unusual     soft     light-hearted.

To manifest true self as absolute centre of gravity

tit - little thing
tittie a sister Scot
Titania - the fairies - titmouse, titlark - Norw titta little girl - Oberon wants her little black boy - the juice of the ... - she falls in love with the little fat man ass-head - Chaucer and contemporary fairy lore - he takes the little black boy and restores her eyes.
titan - big - rebellion - titanes
titter, tibulate
tittle, tithe


The firstborn in times of calamity

Tears coming when I think yes I'm in mourning of my love of her.

Last night the tidal roar and wind, moonlight slashing the wall and bed.
The night-waking anguishes now.

"Sitting there on the wood box day after day in deep despair. For many years we didn't go anywhere or see anyone."

"That you're a nothing, that you're not a worthwhile person."

Having come through the past hours working,
writing loosely feeling it possible to say,
it's fast like a person, what person -
colloquial female frank unimpressed tart practical oily phrasemaking strong


It isn't aspiring.

gasho, titania
whereas her snow is warm; I am; disguised.
safe secrets like the cat.
equally blind.             Turn that around.
eye, open on ...
"Seeing is landscape."
He means it stretches away.

In a light boat floating over, in green water, a Japanese warrior's head, long hair and beard, calmly gazing - the weeds Anne brought in from deeper water, but when I see them, they're anchored here in the bay - we row over another head, maybe younger - I tell her about the first one, we pass over it again.

Having noticed the undertow of the presence of the inside of the body, not just as sexual feeling, the sensation of throwing-off, contraction behind eyes - a hardening - change of angle - mouth focused forward, enough holding down - I want to move - refuse - insist - force - know what's against me and pass it.

It means I have to be willing to be with people I've passed.

What do I want from -
What does it cost -
What do I want to refuse -
A contact with the light grey writing
Sorting help, physical help
Being exhausted in mentality


And now it's sadness anxious forehead, Little men, crying for kind parents - subliminal isn't - what writing's like - of an open space making a social gesture - hampered - something about her.


Night in the solar plexus anxiety - doesn't have a referent - I'm lying with my hands on it - cudding contacts without getting anything except the sense of London on this trip - Horley village - the bedroom - Josh-u-a.

Self forcing

[poem list]

At the airport the sky
You're not a flower
The hand on my duffle bag
The man whose heavy step
Of the green, that they
Sat on the grass bank, shaggy head
A region where they are known for
Some are attracted to stones
The slats she sees through
Work that isn't about safety
I was afraid
Name this hunger after an animal
So close to catapulting
We're been her before
My crocodile
Night in the ground of the air
Swarthy Mary, between her legs
The night adders, the rosy boa
A pony, a small room
Erotic power the dark gods
Steps these rectangles
Dry grass on a hill
Mourn murnan
Earliest inhabitants of a place
Ligament / ligature
Consider: "to observe carefully"
In English
The equations of motion
Carefully to make you from a picture
What's seen not said, is it created
No one no body but edge
Second of February
The body of water
You're not a flower
A head sad behind an old honeycomb
Ho curtainy moons in the land ov
Marchers in weather, what's marching with

Can I face the writing - it's hopeless.

[listed according to place and time written]

1974 England
Second of February
1975 Eton St
You're not a flower
The body of water has skin
At the airport the sky is very big
The hand on my dufflebag
1976 Pender St
My crocodile
A region where they are known
Green mambas
We're been here before
Some are attracted to stones
The man whose heavy step
So close to catapulting
Name this hunger after an animal
Work that isn't about safety
I was afraid
The slats she sees through
Steps these rectangles
Erotic power the dark gods
Dry grass on a hill
A pony, a small room
1. The Valhalla book
The old man
Marion's wedding
Sea meadows
Carefully to make you
No one no body but edge
Yesterday when we were flying
The New Pacific
What's seen not said
The earliest inhabitants of a place
In English
The equations of motion
Phase changes of water
Severe approximations
A head sad behind an old honeycomb (C 42-44)
Night in the ground of the air
The night adders
Swarthy Mary
Clean air his man's stride
The winter book
Under a quilt
The beauty of the moment when it was over
What will we know
The story of Judie and Paul
[1-15, with 8. Wanting to move respectfully, 14. A supporting surface of an airplane and 15. Somewhere in there I suddenly saw]
Writing: I don't like talking as if a writer - I did like talking about Morocco and fighting.
If it's to sell or if it's to learn
Is this belly fear of writing?

The high claim and its uneasiness.

A sickened feeling about these old pieces.

It's been years of squeezing cognitions trying to get into another league.

part 5

edged out volume 8: 1983-1984 december-may
work & days: a lifetime journal project