edged out 6 part 3 - 1983 july-august  work & days: a lifetime journal project

16 July 1983

"A fire at the door."

With Tall[man] - the slow, disguise, ponderous, the great sac under the chin, optical surfaces grey, the mouth stretches ponderously to smile, I go on as if to a person, who does not insist she is.

"What was your name when you were young?"

Do you prefer to make yourself a reflective blank.

When she said "what the fuck it was" throwing back her head laughing.

What does it mean to be massive. Do you prefer it. Do you know what it does. (I can't ask what I want to know, I can't think of knowing what I want to know.)

Your hands are toxemic, are they. I am the sort of person who to be out would have to be able to push without roughness of resistance.

The dream I don't remember but that seems to have said - it was the Valhalla house.

Whose gift is to see deformity.

There was sorting (clothes) for leaving it, the message seemed to be: talk only in the speech of childhood, I assumed, with her.

Inhibited knowledge.

I can separate already, something like - it's wrong for a body to be like this - from this is a body of a particular kind, which is the visibility of an experience of a particular kind.

I'd have to be watching as I said it, to see how she took it, not look away.

The first truth of physical apprehension.

I feel two ways about the money, that it's a day's wage for an hour's work and puts the pist [?] into a certain class relation, originates in a class relation, and that someone's attention (time) is their only commodity and should be recognized, the two people's time should be proportionate, ie mine is not so hard won.

Getting through would be to be able to challenge without badness.

A wrongness of body means a wrongness of experience, system, relation of person and possible world, (except for certain kinds).

Can it be useful to you to be under a gun.

The anxiety is not about cost but about which funds -


"I don't understand why anyone would want to look like that" - "You don't?" smiling on the pillow, "I could tell you but I won't."

Noticing her looking at my hands.

"How deeply envious she is of your gifts." "She doesn't realize she could have the use of them."

"I'm feeling a rip in my -."
"Oh I feel as if I'm coming apart."
Keeping separate channels going.

Hatred because of how I'm stopped in their presence. When I see one: I see, that I can't be with that one.


the gift sphere to which the work belongs and the market society which is the context

The law of the altar at home and the law of the gate for dealing with strangers.

What do I feel is a gift. Which work.
Who do I want to give gifts to.

What is the relation of that to the hatred I feel for strangers on the bus and is that hatred only discomfort - is it being seen as - in the music listening room the fluster with the boy who slammed doors - because I felt him seeing me negligible.

I will not reason or compare

[Blake in Jerusalem: I will not reason or compare, my business is to create.]

At the end of the corridor of picker's cabins, a barrier, carpet stairs the grandmother's place.

Old woman shows her work - brown (plate), which side is forward, gives it to me like a test, "Can you see anything?", laying it different angles to the light, like brown of (photographic paper exposed) but cel. It's taking me a long time. Another more ordinary woman gets it quickly, I do see something then and when I've seen it, the image (scratched) in white lines, I don't lose it again.

On the wall a piece.

I'm foggy - not - going too quickly not focusing feeling unable to focus - with these dreams the sense I won't be able to see them clearly enough for anything to come through with the writing down - the writing down cruises over it as a way to have a memory of it at all.

The place I'm looking at describing figures

On the wall it looks scratched, peeled, off, hand pointing to show something patched off from one place to another, a section that opens back, then raised shell (right). Greenish mottle.

An (adjacent) section ghosting in here - (being in a meadow - a fence - looking across - cows? - on a visit).

Is it paper, a log the depth of the little glass box, smoldering line across the bottom. Understand it's there very slowly combusting just at the bottom, will sink, very slowly.

In space coming into a room (in a galaxy) we hadn't thought was inhabited, someone (we knew before) has (been ill) set up some apparatus (died) (suitcase) (orange uniform).

From the 'writing' when I'm looking at (some part of) the dream, to the written, when I'm reading it back, what has happened - the solidification I felt - imagined it a part in a piece of writing, it has things it does. And again - "the solidification I felt" - it was a different voice, it was a voice - if I'd written with its spaces it still is missing the thing referred to - which is those little pictures,

A (joke machine) where toilet paper rolls onto a shirt front being ironed (that's the meaning of the shift across (type shift), for a wooden manikin chest and head (some hat or uniform), the toilet paper rolls out on very beautiful tweed, but knocked over, the creation of the shirt is interrupted. It's shreddy.

What she was calling language - a line of tensions and relaxations - I thought suck / suck - she was saying, the wavelengths being pushed from one sense into another. The rainbow, (not its color but) that it isn't there, hangs in an angle.

I think, make an order now:

Feeling compelled, going down, the fence, she unusually (is it) is setting me to defer, keeping on in cheerfulness, I say we might find Luke's cup, the rotten wood, "I've found it", Jerusalem two cups, one of the pair was lost, her dream, when I'm on the porch and she has the shovel with worn-down edge, finding the cherry pit tree, I was supposed to have four babies of my mothers', I only had three, we wondered where the other was, I turned to look at the ---, Trudy had had it, it was a big strong round-faced baby, exposing nice well-rotted soil Carol made, leaves and seaweed, took years to rot. I finished it by writing our four names, and that's the end of the story.

Turquoise blue and red-eyed, carrying the wheel in plastic, laugh, she says "You look nice there!" down to the one in the ground. And what she - these two colors - "Do these two colors clash" - "No they look very nice together" - and then from the other wing comes Trudy in visiting clothes carrying a parcel and a rolled rug - laugh - T telling her dream to R, J telling her intention to me - exit upstairs, I, making tea, wondering have I been got out of the way, huh, listening how long it will take, she chooses to set herself on a chair, "But you seem a little freaked out," but I'll take your word for it, she sits nearer and is on the way to visit someone I thought she should know.

the trees if dancing
muscle not theirs
I don't think I believe artists are a different kind, but I haven't been able to understand why they are not like us.
stirring about the head (chestnut)
fingers (maple)
sinking open, shutting
should I be watching now for something new
wd've begun already
about the head waggling a lot
Making sounds to set out the sense of the stream
All the words before it had to do with land and trees


A separation from - outside the door hearing him (her) tell someone else how much he's missed the joking easy warming sexual qualities of Helene, with me - face him with - "She'll flatter and manage you," bitterly, "and you'll like it but after a while you won't like it at all" - (from awake he's Freddy Nijland).

I'm thinking I'll go away this time, maybe to New York, coming into town, the old hotel (hospital), can't remember my room number, am going back and forth with ---, but have learned to roller skate, the sideways pressure, a theatre block with some coming out of their doors - after a long while wandering looking into doors I ask a chambermaid in a room that was like mine - I had put my things in it but not paid rent for (years) months, would my stuff be there, it was everything up to a certain time, letters, clothes, if it is all gone it may be alright - I have recent stuff - she locks up and takes me up corridors - I only had to describe - I went to New York, I thought I'd only be gone for two weeks but I was gone months - I think we're going to where we put my things - another door had old grey cobwebby luggage set outside it.

Something more became visible.
The person had to be changed.


[Jam talking about my writing, don't remember which poem]

"There was writing before that, that was really so clear and brilliant."

"Does it address my reading sense."

"I don't want anything to do with this poem."

"A system that doesn't have anything to do with me."

"I don't want anything to do with this."

"The movement in relation to what I feel it addresses"

"I don't want to have anything to do with this movement of it probably because it's against me."

"The writing feels it's in control of a white power, a clarity."

"Somebody is trying to pull something over me."

"Trying to gain power in a gendery way."

"Trying to control quite effectively."

"I recognize the shift to a superior position."

"A slight inaccuracy that is very powerful."

Do you really think of it as a forest still. When you speak slowly is it from another attention. Can I close my eyes. Do you think there is anything but projection/reflection.

One has to work with this value, in the country one is exploring.

Can I doodle.

Laing, Winnicott, (Marie-Louise, Jung, Campbell), Freud

He had attained a form of cognition which like a directing beam, gave him a sense of certainty

it was something as specific as if one had actually touched an object

living in different dimensions at the same time

a man who is swimming across a lake; a man walking down a hill

has three frameworks of belief

an Outward and an Inward: they do not operate together, though they work consistently in their own dimensions.

Balances of Work, mizan el amal

The first plane is when he is like a moth. It has sight but no memory.

that there is an urgent undertaking in life

Teaching -

A man, never having seen water, is thrown blindfolded into it, and feels it.

When the bandage is removed he knows what it is. Until then he only knew it by its effect.

the elephant in the dark

the vision of the Sacred Heart

faithfulness in association with others is an essential of this task

Almost algebraic production of words from a three-letter basic form

The Near Ones.

mol - perpetuation, eternity, paradise, thought, soul, adherence, mountains, mole and mother
The mother of thought, origin, matrix, essential quality


Actors. They invite me to join the acrobats. I want to accept with pleasure, realize I'm to be the token crippled dancer, leave.

Dear dreaming will you begin to be clear.

Yellow and white kitchen, porch wires alley moon summer triangle, the light on the sage bush, the sunset light that passes through two windows to fall in the garden. "Rhoda saw it."


Urgency I must go there - the fine flushed face but not much to say - the library puzzle - bitter squid - his horoscopes - Remington Steel - ice cream - she cross - don't heat the milk - (putting the bowl on the floor, garlic on the sill) - food in the bedroom - there is something feeling very bad ("I don't know what my relation to it should be") as if she's in fantasies about it that she won't admit to, and if she is, am I doing it for her, and will it make my show impossible - that today I was imagining a place for - and that it could be an essay - and I could be a philosopher.

[many pages of ml and mr words]

dust, grain, mill, meal, mass, molecule, grind, crumble, heap, jaw, hammer, malm, mull, malt, melt, maul, mulch
honey, yellow, black, sweeten, better, song, mellow, melt, milk, mild, milt
soft, earth, mole, mallow
thousand, much, time-measure, soldier
lead, garlic, apple, melon, mule, ash-tree
hinder, withering, crumbling soil, variegated
martyr, mirk, disease, death, Mors, mourn, murder
bitter, waste, bad dreams, useless discovery, marmoset, myrrh
glitter, sea, marsh, borderland, fish, marvel, pearl, marble, mercury, mire
hammer, war, part, mortier, mortise
edge, borderland, marriage, husband
horse, mare, marshal, battlement
market, thanks, post
mouse, mere, murine
maroon, mulberry murex, mullet, purple fish murrey
part, mere, short foot, morceau, mordere, morsel, mortar, martel, mortise, mural, ant
custom, mood
much, more, mort, myria-
crown, hilltop, morning
dive, plune, murre

[Ellen] In her nice long skirt foot on the hassock or leaning forward with her arms under her breasts, fine silver at the crown.

The clock spoiled. Doubt and fear, Maggie gave, distress of being dirty, belly rotting, will it be a time ended, it's (7 years). She said it was interesting up to when I came to Vancouver. [She had asked for a written biog.] Doing nothing today - eating lying down, uneasy about she.

Stress - this is.
What's wrong.
Teeth - doubt about ET - money for ET - stomach - J - bicycle - what to do about writing.
Knowing I'm wasting time - not doing - garbaging myself.

Wanting to read magazines or watch TV or eat, unable to read anything I have to put mental energy into, being out of money, having gone off from J unable to balance.

She phoned thinking I'd be going to ET, I thought she was just wanting to see me, and was happily patronizing, couldn't work all that day, went over and she when she saw my bag was sorry, and then spoiling her octapus, and then cranking, then I took it to ET [Ellen Tallman], her curiosity and something else, I was feeling very bad and squeamy about something slimy in her, I know she won't admit, then when I'm at the top of the slide upset her voice was cleared. I'm suspicious and quite miserable she's really departed from me, and feel she wants to sabotage my lucidity with ET, or that it's for her I'm doing it and it will take all my money and so it sabotages my work - in the contradiction having no sure accusation - "It has changed already," meaning what I did have to say, you were in love and now you're not - and when you were I was so flying - you don't have time now - do you know it was that?

Needing the other person's pain - is it that.

glowing with the astral violet of the underlife


The doubt that these ways of learning will lead me further into the stance of not-knowing so that even the ways I do know, not knowing that I know, will be taken over.

By contemplating this space we may be able to open up a level of relaxation and satisfaction.

Coming in alertly

tracking it into and out of

Surfaces can appear as such and still be transparent.

crowding, confusion, weariness and failures to communicate well

Conscious experience is usually thought to be a function of systems that cannot themselves be part of the content of that experience.

Knowing is primary and the unknown results from stances of this knowing - embodied as the familiar pair, knowing and its objects.

greater liveliness, clarity and intimacy

Thaw out the near.

the particularity and precision of the surfaces as shining outlines

Move through them.


About Daphne's book - the uncomfortable graces of introduction and explanation - it has to be done? No it doesn't, the discomfort of public tone.

Reading feeling the differences of public and intimate tone.

"Two living letters in reply, to single I's with Canadian accents." What makes me uneasy about that. It's a play I don't like, it's for whom, another kind of person - it's immoral, a person isn't a letter - retrograde, who does it look back to.

I want to write a small piece on what it's like to read How hug a stone.

Discomfort of alien diction in what's often close. Words one doesn't like. How personal is it. Calling ice floes crazy paving, that's public diction, it's fast language. "Dense with intrigue," "in all that jazz." Not being willing to use certain phrases, these are phrases not single words.

Fed a line, swallowing the line of event, the way a journey is - wrapped. The alternative. What suspicion of an alternative.

"left open, flapping, wide to the wind"

[                                                                                    we
feed ourselves stories to dull our sense of the absurd. fed a
line so as not to imagine the end - linear version of our lives
unraveling in a look, back. mystery appeals to our belief
that things do make sense, this plot we're in, wrapped up
like knife fork & spoon.
& yet, left open, flapping, wide to the wind, without narrative
how can we see where we're going? or that - for long
moments now, we happen.]

What do I suspect - space - there's a way to locate so -

Earthworm - in the tunnel - constricted

Being anxious about holding the line of event
Being anxious about having to make a story
Being anxious that there is a story one doesn't know
There's no end of the story one doesn't know, it lies in all directions around one, but perhaps some space can be excavated
Being anxious in the responsibility of choosing which parts of the story to know
In Zocalo the alternative is
4th night, second last section:
something I understood about where you are
   it was at the old site
   disappearing points. that is the furthest she can go
       except at the centre where the central tree,
                   stay with me movement of star and moon,
movement of sun, its faces each step of the way
the man alone without a house, who is dying.
he says, you mean the one who is always there?
the sun's gone dead, 9 crazy moons jumping
   they preside over the sun's going and initiate her
in her own departure
she will not be tricked, she will stay where the world
is and they are all together
a liquid entry as they somewhere, having lost ground,
come to here again
dark, a long way down, and there is no horizon elsewhere
which the owls fly escort to, the ends of the earth,
that edge
set it straight they say, it must be aligned with the others
Is there a death and dark other than the death one goes into, in writing - is there a story other than the story one brings up out of that death.
Judging the work, whether someone has gone into her (death) to get it.
this is not west, but east they have moved to
she had not wanted him to pave it over, a surface
   she hadn't wanted to be alone
In Zocalo the alternative is under, dark, death, under the ground, it's a mind that knows meanings, it is dreaming.
Built to contain that primary chaos
I love the
          from which new life annually
       cup and bone
So by the speed of reading I already hear it, annu-ally, not annularly but doublet of it, at formation.
From L anus a ring.
       nothing still, no duration now (a line) creeps
through fields of (waves of) renewed green, cloud, light,
in fear (what is to be seen)    there was someone
steadily there            that technical achievement,

Technical achievements - having passed through the voices saying writing isn't living, you must be seen to be reworking what comes to you as if you own it

No. My skill is 1. in finding/making my way into a life that can be written without cover, 2. navigating the moments themselves, of that time, as they are, so that what comes is attentively met, in balance, with the whole range of skill, 3. remembering, recall, resolved, patiently without generalizing, without short cuts, and registering, riding the time reentered, 4. and then the multitude of balancings that make it possible in this world to publish writing many will not be willing to follow, in competition with writers who are more easily willing to ingratiate.


Came kissing but without bridging. Did I start grinding? No. She wanted to talk about Cathy and Paul and did and I got enraged and didn't separate it. "Obsessive." Am I enjoying this? to myself without thinking to say it, ensnarled. Yes, the wrangling, except when she - what are you getting even for this time? She only wants to ride me down. SPEAK THROUGH. Times when I've ridden her down.

What's this about Sandy? "That Sandy should be told."

She would refuse to learn from me, that's the cut-off for me. That was interesting: the times when someone shows up competent in the other's field. "With students I would catch myself rearing up." One doesn't let them pass.

"I was feeling terrible and I knew there wasn't any way you were going to admit what it was that night."

1. there was something unadmitted in her

2. it was something to do with Sandy

3. her school(boy) reflex, "goes off in a huff or a miff", reflexes - a circuit - shunt something out in the fastest way - my reflex, don't let her get me - what would happen in a pause - could a pause be struggled into.

4. you had a look on your face that didn't realize (she was someone else) - I would have to have that channel open all the time - feels me as demanding - your friend is away - I'll leave a message. - Something about the way she was with Sandy, she was feeling as she used to.

5. her operator - I change as suddenly, sexually - "that was a time I was in such an agony, I came in my sleep" - but I go on being sappy though (I've closed off) the sex has stopped - and that's what she doesn't like the look of.

6. you don't put yourself in the position of understanding in a way that costs you do you - when you do it impresses you - she understands in a way that doesn't cost her - understanding costs when it isn't given out - I don't like to be encompassing someone - what's it like - maybe a large field in which one has a circuit diagram of the other, with their stops and wrong equations, one holds oneself outside the whole of them and feeds something through them making allowances, what I don't like, M with him, it's what a smart powerless person does with a stupid powerful person. I often come to this: it costs me that I feel contempt - I feel it costs me that - I don't like that feeling of power - in other ways, yes, commanding view, the eagle, observatree masterie.

7. I know the formulation - something - of rearing up - but do I agree that I was doing it - when I was trying to look back into the time I was struck with an image (feeling) of jellied layers, 'fish meat.' I couldn't sequence it out to find whether there'd been that refusal - no I won't take that from you.

Intense queasiness, paranoia - the presence of a lie - maybe some charged inclusion - a distress.

a. jelly

b. Sandy

c. she thinks I'm not (letting her tell) accepting her knowing

d. panic queasiness and paranoia, "She's in fantasies she won't admit to."

- her having changed / I'd stopped being sexual

- the complaint about mastery might be sexual

- understanding such a way that it costs = mother

e. there's some urgent defense

8. it isn't wanting to have been right, it's wanting to be bigger - that's why one helps one's rival. I say "But if one feels oneself to have been left behind, a desperation comes into it." Making obstacles. You don't feel yourself to be that but you are seen acting like that.

- my having another source

Where a thing has a settled meaning - dissolves something - into the under which is where - Hillman.

The difficulty about what of what is written, is recognizable as writing.

Ling. a. standing in original relation, as a word from which a derivation is made; b. designating the unrecorded or reconstructed parent language, or Ursprache, of a language family.
Math. a form in algebra or geometry from which another is derived.
Primordial Biol. First in order of appearance in the growth or development of an organism.
A primordial, an element, principle.


At the Universal Buddhist Temple. I thought, a shower, and there was one - her caution and then interest - thin voice chanting, orange clothes - ballerina. [first time at an advanced yoga class in a temple in the south side of Vancouver]

In the breathing - the plateau of held breath - it's experiencing alternation, I was noticing ---.

Looking for what to do in meditation, thought, a point - can't see it and then when it came to me, an actual star, at its distance, in its black open, I could love to hold myself toward it, and came into -

Evening - we rub each other the wrong way - wanting to be comprehended - is it that - "take it into my body" - "We can't afford it" - "I'm crying because I had to tell you."

"I can't touch her."

So what have I done - I insist she should come to know what she wants - What do you want, in that voice - she: "I don't know."

I think of it as such an achievement to counter her at all, that I don't dive right under. "She should beat you up."

Should I go there. I don't want to.

When she drinks -

I should be thinking of nothing but: what is she saying to me now.

Lineaments of satisfied desire
I think I keep a firm grip and I don't.

PRM. L approach, R avoid - maybe. "Emotionally responsive" to another person's simulated emotion. Larger and more bulbous corpus callosum, asymmetry at birth.

A computer that can 'absorb' background electrical noise.

The most powerful juvenile feature - a brain large in comparison to the body. Gravity program. A larger brain could need a larger body to feed it. Right body / left brain sequence, language. Left body / right brain space, vision. My lightness her suffocation. Her ease my sadness.


Sentics. A shape in tai chi. Clynes. Engram. Essentic form. Spatio-temporal forms "like keys" "to communicate qualities."

"Moving like a spiral between languaging and being." Head lifted slightly, a certain expression, tension across forward and upper part of head, sideways expanding pressure in temples. Body seemingly becomes light. No anxiety, trust that a new idea could be in the right direction. Not being afraid of the implications. Time forms that are solid and true, as faithful to the body.

[Ellen describes herself as] The daycare worker - she touches her left shoulder - to look after the crying child, or children, while you integrate what's visionary experience, what's ---.

"Forebrain - it has to do with - inference, it's like a new computer that works very quickly, it gets to information that I haven't been given. I think my father has a notion of it, undeveloped."

"She might convince me that my feminine brain really is inferior to her masculine brain, and then I'd stand cancelled."

"Oh, I see you really have taken on for yourself the essential form of the gender question!"


[notes below from Manfred Clynes Sentics]

As truth transducer we are part of the system of interacting inhibition and excitation by the nervous system that produces white.

The functioning of the subjective can be shown to be subject to the highest degree of order and precision.

What the 'timeless' is.

Precise reality of forms in time has escaped language-making.

Each sentic state has a characteristic inertia.

Is expressed by a modulation of motor, an algorithm specific to that state. ('Essentic form.') (Also Wheeler? And Xenakis.)

Genetic program for recognizing the song, was there with the mutated program for producing the song. Crickets.

Field in physics describes the integrating property at a point in space, of adding up contributions from various individual particles, so that individual contributions cannot be identified, only the sums.

our physiologic design

To be able to tell the order of the letters needs to be 0.2 sec. Birds and insects.

Grief is a collapsing, head slightly to the right, in RH.
Joy - floating sensation of overshoot.
Revelation - slow and held at insp.
I'm purring!

Revelation - grief - love - hate - joy - sex - anger. Slow - fast.

To play naturally - 1. to listen inwardly with utmost precision to the inner form of every musical sound - 2. and then to produce that form precisely.

Less than a 100th of a second, precision of a 100th of a tone. Approximate, judge and classify very different from pure, which is recognized.

By a differential equation, a particular solution or eigenvalue of the equation.

Allow us to construct a vector space of the emotions. The construction has a butterfly shape.

Each symphony created a world in which he was.

Sincerity as precision.

Emphatic mode - viewed and savoured - control of intelligence - switch voluntarily - easily move - sentic fluidity.

"Loose coupling of qualities"
Red / exciting
Habitual disconnection

Debussey - communication not through producing sentic form which is only quoted, alluded, suggesting environment.

full bodily involvement and spectator-like viewing

Unitary form of existence of the person "a point".

Insofar as we willingly permit another being to live within us, we also apply to that one our own forces of self-preservation.

Wonder at touching the entity: it doesn't give advice.

The ideology of a person may be stored and take part in unconscious processes.

Two systems of the nervous system involved: one produces rock-like stability, the other feels every nuance of essentic form.

Eg stable spatial orientation and sense of changing.

The after image - experienced as stable in space with respect to the head - a second, oval, dark 'screen' it is projected on.

The shape of this pulse form - if it has it the intimate experience of the presence of the composer.

Will continue for a certain number of pulses after the last sound. Inner pulse works as a matrix.

Which can allow some and not other. The inner pulse must be there to provide the personal presence.

the manner of growth and decay of each tone

Mahler's point of view is spectator reminiscing.
Beethoven's actor in the present.
Mozart spectator in the present.
Schubert actor within expectation.

Beethoven in mid-career universal and still spirit. Late - uncoupling the motoric, the inner forms dance.

Identification of the who with the universal.

The point of view of it incorporates the precise transfer function, the mathematical relationship of what has been called satori. We experience that. We exist and are at home. simultaneous experience of energy and peace.

The active and resting phases of the inner pulse telescope differently at different speeds / tempo.

The change from one pulse to another - a stumble.

Damping factor - afterbeats - underdamping factor
Inertia low or high
Down peak late or early
Initial action preprograming
Late action passionnal, second phase

Schumann - special intimacy, a gentle touch to the inner core, suspension and tension - each new one a gift.

A state allowing certain processes to occur though what is felt is just a readiness. "Searching combinations are taking place."

Affect is matrix of dream.

10x name - to father like 'love', son and

Love is facilitated after grief. The order of sentic states.

Love a steady state of flow from within the torso out to limbs and through neck.

Anger - body being torn apart. Virtual images programmed in.

so free of hostility and aggression and yet so full of vitality, one wants to love them


Wheeler - mutability of laws "sufficiently extreme conditions"

Each law, mutable though it is, is derived most compactly on first analysis from an immutable symmetry principle - that hides the machinery that makes it mutable.

A gigantic structure of observation, theory and experiment "to bind this work together."

Fluctuation of density from galaxy to galaxy are idealized as smoothed out and the geometry of space is treated as homogeneous and isotropic, curved equally in all directions. "Einstein gave arguments that this bending should be great enough to curve space up into closure, making the geometry that of a 3-sphere." 3-d analog of 2-sphere of globe.

If there is enough density "final cosmological singularity."

Time parameter so defined that light rays run at 45o angles to the diagram.

3-sphere, N pole is beginning, S is closure.

The man who goes up the mountain - show that at some point he will be at the same point at the same time.

the lesson of gravitational collapse into any more

What the science attitude is, "underneath must lie some deeper structure."

the pregeometric structure underpinning space

some mysterious coupling of future with past, require the future observer to empower past genesis

conceptually to grasp reality as it is thought, independently of its being observed

that an observation is only then an observation when one can communicate the result to another in plain language

day when one sees much more clearly than one does now how the observations of all the participators, past, present and future, join together to define what we call 'reality'

The simultaneous two-direction braid. [sketch]


Horse and rider gait/gate - I saw who horse and rider are by the sensation of movement.

That J has nearly nothing on the R, hard to breathe, but L - eye through keyhole - "spooked".

Leah sad on the right, buoyant but barred on left.
E buoyant on right, sad and steady on left.
R, left brain, approach response, language, motor control
L, right brain, avoidance, space and vision

1. the prenatal

2. lateralization

3. touch contour, rhythm and pressure, micromovements (color)

4. relation of language and the immediate, a meeting - "not thinking in words"

5. "homologies at the root"

6. power and pleasure, "the realms of both impulse and law," prohibition and

7. second attention

Kristeva language - what of it is for them
Daphne narrative
Mary Staton
Recognizing what in Kristeva (what accompanies)
How am I to accompany her
Denial of the body - acute, is it now, what
I won't be a mother, if I am I'll be old, scorned, refused.
The sexual difference - still not knowing really, what it is.
Identification of daughter - guilt, satisfaction.
Her knowledge is - corporeal - but it was tribal.
Monotheistic unity - a radical separation
My friend -
And a charged binding
Community - who seduced by speech
Social language - an exchange purified of pleasure - whose intention is purified but whose message is not
The holding back - in school -
Writing / speaking
A feel for what in writing belongs to it
Language skills AND
the fact of needing language separately
To dissolve being
The genetic twoness
Summation and (dilution) attenuation

Language - dictionary delight

Andrea Dworkin - the content easier than no cap [she writes that it was easier to get radical content past a publisher than the decision to write without caps]

Hungry for a theory

"I'm beginning to see what your landscape is like."

Penetrating blue eyes, unbending will, Mr Muir, fear and love, "Women are afraid of being overpowered."

Should I write your story.

The sense of inferiority from not having pleasure.

I am agreeing with you, an Oriental man would be nice, slender like a girl, nice skin, soft mouth, he'd like pleasure, know how to bring it, that ember touch, and have a little stalk too, for after. And having gone so far into pleasure I'd be - but you don't let yourself go in it either.

By recognizing enmity I am more interesting to them, erotically.

The way I know, and she does not, envy, ill will, punishment. The function of knowing.

Li Ging-zhao 960-1279
Hua Mu-lan 420-588 twelve years

Tai chi - a single body is "constantly changing with respect to the void" by ceaselessly differentiating - inside/outside, time/timelessness, "where the partner is space."

Trying to begin from the point of view of one who looks back from the security of a time when it has been achieved, is looking back.

role of the dominant hemisphere as the more aggressive in control of the motor system. It effectively controls access to the channels of communication ( inhibit the right hemisphere) and undoubtedly initiates the greater part of volitional activity etc

Dream, universe and language

Sexual gratitude and tie
The kind that's ungratified worships - goes to hatred.

the special sexual needs which are rarely conscious

overcoming of incestual fixation and infantile sexual anxiety


Breathing and anguish associated forever

Ugliness is a mask - always.
Aggression is a mask of weakness - always.
Strength is certain - always.

[Ida May Gaskin I think]

E (he) 'window' or 'look!'
El elim

2 August

The confusion of this writing question and my ways of thinking, trying to - what, trying to be impressive enough, trying to separate myself from what is against me, trying to see what it is.

J that coot sulking in her big house. She's got little stretch. Comes out in beautiful love but the retraction is so disarrayed. Thinking about something - I wish you would, but are you, I don't think so, I think you're punishing me for saying I'd be as if you're out of town, while you finish your construction. And because after that sexual opening I closed myself before you were ready.

silence on the objective level

Structure then becomes the only possible content of all knowledge.

This structure is always simple and can be given to children.


Unuseful generalization, shock of what was left out of the abstraction.

Taking words for things, forgetting what language is.

Delay for silence, delay for cortex.

1. the suspicion that there is trespass

2. the doubt of the value of what is not risk

3. a relation to what 'actually happens'

4. needing a true theory

5. the charm of what is only dimly understood, that suggests an unknowable privacy of other

6. wanting to tell what happens, wanting to hear it from someone else - why?

7. that writing is science and its quality depends on pretension, precision

8. the grand outerness of math physics the far other, "the only language which is similar both to structure of world and structure of the nervous system"

9. no knowing, dream, figures of speech, etc


Epp in Altdorf, Switzerland
Who had published books in Baden
University of Tubingen 1498-1600
Public servants and citizens back to 1297
"Originated in south Germany"
North Sea (Netherlands, Germany) Frisians
Regent to Charlemagne 742-814
Fisian Epps joined the Anabaptist movement
Danzig - Prussia - Vistula - 1530s refugees from Frisia - Old Flemish congregation in West Prussia - Mennonite families.
Was a common Frisian first name, Eber, Ebur, a boar


Slowness -
The younger and the talking
The high self who listens

Blue white and silver

Once a feeling is disconnected from the knowledge of what it is, it becomes false knowledge. We make things symbols for the pain. It may be a matter of physical distance kept from the physical center of the pain.

Sex, pain and pleasure centers close.


1. attention
skill, depth, beautiful writing, image
rhythm, questing for
visionary technique, concentration
memory, going through again, doubt, lostness
2. personal politics
gender, fame, Reich sex, work and gift, mind
inequality, usefulness, empowerment of points of view
attraction, attention, telepathy, influence, hypnosis, 'channels,' imprinting
3. language
local and universal, the whole of, enlarging, being trapped in
structure - "their undefined terms and structural postulates"
relation to living, error in
charm - metaphor - rhythm - sound - "the semantic unconscious"
4. geometry, optics
astronomy, music, embryology, differential equations
point, particle
frequency, resonance, (Reich)
wave, curve
front, limen


I have thinks these potatoes growing here
Did have knowings of star songs
I have kept watch in the fields by night
And I have seen the stars
Look kindness down upon them.
And I have walked between the rows of potatoes
And I have watched
The star gleams on their leaves.
[Opal Whiteley 1920 The singing creek where the willows grow: the mystical nature diary of Opal Whiteley]


The new little Sharp. [clock]

part 4

edged out volume 6: 1983 may-august
work & days: a lifetime journal project